Fantasy RP The Cursed Twilight Fangs which Devoured God's Chosen

Nov 19, 2022
@Lord Sesshoumaru



Unique Skills / Blessings:
(Unique Blessings)
Divine Health: Lena is immune to diseases and can choose whether or not she becomes impregnated when she has sex.
Blessed Steed: Lena carries a small figurine of a unicorn that can transform into a living mount when she speaks a prayer. It reverts to its original form if it is slain or if she dismounts from it.
Moonbound: Like Evie, Lena's strength waxes and wanes with the moon. She is strongest during a full moon and weakest during a new moon.

( Skills)
Weapon Training: Lena is skilled with a variety of weapons, particularly the longsword.
Holy Smite: Lena's attacks can channel radiant energy that is particularly devastating to undead.
Lay on Hands: Lena can heal wounds with a touch and a prayer.
Divine Sense: She has an uncanny awareness of when undead, demons, angels, Bel Necra, or her sister are near her, though she can't determine what direction they are.

She looks almost identical to her sister, with the same petite body and soft face. However, her hair is golden with a single streak of black, her right eye is brown and her left eye is blue, and she has a birthmark in the shape of a solid circle, exactly the right size to fill the empty space in the middle of Evie's birthmark. She wears gleaming plate armor that is well fitted to her slender body. When not in combat, she typically wears a white dress.



Unique Skills / Blessings:
(Unique Blessings)
Eternal Loyalty: She is cursed to be utterly loyal to Bel Necra, regardless of what he does to her or what he forces her to do.
Dark Regeneration: Damage to her body heals at an accelerated rate, and she can even regrow amputated limbs and other body parts. This also means that her virginity is restored after every time she has sex.
Moonbound: Since she shares a soul with her twin sister, neither of them can be at full strength at the same time as the other. Their strength is bound to the cycles of the moon. During a new moon, Evie has superhuman strength, reflexes, and mental fortitude. She weakens throughout the lunar cycle, and during a full moon, she is barely able to stand up without help.

( Skills)
Draining Kiss: If she kisses someone, she can try to sap their strength, render them more vulnerable to mind control powers, or even cause them to fall asleep. The effect is strongest if she kisses someone on the mouth or the genitals, but can be used on other parts of the body as well.
Siren's Call: She can let out a scream that attracts dark creatures--such as undead, demons, and tentacle horrors--to her location. She has no special ability to influence them once they arrive, however.
Womb of Death: If impregnated, she can abort the fetus at will.
Animate Member: While wearing a strap-on, Evie can cause it to behave like a living cock, including becoming erect, pleasuring her when touched, and ejaculating when she orgasms (though the semen that comes from it is black in color and sterile).

Slender and petite, she has long raven hair with a single streak of blonde in it. Her left eye is brown and her right eye is blue. The only blemish on her pale skin is a small birthmark in the shape of a ring on her lower back. She dresses in all black, and favors crop tops and short skirts with fishnets, with a dark hooded cloak over it all when it's cold or when she wants to be discreet.


Bel Necra Ber'Ith
(original Name: GiG )

(body stopped aging, however far older then one could truly realize )


Unique Skills / Blessings:
( Unique Blessings)
Mastery Over Life, and Death
( Dark Blessing Of Regeneration / Curse of Immortality / Undeath )
Loved Child of the Dark Goddess
(Doomed / Blessed to Always Find the soul of prior lover )
Cursed Armaments / Blessing of the Soul Harvester
( bound to the Reaper's scythe, can change it into Onyx sword, however if enemy is slain by it, can not be reanimated or resurrected )

( Skills)
Create Undead
Control Over Dark Souls
Mind Manipulation
Soul Corruption
Shadow Tendrils / Grasp
Bone Wall / Spike
Revive / Reanimate
Monster Tamer
Bestial Trainer
(combination of Monster, and beast trainer. )
Subjugation / Enslavement curse
Gate / Teleportation



Time passed, as a small group of adventurers had been summoned out to the forest neat a small village. It was near this village, where many undead had been reported to be coming from the miasma, which had begun to leak from the depths of the unconquered dungeon near by. as it was, this dungeon housed unknown creatures in the lower levels, one such beast was actually a target for an unknown force of darkness growing with in the world unnoticed by most. It would be this figure silently moving about the forest, using it's influence, as the hand glowed with a dark yet shinning purple flame, allowing it to direct the miasma like art on a canvas, with his fingers as the brush. with this, the figure could direct the growing stamped of dungeon beasts, and undead tours the village defenses, as well as allow the eyes of this fiend to pick out the ideal creature's which could be used to bulk up his undead forces. Perhaps even taking parts of some of the creatures to help create his own unique chimera like ghouls.

