The Fate that Binds Us (TuesdayAfterNext?)

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Nov 10, 2022
Closing her eyes, Ravynn tried to tap into her powers to receive a vision of the future, but was returned with nothing.

Dammit- if only I could go to the moonpool, then I could regain some of my magical strength.

Her eyes reopened as she sighed, putting out her meditating candles and incense, going to stand. She went to one of the barred windows, looking out to see a crescent moon rising in the sky. It had been nearly a decade since she had come to serve the vampire lord-who resided in this extravagant coven- had been fighting with his half brother--a lycan--who controlled the west region of this country. Ravynn wasn't entirely sure what the feud was about, but she guessed it was rooted in family matters. Not to mention that they were both different supernatural species, bound to hate one another and kill for power.

It was silly, she thought, why couldn't Lycans and Vampires get along? Together they would be an unstoppable force against any other supernatural - and especially unstoppable against the humans who had begun to rise up in protest and sent out their own hunters. But what did it matter to her? She knew there was protection here in the coven, rather than be out on her own, being hunted down by her own kind (the humans) for the very thing that made her useful to the vampires.

But she knew her magic power had been waning for a while now-- because she hadn't been able to go to the moon pool - a sacred place for mages alike to draw more power from their source, the moon. And without that- the hopes of having a mage on their side, the vampires would lose this battle against those who threatened their very existence. The werewolves and humans were increasing in numbers month by month it seemed. And the threat of the war coming to the coven was all too real.

Like it or not, she knew war was inevitable between the three species, as the now self aware humans began to pose more of a threat the longer the days passed.

Later, Ravynn had decided to finally leave her room and began heading towards the lord's chambers. She had tried to receive her usual visions, ones that had helped the vampire lord in seeing what his enemies next moves were, but since she was returned with nothing, she would have to explain that to him in hopes he would let her go to the moonpool to recover her magical strength.

But she knew that this request wouldn't be turned down, for since she had known the lord for a very long time he knew her to be very trustworthy.

Originally, she had been taught to manipulate the rulers of this land (so that her own witches coven could retain a hand in power), and when she became of age- she would be sent off to become a magical advisor to a lord of a coven. Be it Lycan or Vampire- or a human lord/king. She was meant to stay politically neutral, no matter what problem may arise. But of course, that did not mean she wouldn't act on her own.

And Ravynn never wanted power, she never wanted to become feared like her siblings had dreamt of, manipulating the lords and kings of this world-- so she had confided in the lord right away, telling him why she was originally sent- explaining that she never had any intentions on manipulating him and that she was thankful that she had been sent away from her coven when she did, even though she had originally been weary of residing here.

So as the years went by, she actually helped the vampire lord in his endeavors during the never ending feud with his lycan brother - they had both been human like her, but had been cursed/infected long ago before she was born to walk separate paths- one of lycanism and one of vampirism. The lord was trying to come to reason with his lycan brother, but it seemed like war was inevitable between the two species, no matter how long he stalled.

And unfortunately it had been discovered that over the years, Lycans no longer were held by the sway of the full moon, and could turn at will - so it was even harder for the vampires to fight back, as they no longer knew how lycans worked anymore. And that's where Ravynn had come in- and her visions of the future. Her magical abilities were able to help the vampire lord figure out his next point of attack, and she was now working on a way to help him and his subjects walk in daylight, so that they could finally have the upper hand in the battle, since lycans (and not to mention humans) were able to move throughout the day and the vampires could not.

And one would think that through all of this happening-- some may have speculated her and the vampire lord had a relationship going on, but this wasn't true- for the lord mentioned for as long as he feuded with his brother, he really didn't have time to focus on relationships.

