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Summoning of the littlest dragon. (Lord Sesshomaru)

Local Time:
12:12 AM
Nov 9, 2022
The Astral tides of the furthest dimensions houses places that no mage would dare travel. It was far from safe, wot magics only few could truly command. The essence of conjuration ran deep, a swirling mass of distant worlds forged by the primordial energies that forged the realms of the mortal plane. Upon one of these worlds steeped in magic, depending too the lush jungle planed world, the creature known as Yhrud lived with there family, a lizardlike race, whispered to have the blood of the great dragon Ovander within their veins. They were wild warriors, said to have great evolutionary capabilities, able to adapt to any world, and it's nature's.

Yrud was young, hardly more than a darkening, chasing small prey will in the supervision of his family. His father had left to collect fish, and his mother was carrying two clutches of eggs in her belly, relacing on the stoop of their cave home. Yrud jumped to catch the small lizards that scattered around him, hissing as he asserted his dominance over them.
Local Time:
12:12 AM
Nov 19, 2022
It was a pleasant, and enjoyable scene for the reptilian family in their home dimension. however as the young hunter chased the small lizards playfully. Unaware of it, a faint glowing light would soon begin to envelop Yrud, as a summoning had begun. this young bestial warrior was the unlucky, or perhaps lucky one to be targeted by the random surge of Eyether which would pick a summon best suited for the one casting said summoning.

In a small hut deep in a forest, a small maiden standing no taller then 4ft would be naked, and on her knees. However she would be in the center of a magical circle drawn in blood, Her blood. as the palm was bleeding. spending a portion of her own life force to perform a summoning. as this magically challenged caster was trying for a high tier summon to gain rank, and respect. However her life would be shorten. As such, what ever summon she The young looking mage was actually one who suffered from a strange curse, which prevented her body from aging after a certain point, but her magic, and life force aged twice as fast.

this magical maiden was finally succeeding in all her hard work and study, Unaware that instead of a powerful magical familiar which could aid in achieving the desired dreams and goals, it would indeed be a magical beast, and rare. but not the desired one which the rare blood magic was being used to summon.

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Local Time:
12:12 AM
Nov 9, 2022
Yrud bit at the gathering energies, thinking then to the fireflies or dancing wisps on the air. But as the Spell solidified, the darkening looked to his mother, the last thing he woukd see as she was standing up, starting to roar at him to jump away. The in a flash all he knew was gone and he was tumbling into the Eyether, his small body rolling and spinning like he was in a free fall, seeing the realms whip by one by another in flashes and stars.

The small drake appeared before the 4 foot mage, he was smaller than her, stubby limbs, large head and eyes, deep gray scales. Wrapped around his small reptile body were his clothes, a tunic, woven of strange silvery blue thread. Yrud turned to the nude woman, hunching low and his mouth pending wide, large razor Sharp teeth showing as he hissed at her. It was young, perhaps not even an adolescent summon.
Local Time:
12:12 AM
Nov 19, 2022
as the tiny titan hissed, the girl would look to the reptilian. a gentle giggle came from her lips. as the palm moved suddenly to gently pat the top of his head. her soft voice speaking out tours the beast, which had been successfully summoned.

"Hello their little one. Sorry I didn't mean to summon such a cute little one. I will. . ."

as she spoke, suddenly coughing, and falling to her side, passing out for a moment. this would give the tiny creature a chance to act on his own, be it a good act, or wicked one. even if it was just the act of trying to escape, however the fact remained, Yrud had been summoned by this woman before his eyes. yet she passed out after trying to comfort and say something to it. even if the hissing little critter understood her words prior or not.
Local Time:
12:12 AM
Nov 9, 2022
Yrud paused his hissing, about to snap at her to ward her away, as his mother taught him with threats. But she had tried to speak and collapsed before him. Yrud grabbed the pink, soft females cheeks, shaking her around a bit. He jabbered and clicked his tongue, trying to speak to her in the language of Drakes. But he gave up, looking around, he tried to find her something to throw over her bare body.
Local Time:
12:12 AM
Nov 19, 2022
After having found a fluffy blanket to cover his summoner up with. the tiny reptilian would find that a small feast had been set up in the room. as it was intended for the summon, and her to share once the ritual was done. However with the young looking mage now out cold, and needing to recover. this would leave little Yrud to enjoy itself. as it was a variety of meats, and vegetables all cooked up and prepped. the variety would allow the little beast to try them out, and see what it liked, and didn't like

little did this tiny fiend know, that the act of summoning this young drake would cost the summoner her very life in the days to come. however at least he could build a bond, and learn more about this world, and her kind. as the tiny reptilian would sooner or later
come across a new long term partner. as it was, this was the beginning of a whole new way of living, and even a new world for the little drake to explore.
Local Time:
12:12 AM
Nov 19, 2022
The entire meal would be gone, at least all the stuff the little drake enjoyed. however as Yrud finished it's meal a strange tingling sensation would be felt, as a summoning brand began to appear on his little belly.

more then that the young lady sat up rubbing her eyes, and using the blanket to wipe the blood from her. as she smiled. to the little drake's surprise, yrud would now be able understand, and communicate with it's summoner.
as the mark had fully formed on it.

