General RP The mafia's girl (Zantares2077)


Emily, Emmie, was a normal girl, sure she came from a shitty family. Her mother was an alcoholic and her father was a gambling addict, but she had left her parents home at seventeen and had gotten herself a small apartment with the money she had saved working as a waitress, this freedom allowed her to work on bettering her life and now at the age of twenty-three she had a lovely one bedroom apartment and was working as a nanny while also working on finishing her law degree.

Little did she know, her father had gotten into a very big debt with the mafia and to try and get himself out of it, he had gambled his own daughter, and lost.

It was a normal Tuesday night when Emmie got home from her nannying job, she was tired as the kids had been extra bratty. Going to her bedroom she stripped off her clothes and took a hot shower. Once she was cleaned and dried she pulled on the satin bathrobe she kept on the back of the door and tied the sash. As she finished tying it there was a loud crash of wood hitting wood. Swearing she grabbed her bathroom door and quickly closed it and flicked the lock. Looking around the room she glanced at the bathroom window quickly but shook her head. She lived on the second floor and was scared of heights, there was no way she could climb out the window. There was no where for her to hide in the bathroom and she swore again mentally kicking herself as her phone was in her bedroom. She never brought it into the bathroom with her as she didn't see a need too. Hearing the men talking and footsteps approaching her bathroom Emmie silently begged for them to leave but the sound of a boot smashing into the door told her they were not going to leave. When the door finally gave way Emmie couldn't stop the scream that left her as one man burst into her bathroom.

The man grabbed her and she began to fight, she wanted to get away. To get free. But the man who held her was strong and he only turned her around against his body so her back was to him as his arms tightened around her waist as he dragged her from the bathroom kicking and screaming. She didn't want them to take her from her apartment and she threw her head backwards smacking her head into the man's face that held her. She hoped she broke his nose but she hadn't heard the telltale crack of bone breaking. Realizing she had been dragged to her living room Emmie's eyes widened as one of them approached her with duct take in his hands. He pulled some off and went to place it over her mouth, him getting close allowed Emmie to bite his left hand hard enough to break skin.

Before she could do anything else she was backhanded robbing her of breath and giving the man enough time to put it over her mouth before managing to tape her hands behind her back leaving her arms now pressed against the front of the man holding her. Once they were satisfied she was taped up they dragged her from her apartment, down the stairwell and out into the alleyway where she saw two blacked out cars parker. She was thrown into the back of the first unceremoniously, and the door slammed shut. Emmie took note that the man who had been holding her went to the car behind the one she was in.

The other two climbed into the drivers seat and the passenger one. Emmie didn't know where they were taking her and she wasn't looking as she was too busy trying not to have a panic attack in the back seat. After what felt like forever the car stopped and she opened her eyes, her chest rose and fell rapidly as the two men in her car got out and attempted to pull her out. Emmie was going to let them get her out, she did not care if she was giving them a show with the fact she was wearing nothing under the satin robe, as she went to kick the one she had bitten in the face she was roughly pulled from the car. The guy from the second car obviously had had enough of watching the other two fighting with her and had gotten her himself. Looking around rapidly Emmie tried to figure out where she was. A warehouse? A factory? A parking garage? She couldn't tell and she didn't have enough time to find out before she was thrown into a concrete room and the door slammed shut.

Groaning to herself as she laid on the floor for a moment she closed her eyes and worked on trying to get her breathing to slow down but she was so close to a panic attack that she didn't know if she could. Managing to force herself into a sitting position she looked down at herself, her robe was starting to open almost completely exposing her breasts and the rest of it was falling open exposing she wasn't wearing a single damned thing under it. There was nothing in the room besides a mattress on the floor and she groaned, hells she loved reading dark romance books but never did she think she would be in one. After what felt like eternity the door to the room opened and Emmie managed to scoot herself back until her back hit concrete. Looking at the man who came in she took note that his nose was red.