  • Age: Appears 23 but is actually 33 (her magic keeps her appearing young)
  • Height: 5'3 / 160 cm
  • Weight: 130 lbs / 58kg
  • Race: Human
  • Appearance: 9085671B-0363-4836-B698-884A1970FAC4.jpeg
  • Family: Deceased
  • Background: all she knows is that she was raised to obtain power but that is not what she desires.
  • Likes/Dislikes:
    • Likes: Rainy weather and a cozy, warm fire. She would prefer to stay indoors than outdoors- but one of her favorite outdoor spots was the moonpool.
    • Dislikes: Hot, sweaty weather-- her allergies from all the pollen in the air make her nose run and her eyes water, she dislikes the feel of sun on her skin, and rather much stay away from anything that requires to be in sunlight.
Some photo suggestions for your character:

Pro tip: You can resize your photos! Just click/tap photo and choose this: Screenshot 2023-11-21 105407.png - then do 250 x Auto (my recommendation!) it's honestly a lifesaver for all of the photos I add.
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Caspian’s paintbrush lifts away from the canvas with some hesitation at the knock at his door. He was lost in years long past, and his painting reflects as much. Though still rough and unfinished, a short, steepled church sits between two tall fields of grain swaying beneath a dark sky. Caspian had never seen the church under the light of day, though he remembers the brilliance of fire against the black of night.

“Come in,” Caspian answers, sparing a glance at who would call on him this early, as only a very few would. He’d awakened at nightfall and had yet to make himself presentable, standing only in his shirtsleeves and trousers.

As one enters, the walls showcase Caspian’s past work, with portraits and landscapes adorning the rich wallpaper. At the heart of the room, a grand canopy bed dominates the space, its intricate wooden frame resembling gnarled tree limbs frozen in perpetual winter. Adjacent, a vanity with a stained-glass mirror lined with ornate filigree bears witness to Caspian’s nightly routine. A solitary candelabrum forged from blackened silver hangs above, casting flickering light on the room. The cool breath of late fall drifts in from the open balcony doors, facing west towards the sleeping countryside.

Caspian’s mood shifts when he takes note of his guest. Ravynn’s visits had a way of arresting his attention, as they often came with news he wasn’t always fond of learning. This conflict with his brother has gone on long enough. Though it still pains him, the feud with Devon hadn’t cooled in time as Caspian had hoped. At first, having the foresight to anticipate your enemy’s intentions had allowed Caspian the gift of fighting this war with one hand behind his back, but that time has long passed. Whatever magic his brother discovered that allowed his kind to shift at will had turned the tables of war, and Caspian’s patience had run thin.

“Ravynn,” Caspian intones warmly in greeting as he gestures vaguely at the room at large, inviting the witch to a seat where she wishes. This wasn’t the first time she'd found herself in his chambers; the accuracy and reach of her Sight was notable even among her kind, and he found the breath of her power as valuable as his own. Caspian turns back to his painting, lightly dabbing his brush back into the palette streaked with hues of night. “To what do I owe the pleasure?”
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Ravynn hitched a breath as she heard Caspian’s voice call for her to enter, and she made her way inside of his chambers. She had pushed past the thick oak door and into the extravagant room. Coming into his chambers, the smell of the crisp late fall air filled her lungs with a freshness she didn’t know she needed.

As she continued to come closer to where Caspian’s was, her eyes laid on each of the finite details inside of the room, which never ceased to amaze her- and she knew it hadn’t changed much in over a decade. She could close her eyes and know exactly what Caspian’s room looked like, down to the very bristles on his brush that he had on his hand.

When the cool air reached her in a light breeze, Ravynn couldn’t help but shiver lightly as she tried to put together her thoughts. Soon being taken out of them as he gestured for her to sit, and once she was asked the question she had been dreading, she gave a small frown.

“Caspian- I mean,” she cleared her throat, reminding herself she needed to be formal when speaking to him- knowing that the walls have ears, and so did that courtyard down below his balcony. “My lord…I bring worrisome news.. my power grows weaker,” she spoke in a hushed tone. Her beautiful face wrinkled in worry, he could tell she was anxious, especially now knowing what Devon had achieved- the threat of the Lycans loomed closer every passing day.