It would be this location where a small group of adventurer's with one powerful male, and three equally powerful maidens on the team, would make their work known. as it was, one of the members would have a unique bond with the lunar cycle, and more so the unknown figure in the area. For something with in them both would draw the two tours each other, with out ether realizing it at this point in time. While the group had their conquest posted with the small village's guild. The defense of the village, and eradication of the undead source, it would be a long night, for the undead assaulted came only at night. As such, the day would be the best time to assault the den, and the source, if they made it that far. For it would be this night that the source would be lured out of it's labyrinth den, and to a battle field fit for a feast.
"Are you ready?" Evie asked Ayla in a low voice. Tension was high among the four adventurers. While they had defeated many threats together before, they all had a sense that something was different about tonight. That this would be the greatest challenge they had yet faced.

"I'm ready," Ayla replied. The two archers, both girls in their early 20s and both dressed in black hooded cloaks, were working together to inspect their arrows as they loaded them into their quivers. "You sound nervous, Evie." The red-skinned tiefling looked at Evie with a hint of concern in her amber eyes.

"I just...have this sense of forboding. Like some horrible destiny is closing in on me." Evie sighed, running a hand through her long raven hair. "I wish my sister was with us. She's great at smiting undead. But she's still busy near the capital city."

Ayla placed a reassuring hand on Evie's shoulder. "We don't need her. This'll be no different from that goblin nest we cleared a few months back. Cor and Sylvie will draw the attention, and we'll take down the buggers with a hail of arrows before they know what hit them."

Evie smiled and clasped her hand over Ayla's. She was grateful for the encouragement. Ayla was her best friend other than her twin sister Lena. Of course if the two of them stuck together, they'd be okay.

She frowned over at her other two companions. Cor was flexing his biceps for Sylvie while the blonde elf giggled and used magic to surround them both with a shower of sparkles. Neither of them were the sharpest arrows in the quiver, but since they'd started dating, Evie had often felt like they were more concerned with impressing each other than staying focused on the mission. She didn't know if she could count on them in the face of her ominous feeling about tonight. But still, Cor's warhammer and Sylvie's fireballs could easily put a dent in a horde of undead. And their loud and upfront style would provide good cover while the two rangers hid and sniped. Evie shook off her misgivings. Despite her doubts about their maturity, her companions had always come through when she needed them.

"We should get in position," she announced, interrupting Cor and Sylvie's flirting. "It'll be sunset soon, and once that happens, the undead could arrive at any time." She strapped on her quiver and raised her hood as she and Ayla headed towards their hiding spots, positions with good cover that they'd located just outside the village, on the side adjacent to the woods. That was the direction the undead would strike from, or so they had been told. The plan was to break the tide of tonight's attack, then track the undead stragglers as they returned to where they had come from, and crush this incursion at its source.
The four adventurer's soon got themselves into position, with two up front, and the two archers hidden in the back. the ground began to rumble, the very pebbles could be seen vibration with increasingly regular pulses of motion. first the sensation of the ground, then came the odd sound, as glowing red, and purple eyes soon glared tours them. It would not be long before the sound of crows could be heard, as the black avian beasts soon began to swoop in tours any of the adventurer's they spotted. the birds themselves being undead as well, thus they could begin a slow infection with any pecks, or scratches inflicted upon a foe successfully.

