Game RP The Stars Aligned (Kingdom Hearts)

Nov 15, 2023
Who knew that several worlds could still be so lonely?
Charlie’s a simple, orphan boy who can wield a keyblade, but is soon roped into an outstanding adventure with all your favorite Disney, Final Fantasy, and mainline Kingdom Hearts characters as he inadvertently joins the fight against Master Xehanort with a brand new (and attractive😏) friend!

Extra info: Charlie’s a normal boy, not of extreme musculature, has unique features on his body. Perhaps he’s not even human…?


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Serena walked through Traverse Town with her healing staff in hand, looking to see if she could find anyone who might be in need of her help. She was the towns top healer and was dedicated to helping those who suffered from the wrong doings of Master Xehanort. Her long white hair flowed behind her while her spirit dove flew close over head. Even though she would help anyone who was in need, she always hoped that it was going to be a quiet day with no one to heal, meaing that Master Xehanort didn't harm anyone else. After circling around town for a bit, Serena stopped and took a seat near the fountain and watched a few of the dalmatian pups that were playing near by. She had no idea that today was going to be the day that she finally join the fight to help defeat Master Xehanort, along with meeting someone who would help to change her life in more ways than one.
Charlie awoke in an alleyway, his head slowly coming to as his eyes flickered open and he saw a heartless standing right in front of him, creeping closer. Barely awake, he still managed to summon a strong-looking keyblade, one that appeared as a strong-looking collection of neon colors that sparkled in the darkness around him. He lazily swung at it as he was just waking up and scared the heartless away, but he knew he couldn’t let it get away. “Hey! Get back here!” He yelled out, half-asleep, as he tried to get up and hobbled after it. After managing to catch up, he stumbled and managed to thrust his keyblade into the heartless, vanquishing it. “yawn…well, that’s one way to say good morning.” He said, dissolving his keyblade and slowly getting up. He stretched and yawned some more before he felt a bit more energized. “Now then, what happened…?”
He quickly remembered the thing that brought him here in the first place: a large swarm, perhaps even a storm, of darkness and heartless had interrupted his travels and made him lose control of himself, bringing him down into Traverse Town. “Oh yeah…hey, aren’t there cafe’s around here?” He asked himself as he started to walk around and see what was up in the dimly lit town, unaware of a girl who had seen the fight happen in front of her eyes nearby…
Serena was speechless as she saw the strange traveler effortlessly take out a heartless. Many of those who found themselves in Traverse Town were always too weak to stand or couldn't fight at all. She honestly felt a little intrigued by this man though. She had never seen a keyblade wielder in person before. The keyblade he had looked very powerful, making her wonder if he was a pure hearted person. She maintained a decent distance from him as she followed him through town. She wanted to say hello and offer her assitance, but there was something about him that made her shy. He seemed to carry himself with such confidence and strength, despite his average body type. As she watched him continue to explore the town, Serena's spirit dove, Jasper, flew closer to him and started trying to get his attention. What the-? No no no! You're going to give me away and make me look like a creep for following him! Serena quickly scurried behind a large pillar as Jasper continued to try and get the man's attention.
Charlie yawned as he drank from his coffee cup at a cafe table outside. He quickly heard the fluttering of a bird’s wings but tried not to pay attention to it. That is, until it came closer and more frequent. He turned with an annoyed look and saw the pretty dove. He was immediately intrigued by its appearance. “Hmm? And where’d you come from, little guy? You got some beef with me?” He joked to it. Out of the corner of his eyes he saw both another heartless coming and Serena looking from a distance. He smirked a little bit as he took another sip of his drink and maintained a calm demeanor.
Serena blushed and yelped quietly to herself as she hide behind the pillar again. Crap! did he see me?! She tried to remain as quiet and as still as possible in hopes of him not coming towards her. She couldn't help but feel unbearably shy. Now she had to figure out how she was going to get that pesky spirit dove back over by her so she could scurry back to her home. While she was trying to come up with the best way to trick that dove back over to her, she heard the footsteps of the heartless, looking up quickly and almost screaming as she saw how close it had gotten to her. "Get away from me!" She tried to back away but slipped and fall back on her butt as the heartless kept inching closer. "I said go away!" Serena swung her staff at the monster, sending an electric blue wave of magic at it that knocked it back against a nearby tree before it faded into nothing.
Charlie’s eyes turned to the scene and he raised an eyebrow as he saw her vanquish the heartless, although it looked a bit embarrassing, making him laugh to himself. He looked back at the dove and smirked. ”You’re with her, aren’t you?” He said, nonchalantly taking another sip of his coffee and leaning back in his chair. Seems like there’s someone like me after all. Maybe I won’t be alone for much longer.🙂
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Serena huffed and stood back up while brushing off the dirt from her skirt and legs. Stupid, ugly me all dirty She looked around for any more heartless that might have accompanied that one. She was relieved that it seemed to be alone, meaning she could let her guard down just a bit. "Now what was I-" The second she turned as saw Charlie looking at her, Serena stopped talking and blushed. Did....did he just watch all of that?
Charlie smiled as her eyes trailed into his. He finished his cup of coffee, left his payment and beckoned the dove to follow him as he walked over to her calmly with a smirk. “Hey there! Not bad moves, I gotta say.“ He gestured to the pretty bird. “Is this one yours?” He said in a joking tone, his tail flipping back and forth with slight interest.
"Y-yes! Thank you, he's my spirit dove, Jasper. I'm so sorry if he was bothering you." Serena bowed her head with her apology out of respect and embarrassment. She had never been this nervous around someone before. She also never had anyone compliment her fighting abilities. She was only ever known for her healing powers. Once she looked back up, her cheeks heated up even more as she saw his tail swaying behind him. "I-I'm sorry, where are my manners? I'm Serena, the healer of Traverse Town."
“Oh, the nurse of this place? Nice. I just go wherever I want, really; a vagabond, if you will. Name’s Charlie.” He said with a stuck-out hand. His tail swished back in forth, showing he was clearly interested in Serena, but his tone almost indicated otherwise. His smirk gave him an air of relaxation and calm, his voice and posture clearly not giving much “manners” to go off of.
Serena smiled and shook Charlie's hand as her delicate fingers grazed over his skin. "It's nice to meet you Charlie. I hope you aren't injured in any way. I...I saw you take down that heartless earlier and I just hope you are feeling alright." She could feel her heart pounding her chest, but she couldn't figure out why. The movement of his tail spoke volumes of how he must be excited to be talking with her, but she couldn't figure out why.
Charlie’s tail wagged like a dog who just got called a good boy, but his face seemed unaffected. “I’m fine, thanks.” He said with some crossed arms. “So, you live around here, then?” He asked, his voice sounding bored but his tails wagging still. He certainly didn’t want to be overbearing in any way to this little (compared to him) girl, and he wasn’t exactly sure what to be other than his aloof self that he usually was, unsure if people would be friends with someone like him.
Charlie’s tail wagged even more, but he tried to stay calm and not burst out in excitement at a new friend showing him around her town. “I’d like that, sure.” He said, putting his hands in his pockets and fidgeting with his sweater. “Lead the way, miss. And dove.” He said, tipping his sweater’s hood to Jasper.
Serena giggled before turning and starting to lead Charlie around town. She wanted to make sure he got a good look at everything Traverse Town had to offer. She showed him all the different restaurants and small shops along with the hotel and the main fountain that she was sitting by when he fought the heartless. There was a gentle breeze as they walked, making Serena's hair flow softly behind her as they walked while Jasper took advantage of the breeze to fly higher, almost as if he was trying to show off. She couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement as she showed Charlie around. She wondered how he had gotten there in the first place and how he had come across his keyblade. "So, how did you get here? Did your world disappear?"
“Hm? Well…” he thought for a second, as if his memory suddenly went blank. “I don’t remember my ‘world’: I just move to and fro, hopping through different ones as I like. I sort of ‘crash-landed’ here when some darkness made me lose control of where I was going. I get from place to place using my keyblade, you know?” He said with his tail wagging. He put his hand out and summoned his keyblade again. It was the same as before, colorful and expressive, but it seemed odd that someone as lackluster and lazy as he was wield something so outward, if that made any sense. He flourished it before posing. “What? Don’t tell me you’re not impressed.” He grinned.
Serena stared in awe at Charlie's keyblade. The dazzling colors looked amazing in the dim light. She had never seen a keyblade up close before and especially not one this magnificent. She was sure that he must have an amazing heart to be able to wield such a glorious keyblade. "This is amazing Charlie. I've never seen something so beautiful." Even Jasper was staring at the keyboard as he perched himself on Serena's shoulder and cooed quietly. "You said you crash landed here because of the darkness? Where were you originally heading, if you don't mind me asking?"
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(Sorry, but you said “keyboard” and “Ice”😅🤣)

