Summoning of the littlest dragon. (Lord Sesshomaru)

"Muzzle Yrud! Yrud will take your hand!" Yrud snapped as his Mana swirled and weaved tighter, starting to make a glow around him, like he had a lantern inside of him. It trailed from his belly and up his throat, the power flaired in his eyes. "You stay away from Yrud! Away from Big Sis!"
chuckling as she heard her new little hero speaking. Azula would move to gently cuddle him into her body all the more, ruining the mood in the moment. however the fact remained, seeing this the knights did not enter the yard, or fenced area. however the witch would look to their leader, as she spoke in a cold yet calming tone.

"alright boys, you all wait out their, but the boss can come in so we can have a little talk. oh and my lil Yrud, if any of the other's enter our yard, you can eat them. just the boss boy their is being allowed into your territory so we can try and get rid of them for the long hall. " as she spoke up like this, in a gentle tone. it would seem she was sharing her desire with the little drake, while at the same time, making sure he knew only one of them would be allowed in, yet if any of the others moved tours them, past the fence, he was free to do as he thought needed. however the fact remained, they were enemies, and she wanted to let the boss one in to their home?
Yrud looked up as she cuddled him and issued her decree. "But he enemy too!" Yrud said, clearly not sure why he should allow their leader to cross. "He is danger to you" he argued. But Azula could simply put her foot down. He was a child after all, and she was taking the role of the elder now.
in a gentle, and caring voice, Azula would move to kiss the top of yrud's head.
"I see so caring and protective of your little pink skin huh? no worries, I can handle that boy. but I want you to make so no one else enters the yard, more so your territory, with out our word, or permission. "
as she was speaking like this, a gentle, and caring tone, yet stern, and oddly frightening at the same time. as it would cause the men to stand at attention, with an unknown fear shivering down their backs.
as the captain would move to place his hand on the gate to the yard. awaiting the permission to enter. as Azula would ask yrud to be the one to grant permission for only the boss to come into the domain of her
cute little guardian drake.

doing this in such a way, to both make a playful boost to his ego, while at the same time, putting her foot down in an gentle yet stern manor.
Once the two went into the building to talk, little Yrud would be able to easily stay out on the porch and watch the other men. or even put on a kind of show if he wanted to. as their were squirrels, and other targets in the yard. despite the smaller drake's size, and demeanor, he was still a magical life form. thus the guards did not seem to take him to seriously, but at the same time used caution.

One of the guards.
"Hey little one, want some meat? If your friendly, we can share some meat with ya, while we all wait. "
as the young guard spoke, pulling out a small pack of jerky. moving to offer Yrud a piece of his rations. thinking if they could distract or make friendly with the little beast, they could
enter, and slip past it. in order to capture the summoner, while it ate. unaware that the little beast was more intelligence then they thought.
Yrud watched the knight offer his Jerry, the drake sniffing the air as he dangled it. He was sitting at it post, narrowing his eyes at the offering. He stood up as a squirrel snuck onto his territory, his head flicking at its direction. Yrud stared at it hard, his belly scales rippling with light and power, as it passed between him and the jnught, Yrud yawned his mouth open and barked out a bolt of raw Mana. The squirrel in front of the gaurds flinched....but it was floating in a crackling energy bubble. Yrud walked up to it and put the ball back on the dirt, rolling it around and playing with it like a cat. He slapped the ball around abd bounced it. But as he bounced it up and headbutt it towards the fence towards the knights, the ball popped and the squirrel landed in front of them in a concussed heap.
As the guards saw this, the youngest of the group saw this as a threat by the little beast. despite his elder telling him to stay, and remember the orders. he pulled his short sword and jumped over the gate.