So he was the one who she had slammed her head into. He was handsome, dangerous and looked as if he could whisper sweet nothings to her. Under different circumstances Emmie was sure she would have swooned for him. Realizing he could see she was almost completely exposed Emmie moved her body sideways huddling against the wall trying to hide as much of herself as possible as she watched him with narrowed eyes her breathing still rapid and refusing to slow.

She wanted her hands free and the damned tape off her mouth before she did end up in a full blown panic attack and unable to breathe.
Alex entered the room, a slight taste of blood in his mouth from the bloody nose Emmie had given him earlier. He brought a chair in with him and set it down near Emmie, and took a seat. Looking down at Emmie, seeing that she seemed uncontrollably terrorized, he took a breath before speaking, his voice calm and controlled. "Breathe. Just breathe. Slowly. There's no need to panic." He said, gently.

He leaned forward, pulling the tape from her mouth so she could catch her breath, enabling her to speak as well if she wanted. She was a very beautiful woman, and it seemed bizarre that her father would be so willing to bet her as collateral in a card wager. "Your father is a real bastard, you know that?" He asked, wanting to see just how strained her relationship to him was. "Where's the love of family? You shouldn't sell your own daughter like that, it's disgusting."

He pulled a cigarette out and put it to his lips, lighting it with a flip lighter, taking a few moments before speaking again. "Unfortunately, that leaves as in a bad position." He begins to explain. "You see, without the money that your father owes, my friends and I are in the hole for about two hundred grand. Now, he offered you up in place of money, but you're clearly not a stack of cash. That fact leaves me with only a handful of options for dealing with you. First, we can sell you to some foreign associate. Considering how gorgeous you are, you'd probably get most of that money back for us in the deal, and that would help. Second, you can work the streets. Problem there is that any Johns you have may wind up ugly-ing you up if they're in a bad mood. Third, strip club. You'll wind up getting groped and harassed in that case, and the money probably won't be as good as working the streets. Fourth, escort service. It's like working the streets, but the pay is good, the clientele decent, and the protection is better. Fifth..." He stops, pointing around the room indicating that the room Emmie was currently in would be her new bedroom to satisfy Alex's men as a way of alternatively working off what her father owed. "You're not getting paid in that case, so the work will be for a much longer period, and your father can't control himself, so his debt is no doubt going to keep going up."

Alex pauses once again, mostly to let his words sink in, letting Emmie process her plight, and her options more fully. "Sixth option: you're mine. You'll be better treated. The only man you'll fuck will be me, and any other sexual partners you have will be women that I might also fuck. If you need some more time to think about things, let me know."
Emmie watched as Alex entered the room and brought a chair in with him, she stayed huddled against the wall as she glared at him. When he told her to breath slowly she rolled her eyes at him, she wanted to tell him that if it was that easy she would be breathing slowly, but as soon as she saw him reaching towards her she went to move her head back only making herself hit the wall with a small groan. As soon as the tape was removed from her mouth she took in a deep shaky breath, "Pretty sure I have every need to panic seeing as I just got kidnapped" Emmie shot at him breathlessly. When he said that her father was a real bastard she gritted her teeth slightly, if only he knew that it wasn't her father who was the only bastard in her family.

"Sorry to break it to you, I wasn't raised in a loving family" she snapped as she moved a little trying to get more comfortable where she was sat without giving him a right show to her body, Emmie continued to watch him closely as he pulled a cigarette out and lit it, this was apparently going to be a long conversation if he was going to smoke in the small room with her.

Listening to him as he spoke about her fathers debt and the different things he could make her do to make that money back Emmie bit her bottom lip and rolled it between her teeth nervously. She had grown up in the bad side of downtown where she had seen women get kidnapped and forced to work as prostitutes. Hell, she had even seen the women drugged because of their work and also she had seen some shot and killed for trying to run away from the men who owned them.

