General RP The Occultist Club's Stud (Crow)


Master of Dungeons, Femboy Tamer
Staff Member
Top Monthly Poster
Nov 9, 2022
In the breezy spring morning at Saint Cyprian University's Campus, Owen was running late, the peaceful and calm of the day for him was naught but panic and frantic despair. He had woken up and missed his bus, having to nike over to try to get to the campus on time for his first tests of the week. His heart hammered away in his chest, his thin legs burning up, and his breathing practically gasps for his nerves to stop lashing him. His green blazer whipped behind him, his glasses case rattling against his chest. Up in the bike lane, he could see the city bus that he had missed slowing to a stop and opening, University students stepping out and milling through to the tall black iron gates. Owen pumped the brakes.


...well, his hands squeezed the brake bar, but he felt no tension in the mechanism. The young man's hazel eyes widened, the panic of his tardiness spiked into a panic that he couldn't stop. He saw students take notice of him as he whizzed closer from the slope, his mind snapping into the moment. "Move it! Move it!" He yelled out as he started to ring the bell to draw attention his way the crowd shifting around and people moving to leap out of his path. " What the fuck are you doing!" he heard amongst the jeers and disarray, but he swerved into the gate entrance, pulling ahead of the pack. He saw a girl ahead of him, her dark clothing, and her pale skin, probably would have made him curb away normally to give her space. but He had much more to worry about as she jetted closer and closer, his fingers ringing the bell faster. "Mov-" He yelled as he swerved aside, pulling to her right...his voice cut short as in his efforts to protect her, he hit something that clotheslined him clean off the bike and slammed him onto his back, Air kicked out of Owen's body as the back of his head bounced off the blacktop. The Gaurdstations boundary arm had caught him, his bike skidding along the ground and crashing. He reached up in vain, touching his chest, the sun flaring over his eyes, blinding him.
Gwendolyn started her day as usual, getting ready, eating cereal, all while listening to heavy metal. She chose a cute top that hugged her slim figure and a nice black skirt with fishnet stockings. If one looked close enough they would be able to get a glimpse of her panties which were struggling to hide her plump ass.

She was in her way to the campus, eager to start looking for club members for her occult club she recently started. It was obvious she was into with craft, ghost, and all things paranormal. And as such she was starting a club, downside she needed 3 members before she could be official.

As she was in her own head when she heard someone shouting at her. She turned to see a bike coming at her and would fall backwards screaming as she lands on her ass. Thankfully she was saved by the sign. "Hey watch where you are going!" She shouts at him, unaware her current position showed everything under her skirt to him and everyone else around
Owen was too busy rolling around in pain to apologize, but as someone yelled, he held his head abd turned over to look at her, his position giving him a good eye full underneath her skirt and then he looked up at the rest of her. "Some other students were rubber nicking and some came over to help her up. "I'm sorry- my brakes, they apparently are shot- I didn't know-" he said as he realized....nobody even came over to pull him up. He sat up on his knees. "Are you-okay-" he said trying not to stare....God he was really trying but couldn't stop glancing.
She would smile in thanks to the people helping her up and would turn to glare at the boy who had almost ran her over. He would look over and walk over to him, stomping her feet. She would grab his collar and start dragging him away from the crowd. Once they were in an alley she would push him to the wall, placing a hand next to his head. "You owe me for almost hitting me. As compensation you are now a member of the occult club" she says backing away as she hands him a flier
Owen gasped as she threw him against the wall, but nearly about to Apologize again before she cut him off, her hand blocking him in as he mouthed silently. "I-im-" he started again before she cut him off again , telling him how he was exactly going to pay her back. Honestly she could have told him he was going to wash her car in a donkey suit and he would have probably looked equally surprised. "Thats it?" He said as he looked at her, he was slightly taller than her...but her boots added a few inches and he was slouching lower. "I -I'll do it-" he mumbled as he stared at her intense glare...his dick stirred as she glared at him. He flushed to himself, unsure if he was inti this because she was just so pretty or if she was pretty and her glare made him so scared. He quickly filed away the thought of figuring out if he was some kind kf freak for later. "I didn't know we had a occult club-"
Her mood and demeanor would instantly change as she smiles at him bouncing around a bit. "This is great! I finally got my first member!" She would turn and look at him smiling a bit sweetly "we aren't official yet, need 2 more members but we can still have meetings and such. I am the president and founder Gwendolyn!" She says offering a hand to him
When she held oto his hand, he blinked, unsire to let go...but he followed her, the walk was giving his time to... cool off a bit. As the door was opened up, the room carried the musty scent of old books, and underneath it all was the smell of incense. It was a smaller room, repurposed for the club's start, but they gave up as much furnishing and shelving as needed. A small computer was in the corner, a standard table and a set of sheet-covered chairs lined the wall. "So....what do we do here?
"easy! I study about the occult and paranormal, find cursed or magical objects and try to meet and commune with spirits. " She says as she goes over and picks up a a doll that looks very similar to her, even has a similar skirt and panties. "See this doll. It's some sort of voodoo doll and changes it's shape and appearance when you add your hair to it. Still not sure how it works after that tho"
He caught tge doll as it landed in his arms, shaking it a little bit. "Well if it's a dud or something, maybe I should look it over myself, maybe there's a trick." He said as he poked at it here abd there.he turned it over, the limp dolls cushy legs parting as he realized it even had underwear . He flushed slightly, but turned his head before Gqwn would notice him looking too hard at it. It was kind of he wouldn't mess with it. "Anyth other weird doodads?" He said as he prodded the doll between its legs with a finger while cradling it as he turned to one of the shelves.
As he looked ose at the doll he would feel how soft it was but also noticed he could make out a clear camel toe which was strange on a doll. Gwen would smile and start going through her collection "this is a rabbits foot that gives you bad lu...mmmfph " she would fumble on her words and put a hand between her legs as she felt something massive tap against her. Maybe it was a cramp of some kind. "A ...any way I have a lot of various stuff but none proven to work so far"
He looked over his shoulder as she fumbled her words, seeming to get suddenly uncomfortable. "Oh- hm so it might all be duds or bunk." He said as as he noted the camel toe in the doll, blinking to himself as he put his finger on the dolls panties, tugging them up with his pinky and thumb . "This doll is stull...weird. he said as he let them got and put the doll on the table. "Maybe I can get some better research at home with ut.
He coughed slightly to himself as he heard her suddenly speak up. "Right-of course not" He said as he started to put the doll in his backpack. what was he doing! he wasn't even sure if this thing was safe! "Uh...well- I guess...I'll turn in for class, Prez, i nearly ran down a crowd for a test today-" He said as he shook the thoughts off. He knew what he felt when he saw the dolls...nature—that bolt of a thrill. It was a voodoo doll...but not the kind Gwen thought.
"Oh lucky you, you scheduled better than I did." He said with a little laugh as he put his backpack on. He touched his glasses case, sliding it out and putting the shin rounded glasses on. He stepped put inti the hall, closing the door to head towards his first class, hustling on his way. Nerves crept through him as he walked, rippling up in his gut briefly as he sat in on the test, trying not to be perceived sbd not disrupt.
As she pondered the feeling, Owen was scribbling away frantically, trying to catch up on his test before the first half was sealed. But he was struggling ti relax and focus, his testing anxiety creeping into his mind and stiffling his thoughts. He slapped his pencil down as the clock beeped, narrowly finishing a little over half his page with answers. But his mind was buzzing with the clashes of thoughts and tension. He had to relax. He swallowed as he grabbed his bag up, knowing he had no choice but to release this nerves somehow...the only way he really coped with stress as he was growing up. He shuffled away for hfrom the room, taking his alloted 15 minute break, shuffling quickly for the bathroom and sitting down in the stall. He unzipped his pants...Athens hus bag, rooting about inside to look for his 'helper'..

