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Fantasy RP The last, and Most Valuable Draconic Treasure of the Seasons

Local Time:
3:04 PM
Nov 19, 2022
@Lord Sesshoumaru

Name: Winter
Age: Millennia-old
Sex: Female
Physical Description:
Human Form) Winter embodies an ethereal presence, her essence woven with the ancient magic of frost and snow. Cascading locks of shimmering white hair, reminiscent of freshly fallen snowflakes, cascade down her lithe form, framing features sculpted with delicate precision. Her porcelain skin, untouched by the passage of time, glows with a translucent hue, akin to moonlit frost adorning a wintry landscape. Within her icy blue eyes, a paradoxical warmth radiates, drawing others into their captivating depths, hinting at the boundless depths of her soul. Her presence commands reverence, a testament to the timeless elegance and power she embodies.
Dragon Form) Winter's draconic manifestation is a breathtaking spectacle of crystalline beauty, evoking the very essence of the glacial expanse she governs. Her slender, serpentine form, gracefully adorned with scales of glistening ice, shimmers with an otherworldly luminescence, refracting light in a mesmerizing display of prismatic hues. Each scale is a testament to her ethereal nature, resembling delicate shards of frozen water meticulously crafted by celestial hands.

Stretching forth from her sinuous frame are wings of unparalleled grandeur, expansive and majestic, reminiscent of the frost-kissed wings of the arctic winds. Veins of frost trace intricate patterns across their surface, casting an enchanting glow as they catch the light. Along her spine, from the crown of her head to the very tip of her tail, protrude small crystalline spikes, akin to glacial formations sculpted by the passage of time. Each spike gleams with a translucent radiance, a testament to the ancient power she wields. In her draconic form, Winter commands awe and reverence, a living embodiment of the untamed beauty and formidable power of the winter season.

Dark lord :
Abyss King, and Void manipulator.

Jackal, the 3rd

True Name:
Belberith, the duke of Hellfire, and Frozen Torment


( can change gender as desired but prefers male normally )

( appears 50 in human form )

Male / Trap form: (depending on mood / desire )
You must be 18 years or older + signed in to see attached images

Female / Futa Form: ( depending on mood / desire )
You must be 18 years or older + signed in to see attached images

True / Natural Form:
You must be 18 years or older + signed in to see attached images


It was a beautiful night, with a bright shinning Moon, which filled the clear sky, which shimmered with the dancing stars above. for in this the land which had once been ruled by the great draconic spirits of magic, and beauty. now only one known specimen was able to live and be seen. the beauty which embodied Winter, for her protector, or perhaps imprisoning owner, a Duke which had kept her safe from the true darkness. The so called king, which already possessed the other three dragons, or more so their jewels, in his collection, as such they belonged to the cruel ruler.

it would be on this pleasant, and peaceful night, that the rare chance would finally reveal itself for winter to make her much needed escape. one which would bring about a change of her way of life. wanting to free her siblings would lead her to a new fate, one which her human form would only make worse for her. however as it was, the dragon would have no clue the true horror which her siblings had faced, and were now owned by. However the fact remained, the man which protected her for so long would be out on a mission of his own. one to protect his land and people. thus this night, only the simple guards were on duty, which meant if she timed it right. the short period of time between shifts, their would be no guards, and a small window which was very rare would present itself for her to escape. due to how the duke would normally have magic up to always see where she was, even when their were no guards, but with him current gone. the guards were the only thing stopping her currently.
Local Time:
2:04 PM
Dec 15, 2023
Winter sighs heavily and pushes her snow white hair from her face, looking over her shoulder, out the window. She looked down at her dress, made of a fine silk. Not made for the harsh realities of her season, nor snow, but here, in this tower, she had no need of winter clothes. It was always warm enough with the blazing fire in the hearth.

She stands from her bed, pulling at the ends of her hair slightly and padding to the door. She pulls it opens and peers into the hallway, noting the guards on either side of the doorframe.

One of them, a tall, wiry man, straightened, "My lady." He looks at the young looking woman, smiling politely.

"What can we do for you?"

She smiles, ducking her head slightly, "I. . . Need a new basin of water." She whispers, tucking a lock of hair behind her ear.

The other guard, more of an average build, nods, "Of course, we'll get you one, my lady."

Winter almost winced at the easy relent, she had a feeling the Duke would not be pleased to come home and find she had escaped.

Once the pitiful guards were gone, she stepped from the room, silently padding down the spiraling steps that led up to her tower. She didn't know how long it was until she came across a dim corridor. She just ran through it, and towards the first door she saw.
Local Time:
3:04 PM
Nov 19, 2022
as she made her escape, their would soon be the brutal wind of the cold hitting her body, the sight of the open world beautiful and aluring for the draconic maiden. this was her chance, for the guards would soon be back, giving winter little time to choose to run now, or return to her room, and wait for another chance.

however it would seem far to easy to escape as it was, however she would find that the outside was still walled off, unless she went over the massive and well guarded walls with out shifting in her draconic form. for if they saw a dragon, then the men would know they needed to restrain and capture her once more. with special magical artifacts the duke had made to prevent her escape, with out harming the beauty. yet if she escaped in her human form, then it would be easier to shift and fly off once she was out of range of the guard's vision.
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