General RP The Man Kept His Socks On (Knight_of_None)

While Lyrin tried to settle himself, the pressure of Billy still looming nearby, granting him seconds to mull it over. Billy however upped the stakes slightly, stroking himself as he leered over him, laying close by, his breath tickling against him. "I could muffle you-" he whispered teasingly
Lyrin glares, "Fine, then you can sit in here by yourself." He crosses his arms jaw tight. He takes a deep breath, closing his eyes, "I don't care."

He turns and leaves his room, going to the room Kalin shares with Alex and Soren. He quietly pushes the door open and smiles softly at Kalin when the redhead glances at him.

"Hey, bud, how are you?"

Kalin smiles slightly, "Like I got hit by a train."

Lyrin laughs softly, walking over and running his fingers through his hair, "You have another hour before I can give you more Tylenol."
Billy scowled as he let Lyrin leave, nearly tempted to slam him against the door. Not for fun either. But he restrained the violence that snaked through him. He stalked behind him, standing by the younger brothers door for the moment as he considered just leaving. But he listened to them talk, leaning against the doorway for a moment. "Hey." He said, more to draw attention than to greet Kalin. "I'm going."
Billy leaned forward. You're right." He said as he nodded along. "I can get someone else to bend. Bet I can do that faster than you can do anything without my money." He said shrugging indifferently. "You can put up with that knowledge?" He said stepping back, walking across the kitchen where the envelope sat, grabbing it.
"Oh? You'll figure it out? Thousands of dollars? You're scrapping by already aren't you? You'll maybe get medication. But skipping meals and working all day and night won't get your brother up any higher on that donation list when I walk away too." He reminded as he picked up the envelope, pocketing it. "But hey. You'll be able to lay up and think 'I tried almost everything I could'" billybsaid as he strolled by.
"Oh? You didn't?" He said turning to look at him. "Then, please! Tell me how you meant it." He jabbed as he stood in the hall, the gatekeeper of the life of his prey's sibling. But Billy didn't revel or swell with this show of force. This wasn't just about rejection or egoism now. He was drilling into Lyrin's idea of challenging him, reminding him that to do so wasn't in his brother's interest. After all if he found another classmate to fool around with, there wouldn't be anything Lyrin could do but watch his world come tumbling all over again.
Billy watched Lyrin tremble, trying to placate him, trying to save his younger brother. Billy put his hand on Lyrin's shaking shoulders. "I can forgive you." He said as he buried the brief feeling of disgust he had in himself. This wasn't simple blackmail or pressuring as he used so often. The reality of his actions slithering around inside him the long he stood in the house. "You didn't mean it, I know-" he whispered as if granting Lyrin an out
As they parted ways, the door clicking shit as Lyrin turned his back, left to care fir his brother. The two young men carrying this moment on their minds, upon their hearts. Lyrin's brothers came back in, Zyn noticing that Lyrin was alone, save the money, but he didn't press for any questions..yet.

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