The avian's assault was but the beginning, a distraction, as several large four legged beasts soon came out of the woods. 6 in totals, as they were an amalgamation of monster parts. the legs a mix of dragon, lion, wolf, arachnid. the tails on them like those of scorpions, as they possessed a upper humanoid body, which housed a glowing orb. each one had an orb of a different color. their heads like that of a partially revealed skull, and a dehydrated face. each one possessing one humanoid arm with a powerful looking shield attached to the arm, as the opposing arm was ether a powerful claw, a natural bone blade, or even several protruding tendrils used for capturing, whipping and worse.

as these Vanguards rushed out, the slower march of the undead could soon be seen, the Females, now mutated into abominations, the male's turned into bulking undead fiends with flesh over growing, or missing revealing bones. however the worse would be the pure skeleton's which marched up front, as they had actual armor, even if it was out dated, and damaged. as this would begin, the four adventurer's would have their hands full, yet the worse of it was still hidden, the source of this stampede. an undead entity, which rare awoke, and it was being lured out of it's den, thus the stampede was becoming far more powerful then it had any right to be. for this would begin the long night of defense, and losses.
Evie shared a concerned look with Ayla as the undead began to emerge from the forest. There were many more of them than the adventurers had anticipated. Not only that, but this was no mindless horde of shambling zombies and skeletons. These creatures were strong, well-equipped, and there was a calculated design to them, the unmistakable mark of a malicious intellect behind this threat.

"I wish it was a new moon," Evie muttered as the light of the half moon illuminated the battlefield. She and her sister had been conceived under a lunar eclipse, and their soul was bound to the moon itself, their strength waxing and waning with its heavenly phases. While Lena was strongest in the light, Evie thrived in the darkness. But there was no sense wishing that she could manipulate those phases now. Rather, they would have to crush this scourge as soon as possible--the waxing half moon meant that Evie's strength would only ebb over the next two weeks.

Even Cor and Sylvie looked a little taken aback at the sight of their foes, but they recovered their confidence. "Back to the grave, foul beasts!" Cor cried, hefting his warhammer and charging at the vanguards. But he was quickly swarmed by the undead carrion, their claws and breaks scratching at him and breaking his focus as he flailed out wildly.

Evie and Ayla tried to clear some of the birds, but a moving crow at night is a near impossible target, even for the most skilled sharpshooter, and they didn't want to risk hitting Cor either.

It was Sylvie who came to his aid. "Leave my boyfriend alone!" the young elf squealed, jumping out and pointing her wand. Streaks of arcane power leapt to strike the birds with absolute precision, sending a few of them falling from the sky in a puff of oily black feathers. The others pulled back, squawking angrily, but looked like they would soon muster for another attack.

The other undead were getting closer. They needed a plan of attack, and Evie knew that it fell to her, as the team leader, to make one. "Sylvie, you keep those crows at bay!" Evie called out, nocking another arrow as she spoke. "Cor, take down as many of the chimeras as you can! Ayla and I will thin out the ghouls and skeletons before they reach us!" Ayla gave a grim nod of appreciation for Evie's leadership. All four readied their weapons to meet the overwhelming assault. They were all too busy to notice Cor's skin already beginning to wither in small patches where the crows had scratched him...
The marching continued, as several of the enhanced skeletal warriors, and and archers took arrows to the skulls. by shattering the skulls, they would fall, and crumble. however a few of them having helmets on made this tactic harder to accomplish, yet not impossible. all the while, a few of the skeletal mages had thick glowing green mana, almost like magical slime wrapped around them. this mana could be changed to defend, or attack, as they moved forward. More then that, several of the undead began to split off, as the smaller female ghouls, released hellish squeals, and scree's before charging tours the only male on the battle field, while the male undead split up, to charge tours the three women. the two bulking brutes, would move like tanks, busting through tree's, and rocks with their massive over sized arms, using them like battering rams.
as these two brutes did this, their bodies, being slowly repaired by a mix of the mage's green ethereal magic, and their own undead regeneration, which would be a rare mutation. yet known to exist on higher undead, as their bodies restored themselves to the condition they were in when they evolved, or mutated, depending on the individual case.

as this was beginning to go south, and things ramped up, the male warrior, Cor would have successfully struck down two of the bladed armed chimera's, but not with out taking some cut's and minor stabs himself. each small wound had a faint mark of discoloration for the infection was their. as the birds had successfully done their job already, any more wounds would only speed up the change on the warrior. All the while, the Avian menace continued to fly around, retreating when ever some of them were vanquished, only to return with even more aggression, to aim for the warrior, as a few would fly in the way of Sylvie's magic. taking the hits for the more dangerous tendril armed chimera's.
The single strand of blonde in Evie's raven hair caught the light of the half moon as she fired arrow after arrow. Each shaft struck true, felling a skeleton or a ghoul, but the tide of undead was overwhelming. Though she kept fighting, she was getting a sinking feeling that her party had finally bitten off more than they could chew.

