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Fantasy RP Take Him, Then the World (Firestarter)

Local Time:
3:58 PM
Dec 15, 2023

Name: Azazel Minex
Age: 19
Gender: Male He/Him
Looks: Slightly almond shaped brown eyes that are a warm chocolate brown color. His skin is a smooth, soft light olive color with no marks. He’s about 5 foot, 7 inches, thin with lean muscle. He has more muscle than fat, which it the byproduct of slight malnourishment.
He tpically wears jeans, a t-shirt with combat boots and a flannel shirt. He always wears a sliver chain with a crescent moon pendant on it from his monter, as well as a ring on his right ring finder in the shape of a dragon.

It was supposed to be a fine day. One just like every other day in the past and every day yet to come. Yet, as he walked back to his run down apartment where he still vied with his father, he felt something off. The bastard of a man had gambled any money they’d head away in the last few years after Az’s mother had walked out. She’d left both Az and his shitty father brown hearted and Az had been forced to work harder in schoo and get a scholarship. Now, he was attending collage on full scholarship and working parti me in a bookstore to pay for food and the rent.

His hand fishes into his pocket for his key and pulling it out. He slides it into the lock, his phone gripping in his free hand as he pushes the door open. The interior of the apartment was tense and Az frowns, his brow bunching.
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Local Time:
1:58 PM
Oct 31, 2023
Name: Marco D'Angelo
Age: 28
Gender: Male he/him
Looks: Round, light grey eyes with a scar through his right eyebrow and jet black hair. Has light dusting of facial hair for a beard and mustache. Medium/ Dark tan skin with tattoos that cover his entire torso, arms, hands, and a little of his neck. Stands at 6 foot 4 inches, medium built muscles that are tone.
Normally wears black slacks and dress shoes while changing between a button up shirt of any color with a black suit jacket or a polo shirt. Always wears the same black and red ring on his right ring finger and a Silver Cuban link chain around his neck.

Marco was at his limit for waiting for that old fuck to pay him the money he was owed. He had already been waiting for 8 months for the money. While in the back of his black SUV, Marco lights up a cigar and stares out the window. He was going to get his payment today one way or another. As the SUV stops in front of the dilapidated apartment building, Marco and a couple of his thugs step out of the vehicle while he blows out a large puff of smoke. "Alright boys. It's time to get my fucking money."

With his cigar hanging loosely between his lips, Marco pounds on the front door of the scumbags apartment while covering the peep hole. He had been doing this for too long, already knowing that if Mr. Minex had seen that it was him, he would probably run.
Local Time:
3:58 PM
Dec 15, 2023
Az had frowned and walked further into the apartment to find his father drunk off his ass and a new case of beer at his feet. He scowls and wonders where the fuck the old dick got the money to buy the beer. He crosses his arms and stares at the man and then opens his mouth to say something when there was pounding on the front door. He sighs heavily, and turns to walk to the door.

“Don’t answer that door, boy!” His father slurs, looking up from his bottle.

Az sighs heavily and rolls his eyes, ignoring the sorry lump in the chair and flips the lock on the door, opening it. “Hi, what can—” Tall, and somehwha nicely dressed, as well as a few other men. Az blinks once.
Local Time:
1:58 PM
Oct 31, 2023
Marco smirks and pulls his cigar from his mouth as he looks at the smaller male in front of him. Surely this was just a rouse that Mr. Minex was pulling to try and get out of his debt. He soon heard someone inside and apartment and motioned for his boys to push their way in and find out who was hiding. In the meantime, Marco stared at the young male, sizing him up and taking inn his soft features. There might be someone else he would except as payment if the old fool didn't have his money, but that could be worked out later. The two thugs run in and grab the older man by his arms and force his drunken ass to his feet. "We got him boss!" Marco huffs with a smile and pushes past the other without looking. "Excuse me boy. I have business to attended to."

