Summoning of the littlest dragon. (Lord Sesshomaru)

as this entertaining fight continued, the rabbits had numbers, but not strength. thus they would be knocked around with out to much effort.
yet their numbers began to cause some issue for Yrud, capturing some in bubbles, others getting stuck in tree's due to impaling their horns into the trunks.
the remaining ones moved quick squealing in anger, as they aimed to gore the little predator with out remorse, as their numbers continued to dwindle slowly.
as this was going on for some time. the witch would be walking out, clapping her hands, as she been watching Yrud's hunt.
" Looks like your having fun, want some help from sis to end this quickly or shall I let my big bad Yrud continue his hunt alone?"
asking this in a gentle, and playful tone. it was no mystery, that with a snap of her fingers it would be over, however this was a chance
for Yrud to stretch his claws, and enjoy his growing power against some real prey.
"No! Not yet!" Yrud said slamming another rabbit with his tail, clearly using the opportunity for all it was worth. ofcoyrse if things got dangerous and she saw him hurt, perhaps she'd still jump in without his consent. But Yrud was being stubborn, if not reckkess to keep fighting off so many of these rabbits.
watching this, the witch would summon a small cloud looking puff of smoke. as she moved to sit on it. crossing her legs, and beginning to float just out of reach.
the young looking witch, watched as the rabbits numbers slowly decreased, but their assault could be seen tiring Yrud out. meaning they were gonna begin to win,
in this battle of attrition, due to sheer numbers. yet all her little drake needed to do was ask for help, or if he got injured to the point he could not fight or move properly she would
then step into help her loyal little partner.
Yrud felt a rabbit suddenly jam its horn into his side, twisting its horn. He pulled back, hissing as he held his side. He grabbed the offending rabbit , slamming it into another, feeling its neck snap in his claws. He was getting slowly pushed back, getting slashed at and stabbed again. But Yrud threw the rabbits off him, blue blood seeping out of his wounds. "Sis!"
as he finally called out, the witch would snap her fingers. causing flashes of light and heat scaring off the remaining rabbits.
after which she would move up to gently scoop up, Yrud in to her arms. kissing the little drake on his snout, while allowing her magic to freely
flow through his body and heal her little partner. all the while she would have magical bubbles forming around all the dead ones, preserving their bodies, and
carrying them back with the duo.

"you did very well against so many. But perhaps next time, why not attack with a plan hmm?"
speaking playfully to her little drake, the witch would smile, as they had more then enough meat for a feast for a few days now, thanks to Yruds hard work.
enjoying how she was carrying him, and pampering the little drake.
the witch would gently, and soothingly run her one hand along his scales.
"and you did wonderful my proud little hunter. big sis is very proud. so for today, how about a special prize. big sis will let her little hero do anything he wants
tonight. but only tonight. " saying this with a playfully lewd tone. the witch was curious of what her little summon would enjoy, be it some cuddling, perhaps some
gentle pampering, or just a big meal. little did she know what kind of door she opened for the tiny drake. who had discovered how he could grow much stronger with her mana,
and their were other ways besides suckling to get her mana. and thus grow his body insanely fast in power.
"Oh I see, how about this then. We can enjoy a bit of fun like that together in our bath, before dinner?"
as she said this, the witch would plan to bleed out, and clean the rabbits, thus they would need to wash up after the
messy task. however once the wash was done, they could make dinner. as nether of them knew that tonight, they would get back to
the parcel from the princess. the royal drink, and special meat which was laced with a very dangerous poison would await them. however
this was the last night for Yrud to enjoy his pink skin sister, unaware that the mana he would get from her this night would be the key
to help the little stud take on a new and more enjoyable form, even if it would never be able to get tested and enjoyed by his sister, of a summoner.
on the way back, seeing the package on their porch, the witch smirked.
"Well looks like something is here for us. want to bring it in? we can check it out after we have our meal. "
as she said this, the little drake would be able to tell right away if it was something they should dig into or wait on.
as he knew now that big sis would want to bath with him, her cuddly little protector, before they got messy with the meal prep.
which would also present Yrud with his chance for some rewarding mana.
" Well then, shall we drop it off on the table, and then join your big sis in the bath?"
asking this in a playfully, seductive manor. the witch would snap her fingers, causing all the rabbits to hover into the kitchen, and float over the sink,
as the blood would begin to slowly drain out of the meat. at which point, the powerful maiden would move tours the bathing room, and move on tours
her own personal plans. unaware of how things would end this night. only smirking mischeviously, and thinking of how much fun it will be to tease her brave
little Yrud, and see the little drake all flustered for her amusement.
(XD Yrud: *tackles her for some of the big sisussy)