Looking away from Alex she looked down at her lap as she felt tears starting to burn her eyes, she didn't want to cry in front of the man who had kidnapped her, Emmie knew that all of these five options were not at all good and most likely would end up with her dead somewhere or at least wishing she was dead.

As soon as he threw out the sixth option she jerked her head up and looked at him with a frown, she knew if she took the option to belong to him that she would be making a deal with the devil, and the damned devil was handsome. Quickly thinking over everything she gave a small groan of annoyance as she bowed her head and squeezed her eyes closed. She didn't need time to think of her answer, she knew which she would take "You" Emmie said softly as she kept her head bowed, she knew there was no going back to being a nanny or studying her law degree but she needed to keep herself alive and he was giving her a way to do that.

Slowly raising her head as she opened her eyes Emmie looked up at Alex, "I don't fuck women, and I'm not going to fuck you" she said with a small shake of her head; her breathing was still a little more ragged then it normally was but Emmie wasn't focused on keeping herself from having a panic attack anymore she was focused on trying to come up with ideas on how she could try and run away from this man in front of her if given the chance. Logically Emmie knew that even if she did try and run from him, he would easily catch her and she had no doubt that if he didn't catch her, he would find her.
Alex takes a deep drag on his cigarette, blowing the smoke away from Emmie. "Well, you're going to have to earn your keep somehow." He said, "You have any skills or knowledge that could be useful?"

It would be a tragedy if you didn't have any useful skills. He thought. Maybe I could teach her a few things. His mind drifted for a few moments as he took another drag on his cigarette. He still wasn't entirely sure what he wanted to do with her, and while he wanted her to have a choice in the matter, he knew she would be resistant to pretty much anything, including her own answer: 'You'.

He knew that giving her the choice, at least this choice, was the direction he wanted to go, even if he gave her fewer choices going forward to direct her the way he wanted. He imagined he'd have to be harsh with her at some point to reign her in.

Taking another long drag, and blowing the smoke away from her again, continued, "If you don't have anything to offer, all you've got to offer is your body, sorry to say."
Emmie slowly shook her head when he asked if she had any skills or knowledge, "Nothing that would be useful to you" she said with a small sigh as she looked away from Alex. She doubted that a man such as Alex would have the need for someone who once worked as a waitress and as a nanny. Sure, she could cook and clean but Emmie had no doubt that he wouldn't need her to cook or clean for him, surely he already had someone employed that already did that for him.

When he said that if she didn't have anything to offer as a way to earn her keep that her body was all that she had Emmie looked at him silently for a while. She wasn't by any means a prude when it came to sleeping with men, she had had a few one night stands and only a couple of boyfriends over the years. Some had been gentle whilst others had been rough, she had been with one man who had enjoyed dominating her in the bedroom and Emmie had liked it. But it had been a while since Emmie had slept with anyone as she had been too busy with her job and studying.

Emmie was used to men only wanting her for her looks, and her body, it was something she had dealt with since she was a teenager. "Fine, it's not like I really have a choice in anything" she sighed as she leant her head back against the wall behind her a small annoyed look coming over her face, Emmie knew if she ever saw her father again she was going to hurt him for putting her in such a position. "Guess my body is yours to do with as you wish...not the first time a man as used me for what he wants" Emmie said as she looked up at the ceiling, agreeing to allow Alex to do what he wanted to do with her body was something she thought she would never have to do again. The last time Emmie had ever let a man use her she had been a teenager and had agreed to sleep with a teacher just so she could graduate with good grades, it hadn't been her first choice but the man had been adamant that there was nothing else she could do to raise her grade.

Rocking her head to the side a little so she could look at Alex she frowned at him a little before she sat up straight, moving slowly Emmie carefully got to her feet. She made sure all of her movements were slow so that she didn't accidentally make her robe open more and give Alex a complete view of her body, moving to stand in front of him Emmie turned so her back was to him showing him her hands, she wiggled her fingers a little. "Plan to take the tape off my hands?" she questioned as she turned her head and looked over her shoulder at him a small smirk crossing her lips, "Or does the idea of me being bound turn you on?" Emmie asked only joking with her words.