"Well hello their little one. your not what I aimed for, but your cuter then I imagined a drake being. so what's your name? I'm known as Azula "
Local Time:
12:12 AM
Nov 19, 2022
hearing the drake's oddly cute voice, the mage would smile, sitting their, as she looked at her summon.

"Oh your are mine now, and as such, You will be cared for. cute one, why not come over, and let me see you closely hmm?"

as she spoke up saying this, opening her arms to the little drake. wanting to examine her summon, and perhaps try to build a closer bond.
this young lady would be the one to introduce Yrud to this new world, however unknown to ether of them. her time would not last very long, and with such a ritual
Yrud would not be able to see his old family any time soon.
Local Time:
12:12 AM
Nov 9, 2022
Yrod walked up to her slowly, clearly not sure about her, more so that she had taken him from home and seemed to intend on keeping him. "Yrud has family! Send back!" He said stepping up to her, pointing a tiny claw to her. "Send back pink one! Mama will be upset!"
Local Time:
12:12 AM
Nov 19, 2022
"sorry sweety, No can do. I admit you were not my target, but now you are here, and I will take care of you. " as she spoke up in a gentle tone.
the young lady would move to grasp the little drake once it was close enough to her. suddenly pulling his small cute, scale covered body into hers, with a warm hug.
the soft fleshy melons pressing into his face, as if the hug, or show of affection could suffocate the innocent creature, however it would feel oddly pleasant. as the little drake
would find his summoner with a strange yet enjoyable scent.
Local Time:
12:12 AM
Nov 9, 2022
Yrud struggled as the soft flesh melons pushed on his head, and his reptilian face, his muzzle pushing between them. He snorted . Her scent was relaxing, calming him a bit as he stopped squirming. "Mm-what are these flesh orbs!" He said as his tiny claws grabbed her the strange new things. But as he pushed on them, his small hands squishing and pressing on her.
Local Time:
12:12 AM
Nov 19, 2022
As the tiny claws struggled to push against the soft fleshy mounds. Yrud would soon find his efforts being fruitless. However eventually the young looking mage would move to twist
the little drake around. so his head was resting between her breast, and looking away from the mage. as her arms wrapped around the small scaly body.

" We shall nap now, and tomorrow we can figure out what we should do little one. again I am sorry, never wanted to steal a cute baby from it's family, but we will figure things out tomorrow. "
saying this, she would seem to be trying to lay their, and cuddle into her new familiar. wanting to be as comforting as possible.
Local Time:
12:12 AM
Nov 9, 2022
As she turned and cuddled up to him, much like a small stuffed animal, Yrud stopped squirming, his tail flicking slightly as he had nothing but soft cushion around him. His tail rubbed against her lap slightly as he only relaxed from him entrapment, lulling more and more to sleep.
Local Time:
12:12 AM
Nov 19, 2022
An unknown amount of time would pass, as little Yrud would begin to awaken. snuggled up in the arms of this pink creature. the warm soft body, pleasant against it's tough little scales. the scent soothing in an odd kind of way.
However the way her arms were wrapped around the little drake. Yrud could wiggle out of the hold, and wake it's summoner if the little one so desired, or sneak out, and do some exploring and hunting in this new land. as this witch, and
her hut would be his home and safe place, at least for now.
Local Time:
12:12 AM
Nov 9, 2022
Yrud wriggled free of the sleeping woman, squeezing pit if her soft grasp. He wandered to one of the windows, looking up at it. He looked at a chair and shuffled over to drag it over and climbed up on it to look to the outerworld that was going to be his new territory.
Local Time:
12:12 AM
Nov 19, 2022
Finally sitting up, yawning the young lady would rub her eyes, as she began to get up.
"Well I see some one got up early. Want to go out and play little one? I can let you out into the yard, while I fix us some breakfast. "

A gentle smile on her face, as the young lady slowly got up, moving to open the door. the little drake would see how their was a fence around the yard.
this would be the area he had full dominance over at first. the two of them could go out further from the small yard, once they had breakfast. thanks to the brand of summoning
he could understand the language of who ever was bound to Yrud.
Local Time:
12:12 AM
Nov 19, 2022
Taking the time to open the door, with a warm smile on her face. the summoning witch would leave the door wide open. as she looked out in to the open yard, feeling the comfortable breeze.
"Yes little one. as long as you stay inside the fenced area, the yard is your domain. If you want outside of the fence area, we will need to go out together. "

telling the little drake this with a smile, and gentle face. the so called pink one, would tell the little Yrud to go out, and have some fun exploring the yard. she would fix them some
breakfast, then they could eat, and learn more about each other, and where to go from here. even if it did not make much sense to the little drake as of yet.
Local Time:
12:12 AM
Nov 9, 2022
Yrud walked outside, sniffling at the new territory, the grass was lighter, and softer, the sun free from jungle foliage and he could chase strange new critters. He charged after a small furry creature, Azaula hearing him jabbering and hissing, saying something about how this yard was his domain. She saw him running about on all fours, like a crocodile, snapping and jumping to try to catch the trespasser. IT was some kind of squirrel most likely our here.
Local Time:
12:12 AM
Nov 19, 2022
Hours would pass, as the young witch finally came back to sit on the porch of her little cabin. Watching how this young drake ran around, hissing and chasing even the most harmless of animals out of his territory.
making the pink skin chuckle softly to herself. as she moved to clap her hands to make a sudden sound and try to get his attention.