“I require that I travel to the moon pool. I know the full moon is in a couple of nights, as the moon is just now starting to reform,” she mentioned and glanced to the sky, catching a glimpse of the crescent claw marked shaped moon hanging in the darkening sky. “I hope by going, I can replenish my magic and give you the answers you desperately seek after..” she knew it was risky in traveling, and the moonpool was a two day travel. If she were to go with an escort, it would have to be done at night. She waited anxiously for Caspian’s response.
Caspian allows his brush to linger on the palette in thought; he should have foreseen this. Ravynn would normally make this journey with a number of his most trusted soldiers, but recent events had changed things. As it currently stands, Caspian’s inner circle is spread thin across his territories, busy recovering ground they had lost after the last skirmish. There were others he could send in their place, but they were yet untested, and Ravynn was too precious to entrust to such a task. Still, Caspian could not afford her Sight to falter when they’d yet to gain an advantage, not now when they still haven't recovered from the last blow.

“I have no one I trust at hand to escort you,” Caspian admits at length, a fact Ravynn was all too aware of considering her worry. Caspian’s eyes glint, catching the candlelight as he turns his attention fully to his witch. “We can’t leave anything to chance, Ravynn. In that case, I shall escort you myself,” he explains, cleaning his brush methodically.

Caspian is no stranger to the dangers that lurk in the journey ahead and the ever-present threat of Devon's advances. Still, the alternative is to bid their time until they gather their resources, blindly awaiting the knife in the dark and the wrong information—more losses. Outside of being outright outnumbered, Caspian could at least trust himself to make sure they return. “I've grown curious about these moonpools,” Caspian continues working at his task, glancing up occasionally. “If they're as enchanting as the tales suggest, perhaps I'll find inspiration for my next masterpiece.”
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Ravynn watched Caspian as his brush lingered there on the pallet, clearly deep in thought to her request. She knew that typically she would travel with a select few, hand picked from Caspian's soldiers to accompany her all the way to the moonpool. But with the way it currently was, such parties formed were scarce in this time of war and diligence. Caspian would need everyone and anyone to make sure all of his territories were covered, and any ground lost regained. Ravynn also knew that Caspian wouldn't just let her leave with anyone, that her status here and her magic was needed desperately, without it Caspian would make decisions that more than likely could harm his efforts in fighting against Devon rather than have an advantage against his brother.

But it wasn't like Caspian was truly powerless without Ravynn, as he had done so in the past long before he had her in his court. But keeping her close was now like having a double edged sword, and gave him that upperhand he so desired.

Yet knowing what Devon was capable of, finding magic to help his kind to turn at will was dangerous, and Ravynn knew all too well that there had to be a mage over there like her. Clearly the talents were separated, as it seemed Devon really didn't get the upper hand anymore in battle due to her being one step ahead- but at this rate who knew what kind of mage they were dealing with.

At his answer, she seemed not surprised at all. She gave a soft smile and a shake of her head, tsk'ing with her tongue. "How'd I know you would come to that answer?" she asked, not expecting him to respond. At the mention of seeing the moonpool, she gave a curious tilt of her head, "Well, I'm certain it may inspire you- it is magic in nature after all. The moonpool is quite the resource for us mages..who's to say that a vampire cannot use it as well?" she shrugged, wondering about the interaction that might happen. To her knowledge, the moonpool was for all mages alike, a neutral, spiritual ground. But, to have a vampire approach it's waters... she was unsure what may happen. The only way to find out was to see it for herself, she supposed.

"The moon should take 11 days to reach it's full. It's a two day journey to the moonpool, but I fear that one may be being used by Devon's mage.." she mentioned next, frowning slightly. "I have gathered information about another moonpool, but that journey will take as long as it takes for the moon to reform. The location is somewhat hidden and lesser frequented," Ravynn explained, hoping Caspian was up for the journey. He would have to be, and so would she. She had no other choice.
Caspian considers the weight of Ravynn's words, his eyes narrowing at the mention of Devon's mage possibly using their closest moonpool. Setting down his brush at last, Caspian turns towards the balcony in thought. The night unfolds slowly; the moon beginning its ascent in the dark sky, its feeble glow a reminder of how little time they have. A shadow of concern crosses his features, fleeting but undeniable. The ongoing conflict with Devon has pressed him to explore avenues he might have once dismissed. Devon found a way to twist the moon’s essence in his favor, and undoing it could finally be what could put an end to this feud.