"Filthy little lizard, you think that's funny. throwing a dead rat at us. I will teach you a lesson. you will not forget. I will take your tail at least so you will remember this. "

as he said this his body began to glow with a light blue aura of mana. as his blade began to glow gold. his boss would face palm himself. as he would continue to demand his subordinate to get
back to his side before it was tolate. they had a job, and he was in violation of his orders. but it was unknown how things would play out. as the little drake, Yrud was given full permission to do anything to protect his territory,
from the others. only the one knight was allowed in the small yard or kingom of territory for this little drake.
Yrud watched the knight step onto the grass, perking up instantly. He hissed at the knight as Mana glowed off of him directly. Yrud opened his mouth and started to drag the magic from the knight, using it to channel through himself again. The Drake spat out another magic bolt, ready to trap the knight just as he had the rodent l
With the night not registering what was about to happen, he began to move tours Yrud. as his boss shouted for him one last time to pull back. as he was the one in violating of orders, meaning they could not aid him if anything happened.

However as the knight moved tours the little drake. stating that once he taught this lizard a lessen he would take the witch's head himself, and take it back to the king. not realizing that his threat was said in such a loud, and vulgar manor. the knight
could have easily signed his own warrant of pain or worse. depending on how little yrud took it, as he was preparing to snare, the knight in a mana ball.
As the bolt snapped out and captured the knight, Yrud snarled at the orb that had the grown man trapped. The ball for the moment, was the size of a grown man. "You hurt Yrud? You hurt sister?" He growled at him, the orb started to slowly shrink, putting pressure upon him suddenly. It was like a crushing vice, slowly pulling closer and closer. "You threaten on Yrud's land" he growled as the Mana ball made his words clear. "Yrud is going to crush you!"
As the man began to cream in pain from with in the ball. a firm female voice soon spoke up.
"Little one, toss him out. I do not want to clean up our yard. Toss the trash out of our home. " saying this in a stern and almost bone chilling tone.
The captain would bow as he silently began to walk past yrud and began to make his exit. leaving his one comrade in the ball of energy.

Despite the order given to the little drake, Yrud would find she was not going to punish him even if he did crush this man. but she made it clear
he would have to clean up any mess made in the yard, as she did not feel like cleaning up even with magic. it would be almost comical if not for the man being crushed
for his own stupidity.
Yruds murderous look at the knight as he was practically in the fetal position, broke for a moment at her word. He growled slightly, buy floated the orb up and threw threw him out of the fence line at full speed. It zipped by the other knight and he saw the ball poof away as his friend slammed like wet paper into a tree with a horrific crunch.
As the men helped their ally up, and began to leave. Azula would pick Yrud up in her arms. with a gentle voice. she would speak up to her little drake.
"You did such a good job, how about a nice reward hmm? I got some fish meat, dear, bear? what would you like big sis to cook up for a reward for being such a good boy hmm?"

asking this in a cute, and oddly enjoyable tone. Yrud would find how her serious tone had vanished the instant the men had left her sight, and his playfully laxed summoner was
back to her care free cuddly self.
"Very well, big sis will make her little hero a n ice feast of bear meat. " saying this Azula would move to bring Yrud inside, carrying him like a
cuddly little stuffed animal. as she was humming to herself. before the two of them were inside. once inside she would set Yrud down, asking if he
wanted to relax, and play while she cooked or if the little drake wanted to help her with the cooking of their meal.
Yrud thought on her question, but he thought of hiscfamily a moment, how he ans his mother would cook together. Azusa sensed her little guardian getting lost in thought for a second. "Yrud can play?" He said after a moment thought he didn't sound completely enthusiastic about the offer to chase around woodland beasts are the moment
"of course, big sis got some special toys for little Yrud to try. " as she said this, taking a moment, to create a small portal which would lead into a room loaded with all kinds of magical, items and artifacts.
a gentle smile on her face. " You can take any two, and play with them, but not in the house, due to I do not want to have to fix the house. "
as she said this, even making another offer to have him cook with her. as the bear meat was now out on the table, as well as an impressive assortment of fruit, and vegetables, which would cook nicely
with the meat to flavor it.
"Of course, you want to help or perhaps want to show big sis how well you can cook for us hmm?"

saying this in a playful and gentle tone. the little wyverian stud would find his mistress playfully wanting to tease her familiar a bit. as she would ensure he
had a wonderful meal, and an enjoyable time as long as they were together. Little did ether of them know, that this would be the best of times for the little reptilian stud
for his witch of a mistress would be doomed before the two of them knew it to be.
"Yrud will help!" He said as he climbed up on the chairs to get to a higher position. Afterall, cooking with new things in this strange land would be a fools errand without guidance for one so young. His eyes ran over the table, knowing his meats and herbs by scent. In his world such things were a tad different, naturally. Getting to know the new things would be a welcome journey.
Chuckling as the little drake was now in position in front of the witch. as she moved to pull out the pans, and seasons, as well as the meat.
before opening the jaws, and containers, heating up the metal, and melting some butters.