His reason for being Kate was because he was so anxious last night, he was forced to ease it by trying to stroke one out...but he couldn't get himself calmed. He had flapped his way into the wee hours of fhe morning and then fallen asleep. His hand padded around, blinking as he realized...his fleshlight wasn't in his bag. Oh no. His hand dragged the back closer, looking inside with his eyes desperately. His hands wouldn't cut it!
As the sensation of calm washed over him, that the doll gentky prodded at his mind with such a feeling...he had no clue why. His hand was already pulling it up out of his bag, holding it around its waist. He was calmed...but he was still sweating, but not out of nerves. Temptation. He needed to calm down quickly, and it would technically confirm what he though the doll was for. He angled the door gently...pushing on its camel toe with a finger shyly. He wasn't even sure if it would be deep enough for him yet...
He would feel a soft warmth from it as he pushed on the mound, feeling the lips move under cloth a bit making him feel that he could put something inside it.

Gwen would suddenly feel a pressure press between her legs and would gasp looking around and seeing nothing there. But she could smcertainly feel something, perhaps this was her first true encounter?
Owen bit his lip as he flipped up the dolls skirt with his thumb, his finger start rubbing the dolls mound tentatively. It had give, a almost...warmth to it, more than just the transfer of his body heat. H3 used two fingers to peel the tiny panties of, bating the effigy over his lap as he stroked his member with one hand. The doll was about 12 inches end to end, around the same lengtg of his inflating, lustful cock...he put a thumb on the dolls belly as he drew it closer to his tip. In comparison he almost looked like a giant, manhandling some poor human woman. He eased forward, pushing his tip on the dolls slit. He closed his eyes...starting to push its tiny folds open to try to see if it could fit the tip.

On Gwen's end, the presence did something, hiking her skirt up against her belly briefly. Was it some kind of spirit of mischief? A poltergeist? A lost soul that was taking its lifeless state poorly? Seeking to have an impact on something to the point it was trying to spook her.
Gwen was baffled as her skirt moved up and wondered what could possibly be going on when she felt another strange occurrence. She felt something start to push against her slit causing her to moan but also start to panic a bit. She had always dreamed of a chance encounter with the paranormal but didn't expect it to be like this. As lock pressed his tip past the dolls slot Gwen would feel a large protrusion force it's way past hers. Something way too large to be human surely. "No no no stop this! B..bad ghost" she protest trying to love away
As she shuffled on the chair, Owen groaned as the felt the strange tightness of the doll, it definitely squeezed around around him, perhaps some strange interior pressure. He started to pump the doll, sliding it up and down a bit, trying to get it to widen up and slide around the first couple of inches, figuring that he would hit the back of the dolls insides for the front hole. "Ngh-its-so-" he mumbled as he felt the strange warmth, the softness of what he believed to be silicone and rubber.
He moaned out lustfully as the wet softness suddenly gave in, letting him plunge all the way into the doll, it's pleasure swallowing him up , but he couldn't stop to pay attention to it. It was deep, impossibly so for a doll of its size, his cock tapping something cushy and soft as he bounced it faster abd faster. "Ah~it'd so hot- so wet-"
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