“Devon's mage,” Caspian muses, his voice measured and cool, “is a bitter cup I’ve nursed for long enough. If this mage is harnessing its power, there’s no time to waste. We'll take the direct path to the moonpool you mentioned, even if it means facing the possibility of encountering Devon's forces. Should we reach it first, there’s a chance to discover the secret behind my brother’s newfound mastery of his nature. If what we learn can shift the tide in our favor, we take it.”

Caspian closes his eyes, breathing in the snap of looming winter far back on his tongue. The steepled church fills his thoughts—the fire-licked grip of night, the fields of grain—so many battles. Even if Caspian could bring his brother to heel, would Devon ever submit?

“As for the second moonpool, we'll keep that as our contingency,” Caspian continues, pushing away his doubts. “Ravynn, we tread in uncharted waters, both metaphorically and, perhaps soon, quite literally,” he says, turning back with a hint of a smirk playing on his lips. “If there's magic to be harnessed from these moonpools that could benefit us in this war, I won't shy away from it.”

Closing the balcony doors, Caspian adds, “Prepare for our journey, Ravynn. We leave when you’re ready.”
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Ravynn listened to all of his words intently and understood where his replies were coming from. It certainly made more sense to observe and see where Devon’s mage was up to- to get a better understanding of their enemy’s tactics was something that would be very valuable to them in the long run.

Knowing that they would have a bit of a journey ahead, she would then have to pack just the right amount of items to carry along, but not enough to hinder her in any way. Having her horse for the journey would help further as well, and she thought about these things when he told her to prepare for their journey.

Upon those words from Caspian’s lips, she stood and bowed slightly to Caspian, “Of course, My lord. I shan’t be long in preparing, and I shall meet you down at the stables in about an hour-“ she mentioned to him, dismissing herself from his chambers and heading back to her own.

She would go ahead and choose warm attire to wear, making sure that she wouldn’t be freezing would definitely be vital in this situation. It was then she was thankful that moonpools were naturally heated, so it could be used in any weather which was much needed for the mages.

Ravynn then turned on her heels to go prepare her sack, pulling certain dried herbs and medicines off of her desk, putting them in pouches. Making sure she had her runes for guidance- dried fruit in case she became hungry along the way but knew that Caspian would keep her fed at night by hunting their meals.

She began to lastly grab her sleeping pack, rolling up the thick blanket and snapping the belts over it to help it attach to her saddle better. And before she left the inside of the coven to head to the stables, she had a full sheepskin of water, a dagger attached to her belt that she wore and a map in her hand for the new discovered moonpool she had found.

Ravynn approached the stables to meet Caspian, seeing he had already prepared their steeds, and she began to latch up everything to her horses’ saddle. She moved and brought the hood of her cloak up, and resituated the pants that she was wearing. It wasn’t uncommon for her to wear such things, considering the journey they’d be taking and she didn’t want to be in a dress this whole time. Her leather mixed with chain mail armor was also crucial to make sure any injuries sustained would be less harmful.
After Ravynn departs, Caspian wastes little time calling for his chamberlain. The journey will be long, and their absence will be noted. Caspian sweeps through his rooms, busy preparing himself while he waits. He first stops before a massive, ornately carved wardrobe, its surface adorned with intricate scenes of battles long past. As he swings open the doors, the polished wooden interior reveals a collection of meticulously arranged garments, each bearing the mark of luxury evolving through the centuries.

At the center of the wardrobe, a finely crafted leather scabbard displays Caspian’s trusty sword. Its hilt, embellished with ancient runes, glimmers in the candlelight. Drawing the sword from its sheath with a soft hiss, Caspian examines its silvered edge, imbued with the essence of moonlight. The blade served him well through many battles, back when his enemies were more predictable. Tonight, it would once again taste the night air. Caspian’s gaze drifts to a nearby table, where various vials await. A concoction of wolfsbane is carefully measured and mixed. Dipping a cloth into the potion, Caspian runs it along the length of the silvered blade, ensuring its potency. He pockets a vial for the road, just in case.

