General RP The Man Kept His Socks On (Knight_of_None)

Billy shifted his attention as Lyrin started to speak, half focusing on him at first but focused in on him more and more. The admission of affection, some twisted sense of desire and comfort that Lyrin built up. He kept his face neutral, reaching out to caress his hair. "You're drawn into me even after all I do to you?" He said into his ear.
Billy snorted a laugh as Lyrin mumbled out his response. "With such reinforcement, maybe I'll be less of a bastard." He said as he sipped his soda. He slid from the backseat, climbing into the front. "Where should we go? I doubt we can just keep fucking around in this lot theater before they throw us out-"
Lyrin clambers out, moving around the car and starts pushing through the tall grass. "There's a tree over there, my brothers and I used to climb it all the time. Well, more like me and Zyn, the other's were still too little to to climb." He glances back at Billy. "I don't know if you're a climber, but it has a nice view."

He hums, "Or, we can sit under the tree as well."

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