RP Mansion

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Local Time:
11:37 PM
Apr 11, 2023
Not too long ago, a group of trans women became close friends. Sex play was fun but their play had to be kept discreet and low key. One day, one of the women won the largest lottery in the country's history and couldn't wait to tell her friends....after the initial excitement was over, the winner had an idea. Why not find a place where they could be alone and live life the way they wanted, free from social constraints and prying eyes?

Needless to say, her friends were delighted. They spent months trying to come up with a solution and while taking her friendfs on a weekend vacation, they found the solution....a dozen little islands were for sale in the south Atlantic.
If you have enough money, you can eliminate a lot of beaurocracy and before long, the girl and her friends found themselves the owner of their own little island paradise.

They were lucky enough to discover a fresh water source, coconuts and bananas were as plentiful as the fish....over the years they developed a large hydroponic area to grow what they wanted. Workmen were sent over to build homes, their own medical facilities, communication center with internet and even a palace after they elected their founder as Queen. Life was perfect....sex was fantastic but something went wrong.
THeir numbers began to eventually shrink. Being trans women, there was no way to become pregnant and perpetuate their society. There was only one solution, something they dreaded but finally realized they had no choice,,,,they would have to bring outsider women to the island for breeders.

They started off by kidnapping a few from nearby islands like St Croix and Bermuda, but it could only be done in small numbers for fgear of the populace finding out. To get breeders in large numbers they came up with a plan. They sent out adds on the internet offering free vacations.....women only, no men...no electronics including tablets and cell phones. Food, lodging will all be provided. The bait was cast, all they had to do was wait for the bites.

It wasn't long in forthcoming.
22 year old Amber was combing her blonde locks when her cellphone beeped....she read the add and couldn't believe it.....a totally free vacation?...what was the catch?
She replied and they said it was a promotion to introduce the island to tourists. Plane tickets would be sent to her e mail if interested.
The blonde was overjoyed....after a breakup with a boyfriend, she was dying to get away. She accepted, tickets sent with instructions to be at the airport....she would fly to Bermuda where she would connect with a seaplane that would take her and any other women interested to the island. Amber packed up and headed for the airport.

The queen and her people soon were busy preparing the breeding chamber. It would look like a prison with rows and rows of cages, saw dust floors and chains and metal restraints to house the victims. The unsuspecting women would be escorted to their rooms, given tropical drinks heavily drugged and when they woke up they would be nude, chained and prepared for their new life.

Amber reached the airport, checked in and climbed aboard...she knew other women would be as interested as she was and was excited to meet new people.
Local Time:
8:37 AM
Nov 18, 2023
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A small sigh passed through the woman's lips as she looked at herself in the mirror. She was finally doing something for herself. She had ended things with her long-term boyfriend a couple of weeks ago, and she was ready to get back out there and see what the world had to offer. She had been scrolling through her phone checking all of her social media and just trying to keep her mind from wandering to the asshole who had cheated on her. She knew she wasn't going to get right back into another relationship right away, but it didn't hurt to at least look around a little bit right? That's when she came across an email promoting a free vacation. There had to be some sort of catch to this. No one would be out there giving something like that out. She read the fine print and was offered the plane tickets to go. Her heart slammed against her chest as she realized she was taking part in something that could very well get her killed. Was she okay with that? Not really, but she was willing to try it out.

Once she had accepted the invite, she pushed herself up from the bed and packed started packing up her things. She didn't know how long she would be gone, but she made sure she had enough clothes just in case. Hell, she might not come back. She might find a new partner and never look back. Was she really looking for something right now? Not really. She wouldn't mind getting laid though. It's been a couple weeks since she's been with someone, and her body was screaming for that touch. The feeling of fingertips running along her bare skin. Feeling someone inside of her and being able to please them as well. She shook her head lightly as she started thinking about Daniel once more. He had cheated on her with her best friend after all. She had come home early from work to find him buried deep inside of her so-called best friend. Seeing that had torn her apart. She wanted to scream but didn't. She had been so pissed she was calm. That had never happened to her before and that scared her.

When Daniel and Charlotte tried to save their asses, she didn't want them speaking to her. She told them both to get out of her home. She watched as Daniel gathered up a lot of his things and was then gone. She thought he would have tried harder to keep her in his life. The moment she had seen him buried inside of Charlotte, and the way he had just gathered up his things told her otherwise. She wasn't good enough for him. She wouldn't be good enough for him. She then remembered another fight they had before the breakup. He had told her that she was getting boring in bed and he didn't like it anymore. She wasn't spicy like she used to be. She had gone out that night and bought the most sexy outfit she could find and thought they had gotten over that small hump. The way they went at it that night, made her feel like she had finally provided him with what he wanted. But then the very next day he was fucking Charlotte the way he had fucked her. That's fine they could have each other. She was bound to find someone better anyway.

When she was done with the packing she made her way out of her room and down the hall. She sent Daniel a message saying that all of her things were out and he was more than welcome to come back with his whore and keep the house. She was going to Bermuda instead. She locked the door behind her and dropped her key into the mailbox. Her parents would get the rest of her things if they needed too. Right now she needed to get to the airport and get on that damn plane. When she was finally there she knew she was in for quite the trip. She bit the inside of her cheek lightly as she found the right gate. She then was let onto the plane. She found her seat, got settled in and tried to keep her mind distracted. Before she knew it the plane had landed and she was standing with a blonde woman waiting for the seaplane. She looked the female up and down and licked her lips lightly before speaking. "Are you going to a free vacation as well?" she asked. She wasn't sure if she was out of line for asking.

She shifted her bag to her other hand as she turned to face the beautiful creature in front of her.
"My name is Odette by the way" she said as she held her hand out. When the other shook her hand she then turned her attention back in front of her. She didn't know what more to say. She was nervous after all, and wanted nothing more than to be on a beach laying in the sun.