Marco walked up the old man and blew a puff of smoke in his face. "Now Mr. Minex, where the fuck is the $30,000 you owe me?"
Local Time:
3:58 PM
Dec 15, 2023
Az stumbles slightly to the side as the men invaded his home. His lips purse together and he glares up at the last man before he too pushes past Az and strides through the door. He turns and follows the men, his lips parting slightly as his eyes watch the men drag his father from his chair. He shakes his head, his arms crossing over his chest. He might, if he would have been inclined, have tried to do something to bar these men from the apartment, but it was somewhat satisfying to see the prick dragged around like a sack of grain.

His father’s glazed blue eyes roll up and look at the strange man and he let out a slUgtg ish laugh. Az winces as the sound rakes against his ears. “I got half of it.”

Az frowns, the bastard had no money. His mind wanders to the new beer case and he pauses. He’d been saving a little money for two years now to move out, and. “Oh, hell no. You’re not giving my money to some jerkwad who shows up.”

His father looks at him, sneering slightly, “You live under my roof, boy. I’ll do with the money I find in this place as I wish.”

Az huffs, his hands going to his hips, “I’m the one who pays for the excuse of a roof.” He snaps.

The old man growls, “Fifteen grand’s in the kitchen.”
Local Time:
1:58 PM
Oct 31, 2023
With a swift movement, Marco punches Mr. Minex in the jaw. "Both of you shut the fuck up!" He growls loudly. He couldn't stand the useless bickering between the two males. He knew damn well that the old fuck didn't have his money when he was on his way over. He had one of his boys following the stupid man the entire time. Marco knows to one of his boys to check the kitchen for the supposed money while Marco takes a puff of his cigar.

"Now Mr. Minex, I know damn well YOU don't have that money. So let's spark up a deal. I'm in need of a new pair of hands in my home and from the sound of it, this boy wants to get away from you." Marco smirks and glances over at the boy. "How about you give him to me along with the supposed fifteen grand and we will call your debt settled."

The other thug comes back from the kitchen with the envelope of money and hands it to Marco before walking over to the young make, having already heard the plan from the kitchen.

"What will it be old man? Give me this boy or I skin you alive?" Marco says in a low but firm tone.
Local Time:
3:58 PM
Dec 15, 2023
Az’s eyes widen, “The f-“ He backs towards the door and glare at the man with his money. Damnit. He blinks once, his gaze snapping to the man in front of his father.

“What? I am not going with you! Father can’t just—“

The old pain in Az’s ass just huffed and waved his hand feebly, “Take the money and the boy.” He mutters, looking back to the bottle in his hand.

Az growls, “I’m not going with this prick.” He would not go anywhere near these men. Az could tell, just by looking at them he didn’t want to get involved. At all. He just wanted to move out into his own, not alcohol slacked apartment and finish collage off. But it honestly looked like that wasn’t going to happen. He was an adult and saw no reason why his father could just hand him off like that.
Local Time:
1:58 PM
Oct 31, 2023
Marco smirks and puts out his cigar into the old man's cheek while his thugs continue to hold him in place. "Still a worthless coward I see. I will be taking the boy, but it seems as though I'm doing him a favor in the process." Marco turns and motions for another thug to grab the boy as he starts to step closer."Don't make this hard on yourself. You won't be getting away from me any time soon. Just outside the entrance to this run down hovel is another car of my boys waiting." Marco rakes his eyes over the younger males body again just as the thug grabs the boys arms from behind and starts to drag him towards the door. "If you need anything, tell me now so my boys can grab it, otherwise, keep that fucking mouth shut or I'll shatter those pretty little teeth."

Marco stands just outside the door to the apartment and stuffs his hands in his pockets as he waits for everyone to follow. He surely had his hands full now that he would have to watch this boy to make sure he didn't run.
Local Time:
3:58 PM
Dec 15, 2023
the man hisses in pain, glaring at the man and has the decency of mind to not spit at him like he does everyone else who insults him. Az huffs and shakes his head. He blinks and steps back again and flinches that the foreign touch to his body, his skin burns at the contact and he wants to claw these men’s faces off. He goes dead silent, staring at the man before him. He also wanted to shred his face for that gaze raking over his body.