Ayla glanced over at Evie and saw the look of worry on her face. "We can do this," the optimistic tiefling reassured her friend. Evie didn't respond, merely shooting down another of the skeletal mages.

Cor didn't show such signs of despair. Yelling out battle cries, he swung his warhammer in wide arcs, keeping the smaller undead at bay before delivering devastating blows to the undead chimeras. In the heat of battle, he didn't seem to even notice the pain of the scratches and jabs he took from their bony blades in the process.

Chanting magic words, Sylvie waved her arms in a flurry of motion. Her spells came one after another, first a web of lightning to drive back the carrion, then a fireball to clear away some of the female banshees approaching Cor, then a shield of force to protect her from the arrows of the skeletal archers. Evie had never seen the young elf mage this focused. Sylvie was only 99, not yet fully mature, but tonight, she was fighting like an experienced battlemage. But even so, she was putting a little more fluorish on her spells than was necessary. With each casting, her golden hair billowed and her clear skin gleamed, and the bursts of fire and lightning took on the shapes of dragons or warrior maidens as they streaked towards their targets.

"Sylvie, stop being fancy with it!" Evie yelled. Sylvie just flashed her a grin and began charging up for an extra powerful lightning bolt. But she had become so focused on taking out the swarms, and she was so trusting of Cor to deal with the vanguard, that she completely missed two of the chimeras with tentacled arms closing in on her.

"Sylvie, look out!" Ayla screamed, but it was too late. Sylvie squealed, her magic dissipating, as tendrils suddenly lashed out to grab her...
with sickening crunches, and bone snapping impacts. the war hammer of Cor would tear the undead, and turn bones to powder, flesh to pulp. However as the warrior raged on, his flesh darkening, his veins becoming more visible, with a blueish purple color. it would be once Sylvie would find herself snatched by powerful tendrils. Snaking around her hands, and ankles, snaking along her lips, as some even snapped at her mid section to snatch the mage up with incredible speed. as the one beast bound, and began to snake it's limb replacing appendages along her elegant, and alluring frame. the Elven maiden would soon find herself feeling how these slick, vine like fleshy tendrils found their home under her clothing and armor. Sylvie able to feel every inch that the vile tendrils snaked around, as the hardening tips, would feel almost like arrow heads after a point, as they poked, and scraped along her.

the second beast with the Tendril arms moved to lash out at the captured maiden. Not caring for how much damage it did to her body, as it used the limb, like multiple, and consecutive whips. some of them producing a slick gel which would melt any armor, and clothing on contact, albeit slowly. while other's began to heat up, as if coated in radiating heat, to cut, and cauterize upon any flesh impacts. it would become quiet the show, and ordeal as one played with the prey, while the other lashed out at it, even making sure to destroy her armor, and clothing. painting quiet the show, as Cor would be fighting the odd instincts inside of himself, which was now growing to an uncontrollable degree, unaware as to why. His one eye began to bleed, and glow with an other worldly green flame. his panting growing much harder, as his arms bulked up, his fingers thinking as nails elongated. the corners of his lips began to tear, almost like a sick smile forming, as it moved to tear up to the lower area of his ears. allowing for his mouth to open far wider then it was meant to. however as he was succumbing to the infection, his corrupted voice shouted out, clear as day for all to hear.