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Local Time:
11:37 PM
Apr 11, 2023
The add mentioned that since this was a privately owned island and no men were allowed, the girls could feel free to wear whatever they wished but swim wear was encouraged. Once the plane landed in bermuda it was mildly humid. Amber checked her watch and realized she had a couple hours before the connecting flight would arrive. She went to a nearby hotel, ducked in a bathroom lobby and changed into a shiny blue bikini. Why should she give a shit if she was stared at? travelers were wearing this shit all over the island and her benefactors encouraged her to do the same. Sure, the break up still hurt a little but this was her chance to finally live life on her own terms. Maybe her new found independence might still be within her after she came back home and she would find a man that was worthy of her for a change....no more being a doormat.

After she emerged from the hotel she went to where the instruction told her to wait....it was a pier. Never flown in a seaplane before, Amber wasn't sure what it would look like.
To her relief she spotted an attractive looking brunette waiting along with 5 others....it had to be her flight since no men were around...some were in bikinis like herself, some in sarongs and capris, most wearing oversized sun hats.

The brunette seemed friendly enough.
"Yeah," she replied...."I'm Amber, by the way....I can't believe this is all free....had to message them back and they said it was a promo deal. Shit, I don't care if we have to sit through an hour long video, as long as this shit is free....I don't understand their restrictions though...no guys allowed and no way to take pictures?"

None of them had an inkling of what was to follow. Pictures were asked of them and the Queens consorts went over all of them, picking the ones with the best bodies....no overweight women, no disabilities of any kind....they all looked like Penthouse pets.
The sea plane pulled up at the pier and a woman escorted them inside then took their luggage. It was only a short hop and 30 minutes later they landed gently on the water and pulled alongside a pier where two women were waiting, both in sarongs---and transparent as hell.

"Welcome to paradise," one said...."I'm Nicole and she's April....we're to escort all of you to your rooms....I see some of you are already in bikinis....very nice...."
They walked up to the edge of the clearing where an enormous white, faintly asian looking building awaited. Each girl was given their own rooms where a tropical drink was waiting for them on the table.
"Please," Nicole said as she shown Amber her room. "Enjoy your drink while you look over the room....we'll all meet later...."

Amber kicked back, enjoying the scenery from the window as she sipped....soon the drug hit her and she passed out.
The blonde woke up shaking her head, trying to clear the fog from her mind....she was shocked to find herself naked and in a cage.....as she tried to get up she realized she had a metal band around her waist, a chain connecting it to the wall behind her.

"WH.....WHAT THE HELL??," she yelled, frantically trying to wrestle the belt from her waist...."HELP!!!....SOMEONE....HELP!!!"
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Local Time:
8:37 AM
Nov 18, 2023

Odette nodded towards Amber. She seemed friendly enough. She then turned to look at the other women. She felt slightly over dressed in her black leather pants and long-sleeved crop top. She shrugged slightly as she looked towards the seaplane as it landed. She bit the inside of her cheek lightly as a woman stepped off. Soon the women were being led onto the plane. She wished she had her phone to snap a couple of photos, but she had no choice but to follow the so-called rules. She took her seat, buckled herself in and looked out the window. The sounds of the other's voices helped put her at ease a little bit. Her eyes soon found Amber again. The way the woman's bikini fit her made her slightly jealous. She wished she looked that amazing in a bikini. She was always told not to show off her body, so she never did. If she ever went to the pool, she was always wearing a one piece and that, was it. Daniel didn't want other men looking at her. Yet he was allowed to look at other women?

She shook her head trying so hard not to think about him. She was going to a beautiful island filled with beautiful people. She was curious if the island would be filled with women only. She didn't mind that in the least. She just wanted to be touched. She was getting too wrapped up in her thoughts again, that when the plane landed, she didn't realize she was the last one to leave. Her cheeks were tinted pink as she exited the plane. She spotted Nicole and April and she licked her lips lightly. Now she wished she had known to go shopping for a suit and she would have gladly worn it. She bit her lip lightly as she followed April into the building. She was about to ask the other woman something when April turned to her. "We will be meeting with everyone shortly. So please make yourself at home" the other said. Odette nodded her thanks and was then left alone. She took in the sight of her room and let out a small screech as she flopped onto the comfortable king sized bed. They were spoiling their guests for sure.

Her eyes then moved over to the fruity drink on the table. She rolled off the bed and picked up the glass. She lifted it to her nose at first and smelled it. It smelled amazing. She wondered what flavors they used to make it smell this good. She then placed the glass to her lips and she took a sip. She moved back to the bed and sat down. She finished off the drink and when she did, blackness seemed to be taking over. She laid back and the glass slipped from her fingers, shattering as it hit the floor. Whatever the drink had been laced with worked. A groan passed through the woman's lips as she slowly came too. She could hear someone yelling for help. Her mind was too foggy to really think straight. That's when she felt the cool air on her skin. She lifted her head and when she tried to move she realized she had a really strange belt around her waist. She was also fully nude. Her breath caught in her throat just then.

What the fuck was going on here? Her head was swimming, and she could still hear someone screaming for help. Who would even hear them? She slowly looked around the cage she was locked up in. The chain was cold against her skin. "What's going on here?" She called out. She wasn't about to lose her cool like whomever already was. She was scared and didn't like the fact that whatever was happening, was happening to her.
Local Time:
11:37 PM
Apr 11, 2023
Amber found herself in a cage next to Odette, the cute looking brunette she met on the plane. There were other women but she only found time to talk to her. She looked over at the brunette then over at the rows of cages, both beside her and in front....there were at least a dozen girls, all nude. Most were fresh off the plane and struggling uselessly to free themselves but others seemed resigned to accept whatever was happening to them.

"Odette," Amber called out...."wh....what happened to us?....last thing I knew I was sipping a drink then...woke up in here, totally naked! OH MY GOD, WE GOTTA GET OUTTA HERE!!"
With that she tugged and yanked at the 4 inch wide metal belt....it wasn't tight enough to cut into skin but enough so it would never come off unless unlocked....and there was a padlock on one side. She'd been naked around girls off and on since those High school gyms but now she felt embarrassed, even though everyone else was the same. The room was echoing with the sounds of women screaming, crying, yanking at the same identical waist locks.