The expected knock finally comes, and the silvered sword finds its place in the scabbard at Caspian’s hip. “Enter.”

Baldrick, Caspian’s human chamberlain, enters the room with a bow. “You called, my Lord?”

“I intend to visit Silas and the others scattered along our borders; I have plans in motion that can’t wait for their return,” Caspian explains as he dons his attire—a shirt of deep crimson under dark leather armor that molds to his form, providing both protection and flexibility. Shrugging on a black coat embroidered in silver, he fusses at his cuffs before turning to face his servant. “I’m taking Ravynn with me. See to my affairs while I’m gone.”

Baldrick nods at the sudden news, unruffled as always. “Should I send word ahead to the others?”

Caspian sweeps a cloak over his shoulders before opening the balcony doors once more. “No need. I’d rather keep this visit unannounced.”

Without waiting for a reply, Caspian steps up onto the balcony railing and into the velvety darkness of night. The ground rushes to meet him before he lands solidly on his feet, disturbing the last few fireflies of the season. He strides purposefully through the courtyard of his ancestral castle, his mind on the impending journey. Outside the stables, a lantern flickers at the foot of a stable boy, nodding off at his post. Caspian wakes the boy and dismisses him for the night; the fewer aware of Ravynn’s movements, the better. As he steps inside, the earthy scent of hay and the soft nickers of horses greet him. Accustomed to Caspian's unnatural presence, the horses shift curiously in their stalls at his arrival. Striding down the aisle, Caspian scans the occupants. Among them, he finds Vesper, his favored stallion and loyal companion through the trials of war.

Caspian runs a hand along Vesper’s powerful neck in greeting, admiring the polished onyx shine of the beast’s coat. “Tonight, my friend, we embark on a different kind of battle.” Vesper nuzzles back in reply before Caspian’s hands set to work, securing the saddles and ensuring every detail is attended to. The night is still as he works, the silence broken only by the occasional stamp of hooves or the rustle of hay.

At length, Caspian senses the quiet step of his witch entering the stables, her cloak wrapped tightly around her. The moon's glow painted her silhouette, and Caspian couldn't help but notice the determination etched into her features as she offers a nod of greeting. They don't have time to linger. After tending to her supplies, Caspian offers Ravynn a hand, a silent gesture for assistance. Taking it, she places a foot into the stirrup, and with a swift motion, he helps her onto her mount. Caspian follows suit with practiced ease before flicking up the hood of his own cloak, concealing his face in shadows. The horses move with a rhythmic grace as they’re led out of the castle grounds, their hoofbeats echoing in the stillness. The night embraces them, and the countryside unfolds before them—a vast expanse of fields and forests blanketed by darkness.
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Ravynn finished setting everything to her own stallion, Moondrop- ironic in the name to say the least- she had been with Moondrop ever since she had come to this coven. He was a dark dappled grey, with a lustrous black mane.

She had sensed his anxiousness, and began petting Moondrop on his nose to settle his nerves. Once she had done so, she turned to Caspian who had offered her a hand up. Taking his hand she placed her foot in the stirrup and with his help easily and swiftly hoisted herself up and over the saddle.

Grabbing the reigns, it wasn’t long before they set out and began their journey, heading out into the dark of the night. Ravynn was thankful that Caspian could see into the dark and so could their stallions, for she had to rely on certain herbs to do so. Nevertheless, Caspian was in the lead, and she followed him close by.

It was only until close to daybreak when they stopped, knowing they wouldn’t have about an hour to seek out shelter and find food. Ravynn and Caspian had found a little covert cave, which thankfully was well protected from the elements.