"Get Off My Sylvie, I'll Kill all you Bastards. Don't Touch my WOMAN!"

his mind snapping more and more, as the undead he fought only slowed the changing man down, increasing the speed of his change, and mutation. As this went on, Evie, and her fellow archer soon had more magically enhanced skeletal warriors appearing near them. as several of the remaining crows would keep acting like living shields to allow forces to close in. Ayla would find herself as the next target for the twisted, and infected avian's, however if even one skeletal warrior got close enough, upon death it's magical core could release a twisted little slime monster. which would normally live in the skeletal monsters, and feed off their residue magic and any potential rotten flesh, which was long sense gone on these specimens.
The tentacles wrapped their way around Sylvie's slender body, hoisting her into the air and easily suspending her, spreadeagled. Sylvie thrashed and screamed, but there was no leverage for her to break free from their grip. She couldn't cast her spells with her arms bound, and since she was a physically slight and slender maiden, the loss of her magic left her totally powerless. "Stop! Let me go! Please! Someone help!"

The poor girl's screams only got more intense as the secretions from the tendrils began to eat away at her clothes, leaving her completely naked in a matter of moments. Sylvie blushed deeply at having her lovely body exposed in such a way. Elves have very high standards of modesty, and even one as flighty as Sylvie respected those values. Being suspended naked with no ability to cover herself, seen by allies and enemies alike, was mortifying to her.

But even worse was the tentacles' assault on her now exposed body. The tendrils that grasped her were writhing and caressing her pale skin, feeling up her slender arms, her shapely thighs, stroking her pretty face. A pair of them coiled around her perky breasts and began to squeeze and knead them. And worst of all, the tentacles around her thighs were slinking their way higher and higher, rapidly approaching Sylvie's exposed jewel, that pretty little slit that formed the center of her intimacy. "No no no please NOOOO!" she screamed out.

Still, things got even worse for the poor helpless maiden. With her companions pinned down and occupied, no one was able to stop the other tentacled chimera from approaching her, brandishing its own tendrils, their tips hardening into cruel barbs as they began to lash out at the maiden. Sylvie's pleas for help melted into one long scream of pain as the monster flogged her with its long, supple arms, cracking against her exposed body like the cruelest whips. The creatures showed no mercy or remorse, lashing every part of her body it could reach.

Sylvie's beautiful breasts were among the first targets for the lashing. They bounced and jiggled as harsh pink marks appeared on their pale flesh, tearing screams of anguish from Sylvie's throat. Soon her arms, stomach, groin, and thighs received the same treatment, and a blow or two even landed directly on the poor girl's exposed pussy, making her thrash and wail in utter agony.

Sylvie's companions weren't blind to the torment she was undergoing, but looked on in horror. Evie wanted to respect her friend's modesty by not looking at her like this, but it was impossible to tear her eyes away. "We need to help her!" she yells to Ayla, and both archers trained their bows on the chimeras, peppering them with arrows. Shot after shot found its mark, but the beasts didn't seem to care. The arrows didn't pierce deep enough into the creatures' thick hides to do any real damage, and to creatures incapable of feeling pain, it wasn't even an annoyance. Still, Evie and Ayla continued unloading their quivers into the beasts, desperate to save their friend from a horrific fate. The change in focus would cost them, as the skeletons continued to draw closer, their advance now unimpeded...

Cor, meanwhile, was making his way across the field towards Sylvie, roaring in rage as his body continued to transform. The wide swings of his hammer shattered ghouls and skeletons to bits, and when one of the shield-bearing chimeras stood in his path, he struck out so hard that he split its shield in two. Not even caring to finish off the foe, he shoved it out of his way and continued charging towards Sylvie.

The tentacled chimera that was whipping Sylvie didn't even see what hit it, so focused it was on torturing the pretty elf maiden. One mighty swing of Cor's hammer crushed its head to pulp. The last swing of its tentacles still connected with Sylvie's bare breasts, making her scream and thrash again, before the creature collapsed to the ground.

Sylvie, still held in the air by the last remaining chimera, looked down at her would-be rescuer with tearful eyes. "Cor, my hero...please, save me..." she whimpered, her voice hoarse from screaming. The tendrils had almost reached her pussy, and she was quaking with fear that this foul creature would defile her. In her relief at being rescued, she barely noticed the mutations that Cor had undergone. But unfortunately for her, his transformation had at that very moment been completed.