A 'warrior', as they called themselves entered the chamber. She had jet black hair, a deep olive complexion and wore the same style of tunics the travelers have seen before...and like the others, hers was totally transparent, her tits and massive cock showing beneath the fabric....she might as well have worn nothing at all.

"This is your new home," she called out in a loud, almost booming voice, the kind that hardly required a microphone. "you are all here for breeding.....you will be taken off birth control if your'e currently on them. You will all be impregnated and kept pregnant until you can no longer produce....after which you will be kept in a milk producing farm. The day you give birth you will be impregnated again and will continue to be.....our scientists have discovered that the sperm we carry has extrordinary capabilites and highly potent....instead of 9 months your conception will only take a few months.....there is no escape from the island...the sea plane will only return when we contact it and the communication center is kept locked. Great white sharks fill the ocean around us even if a miracle happened and you managed to escape. You will recieve daily nourishment but.....well, let's just say from an unlikely source...."

The warrior turned and left, shaking her head. These outsiders that call themselves women....really? instead of a fine, thick potent cock they have....vaginas....well, at least they'll be put to use....
Local Time:
8:37 AM
Nov 18, 2023

Odette heard her name and her eyes snapped up towards Amber. So that's who was doing all the yelling. She should have known. She shrugged lightly as she was finally able to get her feet under her. "I don't know Amber. I really don't. I wish I knew.. All I can remember was enjoying my bedroom, drinking that fruity drink that was in my room when I got there, and then waking up here" she breathed out. She looked around at the other's. Some of the women were struggling to get out of their waist chains, and Amber was one of them. She wanted nothing more than to reach out and grab Amber's face and tell her everything would be okay. "Stop struggling Amber. It's useless. We are trapped here. I don't know why, and I'm not sure if we will ever know why" she said. That's when another so called woman walked into the room. Odette's eyes moved to the 'Warrior' woman and her jaw dropped at what she saw. The woman had breasts, and then if you looked lower there was a pretty decent sized cock. Her body betrayed her just then. She felt warmth between her legs as she all of a sudden wished that womans dick was buried deep within her.

She had to shove those thoughts aside as the woman spoke. What? They were going to be used a breeders? For what? Her heart dropped into her stomach as she felt like she was going to be sick. No way off the island either? There had to be a way off this God forsaken place. She watched as the woman left just then. The screaming started up again. This wasn't happening. What the fuck was this place? Her head was spinning she felt like she was going to puke. She hated herself for getting aroused the way she did when that so called woman was in the room. She didn't think that would have ever happened and yet it did. She looked back towards Amber as she stood and pressed herself against the bars. The chain went taunt just then and she groaned lightly when it did. All she wanted to do was reach for Amber and try to protect her. This was all a dream, it had to be.

She knew there had been some sort of catch, and this was what it was. They were going to be used for their bodies over and over again. Not what she had in mind when agreeing to this. "Take a deep breath Amber. We will figure a way out of here" she said lightly. She didn't know how she was going too, but she had too. She looked down at the chain around her waist and wondered if they would be fucked in front of everyone, of if they would be taken out of their cages. She made a mental note to go along with whatever these assholes had planned. She looked around at the other's as the ones that have been here the longest looked defeated. Like they gave up trying and just going with the flow of everything. Odette wasn't like that. She was going to fight tooth and nail and figure out a way out, even if she ended up getting killed.
Local Time:
11:37 PM
Apr 11, 2023
Even though Odette looked the same age, Amber ceased her struggling. Her new found friend seemed much calmer than she was and didn't even do the same amount of fighting. How could she be so calm when faced with the same situation? Sobbing, she looked at the brunette. Amber had to admit, Odette did look attractive, especially naked, even if she wasn't sexually interested.
Amber's last boyfriend used sex as a weapon, so she wasn't as aroused as her cage mate. They had sex when he wanted i, on his terms...it m ight as well have been raped.

a redhead a few cages down noticed Amber's struggling.
"Your friend is right," she said....I tried like hell to get out of this damn belt but it won't come off unless it's unlocked....and they have the only key. I been pregnant 3 times so far...the only thing worse than that is what they do to feed us....."
One by one all the other captives recounted their horror stories. "I remember when I first got here," a pink haired girl said....."I was a real troublemaker.....I refused feedings and kicked one of those damn amazons in the balls when she/it/whatever tried to fuck me....they unlocked me, dragged me out of my cage and told me to run......they made a game out of it...one ass fucked me then told me to run or they'd kill me. They always caught me---there's no place to hide---then they tied me to a palm tree and took turns sodomizing me...."

Hours passed and Amber realized when it came to feeding them, no one wanted to talk about it....then she found out why.

toward the end of the day, a group of Amazons came in, all of them each picking a cage.
"Feeding time," one announced. One of the girls that had been there for a while screamed, shaking her head.....
"NO!," she yelled, backing up to the rear of the cage...."NO!....NO!"
The warrior undid her tunic, a massive cock springing to attention. She grabbed the girl's head.
"Do I have to restrain you," she said, "Or will you cooperate?"
The girl sobbed as the warrior took her with both hands, placed them behind her head and rammed her cock deep into her mouth. The warrior groaned as she rocked back and forth, finally shooting a huge wad of seed into the girl, pinching her nose to make her swallow.

Every captive was skull fucked. When the one that was in Amber's cage finished and locked the cage door, all Amber could do was slink to the rear of the cage crying uncontrollably.
"We couldn't tell you about the feedings," one girl said, "because it was so disgusting.....they tell us that they take some kind of supplement that not only makes their cocks huge but the semen has all the nutrients we need. You might as well rest....we're all going to be raped tomorrow...."
Local Time:
8:37 AM
Nov 18, 2023


This whole thing was fucked up. Being caged up like animals. Odette wanted nothing more than to go over to Amber and just wrap her arms around her, and tell her that everything was going to be okay. She knew it wasn't going to be, but someone had to keep a level head around here. That's when the other's around them started speaking about the horror they have been having to deal with. Odette's heart went out to them. Was this what these assholes got off on? Raping women? Making them do unspeakable things? Odette knew the answer to that, and she wished she didn't. "I promise you Amber, I will figure something out." she breathed. She wanted nothing more than to believe in her own words as well. She knew they were in some deep shit. She was curious to know what these women/it/things really wanted with them. That's when the doors opened and in came the women. She watched as one of them entered her cage. She knew better than to fight like some of the other's were.