Yrud blinked at her tone, nit aware of it but figured ti was a pink skin thing. He nodded at her question all the same. "Yes yes!" He said as she lead him back to her baths, hehopped out of her arms, starting to set the warm water for her.
As the two were soon sinking into the warm soothing bath with fresh bubbles forming in it. The witch VIctoria would smile, as her one hand slid along the rough yet oddly smooth scales.
"So then, you gonna tell big sis about your old home? the land your family?" asking this, as she wanted to try and distract little Yrud a bit, before she would begin to tease him for some fun. excited
to see how the little drake would react once she began to help herself to his cute little reptilian body.
"oh, so how many cute ones like yourself are their? did I get the golden egg of the clutch, or just an adorable power house hmm?"
as she spoke leaning in to say this to Yrud, whispering to his hearing organ, as she said this. before licking his cheek playfully. the little drake would soon feel
how his big sister was moving her one hand around him in the water. the playful pink skin would indeed be something to enjoy. as she teased, and tried to get
her cute drake to become flustered. however her playful actions would soon present herself to Yrud so he could suckle mana out of her if he so desired.
His head twitched slightly. "Mm. I am one of a clutch, youngest, but clearly one of the best if i was summoned." He said. Perhaps he was simply that compatible to her needs, what would have been her greatest companion. As her hand ran iver him, he looked down at her, sinking closer to her body.
As the tiny stud sunk into the water, and closer to his pink skin sister's body. Yrud would soon feel how her one hand skillfully and gently moved along his spine, the other suddenly
and oddly enjoyable sensation of her nails touching his inner legs. as the witch circulated mana through her fingers, and nails to generate a sensation as if his scales were soft gentle skin like her own as
the playful maiden touched her summon. teasing and enjoying this bath time together. Unaware that her teasing could very well open the door to this powerful drake's true feeding, besides the planned
mana suckling.
enjoying this as the little drake's instincts were beginning to stir. the teasing was working all the more then the witch could have hoped for.
loving the cute way her summoned looked at her, and the weak questioning voice, as she leaned in whispering.

"Your so cute, big sis is gonna take very good care of her little Yrud this night. a special one time reward for such a hard working hunter. "
saying this playfully, as she kissed the top of his head, and teased the little reptile all the more.
" oh do tell big sis, what is the fastest and most enjoyable way to share mana with a special partner ? "

Saying this with a playful yet wicked tone, the witches fingers began to move upon Yrud. Moving to tease him all the more as her own body was reacting wonderfully to the sensation of his tails special location
"Oh big sis knows many enjoyable ways to share mana with her big strong little Drake. " as she spoke even moving to kiss the little beast on his forehead.
however feeling how his tail wagged faster, it caused a giggle in her throat to escape. as the fingers began to move, and tease the little dragon to be some more. loving his cute
innocent reactions. making sure to take her sweet time to find all the right spots to really tease Yrud with her own devilish plan for this night. yet it was unknown just how excitable her
partner could be.
He hummed as she teased him, the innocence of a youth, but she knew he was more. He was a drake, one she mate bound, he'd figure out what to do with her with enough pushing snd guiding. As she ran hee fingers against him, he moved around slowly, facing her as she felt his muzzle push on her chest, before she could really speak, he was opening his mouth latching onto her suddenly.
a sudden gasp, as The pinching sensation of his initial latching could be felt. However now Yrud was enjoying the odd yet warm and gentle flow of mana from his pink skin big sis into his powerful little core.
the drake would feel how her one hand now moved to play with his swaying tail. an act which for a drake was something that could be considered lewd by nature. while the other hand gently caressed, and stroked from the back of his head
down to the lower back of the drake. hugging him into her a bit once the two were more comfortable. however more then that, the witch's plan was going to go far better then she could ever hope, for the pure and natural mana being drained from her
would be the key to filling the magical core of her summon, and thus allowing him to grow and evolve much faster then ether of them could ever imagine possible.

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