"You can keep holding her there, but don't you dare touch her," the hulking, purple-skinned monstrosity barked at the chimera. "She belongs to me." He flexed, tearing out of what was left of his clothing and armor, pieces that were no longer large enough to fit his bulging frame. Dangling between the undead Cor's legs was a cock that had grown to monstrous proportions. The size of his package had always been a point of pride for Cor, but now his cock was well over a foot long and thicker than Sylvie's arm. He stomped towards the still helplessly restrained Sylvie, his eyes glowing with lust and malice as he looked over her naked, abused body.

"Cor...what are! No, don't! Please, no! Not like this!" Sylvie screamed and begged as the monstrous Cor's intentions became clear.
The two archer's, Ayla, and Evie desperate to aid Sylvia ended up allowing more foes to get closer to them. For Ayla would be the first to find herself grabbed by the ankle, as several boney arms took hold of her. trying to pull the archer from her position, and down into a group of more undead. as they all seemed ready to have their fun with her. for the bulk of the ones waiting were the fleshy variety, with the skele's being the ones to try and get the women down into reach. However this was also an opening for a potential escape or shot to be made to try and help Silvia, if nothing else. to try and free one of her limbs to allow the elven maiden to use magic. This would soon turn into a scenario where Evie would have to priority aiding one party member or another, for it would not be possible to help both, at least not for her alone.

The larger skeletal creature which had been an amalgamation of a variety of different dead and slain creatures would be the one to move swiftly. clawing into the tree's, and bouncing from one trunk to another. for the tree tops would sway as it moved, signaling the approach of another large foe into this slowly dwindling pack. However unlike the current undead horde, this beast was summoned to do a task. as it moved tours the field of interest, the four empty eye sockets glowed with a sinister red, and blue hue. a magically formed tongue seemed to dangle from it's cracked, and chittering maw. for the more it slayed, or laid, the more alive it would seem to become. this beast was the necromancer's way to enjoy females, and test to see if they were worthy of his own wicked plans, figuring how if the party survived they would most likely assume his pet came from the stampeding dungeon horde.

The powerful looking Vanguard, not disobeying this newly formed brute of an undead alpha would keep the small woman bound. it's 5 thicker, more powerful tendrils, keeping themselves coiled from the ankles, and wrists up to the shoulders, and thighs. while the thickest of the 5 would be wrapped firmly around her waist. allowing the smaller ones to squeeze, knead, and play with her bouncing, and swaying breast. for they hugged the base of her fleshy mounds very tightly, as if trying to force the bulk of her tits to enlarge, and become more sensitive, even if this method would only cause pain. all the more, two of the smaller tendrils which snaked around, and slide along her slit would begin to wiggle into her slightly. for once Cor was getting into position, they would act almost like spreaders, as the beast produced an almost aphrodisiac like slime from the tendrils, which it did not use prior. as if wanting to weaken this woman's defenses all the more for this new powerful brute before it.

Cor's undead, and focused eyes locked upon those of his lover, and life partner, now turned prey. the brute of a man would move up upon the bound defenseless woman, only to suddenly slap her across the face, upon which it would follow up with a powerful grasp of her chin. wanting to ensure her mouth was open, the mutating beast would launch his tongue out, almost like a harpoon, wanting to sink it down her own throat. this action was not unforeseen, if one thought about the kind of beast he had become. however the fact remained, this monster was preparing to face fuck her with his thick now tendril like tongue, which even had a bulbous tip which normally would not possess. this would only add to the panic, for once it did this, and had her mouth occupied, then would the fiend move to press his giant friend up against her tiny little kitten. the hot thick seed escaping early only add a warm lube like sensation which would do little to help with the pain of such a large playmate. For core now had his prize in position, moving to enjoy Sylvia like he did in life, but to a much more brutal manor. the giant insertion would not be slow or gentle, but fast and viscous to go balls deep in one swift and aggressive movements, or as deep as he could go in her. As the wicked beast which was once cor began to have his fun, Sylvia would find that any time she might hit the edge of blacking out, his tongue would remove itself just enough to let her body take in more air, before returning to the abuse she would endure, even with her body forced to enjoy it to some degree. all thanks to the vile fluid the Vanguard exposed her. all the more, the powerful claws of Cor would begin to assault her breast after he was in motion with her womanly body and mouth.
Ayla screamed as many bony hands grabbed her, pulling her from her defended position and holding her fast. More of them began pulling and tearing at her clothes, ripping off her cloak and beginning to tear away the tight black outfit she wore, beginning to expose the bright red skin underneath. "Ayla!" Evie cried out, seeing her friend's plight.