She wanted to see if he would free her hands or if he would keep her bound if he planned to take her somewhere else from the dingy little room she was in. "Out of curiosity, do I get to know who my father got into debt with this time?" she questioned, Emmie could tell that Alex and the men he had come to her apartment with weren't small time gang members, gangs tended to take fingers or toes for debt repayments not the whole person. The only people she knew of who did that, was the mafia and if Alex was apart of the mafia even just a lower down Emmie knew she was playing with fire with every word she spoke to him.
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Hearing her question about being bound possibly turning him on, Alex chuckled a bit, his smile letting her know that bondage was definitely something he was interested in. He pulled a knife out of his pocket and unfolded it, sliced through the tape, and peeling it off her wrists. "I'll admit, I like my women bound from time to time, but I'll free your hands for now, if you promise to be a good girl."

As for her question about who her father got into debt with, Alex sighed. "My boss. I'm kind of a middle-management type, as is my boss. We're working our way up, but we need a way to repay that debt. So, it's either sell you to a foreigner, whore you out, or I could, essentially, buy you from my boss, which effectively puts the debt on me to repay, but it effectively makes you my property."

He takes another drag on his cigarette, folding his knife back up with one hand and slipping it back into his pocket. "Now, if you're mine, no one in this organization will touch you. You're my woman in their eyes. Any enemy we have will think twice before touching you, lest their own families be targeted for reprisal."

He continues after a moment, blowing the smoke of another drag away from her. "I promised you that you'd be treated well. Food, clothing, shelter. You might see this as slavery, and it is. You might see your existence as a cage, and it is. However, as long as you stay loyal, you'll be taken care of. Anything you want."
Emmie flexed her fingers a little when Alex cut the tape and peeled the tape off of her wrists, keeping her back to him she adjusted her robe and tightened the sash so that she wouldn't be giving Alex a show at all by accident. Hearing him say he would free her hands for now as long as she promised to be a good girl she felt her cheeks burn, she could not help but blush at his words. Turning around to look at him she leaned against the wall and crossed her arms over her stomach comfortably trying to ignore that she was still blushing from his words "And what if I am not a good girl?" she questioned playfully.

Listening to him as he explained who her father had gotten into debt with she couldn't help but roll her eyes, of course her father would get into debt with dangerous people, it didn't surprise her.

Pushing off of the wall when Alex finished speaking Emmie took a couple of steps closer to him, bending down she took the cigarette from him with a small smirk. Taking a drag from it she watched him for a moment before she handed the cigarette back to him, slowly blowing out the smoke as she kept her eyes locked on his, it had been a few years since she had last smoked but given the circumstances Emmie didn't care. After all she didn't have to worry about being a good role model for kids anymore. "Since I am, so to speak, a little bird in your cage, do you plan to keep me in this room?" Emmie asked curiously, she wondered if the small room she was in would become her prison or if somewhere else would become the place she was trapped.

If he did take her somewhere else Emmie knew it might be easier to try and get away from him since she doubted she would be able to sneak out of the room she was being held in. Especially if there was more men like him in the building. Emmie was good at figuring out how to get out of places because of how she had been raised but she doubted a man like Alex would make it easy for her, "Also, out of pure curiosity, what would you do if I tried to run from you?" she questioned as she moved and leaned back against the wall as she crossed her arms back over her stomach. Emmie wanted to know how much trouble she would be in when she did try to run away from Alex.
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Alex maintained eye contact with her as she took a drag from his cigarette, a small amused smile playing on his lips. "As for your cage....I won't keep you here. You'll have a much more comfortable place to stay, outside town. I'm sure you'll enjoy it." He answered her question, working a bit harder to convince her that she would likely prefer this deal to any of the alternatives.