But the hands gripping Az’s arms were stronger than Az and held him back. Rightfully so, because Az didn’t know if he’d be able to recreation himself from lunging. He hisses slightly and his feet move, unwilling to be dragged. He knew a losing battle when he saw one and could always bide his own time. Az was a patient man, he’d been waiting for 19 years to get away from the old bastard. He could wait that amount of time again to get away from the man before him.

He bares said pretty little teeth, “Fuck you.” He hisses.
Local Time:
1:58 PM
Oct 31, 2023
Marco laughs and shakes his head while looking at the ground. He hadn't been told to fuck off or anything of the sort in so long. Ever since he took over as head of his families mafia group, he had been shown nothing but pure respect. He would normally shoot or torture any man who dared to disrespect him, but the quick snap from such a young and niave boy actually felt kind of nice. "You've got some fight in you. That will take you far kid. Now come on, I'm hungry and would like to go home." Marco lights up a new cigar and leads the group put to the waiting SUVs. Once he takes his seat, he motions for the young boy to be placed in the same vehicle as him.

As they start to drive away, Marco stares out the window for a while and contemplates what he will do with the boy once they get back to the estate. "Why don't you tell me about yourself to pass the time. There's no need in thinking you will escape, so it's best to get on my good side now."
Local Time:
3:58 PM
Dec 15, 2023
Az glowers, his brown eyes focused on the man across from him. “I’m not a kid.” He snaps. He’d grown up past kid at fourteen. Already making money babysitting and tutoring other kids to help his mother make ends meet. He’d had to grow up too fast, and he hated when anyone called him a kid. He squirms slightly, huffing at the men’s grip on him. It was tight and Az was sure there would be marks left behind later.

Az coughs once, making a face and staring at the cigar in the man’s fingers. He hated the smell and the smoke. He turns his face away, ignoring the other’s words. He had just been kidnapped and the man expected him to actually talk about himself? He huffs softly, “First, my name is None of your Fucking Business, second I grew up and the Milky Way, and third, I’m obviously younger than you are.” Az rolls his eyes.
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Local Time:
1:58 PM
Oct 31, 2023
Marco chuckles and cracks the window to let the smoke out with tapping out his cigar. He was in need of quitting anyways. "You say you are obviously younger than me, yet you say you aren't a kid." Marco glances at the young man and shakes his head. He could tell that the other's attitude came from some hardship in his life, his father being obvious proof. "If you don't tell me your name then I'm just going to keep calling you 'kid' so it's up to you."

In all reality, Marco couldn't fucking care less what this boy wanted to be called. He was just going to be a house servant anyways. Marco had bigger fish to fry in this go awful country. His almost silver eyes glance at the young boy again while he lightly drums his fingers on the arm rest between the both of them. "If you have any questions...nows the time, because once we get back, you won't see me specifically for a while, you'll be left to the mercy of my boys."
Local Time:
3:58 PM
Dec 15, 2023
Az made a face, his nose wrinkling slightly, “Someone can be younger than you and not be a kid.” He flicks his gaze to the man, looking at him out of the corner of his eyes. He’d put him at about twenty-seven or twenty-eight, leaving him almost a decade older than Az himself. It made Az’s skin crawl at the look the male had given Az in his apartment. Pervert.

He looks away again, shaking his head slightly, “Az.” He mutters, “Just Az.”

He blows out a relived breath. Good that he wouldn’t se this royal ass for a while, but he didn’t feel like it was too good that he’d be left at the mercy of the other men. They didn’t seem to care about being gentle, rather they just wanted shit done when it was told to get done. Meaning probably not so good for Az. “Nope.” He mutters.
Local Time:
1:58 PM
Oct 31, 2023
Marco smiles a little and closes his eyes. "Az...interesting. I'm Marco D'Angelo, not that I expect you to know that name." He laughs softly. "Though you won't believe it, hell, if the roles were reversed I wouldn't either, but I'm sorry you've been dragged into this." Marco never liked having to take people who were not willing to follow him, but he demanded payment whenever he was owed something. "You won't be abused so long as you do as you are told. Who knows, maybe you'll come to like working for me." Marco could hardly keep a straight face when he said that, knowing damn well almost none of his boys actually liked him.