"I'll be okay! Help Sylvie!" Ayla yelled back, thrashing against the skeletons' grip, but to no avail. Other creatures, fleshy ghouls with thick manhoods dangling, were drawing close. Evie knew that despite her friend's brave words, she had no time. If she didn't help Ayla right now, it would be too late. But the same could be said of Sylvie, who was screaming bloody murder as the undead hulk that was once her boyfriend prepared to violate her. With a clean shot, maybe Evie could free one of her wrists long enough for the mage to get a spell out.

Evie realized that she had a choice. It was a horrible choice to have to make, but not a difficult one. If she could only save either Ayla or Sylvie, it would be Ayla every time. Evie had no idea that saving Sylvie would have meant saving two lives. She didn't know that Sylvie and Cor had gone against elvish law and had relations before Sylvie reached the age of 100. She didn't know about the life growing inside Sylvie's womb.

Evie nocked another arrow and shot it just to the left of Ayla's head, shattering the skull of the skeleton that held her arms. Evie reached for another arrow and found that her quiver was empty. Tossing her bow aside, she drew her shortswords and charged into the fray. She wasn't as skilled with the blade as her sister Lena, but she would do the best she could.

"I told you to save Sylvie!" Ayla gasped as she wrestled free of the skeletons' grip with Evie's help. Her clothes were tattered and shredded, but still clung to her body just enough to protect her modesty.

"It was too late for her. But it wasn't too late for you," Evie replied grimly, continuing to keep the ghouls at bay with her swords.

Poor Sylvie was left all alone at Cor's mercy. She tried to scream as the thick tendril of a tongue slithered out of her former lover's mouth, but her scream was quickly smothered by the disgusting thing filling her mouth, pressing down on her tongue, forcing its way towards her throat. Sylvie gagged hard. Though she'd been liberal enough to have sex with Cor before she was of age, she'd never gone so far as to pleasure him with her mouth or her ass. Her tight little throat was completely unprepared for the task, but she had no choice. The bulbous end of the alpha's tongue forced its way down despite her gagging, blocking off her airway completely. At the same time, the bulging undead cock plunged inside her.

Sylvie felt like she was being ripped apart. Her pussy was on fire as it received the massive penetration. Cor had always been gentle with her, conscious of the way his big dick could hurt her, but now he was pounding into her with no regard for her well-being. Sylvie's body shook, her pretty hands and feet clenching in pain, as she was unable even to scream to express her agony. She was being stretched beyond the limits she had been designed to take.

And yet, somehow, her pussy was becoming wet with juices. She realized that, despite the horrific pain, this felt good to her. Her cheeks burned with shame as she was pleasured by her rape. She didn't know about the aphrodisiac. She just thought she was a whore. She felt filthy and violated--and lightheaded from lack of air. The alpha occasionally drew his tongue back, but never enough for her to truly catch her breath. The lack of air made the sensations of both pain and pleasure more intense as she gagged and moaned and struggled against the tentacles that held her cruelly in place while her helpless body was assaulted. Cor's big clawed hand slapping her face and roughly seizing her tortured breast added to her misery, though truthfully, she barely noticed these things in comparison to the horrible pain between her legs.
Now with the two archers forced to rely on melee weapons, tactics, skills, and some good old CQC to whittle down their foes. the undead moved towards them from all angles, the green glowing skeletal fiends, warriors, and even mages moved. the warrior's forming weapons and shields from the green plasma like magic to attack. while the fiends formed their limbs into whips, chains, and even forming more lewd base tools from their nether region. as one could say the made the one eye snake name into a magical monster which would bite upon it's foe and use it's tongue, and fangs to have fun with the prey. However as the mage's stood back, they made this all possible, channeling their impressive mana into the attacking bone men. their red and green glowing orbs, housed in the rib cage's glowed, showing which ones were being used for offence, and which were the support, base on the colored orbs.