She could hear the other's screaming. It would be better not to fight. She watched as the woman in front of her eyed her up and down. The woman licked her lips lightly as she watched her with dark eyes.
"You aren't going to beg? You aren't going to fight? At all?" she asked as she stroked her huge dick in front of Odette. As much as Odette didn't want to do this. She didn't have much of a choice. She shook her head lightly as she got down onto her knees in front of the woman. Her heart was racing as she watched the woman come towards her. She yanked Odette's head back and Odette opened her mouth and shut her eyes. The woman then started to face fuck her. She gripped the woman's hair and thrusted in and out of her mouth. Odette nearly gagged when she felt the tip of the woman's dick hit the back of her throat. She could feel tears stinging her eyes as she squeezed them shut, and just took whatever the Amazon woman did to her. When the woman was finished and unloaded her seed inside of her mouth, and pinched her nose shut to make her swallow, Odette did just that.

When the woman finally pulled out she looked down at her and smirked. "It's been nice. Maybe tomorrow you'll put up a fight" she said. Odette didn't say anything more as she slowly opened her eyes and watched as the woman walked out of the room. She could hear the sobs from the other women around her. She looked towards the blonde woman once more and she reached up wiping her mouth clean of the seed from the monster. "Amber? Are you okay?" she asked softly. She had to admit Amber looked amazing naked, and she couldn't help but wonder how the woman's skin felt. She wished she had met the other at a different time than here. She moved as far to the bars as she could, trying to get the taste out of her mouth. She wasn't in the mood to think about what was going to happen tomorrow. Would it be worse than what just happened? She had a feeling it was, but she didn't want to think about it right now. She was more worried about the blonde in the cage next to her.
Local Time:
11:37 PM
Apr 11, 2023
Some of the girls that had been held captive longer just slunk on the floor silent....the more recent arrivals, including Amber, were trying somehow to get the taste out of their mouths, as if they could. Amber was very attractive, perfectly shaped breasts that had no sag and great legs, but right now she didn't feel all that attractive. She felt used humiliated and trapped.

She started crying then heard Odette in the cage next to her.
"I....I guess I'm ok," Amber sobbed...."God, that horrible taste......and I thought my boyfriend tasted bad......"
She crawled up to the cage wall next to her new friend.

"Odette, I'm scared.....I heard what some of the other girls were saying about tomorrow....I'm.....I'm a virgin!....I got into a fight with my boyfriend cause he wanted to fuck me but I was hoping to wait until I felt the time was right.....and now....now I'm gonna be raped tomorrow......God, I'm so scared...."

The two tried to reassure each other, even though Odette did more of the reassuring. Finally after hours of whining most of them managed to get some sleep.

The next morning the lights went on and rows upon rows of well hung trans warriors filed into the room. Each one picked a cage, unlocked it and went inside, dropping their sheer tunics....each one had magnificent tits but huge menacing looking cocks, none of them shorter than 10 inches.
Some of the women that had been there longer put up little or no fight, laying there with legs open, head to one side and eyes closed. Some put up sizeable resistance.....Amber was forced to watch as an asian girl in the cage in front of her shook her head, screaming....

Amber knew there would be no point of fighting but the idea of having her virginity stolen in such a sadistic manner made her fight.
"GET OUT OF HERE!," she yelled, retreating to the rear of the cage...."DON'T TOUCH ME!!!"
The warrior took some rope hanging on a wall, secured it to her ankles and hoisted it to the cage ceiling....her legs were tied wide apart and up in the air.....Amber stared wide eyed at the massive throbbing cock and screamed...
The warrior plunged balls deep inside the helpless struggling blonde.....Amber felt her hymen rupture as the cock stretched and dilated her....nothing had ever been this painful. In and out the warrior raped her, Amber screaming with every thrust. The agony seemed to last an eternity.
Finally the warrior tensed up, let out a groan and shot wad after wad of potent semen into her womb. To add insult to injury, she was forced to lick the cock clean. The warrior untied her, left and locked the cage. Blood was on the floor. Amber was deflowered.

"I....I been raped," she said over and over as she laid there on her side crying.....
Local Time:
8:37 AM
Nov 18, 2023
Odette was as close as she could get to the bars and she looked towards Amber and nodded. "I know, we all are. They do taste bad.. I'm so sorry.. Just don't fight them and hopefully it won't be too bad" she breathed out. Just knowing that Amber was still a virgin made her heart ache even more. These monster's couldn't get away with this for much longer. There was no way in hell. A small sigh passed thorugh her lips as she tried to get comfortable for the night. She knew everything was going to come crashing down around them all in the morning. She rolled onto her side and tried to get comfortable. She wasn't sure what time it was, or when she had fallen asleep, but she had.

The next morning the doors opened once more and the women walked back up to the cages. Odette watched as the woman from the night before paused outside of her cage. Her heart slammed against her chest as she waited to see if she would enter. Sure enough she did. The woman licked her lips as she looked her up and down.
"Are you going to put up a fight?" she asked. Odette could hear the other's screaming, and then Amber's voice broke out through the rest. Her eyes darted over to the other's cage and she watched in horror as she was tied up and then deflowered. Her eyes moved back to the woman/man/creature in front of her. "You'd like that wouldn't you?" she spat. The woman smirked as she removed her turnic and started to stroke herself. Odette watched in horror and awe as the cock became larger.

Her body screamed out differently. She was scared out of her mind, but at the same time she wanted this. What was wrong with her? She should be putting up a fight and she wasn't. The woman walked over and grabbed a rope and soon was pulling Odette off of her feet. The woman then buried her face in between Odette's legs and licked her pussy. Odette's body shuddered with disgust and pleasure at the same time. Soon her legs were tied at the ankles and her pussy was spread before the woman. Soon enough the woman was ramming deep inside of Odette. Odette's head flew back as tears fell down her cheeks. She wasn't going to let the monster win. There was no way in hell.