Soon the SUVs pulled up to a massive mansion with armed guards that surrounded the doors and gates. Each thug was covered in tattoos and scars from their previous encounters with other mobsters. "This.....is where you will be working."
Local Time:
3:58 PM
Dec 15, 2023
Az shakes his head slightly, his brow bunching. He stares at the other, and then scoffs softly, “Like I would enjoy working without pay for someone who kidnapped me. Why not just take my father instead? He’s not going to care that I’m gone.” Az stares out the window, his jaw tightening. Az did not like the thought of abuse, he’d had enough of it in his life from his father. But he didn’t like the thought of being told what to do all the time either.

He stares at the building, his lips parting slightly and then looking away. He did not want to be here.
Local Time:
1:58 PM
Oct 31, 2023
Marco scoffs and clenches his fist tightly. "'You're father is as useless as they come. Why in the hell would I bring him here? So he can try to steal and sell off my possessions? No!" He would rather kill the old fool, but he was too busy to deal with the mess. "By the way, I never said I wouldn't pay you. You just need to prove your worth here and you will be paid handsomely." Marco roughly opened the door to SUV was they parked and stepped out before motioning for one of his thugs to "assist" Az from the vehicle. He leads the way into the foyer and removes his jacket, placing it on a coat rack and slowly walking towards a massive, leather arm chair before taking a seat. "While you are here Az, you will be tasked with making sure I always have a drink of any kind ready along with keeping things around my home clean."

As the thug who grabbed the envelope of money walks in, Marco takes said envelope from him and holds it up for Az to see. "Don't think too much into your situation. Just do as you are told and keep your head down." Marco places the envelope on the coffee table in front of himself before leaning back in the chair again and draping one leg over the other. "One last thing.....If anyone gives you trouble, tell me. I do not tolerate useless and meaningless trouble and that includes any trouble you give anyone else around here, understood?"
Local Time:
3:58 PM
Dec 15, 2023
“Then skin him alive like you said.” He mutters under his breath. There was no love lost between him and his father. Az avoiding the man who had abused him his hole life. He didn’t seem at all emorsful about what he’d said, and maybe even a touch serious about the words. He runs his fingers through his hair, looking at the other.

“If I’m supposed to be working off literal debt, why the hell would you pay me?” He snorts softly, “Now it just feels like you took me because you could.”

Az glares at the thug that moves to touch him, growling and jumping from the vehicle before anyone laid a hand on him. He follows Marco, not above biting anyone who tried, or did touch him. Az had swiftly learned how to use his body like a weapon, teeth and nails, fists and feet. Though he had a feeling kicking and punching would do nothing. Biting and clawing might.

While he never kept his nails too long, most of the time, they were about a quarter inch pas the tip, just enough to dig into skin. He had long since taken vitamins and buying special polish to keep them strong and from breaking. He gave a man a dirty look as he moved to close for Az’s liking and watched Marco take his coat off and then move to a chair to sit down. “I don’t know how to make drinks, I’m too young to have touched alcohol in my life, if that’s what you’re saying.” He figured he’d just admitted to being younger than twenty-one, but didn’t really care at this point.

“But I can clean.” He crosses his arms. “I don’t do to well with being bossed around. Just give me a list or something that needs to get done and I can do it. But if you don’t want problems, then keep the bossing around a minimum. I will bite.”
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Local Time:
1:58 PM
Oct 31, 2023
"You might bite, but I own gags and muzzles, so choose your actions wisely, AZ." Marco says in a stern tone. He wasn't about to let someone he almost owned talk to him like a dog. "I will give you a list of what needs to be clean, but you need to respect that if someone is in the room you need to clean, you will wait until they leave. For the drinks I don't mean alcohol. I don't particularly like to drink that much so just having water or lemonade is all I ask for. Hell, make a damn mocktail for all I care."