as this went on, the now barely covered up Ayla would find several of the flesh covered undead moving more towards her, while the bony ones moved towards Evie. As it seemed her more exposed flesh was the lure for the hornier undead members, which could help the two keep them under some kind of control, unless Evie herself began to become uncovered more as well. the first two of the fleshy ghouls would kneel down, before darting to try and tackle the Tiefling, as the second wanted to pin her down, and straddle her chest if they successfully connected. In the group several smaller goblin zombies would dart off with impressive speed. their little claws now converted into actual blade claws, no longer possessing fingers. the bones having fused together to make this odd claw, as it pierced through their own palms to form, as they aimed for the ankles, and knees of ether women. All the while, the tree's continued to rattle, and groan with each impending impact from afar. the sound of the air growing more chaotic, as the birds which once attacked and annoyed them suddenly began to fly off, as if being scared off.

as the undead, did not relent, they did not seem to notice the glowing eyes approaching from the darkness, as if the beast would stop right as it drew close enough to watch the scene playing out. this would only make one thing it was indeed the dungeon lord, having followed it's horde out, despite this not being the case. however as it was, Evie, and Ayla would have to deal with their current condition, as nether of them knew at this point in time. their fate had now been sealed, even if they did not sense it yet. the aura of the impending great beast would seem to almost empower the bone, and ghouls, while scaring off the more animal based undead. As this went on, it would almost seem like the beast in the darkness wanted to see one of the women fall, and get abused, before swooping in for it's master's orders.

As she helplessly squirmed in the tight bindings, her fingers, and toes able to curl, and grasp into her own flesh. her weakening body able to do little, as Sylvie would soon feel the tongue assaulting her tight little throat begin to swell, pulsate, as it twisted with each thrust. soon a strange sweet yet oddly salty taste could be recognized, as coming from this beast. the faint taste she would get from a romantic kiss with this man, but was so much worse now. as his own saliva, and bodily fluids had an aphrodisiac like effect to them, after having mutated into this bulking beast. all the while, the powerful clawed hands grasping her, would squeeze the tiny elven lover's breast in the palm. as his fingers crushed the soft fleshy mound in, like trying to grasp a ball, before rotating the hold, to imitate trying to twist it off, but only with enough force to cause some pain, but no real damage. as the other massive hand moved to slide away from her chest. taking a powerful hold of her tiny waist. the thumb pressing around her left side, as the now elongated, and powerful fingers seemed to reach to her other side. the nails beginning to dig slightly into her sides, as the palm pressed against her lower back, turning this into quiet the sight. where Sylvia was becoming her former lover's personal flesh light, however once her body was secured for use, Cor would mage a facie, and eye gesture for the remaining van guard to release her weakening body. for this beast would enjoy his partner until one of them ended, or she turned. However the one absorbing the full infection was not Sylvia herself, but the unborn child growing with in her. As such, it would almost seem as if some twisted part of her lover still existed.

as this played out, in it's own sick, and twisted way, it could almost be seen, as the fiend trying to keep her from being infected with how she showed no signs of it. as well as keeping her from being used, and abused by other undead, despite how Cor was abusing her himself. Was it possible this would be the last act of passion from her lover, and as such her fate would be sealed by him alone? or perhaps once he was milked enough to be sated, she would be allowed a chance to lay on the ground, as his instincts would dictate to go for more prey. which if this was the case, she would find herself with no undead around her, if Sylvia endured long enough with out blacking out, to get to this point, and endure at least two thick vile loads of her lover's now infectious baby batter.

With all this going on, most would miss the strange blob like pile of flesh moving on the ground, and towards the horde of undead. as it moved, any undead standing on it, would seem to glow faintly, before suddenly melting away. as in fact these ones were being absorbed by the creature, which was moving, and turning them into more energy, and nutrient's for it's own power. Being drawn to the two warrior maidens, surrounded by the larger group of undead, which would soon have a tendril, whip arm van guard joining in from mid range.

( slow approaching boss, begins to play doom boss music in background wink wink : the only thing they fear is you : )
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