"Little one, are we ready to have some breakfast? I made some tasty food for us to share. " saying this in a gentle, and welcoming tone. now in only an apron.
the witch smiled, thinking of how cute her little familiar was, while feeling a pang of guilt for summoning such a creature from it's parents, when she aimed for a larger and more self sufficient bestial companion.
Local Time:
12:12 AM
Nov 19, 2022
( naked while at home, no need to dress up with just her, and Yrud. but will magically summon clothing if guests comes, Hint Hint. )

"Heh, pink one, I think you need to call me Jen for now. How does that sound hmm? unless you prefer Big Sis? "
saying this in a playful, and teasing tone. the witch would present a plate for the little drake, with a steak, and egg dish. cooked carefully as to try and make
it more appealing for her little friend. As it was this would be their first real day together, and the witch wanted to ensure it was an enjoyable one at least to some degree at least.
Local Time:
12:12 AM
Nov 9, 2022
"Big...sis?" He echoed to her as he sat by, waiting for the plate. He sniffed at the steak, and stood on his chair, leaning closer as he jabbed it with his claws and lifted the cooked meet up. It was tender and delicate, his mouth unhinging wide to snatch it in and chew it. "What is a Big Sis?"
Local Time:
12:12 AM
Nov 19, 2022
"Female, older sibling or care giver. I want us to see each other more as family, then summoner, and summoned. " after saying this, the witch, or pink one would make a cute sounding squeal as she suddenly pulled little Yrud into her arms, cuddling and hugging the stud of a little drake in her embrace once more. rubbing her head against his as her chin slid along his head. as she kept saying how cute he was, for being such a fearsome beast. commenting the fearsome part from how he defended his territory from those pesky little squirrels. even in her arms, Yrud would find himself able to oddly enjoy the sensation, if the little drake wanted to.
Local Time:
12:12 AM
Nov 9, 2022
(XD Yrud: *Evolves into a sexy giant dragon hybrid*)

As sge cuddled her tiny charge in her arms, Yrud hissed as sge snuggled abd rubbed her head against his. Her little summon had his steak in the mouth, trying to tear the next bite off. "Mm! Eh! Release Yrud from your softness!" He whined much like a child being embarrassed in front of his school friends as hecwas being mushed inti the witches cushy chest again. "Yrud is only defending his territory!" He muffled. Her embrace wasn't uncomfortable or detestable by any means, his squirming was much less than it was the other night.
Local Time:
12:12 AM
Nov 19, 2022
Despite the lovely morning, and the enjoyable way it played out. Yrud would sudden feel a blood chilling, and terrifying aura from the pink skin cuddling him. as her body suddenly began to glow, before clothing appeared on her. before long the little drake with his mouth full would see why. as a knight was soon walking tours the fence, and tours them.

"I am here by seeking the black witch of the forest. By the rule of the royal highness, you are to ether submit to his will as a concubine, or to be sentences to dungeon, due to being to dangerous to ignore. " as he spoke, two more knights would soon come up behind him.

seeing this, the young lady would narrow her eyes, as the grip on Yrud tightened, however not painful, but more so as if to be protective.
"Tell that perv, I am no one's trophy, and No one's slave. If you leave I will not harm you, however enter my private property, and I will not be held responsible for what happens to you boys. "
saying this in a dark and spiteful tone. Yrud would soon be able to notice, why this pink skin was wanting to summon a big strong drake now. however this was his pink skin, this yard his territory, and
now the tiny reptilian overlord of the garden could speak human tongue, thanks to the rune bonding him to lady Azula, even if Yrud didn't realize it as of yet.
Local Time:
12:12 AM
Nov 9, 2022
Yrud squirmed un Azula's arms as the knights neared the fence. As he sensed her power, she felt his rising as the males approached his territory. A Tension clutched the air, rising off her summon, Mana thickening and pulling to him subtley. "This Yrud's Territory" He grumbled in her arms. Was he planning to defend her and his new land...if he was such a strong summon for his young size.
Local Time:
12:12 AM
Nov 19, 2022
The three knights saw the little beast and seemed to point tours it with their blades. however the lead which led them would hold his hand up. not entering the fenced area, as Azula sat their with Yrud in her embrace.

the leader of the small group would speak up, after clearing his throat.
" So then young lady will you come peacefully? and we will need that tiny beast muzzled as well. " as he spoke up seeing if they could take her in peacefully.
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