"Ok little man, I will put you in charge of seasoning our meat. choose the ones you like, and rub it into the meat, then we will sear the flavor into our meal to be. ":
saying this with a gentle, and playfully excited tone. the one he knew as pink skin would be wanting to see how he would handle picking out seasoning, and would it become
something more mouth watering or perhaps a failed attempt at making a desirable flavor of meat slab.
Yrud leaned into the jars before him, sniffing into them cautiously, every new scent settling inside his senses. He grabbed up a fistful of seasoning and spices from one of them, a savory, peppery combination. The drake started to rub abd press them into meat as she told him.
watching the little drake, Vanessa would move to place her hands on the back of his little claws. moving to show the little drake a few new motions to help make the process easier, and less forceful. as to avoid bruising and ruining the meat.
"We want to do it like this little one. we don't want the meat to tender, it won't cook up nice. "
saying this, her words would give memories to Yrud's mother's words about prepping food in the past. however as this would go on, something a bit unexpected would begin to be felt by the little drake. was it a new desire to be held, and close to this
soft pink skin, like a sibling or family member? or perhaps something new, and more desirable for the powerful little beast, which could be developed as it grew stronger, and older in time.
(XD Yrud: Sister what are these things *pinches nipples*)

Yrud growled faintly to himself, for a moment it was as if he was frustrated, but the witch could sense rhe difference. He wasn't annoyed with her help or cautious of her touch. He was being sifter, focusing on keeping his little claws from scoring the meat. His head shifted to the witch again, brush against her chest slightly.
giggling softly, She would lean into Yrud, as the witch spoke up.
"that's it, just like that, nice and careful with those sharp little talons. Would you like sis to trim your claws later? or does my brave little warrior want to keep his
built in daggers?" teasing Yrud in a playful manor. one the idea of not having these sharp claws would make such acts much easier, yet at the same time would remove
a powerful and natural weapon in the little drake's arsenal. However the sensation of how her soft bosom would feel when he brushed against it would be something to
explore later. however for now she was pulling his attention to the meat, and his actions. acting like a teacher, and care giver instead of a summoner. their time together albeit short,
would be a time together to leave, and help Yrud become a proper beast for this world, which was worlds different from his own, which the little drake was summoned from.
"Well then, big sis will enjoy teaching her big brave yrud about his territory after lunch them hmm?"
saying this playfully, as they would soon be done prepping the meat. however unexpected to the small drake, once the seasoning had been rubbed it
the smell of it was already even more alluring for any carnivore to devour. yet the real fun would be the next part with the searing, then prepping for the
slow roasting to keep the meat crisp, with the juices trapped inside. more then that, once the outside was seared, the inside could become slow roasted into a
nice tender state where it could flake apart, while being so juicy and tender. as she would go on to explain this part, it would indeed paint a mouth watering idea
of a meal.

more then that, Yrud would find his current summoner wanting to teach him so much now, more so how to enjoy this world.
Yrud watched the meat cook, every new scent strange yet wonderful. They had little of these forms of ingredients in his old home. They were harder to collect, and only used sparingly. His mouth watered a bit as they seared the meat together, making it hiss on the pans they had. Yrud looked closer, clearly the drakling tempted to try to take a bite from it already.
A short while passed, as the duo cooked together, even taking the time to make some sides with the little drake.
Vanessa was spoiling her little Yrud with this meal, wanting to make sure he knew it was a special meal as they made it together.

"So my little guardian dragon, tell big sis about your growth? how old are you? how does your kind get?"
asking this in a gentle and playful tone. as she wanted to ensure it was as innocent as possible, despite the truth of her concern now which had begin to
slowly creep into the back of the witch's mind. due to having accidently summoned a baby instead of a true beast. but he was to cute not to enjoy and cuddle.

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