Upon hearing her next question, Alex's demeanor changed from laid-back, almost flirtatious to a firm, almost stern cold professionalism. He moved towards her slowly, his eyes meeting hers, a look that told her that running away was a bad idea as he answered, "If you run away, or if you get away and you're brought back, at the very least, there's going to be pain involved." He paused a moment. "Depending on how much trouble you cause, those other options may wind up back on the table."

Maintaining his focus on her eyes, he continued, "It's in your best interest to cooperate, and you can have a pretty good life. In time, I may even become less restrictive over your life."

He could break her. It wouldn't be the first time he had broken someone. He had even broken family members of a number of past enemies, mostly to get them to provide information to find said enemies. For him, it was an occasional necessary evil and strictly business, that's what he kept telling himself anyway. He knew that those he and his men had harmed would most certainly see it a different way. The only saving grace for him and his men was the fact that these were individuals that were either knowingly involved in criminal acts themselves, or who had turned a blind eye to family members being involved in criminal acts, even as said criminal acts benefitted them either directly or indirectly. He knew that among these sorts of people there was never such a thing as true ignorance, only willful ignorance. It was for that reason that he knew there would never be any legal hassle.

As for Emmie, he didn't want to be so severe with her, but he would if he had to.
When he said that her cage would be outside of town she sighed softly, at least she wouldn’t be kept in such a tiny room that was at least something. Sure it would make running away from him a little harder but Emmie was still going to try even if the man in front of her hunted her down. Seeing his demeanour change as he moved closer to her a worried look came over her face, she already knew this man was dangerous, but seeing how quickly his mood could change solidified that for her.

As soon as Alex said that it would be in her best interest to cooperate and that she could have a pretty good life she nodded her head slowly, “I understand” she said softly. Even though she understood Emmie was still going to test her luck, she always needed to know how far she could push things before they would end badly. Emmie didn’t know if it was her pure curiosity when it came to learning where the line was or if she just liked to push people into snapping, but either way, she knew she would push him at least to find out how far she could before he would reach his limit with her. Emmie was good at judging how far she could push people, she just hoped Alex would be an easy person to read.

“So, um, when do you plan to take me out of here?” She asked wanting to direct his attention away from her question of what would happen if she ran from him, there was something about the fact that he could change moods so quickly that was almost a turn on. It was as if he had stepped out of a dark romance book she had read and Emmie wasn’t mad about it at all, looking down at herself a little she bit her bottom lip slightly before she looked up at Alex a light blush burning across her cheeks as she looked at him. “By any chance, do you have a jacket I could cover up with if you do plan to take me out of here anytime soon?” Emmie questioned, “I don’t want to give anyone the wrong idea” she added as she gestured to herself a little to remind him that she was only reading a satin bathrobe and nothing else.
Alex smiled, then stepped out of the room for a moment before returning with a long coat that would hand well enough past her knees. He handed the coat to her. "We'll leave in a few minutes. My guys need to finish up downstairs, first."

He leaned against a wall, and smiled, looking Emmie up and down slowly. "Any thought as to what you'd like first?" He asked, offering to get her anything she wanted, apart from her freedom, of course. "I'm already planning to get you your own room so you can have some privacy. I'll expect you to sleep in my bed, however."

He already had designs on her, plans that, if she cooperated, would see her wielding something resembling power. He knew, after all, that he'd one day move up, perhaps even becoming leader of the organization itself, assuming that offering her his protection didn't cost him everything in the process.
Emmie smiled a little when Alex brought the coat into her, taking it from him gently she pulled it on and wrapped it tightly around herself. It was one thing to be basically naked in front of one person but she didn't need other people getting the wrong idea seeing her only in a bathrobe. "Do I want to know what your guys are doing downstairs?" Emmie asked almost hesitantly, she doubt they would be doing anything good seeing as they had kidnapped her after all.