As the woman gripped her hips she thrusted inside of Odette deeper, and deeper. Odette could feel the woman's large cock ripping her apart. She felt like she was about to lose it all. That's when the woman let out a scream of pleasure as she shot her load deep into Odette's womb. When the woman pulled out she was still hard. She lowered Odette down and forced her onto her knees. Soon she was face fucking Odette even more. She could feel the woman's seed dripping out of her pussy and onto the floor. Soon when the woman was done, she walked out leaving Odette laying there. She could hear Amber's sobs about being raped.

She heard the other woman's voices as well. She rolled onto her side and curled up into a ball fighting back the urge to vomit. She felt dirty and used, and she hated that feeling. Her mind raced with ways to try and escape from this hell. If there was a way to escape this place alive.
Local Time:
11:37 PM
Apr 11, 2023
The room was loud with the sounds of women screaming, chains rattling and warriors groaning, then........
a silence almost as awful as what had just happened. The cages were locked and the caged women were all moaning, some on their knees, others laying in the position they were just raped in.
Amber watched as Odette was bound and fucked. The young blonde admired her for the way Odette somehow stayed composed as the massive cock pumped in and out of her. It almost seemed as though her cage mate wasn't putting up any resistance....it almost looked as though......no, it wasn't possible....

THere was an aroma of forced wet sex that permeated the room for hours. Sometime later--as if there was any way to judge time in this hell hole---another squad of warriors came in, unlocked all the cages and forced the captives onto their knees....those that tried to resist were forced in place. Cocks were pulled from their tunics and once more, every women was skull fucked.....soon the room was filled with noises once more...gagging and gurgling as one by one, each captive had wads upon wads of potent warm semen forced down into their bellies.

Queen Ardala watched this morning's fuck fest on her monitor....A blonde just recently fucked looked very promising. The society's chemists had been working on a special chemical compound---a potion, if you will---and they needed a captive to experiment with. The queen, pushing 40 still had quite a lovely body, in addition to the enormous weapon between her legs. Unlike most of the population however, Ardala had a liking for outsider females calling themselves women.

She sent one of the warriors to fetch the blonde.
As Amber laid there on the ground, a warrior came to her cage.
"No....NO," she begged, cowering....."Not again....."
The warrior unlocked the chain connecting the metal waistband to the wall and grabbed it, pulling the blonde backwards out of her cage.
"WHERE ARE YOU TAKING ME?," she yelled, digging her heels in the ground...."ODETTE!!! HELP!!!"

The warrior led her out of the room, out of the building and across the compound to the palace. They entered a large room with a high vaulted ceiling....the only thing in it was a throne. THe warrior locked the chain to one of the legs of the throne and left, never saying a word. Amber sat there on the ground to await her fate.
An hour later, Odette was brought in, her chain attached to the other leg of the throne.....they both sat there alone.
Local Time:
8:37 AM
Nov 18, 2023
Odette's body screamed at her for the way it was being used. She honestly didn't enjoy it, but another part of her did. She didn't know if she was more aroused by the thought that a dick was fucking her, or the fact it was a female at the same time. She didn't fully understand it, but she would sooner or later find out. When she thought the worst was over, more warrior's came in and pulled all of the women out. Odette tried to reach out to Amber but wasn't able to grab her. She was doing everything in her power to make sure Amber wouldn't be leaving her sight. When they were all kneeling soon they were being mouth fucked once more. Odette kept her hands to her side as she let the warrior do as she pleased. When that was over and done with, she spat the seed out of her mouth instead of swallowing.

She reached up and wiped her mouth before spitting it out once more. She could feel all eyes on her, but then that's when two warrior's walked up to the blonde and grabbed her. Odette watched in horror as she was dragged out of the room, screaming her name. She didn't dare say anything for fear something else would have happened to her. She felt tears well up in her eyes as she saw the only person she wanted to protect get taken back out. She lowered her head and kept her eyes turned to the ground. That's when two other's came up to her. "The queen wants to see you as well" one of them said. That's when they both grabbed her arms and pulled her to her feet.

Odette let them. The other's were surprised at the fact she wasn't fighting like everyone else. She wanted too, by God did she want too. She just needed to save her strength for whatever was coming. As she was taken into a room she spotted Amber. Her heart jumped to her throat when she saw her. Soon she was kneeling in front of her, chained to the ground.
"Amber, are you okay?" she asked. She reached out and took Amber's face in her hands. She searched the woman's eyes and all she saw was fear. She understood that she was scared. She was scared herself, and she didn't know how else not to be. She brushed the woman's hair out of her eyes, and fell silent when the door opened. Her eyes moved towards the door as the so called queen entered the room. She slowly let her hands fall to her side, as her heart hammered inside of her chest. "What the fuck do you want from us?" she hissed.
Local Time:
11:37 PM
Apr 11, 2023
Ardala looked regal indeed. No, she wasn't sporting a gold crown, but everywhere she went her trans warriors bowed until she went past. Back in the beginning when their closed society started, Ardala was just another member. Later when the lottery was won and they had all the money they needed to create their own country, the women decided they wanted someone among them to be their leader.
The now 39 year old redhead was picked for the honor and as they say, the rest is history.

Ardala always went topless, her magnificent size 38DD breasts firm and jutting out and considering her age when many women's breasts would begin to sag, hers did not. Her lavender colored tiunic was worn low at the waist to cover her massive cock and like all the tunics worn here, it covered her genitals but didn't conceal it.

She gazed at the two girls on the floor. First she knelt down in front of Amber.
"You must be Amber," she said, "The blonde.....hmmmm, very nice tits...."
then she looked over at the brunette.
"And you must be Odette.....I went through your luggage and found your purses, including your drivers licenses....."

