Whole he retrieved his food, Billy was eating , watching wondering what Lyrin was going to pull. Well. He seemed to be feeling upset...perhaps with the idea of Billy screwing around with someone else, and his...diverted attentions.
As Lyrin ate, Billy rolled his eyes standing up and walked over...passing his table as he pulled out his phone as he walked towards the storage room, opening it up to slide in.
As he picked at the food, he'd see someone else creep by , trying to not seem conspicuous...but wasn't doing the best as they came into the doorway, cracking it open. Some guy from the chess club it seemed. ...but Billy wasn't much of a chess guy.
As Kyrin waited in the bench..Billy would stride out from the campus grounds, stepping by him. "Ah- there you are." He said walking iver to him, sitting down beside him
He shakes his head, quiet as he stares at the path for a moment. He shifts his weight slightly, glancing over at Billy, pressing his lips together. He seemed to be debating something, before blowing out a breath. "Captain of the access team? Really?"
"He's got soft lips.' Billy said simply, looking at Lyrin. "And he wanted to protect his secrets." He said shrugging, as if he believed the problem was 'why' .
Lyrin huffs, "What's he got that I don't." He sulks, still facing away from the other. He stares at the ground, kicking at it. "Is that why you haven't talked to me?"
Billy shrugged again. "Alright. Guess I'm going to the car then. you can talk with you find a tongue." He said starting to walk away, feeling...well...quite satisfied really. But also confused why Lyrin was acting this way.
Lyrin whined softly and then follows Billy. "Yes, it is, alright? Happy now?" He unlocks his car, pulling open his door. "What's he got that I don't? I have better grades than him, a better ass-"
He smirked. "Oh? You've checked out his ass too?" Billy said after he got in the car, grinning at Lyrin. "Maybe I'm into his personality and the way he listens?" Billy said teasingly, touching his chest.
He grinned wider the more Lyrin dug in. It was almost adorable to see him so puffed up. "You have your reasons. So does he. So do I. But I suppose the real question is, I thought you didn't care what I did?" He said putting his hand under his chin.
"Well it's a good thing I didn't fuck him." He said shrugging as he relished in Lyrins jealousy. "Didn't even put the tip in him. He panicked the second I unzipped."
"It's been disappointing really, he's very gun shy, but I suppose it had its uses " He said as he reached out, grabbing his collar gently. "So let's find a spot hm?"
Lyrin blinks and slowly looks over to Billy, "What?" He asks dumbly, before clearing his throat and shaking his head, pulling out of the parking lot, "Why do you wanna go?"
"I've been trying to work a twink nerd into spreading his legs and he puckers everytime. I could drag him around like I did to you but I want you to know your special when I force you to listen." He said shrugging. "So- we gonna fuck or am I going to have to get aggressive."
Lyrin coughs, looking at him, raising an eyebrow. "You wanna fuck me in a bed?" He snorts, "And why are you saying 'love hotel'?" He hums softly, moving into the road.
"I can press you up against one of the windows." Billy deadpanned, shrugging. Beds weren't so intimate to him. "One stop fuck motel sounds uch less appealing to people. Or it's because people go there to cheat-"
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