Marco rubs his knuckles which were slightly red from punching that old fuck earlier. "I'm paying you once you have proved your worth. Don't get on your high horse thinking you are getting paid right off the bat. And regardless of me taking you because I could or not, even I have to say that I did you a favor by getting you out of that hell hole place." Marco cracked his knuckles and stood from the chair and motioned for Az to follow him.

Marco soon started leading Az through the seven bedroom mansion while keeping his hands stuffed into his pockets. "There are seven rooms and 5 bathrooms so make sure to pace yourself when cleaning." Marco walks to one of the bedrooms and opens the door for Az. "This will be your room. do whatever you want to make it more...homey, I guess."

The room was left plain, only having a queen sized bed in the middle of the room and a large tv that was mounted to the wall. There was a bathroom as well since this was a secondary master bedroom, allowing Az more privacy. "If you need help moving anything along, just call on any of my boys and they will move everything around. In the mean time though, I have a meeting I need to get to in my study." Marco turned to leave before stopping and glancing back at Az. "My study...is completely off limits to you. You do not even go in there to clean or I will make you wish you were back with your father." With that Marco walked away while instructing one of his boys to keep an eye on Az.
Local Time:
3:58 PM
Dec 15, 2023
“Kinky.” Az mutters in reply, rolling his eyes. Az had a list of smart ass replies, or just stupid ones, as a few of his friends had called them. He looks at Marco, his arms still crossed tightly over his chest in a defensive gesture.

“So, not seen nor heard, got it.be a ghost.” He huffs, that was easy. Being quiet and unseen, moving from one room to another. “Fine. Tea it is.” He waves his hand slightly. He watches Marco’s hands for a moment, a pleased glint at the redness of his knuckles entering his gaze, not from the fact that the man before him showed signs, but the fact that his father had been left off worse than a few red marks.

Az scoffs, “I was just about to get out on my own. I had an appointment with a land lord this afternoon. Except someone decided to spend half my money and then someone else decided to steal it, so. No, you didn’t do me a fucking favor. You threw my life on it’s ass. And I”m not forgetting the hard work I’ve done for the past five years to get a scholarship and then keep it.”

His tone goes dry and sarcastic, “Yes, you’ve done me a huge favor and I’m going to worship you and kiss your feet.” He rolls his eyes, following Marco and staring at the room for a long moment before shrugging.
“I don’t care. I’ve lived in worse.” He steps into the room and slams the door shut.
Local Time:
1:58 PM
Oct 31, 2023
Marco clenches his fist as the door was slams. He hated when doors were slammed, especially in his own home. He didn't have time to mess around though, he had an important meeting with his second in command. He quickly walked away from Az's door and heading into his office where his second in command, Alfonso, stood in front of the desk. "Alfonso, I hope you have news about those fucking politicians who can be bribed or scared into submission."

"Yes sir, our men have been watching their every move and gathering as much dirt on them as possible. We even have Massimo working figuring out their dirty little secrets that can ruin not just their professional lives, but their personal lives as well." Alfonso said in a direct tone. Alfonso looked almost like an older and less tattooed version of Marco, His hair was just a little longer than Marco's and his eyes were almost black with a lighter complexion.

"Good, keep up the work. I have a new set of hands that will be keeping me busy for a bit until he is settled." Marco sighs as he sits back in his office chair and scrubs a hand over his face. "I also want you to start looking into the logistics of this country and find out the top companies that supply everything, a government wont be respected or strong if the people are rioting over their missing goods." Marco then waves his hand to send Alfonso on his way.

Alfonso nods and walks out of the office while Marco grabs out another cigar and lights it. He was tired of how this fucking country was running things, feeling he could and would do a much better job. Proof of the governments failures was now sitting in one of the many rooms of the mansion. A young boy who was living with a useless excuse of a man.
Local Time:
3:58 PM
Dec 15, 2023
Az didn’t do much. He just sprawled across the floor and stared at the ceiling for the better part of an hour. He didn’t want to leave the room and he didn’t really want to get up. He closed his eyes, staying starfishes on the floor and contemplating life. Life that, at the miment, currently sucked. He wouldn’t say he was a slave, per se, but definitely something similar. No free will, as he literally couldn’t leave the property, no money for the time being. Though he had no clue what he would do with it if he ever got it. Maybe prisoner was the right word, he knew someone would always be watching him, guarding him, and preventing him from doing things he wasn’t ‘supposed’ to do.