The woman rose. "I am Queen Ardala, ruler of the society here...we are a race of trans women who cut ourselves off from the outside world. We have all the luxuries and technology that the outsiders enjoy but with one problem....we cannot reproduce and that is where all of you that call yourselves 'women' come in. Very soon you will all become pregnant and stay that way for as long as you remain here. I'm sure one of my warriors have already went into detail concerning our impregnation plans for you. Outsider women that cannot concieve for some reason would no doubt love to learn why we are able to speed up the pregnancy process....suffice it to say that we have developed a chemical that, once in our bodies gives our sperm tremendous growth spurt...."

Ardala stroked Amber's golden locks.
"The two of you have been chosen as test subjects for the ultimate aphrodesiac developed here on the island....call it an ultra powerful love potion, but we call it 'Lotus flower'. You, Amber will become my slave and personal property......as for you, Odette.....I have someone that has a personal interest in you as well...."
A tall raven haired warrior came into the room.
"This is Orion," the queen said as the warrior bowed. "She saw Odette and asked me for permission to have you. You Odette will be her personal slave....You two don't have any choice so it would be best for you both to cooperate because you can be easily forced...."

Another warrior came into the room and bowed.
"Take this one to my chamber and secure her," she said, pointing to Amber. She then looked over at Odette, then over to Orion.
"That one is yours," she continued...."You may take her to your quarters....."
As the two girls were unlocked from the throne, Ardala looked at them both.

"I believe you two are friends....if you both submit and cooperate you will see each other quite often....Orion is my second in command and the Captain of the guards....her quarters are next to mine...."
Amber and Odette cried out, not wanting to be seperated but they had no choice. Odette was taken away by Orion and Amber was led to the queen's chambers.
Amber was given a metal collar around her neck, a chain connecting it to the wall of what was obviously the queen's bed. Odette was most likely restrained as well, but Amber had no idea.
Ardala came into the room and took off her tunic, her massive cock now erect and menacing.

You, my little one," she said to the trembling Amber, "will be my personal bed slave....but first...a cocktail...."
She took a glass of juice, heavily loaded with the lotus flower mixture. She took one hand, lifted the girl's head up by her chin and put the glass to her lips. Amnber resisted but the woman pinched her nose as she forced it in her mouth and made her swallow it.
"Now then," the queen said...."You have just been given what we call 'Lotus Flower'....not only is it a powerful aphrodesiac but once introduced into the body it's permanent...."

What she didn't tell Amber was that it was basically a love potion.
Amber shook her head....she became hot all over to the point of sweating.....her eyesight blurred and she became dizzy. Her entire body was quickly becoming one large erotic zone, her tits tingled....her nipples popped up and became erect....her pussy was on fire, but not painfully.....
Something was happening to her.

"Wh....what's happening to me?," she stammered, trying to clear the chemical from her mind. She screamed, frantically yanking at the chain holding her neck collar to the bed frame.
"The Lotus Flower," The queen explained, "Is starting to take over your mind and body......soon you will be MINE....."

The queen let Amber struggle, both physically and mentally. She would return eventually to check up on her new slave, knowing by then Amber would be under control of the potion that would never leave her. She had no doubt that by now Orion would be giving the brunette the same potion and her reaction would be the same....once the girls survived the initial volcano in their minds they would both be totally under the warrior's spell.
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Local Time:
8:37 AM
Nov 18, 2023
Odette's mind was spinning. What the hell was this place? And how could she have been so stupid to fall for something like this? All she had wanted was to go on vacation, find a hot one night stand, get fucked and that was it. She hadn't signed up for something like this. There was no way in hell she would be staying here. When the so called Queen entered the room her eyes moved to the woman's cock. Her body tingled at the sight. She didn't know why she was all for this, but it was hot in a way. Being fucked by a female, but it was all dick at the same time. She kept her mouth shut as the queen spoke about what was going to happen to them both. Her heart slammed inside of her chest, wishing they wouldn't have to be taken away from each other. She watched as the Queen touched Amber, and her blood seemed to boil. She was pissed about what was going on, but she was trying to keep a level head about it all.

That's when Orion was mentioned. Her eyes moved to the dark haired woman and she bit the inside of her cheek. She was slightly getting more and more turned on about this whole thing, but she kept her mouth shut. When the queen was done speaking about what was going to happen to them, and what the Lotus Flower was they were both unchained and taken to different rooms. "I will see you again soon Amber, I promise! Just do as the bastard wants, and we will see each other again!" she screamed out. Soon she was taken to Orion's chambers and chained to the floor. Orion licked her lips as she reached down and started to rub herself. "I'm going to be having a lot of fun with you my sweet. And I did personally ask for you. I love the way you are just so willing to submit" she cooed. She walked over and poured some of the liquid into a glass and walked over to Odette and knelt down in front of her.

Odette watched the other's movements and wished she wasn't here. She eyed the glass and wanted to fight, but she needed to see Amber, and soon. Orion lifted the glass to her lips, and she let the other pour the liquid between her lips. It tasted amazing. It was different, but it wasn't bad either. That's when a whole new feeling seemed to wash over her. Her body screamed to be touched. Her pussy tingled, her breasts were more perky, her nipples standing straight up. Orion licked her lips once more and smirked lightly. "You like that feeling my pet? I hope so, because in the next few minutes I'll be fucking you, and you'll be feeling even better" she cooed in her ear. Odette's body shuddered at the feeling of the woman's breath on her skin. "Fuck me now" she breathed out. Orion raised a 'brow slightly and smirked a bit. "Soon my pet. Wait a little bit longer, and you'll be fucked like you've never been fucked before" she said grinning.

Odette knew that was true. She shifted so she was sitting. It was uncomfortable, but the feeling running through her body right then was getting to be too much. She needed that release and now. She knew she would end up pregnant because of it. But right now she didn't care. She was going to do everything she could to make sure she see's Amber again. Orion watched her, and spread her legs so she could get a better look at her pussy. "I can't wait to taste you my pet. And to have you wrapped around my cock is going to be amazing. Soon" she said as she trailed her finger lightly along the woman's lips, making Odette gasp out in pleasure, wanting more.
Local Time:
11:37 PM
Apr 11, 2023
Amber was far weaker than Odette, both emotionally and physically and the Lotus Flower potion took full advantage of it. She cried as she watched her new friend leave, then returned to frantically yanking on the chain connected to her collar....she was sweating and not from the escape attempt....she was getting dizzy and started getting headaches and body aches.....she wanted to throw up but couldn't. Her eyesight grew foggier by the second.