After tying their horses to nearby tree branches, Ravynn soon went about collecting firewood while Caspian would set off to hunt for their meal. Well, he’d only take raw parts and practically drain it of blood, but Ravynn wasn’t complaining. By the time he would return, she would have the fire set up, and her sleeping blanket already placed by the fire- she was sitting on it and currently drinking a bit of her water.
Caspian tends to the makeshift spit over the fire, slowly turning a skewered rabbit over the flames. Small pops and hisses from the sizzling fat fill the silence as it crisps. Caspian had never been much of an outdoorsman in life—that was more his brother’s domain—and the same held true in undeath. Still, he remembers a time when victims didn’t give themselves over willingly, and such prey holds little challenge to one of his kind. With the privilege of lordship, the hunt may have changed, but the hunger remains the same.

Caspian looks up at Ravynn, sitting comfortably across the fire, admiring the shadows playing across her delicate features. Far from the prying eyes of the court, he’s reminded of the unique closeness the two share. She was more than a tool for his war; there's a trust between them that goes beyond the ordinary bonds of their positions. It's a connection that defies the rigid structure of their world, a connection built on shared battles, whispered confessions, and the promise of loyalty. Caspian's thoughts drift to the nights he had spent in solitude before Ravynn entered his court, the endless monotony broken only by the bloodthirsty pursuits that defined his immortal existence. But now, with her, his nights are anchored with a small comfort he hadn’t indulged in decades.

“Dinner is served,” Caspian smirks with a playful formality, pulling the skewered golden brown rabbit from the fire. Placing it on a makeshift platter fashioned from scavenged wood bark, he offers the dish to Ravynn with a flourish. Her fingertips briefly brush against his when she accepts. Leaning back against the cavern wall, Caspian meets her gaze steadily, a spark of intrigue in his eyes. “Tell me, Ravynn... Do you ever miss the world you left behind before joining my coven?”
As her dinner was cooking over the fire, Ravynn's eyes couldn't help but focus in on the flames that kissed the skin of the rabbit- the way it's tongue licked each limb, curling here and there. She tried to look for a sign in the dancing flames, hoping to see something that may help them on their journey that still laid ahead of them. As she was focused in, lost in her own thoughts, she didn't notice Caspian's eyes on her face. It was true that their connection was deeper than one would assume. Her loyalty was to be expected on the surface, but the feelings she held within her heart were something that wasn't quite normal for a mage of the court to have towards their lord.

Ravynn cared deeply for Caspian, more than she should have- it definitely went against the vow she swore before she had even partook in his court. But then again, she had forgone that vow when she confessed to him why she had really been sent, so she guessed it didn't really matter in the end.

Looking up from the fire the moment Caspian pulled the rabbit, a slight smile formed on her lips at the way he had spoken about dinner being served. "Why thank you your lordship," she returned with a playful tone, taking the makeshift platter. Her fingertips briefly touched Caspian's while she took hold of the platter- the brief cool feeling from lingering there for just a moment that was then gone altogether when she had settled back on her sleeping blanket, beginning to eat.

At his question, her eyes look up to meet his and her face looked to be in thought before she replied. "Mm, I honestly would have to say that I do miss the.. well," her lips frowned as she spoke. "No, not even that.." she shook her head and Caspian could already tell she had came to a resolve long before he had asked his question. "There's really nothing that I miss, that I would desperately wish to have back.." she looked back towards his face as she had glanced away briefly. She then tilts her head in curiosity, "What made you ask that question?" she asked, wondering what he would tell her.
Caspian's gaze holds a mixture of amusement as he watches Ravynn consider his question. He appreciates her honesty, a quality that has been a foundation of their unconventional partnership. His own expression then turns thoughtful as he considers her response. “I suppose,” he begins, his voice a low, melodious rumble that resonates within the cavern, “in the eternity we’ve been granted, the memories of our mortal lives can become elusive. Yours is much shorter, and you're still quite the mystery.”

He leans in slightly, as if sharing a secret, his gaze unwavering. “And in you, Ravynn, I see a companion who has willingly chosen this existence alongside me. It piques my curiosity—what dreams or desires linger in the corners of your mind when the moon rises high?”
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As she continued to devour her meal, she was taken aback slightly from what he had asked next. What did she desire? She paused mid bite, and finished before answering. "What desires do I have..?" she echoed and leaned back slightly. "Well, firstly - you know that I never have desired a position of power," she mentioned, but Ravynn really had to think about this, it wasn't just something she could say- she didn't want to end up saying the wrong thing.