Eventually, he gets up, walking to the bathroom and turns the water on, watching it for a moment and then dipping his hands into the stream and lifting them to his face, gently scrubbing his hands over the delicate skin and washing away the traces of dirt and sweat that had accumulated during the day. Fuck, he was screwed. While the home was nice, he knew it would never be his home. He would never feel safe in the building. He closes his eyes, his shoulders shuddering. He just wanted somewhere safe he could call home.

He walks back from the bathroom and sits on the edge of the bed, silent.
Local Time:
1:58 PM
Oct 31, 2023
Marco stewed in his office for a long time, brewing up plans as to make each and every politician bend to his whim. He already owned majority of the shipping docks in the country along with having connections in every single airport. He just needed to gain control of the national companies that produced and shipped valuable products and then the politicians. "Those stupid fuckers don't know what's coming." Marco murmurs to himself. He had been planning this ever since he was 20 and now, after 8 grueling years, he was finally getting closer to his goal. He just needed someone with an innocent enough face to help make him look unassuming to any of the politicians once he started meeting them in person. Marcos mind instantly thought of Az in this moment. That young boy was going to be the perfect mask to prying eyes who might try to figure Marco's true intentions.

After finishing his cigar, Marco walks through the mansion slowly while he tries to think of a way to gain Az's trust. The boy already didn't like him and saying he was going to be a servant might not have been the best choice of words. "Fuck....." Marco was struggling to think of how to make Az more calm and relaxed. He would have to try and put himself into Az's shoes and imagine what he would want if he were in the same predicament. Marco then walks back over to the coffee table and grabs the envelope, tucking it into his pocket and heading into the kitchen. He looks at his kitchen staff and instructs them to start cooking dinner, it being chicken parmesan with a fresh salad, before heading to Az's room.

Marco took a deep breath and lightly knocked on the bedroom door and tried to keep his voice gentle and welcoming. "Hey Az, dinner will be ready in about twenty minutes. I know you aren't in a comfortable state right now, but please let me try to make things a little better for you. Just come out and join me at the dining table. I want to talk to you and try to help you."
Local Time:
3:58 PM
Dec 15, 2023
Az had fallen asleep, and wakes at the knocking on the door. He refuses to call it his door, or his room. He opens his eyes, letting out a soft groan and rubbing his eyes with his knuckles and yawns. He sits up, scooting his hips back so he could lean against the wall. He looks towards the window, noting the setting sun outside and frowns slightly. He looks back to the door, hearing Marco’s muffled words from the other side of the door. He huffs, food did sound nice. . .

“Fine.” He grunts back, sliding from the bed and pushing the blankets back into place. He rubs his eyes again, yawning and going into the bathroom. He spends a few moments in there before coming back out and walking to the bedroom door and opening it. He stares at the man on the other side of the door, placing his hands on his hips, “So, I don’t get to eat in silence?” He grumbles, “Do I get no peace around here?”

He pushes past the larger man, walking down the hall in the direction he had seen the dinning room.
Local Time:
1:58 PM
Oct 31, 2023
Marco clenches his fists and closes his eyes and he exhales heavily. This little fucking prick was pushing his buttons and he was about done with it. "It's called having manners and not eating like a mut." Marco spits out as he follows behind Az. He hated whenever people eat in their bedrooms, only making an exception for sexual play with food. He could tell this was going to be hard to make Az trust him, but he was clever and could conquer any obstacle thrown his way.

