General RP The family that plays together, stays together (Liz and Crow) (NSFW image)

Julie gasped through the gag, wincing as she felt another orgasm sweeping over her like a storm. When she couldn't know was that she was being watched the entire time from a hidden camera, aimed diectly at her, or at least in perfect view of her pussy.
Her legs trembled and she moaned, nectar dripping off the vibe. She was quickly becoming too weak from multiple orgasms to try and escape, although she kept a constant tug on the ropes.
Minutes passed, then hours. Julie laid there, exhausted from multiple orgasms. She laid there, her body twitching from yet another climax, wondering if she would ever get free. Seeing her brother without a condom while he raped her, her most fertile time of the month, Julie didn't need one of those home diagnostic kits....she knew she would become pregnant.

Their parents would be home in a few days....what would happen then? was Nate planning to keep her prisoner in his bedroom, stashing her away in a closet, naked gagged and bound until the coast was clear to bring her out again?

Eventually her brother returned.
She nodded her head and the gag was removed. Julie licked her lips....
"wh....what are you planning on doing with me?," she asked.
"I won't scream," Julie said as she watched him untying first her left wrist then her right. This was the first opportunity she would have to escape. As before, his cock sprung out looking just as menacing as before.
She waited patiently, rubbing her wrists, watching as he placed the food on a table.

As he did, she bent over and frantically rushed to her ankles, hurriedly untying them before he noticed.
Her golden opportunity now before her, Julie wasted no time, managing to untie her ankles just before he turned around. This was it....she had to get away, had to go and tell sommeone what her brother was doing with her. she would go to a friends house and call her parents, then go to a doctor and do something to terminate the pregnancy before it took hold.

Her tits swayed as she ran naked down the stairs....the front door was no more than a thousand yards ahead of her, agonizing close.
She was almost there when suddenly she felt hands grabbing her and she was forced onto the floor.
Julie knew Nate would not make the same mistake twice....he would do something more drastic to keep her prisoner.
"NO!," Julie shouted, praying someone---anyone would her her screams for help.
He plopped her back on the bed but this time took out 4 pairs of handcuffs. She knew she could never get out of those and tried her best to struggle, pull her hands and feet away as he grabbed her. In no time, she was spreadeagled again, cuffs securing all 4 limbs to the corners of the bed. There would be no chance of escape now.

Julie stared wide eyed at the torture tool he now held.
"Wh....where did you get THAT?," she asked.....soon she was screaming as he whipped her across her tits, focusing on her nipples and thighs, dangerously close to her pussy.
"N-n-n-no," Julie pleaded as she watched him take the whip and move slowly downwards from her now sore tits....he brought it down between her breasts, down to her belly then lower.
It was now at her pussy.....she struggled with the cuffs, the metal making clinking and rattling sounds as she fought, her head shaking.

At first he just lightly ran it up and down her slit....then he drew back. Julie's eyes popped out wide.
"NO!," she cried....."anyplace but....THERE...."

She screamed in agony as he whipped her exposed pussy over and over, her screams filling the room.

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