Watching as Alex leaned against the wall and looked her up and down Emmie raised a brow at him, "Take a picture, it lasts longer" she said with a shake of her head. She hated it when men stared at her as if she was a delicious snack that they wanted to taste. When he asked if there was anything she wanted to do first she thought for a moment, "Yeah, I want some food and some sleep" Emmie said simply, they had ruined her night after all. She had been planning on ordering herself some Chinese takeout and lounging in bed watching trash tv after her shower but of course everything had gone completely wrong.

When he said that he was planning on getting her her own room but that she would be expected to sleep in his bed Emmie frowned at him, "Doesn't that seem a little ridiculous??" she asked with a small laugh. "I mean, why give me my own room if you plan to have me sleeping in your room with you?" Emmie questioned, she doubted she would be able to talk him into letting her sleep in the room he wanted to give her. Emmie knew she was only valuable to him as long as she stayed where he wanted her since she had been used as a form of payment and he was technically buying her.

Thinking for a moment a small playful smirk crept over her lips as she looked at Alex as she pushed off of the wall and tipped her head to the side slightly, "And what if I say no to sleeping in your bed? Do you plan to drag me there and handcuff me to your bed" she playfully questioned.
Alex heard her first question, glancing towards the door and hearing his men doing their work downstairs. He looked back at Emmie. "Well, they're not disposing of bodies or shuffling around captives if that's what you're asking." He said with an amused smirk.

'Food and sleep,' her words stuck in his head. He nodded after she said it. He gave her next words some thought. Her own room. "I tell you what: " he replied. "I'll let you have a night in your own room, and we'll take it from there. I imagine you're pretty exhausted after we nabbed you from your home."

Alex laughed at Emmie's playful words. "If you say no to sleeping in my bed, I might have to spank you. The cuffs are going to happen anyway." He replied, matching her playfulness.

After a few minutes, one of the men downstairs called out "Boss, you ready to leave?"

Alex called back, "Yeah, I'll be down in a sec."

A moment later, the same guy called back, "Are we keeping that broad locked up here or what?"

With that, Alex held his hand out to Emmie, indicating that she should go down to the vehicle with him. Upon entering the back seat, Alex withdrew a blindfold from his jacket pocket and wrapped it around Emmie's eyes, tying it snugly. He then leaned over and whispered gently into her ear, "This is just until we get closer to our destination." A few moments later, the vehicle pulled out of the garage and headed to Alex's home, a trip that would take them a couple of hours to arrive.
Emmie laughed softly when Alex said that his men we're doing anything like what she was thinking, a part of her was glad about that but she couldn't help but be curious to what they were doing. "Just a little exhausted" she said with a small smile and a slight nod of her head, she hadn't thought about the possibility that being kidnapped could be so exhausting.

At his words that he might spank her if she said no to sleeping in his room she struggled to find any words to say back to him as she blushed deeply, this man was going to be the death of her, one way or another. Looking at the doorway hearing the man call out Emmie hesitated slightly before she grabbed his hand that he held out towards her to lead her to where he wanted to take her, sighing softly she walked along with him without complaint.

Getting into the car when he indicated that she should Emmie settled herself comfortably before she looked at Alex with a frown when he pulled a blindfold out of his jacket pocket, "Wha- hey" Emmie started as she raised her hands when he placed the blindfold over her eyes. It was one thing to willingly get into a car with her kidnapper but she wanted to draw the line at being blindfolded. When Alex whispered gently into her ear she shivered slightly, oh she wanted to hear this man whisper sweet nothings to her, "Of course it is" she breathed with a small shake of her head. Bowing her head slightly Emmie reached out to Alex's arm that was closest to her and slowly slid her hand down his arm until she found his hand, "Don't think of anything of this" Emmie started slowly as she took a deep breath trying to keep herself calm "I do not like not being able to see" she finished.