As they enter the dining room, Marco motions for Az to take a seat a here he sees fit. "I understand that you are not happy about being here, to put it simply, but I want you to know that I did not bring you here to mistreat you. I saw that nasty fucking hovel you had to live in and I want to show you that you deserve better." Marco pushes his fingers through his hair as he paces back and forth. "Of you just try to relax and let me get to know you a bit, I will help you with whatever you need. All you need to do is what I told you earlier and things will be better than you could imagine."
Local Time:
3:58 PM
Dec 15, 2023
Az rolls his eyes, sprawling out into a chair and kicking his feet up on the table, crossing his arms behind his head. He was enjoying this, watching as his words riled the older man up past deceiving. The fact that Marco was at the point of spitting words at him made Az want to mess with him more. Because Az may or may not take deep enjoyment of fucking with people who pissed him off. He looks at the table and then picks up what he assumes to be a knife made purely for decoration and not for use. It looked expensive too. He hums softly and them slides it into his mouth, and lightly uses it to pick between his teeth, keeping his gaze on the other man for a moment before dropping it in dismissal. He would say he might have balls at the moment.

“Happy or not, I still want to drag my nails down your face. I may even file them into points tonight just for you and your brutes.” Az raises an eyebrow, “Wow, I was under the impression that if I wasn’t a saint and do exactly as you tell me, then I would be hurt.”

He pulls the knife from his mouth and looks at the metal and then back to Marco, “Or, was that just some lie to get me to bend to your will? Because I can comply. . . Maliciously, if you piss me off enough.” He tosses the decorative piece of metal back onto the table, watching with satisfaction as it thuds on the fine, and most likely expensive, wooden table. If one moved the knife, they would notice a small dent in the wood.

He hums softly and drops his feet to the floor and stands, “I don’t want your help and quite, frankly, I don’t need it. So, you cam shove your help up someone else’s ass and leave me alone. Your ‘help’ ruined my life enough, and God forbid what else it will do to me.” He strides towards the open arch that lead out of the dinning room.

“Anyways, I’d much rather eat like mutt than eat with you. Or not eat at all. I’m used to issuing meals.”
Local Time:
1:58 PM
Oct 31, 2023
Az's continuous attitude finally hit Marco's last nerve. He had been patient long enough with the little brat and it was about time he learned just how the fuck Marco D'Angelo was. He growls and quickly strides over to Az, grabbing the young boy's arm and spinning him around to look into Marco's ice cold stare. "I suggest you get this through that fucking head of yours, you are stuck here whether you like it or not and things will only get harder for you if you keep fucking disrespecting me." Marco quickly, and rather tightly, grabbed Az's jaw and pulled the boy's face close to his own so there was only an inch in between them. "You don't want to get on my bad side Az. I always get what I want, whether it be through people giving it up willingly or by me taking it by force."

Even though Marco was infuriated with Az, he couldn't help but notice the boys soft and rather attractive features. His eye shape and color was something that Marco could stare at for hours. Even the boy's skin felt so soft in his grip.

"I didn't bring you hear to play fucking games. I am a man of my word Az. You just need to let go of your pride and let things happen. If you really want to know what kind of situation you are in, then look up my name....Marco D'Angelo and you will see I am not someone to fuck with."

Marco looked Az up and down one last time before scoffing and pushing the boy away roughly. He turned and headed out the back door. He needed to get his thoughts straight before he did something horrible to Az. The boy was merely in the wrong place at the wrong time and was now caught up in a bigger mess than he could ever imagine. Noticing Alfonso by the edge of the pool, Marco walks over and pushes his fingers through his hair with a heavy sigh.

"This fucking kid is going to be the death of me if he keeps that shit up." Alfonso chuckles and nods. "Maybe it would be a good idea to just let the boy adjust for a couple days before trying to talk to him again. Let it sink in that he is stuck here regardless of what he does." Marco nods softly with Alfonso's suggestion, figuring he was right. Az had only been there for a few hours, it wasn't like he was just going to give in to Marco so easily. Still, Marco couldn't get the image of Az's face and slender frame out of his head.
Local Time:
3:58 PM
Dec 15, 2023
Az gasps, panic flaring through his body at the unwanted and unexpected touch. “I don’t give a shit. You’re an asshole, just like my dad. And I made his life hell, I’ll make yours hell. I’ve been through shit, hurting me won’t do anything.” He squeaks at the grip on his jaw, his hand flashing up and ripping the other’s wrist, his nails digging into the skin and cutting slightly. Small red marks appeared beneath his nails in half moon shapes.