"NO!," she screamed...."I DON"T WANT TO BE LIKE THIS.....HELP!!!"

The beautiful blonde screamed once more and passed out.

When she awoke it was as if she was a totally different person, almost as if she was posessed and in one sense....she was. Her whole body was tingling but especially her nipples. pussy and asshole....they were on fire. She found herself wanting, aching, needing to be touched.......she vaguely remembered something about being here to become pregnant and now she couldn't care less....fine, she would happily have a hundred babies, so long as it meant she would be fucked often.

She crawled up onto the huge inviting bed, laid on her back, spread her legs apart and began to masturbate....

A minute later Queen Ardala entered the room....she gazed at the nude blonde laying there, a finger feverishly pounding away at herself. She knew the potion had worked perfectly....the blonde would become a cock slave, willing to do anything to have it inside her.

"You want this don't you?," she asked, taunting the blonde as she climbed onto the bed and straddled Amber. She slowly removed her tunic to reveal the body of a goddess with the cock of a devil.
"Be a good slave and keep those legs wide apart," she said as she knelt between them. She held her massive cock in one hand and guided it to the blonde's pussy.
"Oh fuck yes," Amber replied...."Yes....OH, YEEESSSS....give it to me..make me scream for more....I want to be your slut slave..."

"Sweetheart," Ardala replied smiling...."You already are...."
She plunged it deep into her new bed slave....Amber screamed but stretched her legs even wider apart.....she took the queen by her waist, urging her closer.
The queen obliged, sending her weapon in all the way, her balls slapping up against the girl's pelvis. Amber screamed for more as the queen fucked her like a savage animal. Finally she let out a groan and sent waves of ultra potent seed deep into Amber's womb. THanks to the greatly accelerated growth process, the first baby bump would appear in less than a few weeks.

But first things first.
Ardala released Amber from the bed and took her to the center of the room. She took rope, stretched the girl's arms up over her head and tied her wrists to a cross beam.
"You failed to address me as your queen," she said, her cock swaying as she walked...."That can never be tolerated....."
She took a whip and struck Amber on her tits, belly and ass over and over.
"You will stay permanently on a collar and leash," she said as she struck again. "You will never walk in front of me or beside me...always 2 steps behind unless I say otherwise...."

She was whipped again.
"Your new name will now be 'Bed Slut'.....your former name is now meaningless.....you are now Queen's property, no one will fuck you except me....now...please tell me what you have learned..."
Amber sobbed...."I belong only to you my beautiful Queen.....I will always stay behind you....I promise to be your loyal and obedient Bed Slut....."

Ardala knew that Amber would play with herself a hundred times a day thanks to the sexual brainwashing she got from the potion. She brought out a shiny stainless steel metal chastity belt....cinching the main strap around Amber's waist, she connected the cross strap down between the girl's legs, a metal screen covering her pussy.
"MY QUEEN," she cried out...."PLEASE, NOT THIS....HOW CAN I BE FUCKED?"
The queen smiled and showed her a key. "This unlocks your chastity belt.....it stays with me at all times....now...do you have anything else to say to me?"

"Yes my Queen," she replied...."I love you.....I truly love and worship you...."
Ardala nodded, smiling....the potion had worked it's magic. Amber had been brainwashed and would remain so for the rest of her life.....the potion, once taken would never leave her body.

The queen had her clean her cock with her tongue, then untied the slave.
"Now slave," she ordered...."Put my tunic back on me.....would you like to visit your friend?"
"Yes my queen," Amber replied...."If you wish it....please lock my leash back on?"

The queen smiled, attached the leash and led her out to Orion's cottage.
Once inside, she stayed obediently behind her queen.
"Odette!," she called out...."I have a new name....our Queen now calls me 'Bed Slut'...isin't that wonderful? I'm her slave and I love her...."
Local Time:
8:37 AM
Nov 18, 2023
Orion took her time with Odette. Watching as her body arched off of the bed, begging to be fucked. She spread the woman's legs even further apart, and leaned down slowly flicking the tip of her tongue against the woman's pussy. Odette let out a whimper at the feeling for Orion's tongue against her. She shuddered as a moan escaped her lips. "That's it my pet. Make all the nosies you want. I want to hear you begging me to fuck you. I want you screaming my name" the other said. Odette's body felt like it was on fire. She was itching to have Orion's cock buried deep inside of her. She wanted to ride that cock until she screamed. Her mind was on Amber the whole time as well. Was she okay? Was she getting the same treatment as she was? The liquid she had taken was working wonders for her, and she knew that Orion knew it too. Her eyes then moved to the woman between her legs. "I'm begging you... Please.... Give me what I want..." she breathed.

Orion smirked lightly as she pulled the woman's hips closer to her face blowing a breath onto the woman's exposed pussy.
"I plan on it" she cooded. Soon her tongue was buried deep inside of Odette. Odette let out a scream of pleasure as she felt the other's tongue deep inside of her. She arched her back off of the bed, as her fingers went to the other's head and kept her there. She didn't want that feeling to stop. She wanted to feel Orion pleasing her over and over again. She wanted to ride that cock hard and fast. Her legs were shaking as Orion worked her magic. She slipped her hands under Odette's ass and slipped a finger into the woman's asshole. Odette let out a scream of pain just then.

"Anywhere but there please... I can't..." she whimpered. Orion looked up at the woman from between her legs and smirked a bit. Hearing the sounds of pain in Odette's voice was enough to make her push her finger into the woman's tight asshole even more. Odette tried to get out of the woman's grasp but it didn't work. Orion had her where she wanted her. She kept eating the other out, and then pulled back a moment later licking her lips. Odette's juices dripping from her lips. "I know you didn't cum yet, but Gods do you taste amazing. You feel amazing around my finger too my pet. But I want you wrapped around my cock now" she said. She stood and dropped the only clothing she had onto the floor. The huge dick standing at attention in front of Odette.