Emmie didn't like not being able to see at all, it was thanks to her mother when she was in one of her alcoholic rages she would either lock Emmie in a small cupboard where it was completely dark or drag her onto the roof of the apartment they lived in and would try and throw her off of the roof. She knew she had had a crap childhood and even though she had worked to try and forget it all, it still came back to haunt her, since she couldn't see Emmie just tried to focus on her breathing as she didn't want to have a panic attack in the back of a car with Alex. Staying quiet for the rest of the drive every now and again Emmie gently squeezed his hand as if she was reminding herself that she wasn't alone and that she did have someone else there with her.

After a couple of hours Emmie let go of Alex's hand, she hoped he wouldn't notice that her hands were shaking as she raised them to touch the blindfold slightly. Surely they had been driving long enough for her to be able to take it off, "Can I take it off now?" she asked softly not wanting to make him mad if she took it off too soon. She knew when to pick her battles and now was not the time to piss off the mafia man beside her.
Alex rode in the car with her quietly for a time. Feeling her squeeze his hand, he would give hers a gentle squeeze, as well. She seemed wound up and scared. Their talk at the warehouse seemed reasonable enough, but now she seemed tense again. Eventually, Emmie asked, "Can I take it off now?"

Alex reached over and untied the blindfold, letting it fall away from her eyes. "I'm sorry. You seemed pretty tense from that. May I ask why?" He asked, adding, "We don't have to talk about it if you don't want to." He was curious and wanted to know more, but he didn't want her to feel pressured. He remained silent in the car as it continued towards his home. They were getting closer, and they were far enough away from the city and the other places she may have frequented that he didn't mind if the blindfold remained off, he just didn't want her to know where they were exactly.

After a while still, they turned off down a paved road, leading past some trees. After a short distance, the trees opened up to a plain on the left and right of the road. On the right, another road lead up to what can only be described as the smallest mansion ever built, almost like the owner was trying to find the correct balance between opulence and inconspicuousness. The house had been there for decades at least, though there were rumors that it was built even before prohibition.

The car turned up the road leading to the house, and after a minute or so, they came to a stop, Alex getting out and helping Emmie out. He then lead her inside through the front door. He decided he needed to get her settled in quickly in case his boss called. He lead her up the stairs to a door, opening it to reveal a bedroom. "This will be your room." Alex said.

<OOC: Sorry about the wait and the short post.>
(No no no don't be sorry! I know how things can get! I'm behind on posts myself because of IRL!)

Emmie sighed softly when he said that she could take it off, when he removed the fabric from over her eyes she leaned her head back and blinked a few times getting her eyes used to the light again. Rocking her head to the side to look at him when he asked her why she seemed tense just from being blindfolded she studied him for a moment before she looked away and staring at the ceiling of the car, "Well, you already know my father has a gambling problem" she started slowly before she rolled her eyes a little. "My mother is an alcoholic and when she went into a rage she would do one of two things, she would either lock me in a cupboard that was completely dark for hours or days at a time" Emmie spoke softly with a small frown before she looked back at Alex, "Or she would try and throw me off the roof of the apartment we lived in" she added with a small shrug of her shoulders as if it was no big deal.

She knew she had gotten the short end of the stick when it came to her parents, hell, even growing up where she did hadn't been a good place. Emmie had grown up in the city but it had been bad part of down town where people did anything they could to survive even if it meant selling themselves.

Sitting up right properly when they turned off down a paved road she frowned a little before her eyes widened when she saw the house they had arrived at. Letting him held her out of the car she didn't protest when he lead her inside and up to the room that was hers, looking at the bedroom Emmie shot a look at Alex that silently asked him if he was serious. Stepping into the room she looked at it for a moment before she turned to look at him with a raised brow, "You can almost fit my whole apartment in here" Emmie pointed out. Sure the people who employed her as a nanny had a large apartment in the rich side of town but Emmie had never been in a room like the one she now found herself in.

"Let me guess, your kitchen is fully stocked with an in house chef?" she asked him as her stomach gave a slight growl making her cross her arms firmly over her stomach wanting to try and muffle the sound as she blushed a little.

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