“And I’ve lived with a prick just like you my whole life. I know how to deal with assholes like you.

“And just because I don’t have my name and face on wanted posters and a giant price tag for my head doesn’t mean I’m not someone to fuck with, Marco. I don’t lay down and let shit happen to me, get that through your own thick skull.”

Az shudders at the look on the man’s face, the flick of his gaze over his body and growls, “And don’t fucking look at me like that.” He stumbles back a step before regaining his balance and storming from the dinning room. His feet take him beck to the room given to him and slams the door shut. He doesn’t care to notice the bed had been made in his absence or that the water he’d splashed on the bathroom sink had been wiped away.

He just goes back to the bed and sits down, closing his eyes and pulling his knees to his chest, taking deep breaths.
Local Time:
1:58 PM
Oct 31, 2023
After a few moments, Marco walks back inside and sits at the table to eat dinner while glancing at the knife Az used earlier. He didn't want to admit it, but Az's attitude was exciting. He had onky dealt with obedient memebers of his group for the majority of his life, making life somewhat dull. He looked up from his plate for a moment sent one of the younger, sweeter, maids to Az's room with a plate of food. Az might want to ring his neck, but surely he would at least be nice to the maid right?

While still eating, Marco tried to ouch any thoughts of Az away so he could concentrate on the bigger picture. It wasn't going to be long before Policitians started contacting him with demands for him to stop his actions. Marco wasn't too worried though, with Masimo working on bringing light to all of their dirtiest sexual desires, they wouldn't be able to stop Marco from doing anything.

A soft sigh came from Alfonso as the older gentleman stood behind Marco. "What could it possibly be? Is it because I brought the boy here?" Marco could almost read Alfonso's mind at this point.
"Well it's not like you really gave the boy a warm welcome. You should've at least given him the envelope like you were planning." "Do you really think he's going to just give in to me just because I instantly gave him back his money?! That little brat didn't even care about clawing at my wrist!"

Alfonso sighed and shook his head. "Just give him back the envelope now and then leave him to his duties, I'm sire he will come around when he sees the more gentle side of you."

He was right, Marco naturally was more gentle with his in home servants. Their rooms were always kept up on, their meals were given properly and with care, and they were always allowed one to two days of rest if needed.
Local Time:
3:58 PM
Dec 15, 2023
Az frowns at the soft knock on his door before uncurling and moving to open it, smiling gently at the girl and taking the plate before closing the door. He was in no mood to socialize, nor eat. He sets the plate down on the dresser and goes back to the bed, laying on his side and staring at the wall. His stomach burned with the need for food, while his head spun anytime he got close to eating, and if he actually ate the food. . . He knew he would spend the night in the bathroom on his knees.

He closes his eyes, falling into a restless sleep.
Local Time:
1:58 PM
Oct 31, 2023
The night dragged on endlessly for Marco after finishing his food. He couldn't stop thinking of plans for how he was going to take control over everything. He wasn't too concerned about anyone stopping him, yet he was concerned that something might happen to his people. He knew that there was a chance that his home be sabatoged by the CIA if he wasn't careful. He needed to win the trust of everyone in power before pulling the rug out from under their feet.

When the maid came back from Az's room without an empty plate, Marco got suspicious. Normally this young maid would always wait until the other would finish their food before returning. "Did he refuse to eat or something?" Marco asks quizzically. "No sir, he closed the door so I couldn't make sure he ate anything."

Marco huffs and nods to the maid before slowly walking to Az's room. He didn't want the boy to starve just because he had brought him here. He goes to knock on the door but hesitates. He needed to listen to Alfonso and just let the boy be for a bit. He figured he would just him the envelope in the morning. Sighing heavily, Marco turned and walked away from Az's door and back to his office, stewing over his plans once again.
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