The woman crawled over to the edge of the bed, and she started to stroke Orion's huge dick. She then stated pumping the woman's cock harder and harder. Orion let out a loud moan and leaned against a chair. She stopped Odette for the time being and then climbed onto the bed. She started to stroke herself in front of the other. Odette knew what Orion wanted. She didn't need to be told twice. She climbed ontop of Orion, and she reached down between her legs and grabbed the huge dick, and then slid down onto it. The huge cock filling her up, and streaching her. She let out a loud moan as she let herself get used to the huge cock inside of her. Soon the two were moving as one. Odette's hips rolling against the other's. Orion's hands on her hips keeping her there. Orion then thrusted up hard and fast inside of Odette.
"Cum for me my pet. Cum all over this huge cock of mine" she grunted. Odette could barely hold back any longer.

She rode that huge cock a while longer before she finally came. Orion came with her. As she did, she rolled Odette onto her back and thrusted herself deep inside, unloading her semen into the other woman. In the next couple of weeks Odette would be pregnant with her first child. When Orion was finished, she pulled out of the other woman and looked down at her smirking.
"I can get used to this. Good job my pet. But the Queen and your friend should be arriving soon. I'll let the Queen have her way with you as well" she smirked. Odette didn't like the sound of that. Soon the front door opened, and the two women on the bed looked towards the door. Orion slipped off the bed, not even bothering to put her tunic back on. She walked into the living room and walked right up to the Queen.

"You came at the perfect time. My pet is all ready for you, if you'd like a round or two with her" she said as she grabbed her own cock and looked at Amber. Odette walked out of the room fully naked. Her heart shattered at hearing the words Amber spoke. This wasn't good... This wasn't good at all. She had to get Amber away from all of this. She shook her head lightly at the new name. "No, that's a horrible name. I will never address you as such. you're Amber, and will always be Amber" she said. She narrowed her eyes at the Queen and didn't say anything more. She didn't care if she got whipped or not. Her body was still screaming to have a dick inside of her, but she fought it off the best she could. She knew that Orion wanted her naked in front of the so called Queen, so she would do it. But she wouldn't address her friend as Bed Slut. There was no way in hell. She kept her eyes on the other woman in front her, waiting for what would happen next.
Local Time:
11:37 PM
Apr 11, 2023
Ardala looked Odette over....yes, she made a good choice by giving this so-called 'female' to her Captain of the guards. Orion had been with her even before the island was purchased and was her most trusted friend. This breeder would make excellent strong babies, the rebellious nature the breeder had would make her offspring fierce warriors.....but first this breeder would have to learn proper respect.

She gestured to Orion to bring her some rope, then took Odette to the center of the room, quickly grabbed her wrists, stretched her arms up over her head and tied her wrists to the ceiling.
"It seems you still need to learn to give your Queen respect," she said. Prepared for this meeting, Ardada had a black leather whip in hand. She gestured to Amber to kneel and watch...the already brainwashed and ultra obedient slave sat on her knees as the queen took the whip and cracked it in the air.

"You WILL show respect to your Queen," she said as she struck the girl across her tits, focusing on her nipples.....there was a loud 'CRACK!' sound ass the whip made contact with the tender skin.
"You WILL address me as 'my Queen' or Queen Ardala!".......then...'CRACK!'
"You WILL open your legs and present yourself to be fucked by me or Orion"......'CRACK!'
Over and over Odette was whipped, Amber with tears in her eyes, looking up at her.....she was sorry to see Odette being punished but her love for her Queen and lover transended it.

Ardada noticed that Odette had looked at Amber with a possible sexual interest. She put away the whip and opened her tunic......the Queen's cock was the largest on the island, a foot long menacing throbbing meat spear. She motioned for Amber to get up.
"Nurse your friend's sore tits," the Queen ordered. Amber obediently rose and went to her friend....she licked and kissed Odette's nipples as the queen slowly pushed her massive cock deeply inside.
"As Queen," Ardala said as she raped her, "I have absolute authority here....."If I wish, I can fuck anyone on this island....My captain Orion has respectfully handed you over to me and when I am finished with you, I will give you back to her....."

"Please," Amber whispered as the queen fucked her friend....."Please Odette....do as she says....call her your Queen.....her Majesty told me that if you cooperate, only Orion will be allowed to fuck you but you and I will be allowed to......play.....you'd like that, won't you?"
Pausing from tit sucking, Amber stepped back, opened her own legs and rubbed a hand over the gleaming metal chastity belt.....she wanted---needed sex so badly.

The other girls back in the breeding chamber hadn't been treated nearly as well. The pink haired captive was already pregnant, the Asian was once more gang raped and a Nubian was tied spreadeagled on the floor of her cage and violated repeatedly. Eventually, all would be impregnated with the exception of the ones that couldn't concieve.
All the girls were tested by a warrior doctor.....a redhead was tested and found she had a history of a cervical disease and a warrior sent to her cage. As the padlock was removed and the chain was pulled as a leash, the redhead screamed......she was never seen again in the cages.

The redhead was sent to another chamber....inside was 3 other girls, all laying on their backs on padded platforms. Hoses hung down from the ceiling, the ends attached to their tits. The girls whimpered and squealed as the hoses shook, the girls tits rising and falling with the pressure. The redhead was forced down on a platform, legs and arms strapped down at her side. As she looked up, a pair of hoses came down.

"WH......What are you DOING to MEEE?," she screamed....."HELP!!! GET ME OUTA HERE!!!"
She stared helplessly as her tits were sucked into the hoses, her nipples stretching.....a warrior came by and injected something into her side.
"Soon," she explained....."you'll be forced to lactate and your breast milk will be harvested.....you'll wish you were able to become pregnant instead...."

Amber teased Odette, running her hands over her own tits and sighing as her friend was forced to watch.
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