She let silence fill the air before she spoke again, pushing her finished meal out of the way- she wanted the bones to dry overnight so she could collect them for tool making.

"I don't even know myself," she tells Caspian next. "To me, I have no real ambition, nor do I have any incentive on leaving the coven." She looked at his handsome face. "I live to serve you, and I know you know about my sincerity.. words cannot describe how thankful I am for the care I have received while staying with you." She gave him a soft smile, her eyes glowing slightly from the firelight.
The air between them holds a certain weight, a pull that goes beyond the nightly routines of war strategy and political maneuvering. Caspian leans back, lips curving into a half-smile, fangs catching the firelight. “You make it sound as though I did you a favor. Yet, in your presence, I've found a companion, a confidante, and a partner in this war.”

Sobering, Caspian's gaze softens as he studies her over the firelight. “Your loyalty is a treasure, Ravynn,” he says sincerely, his tone carrying a depth transcending the casual banter of their nightly exchanges. “Ambition may elude you, my dear witch, but beauty lies in the simplicity of your devotion. It is a gift I hadn't anticipated when I first welcomed you into my coven, and for that, I am grateful.”
Watching his fangs glint in the firelight, Ravynn focused in on his face as he spoke- feeling the weight of the air between them rest heavily on her shoulders. She couldn't help but think of a few things, especially after what Caspian had told her. That her loyalty was something he hadn't expected, but something he was grateful for.

She knew she had put her loyalty towards the right person, and he had treated her with more kindness in return than she had expected.

“I’m thankful for your kind words Caspian,” she replied after a few moments of silence. The crackle and pop of the fire still burning would need some attention soon, to make sure it wouldn’t go out throughout the night. She glanced to it and then shifted on her sleeping blanket. “You ate something as well, right?” She suddenly asked, remember she was the only one who ate. Ravynn knew that Caspian did not have to really ‘eat’ but she wanted to make sure he wouldn’t be starving.
Caspian’s eyes gleam with amusement. Though quick and unsatisfying, the bitter taste of rabbit still lingers on his tongue. Beast blood still nourishes, but it was a means to an end, lacking the poetry etched within the veins of mortals. “Rest assured, I am far from wasting away,” he says, fascinated at the speed she devoured her meal.

Caspian pushes back his ever-present thirst and replaces it with one he knows he could possibly satisfy. He leans forward, his gaze fixed on Ravynn, her eyes reflecting the orange glow of the fire. “Tell me, Ravynn,” he begins. “Witches guard the secrets to their moonpools well, and I know little of the extent of their powers. I've heard tales, of course, but few speak with certainty of their mysteries. If Devon’s mage was capable of freeing the lycans from the moon’s influence, could such a thing be reversed?”
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(She already finished her meal XD)

She snorted a little with amusement from his words and eyes him as she had just taken another bite- although practically finished with her meal, she had pulled some remaining skin off to eat. Waste not, she knew she had to use the bones too to make for her small tools. If they dried, but being by the fire they would in no time.

Listening to what he asked of her she made a soft purse of her lips. “Hm, well..reversing that kind of magic may not be easy,” she tells him next, “but I could definitely use the moon’s power to our advantage too.” She mentioned, wondering if he would pry to what she just said. Obviously she had plans.

She couldn’t wait for him to ask so she just continued in what she had mentioned. “Caspian, as you know- your kind cannot walk in the sunlight,” she shifted a bit closer to him and her eyes focused in on his. “But in the moonlight you can.” He could see she and thought about this before. “So my plan is when we reach the moonpool, I'll gather moonstones—which harness the essence of the moon—put the stones in some form of jewelry for you to wear— and while wearing that you could potentially walk in the daytime..”

She let that thought linger in the air, hoping she made some sense to him. Becoming day walkers would definitely be used to their advantage towards Devon and his kind.
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