“I was, hm…oh yeah! The Timeless River! I’ve heard it’s very fun to explore.” He said, wagging his tail and dissolving his weapon away. “Well, I might as well get back to my adventure. I usually don’t stay in one place for too long, you know what I mean?” He said, shrugging before starting to walk off with his hands in his pockets and a grin on his face.
(Agh! Stupid hands can't type when I'm cold and tired and auto correct just hates me 😓)

Serena felt a small twinge of sadness in her heart as Charlie started walking away. She had wanted to get to know him better, but she didn't want to impose on his adventure. She looked down and fidgetted with the hem of her skirt for a moment, feeling like she must have been such a bore for him to want to leave so quickly. "I...I hope you have safe travels and that...I get to see you again." Serena then turned and slowly started walking back towards her home while Jasper flew close to her and tried to comfort his owner.
(Don’t feel too bad about it, I meant it as a joke; I could tell what you meant!🤣😅)

“Well, why don’t you come with, if you wanna see me so bad?” He said, turning his head around and grinning. “From what I know, this place doesn’t get much activity. Not sure why you’d be a nurse around here, honestly. I think I could use some extra help on my adventures, you know what I mean?” He said. And a friend to enjoy it all with would be nice, too.
(I'm just hard on myself with my grammar 😅)

Serena perked up and looked at Charlie with a hopeful expression. Everyone else she had ever known had only stayed with her until they were healed and then took off without even saying goodbye. She was more excited than ever to be able to finally leave Traverse Town, but she was also nervous. She had never been anywhere else before. Serena walked back over to Charlie with Jasoer perched her shoulder and smiled warmly "I-I would love to. I've never been anywhere else other than here, so please forgive me if I get nervous."
(Don’t be, especially if it’s not your fault👍)

“That’s fine. Bein’ somewhere you’ve never been can be scary, but it’s fun too.” He explained with a shrug. Charlie would know how it felt, so he didn’t want someone else to feel as badly as he did when he first started going out on his own. “At least you got me.” He said wqith a wink before he summoned his Keyblade. “So, where to? Someplace peaceful, perhaps?” He asked her.
"That would be very nice. A peaceful place for my first big travel location would be a good start." Serena couldn't help but blush when Charlie winked at her. She hoped that they would be able to become very good friends as they journeyed together. He was definitely a different type of person then those who she dealt with normally. "So how do we get there exactly?"
Charlie pointed his Keyblade at the air before them, and a beam of light appeared out of it. The light turned into a keyhole-shaped portal, with a view of a monochrome world on the other side. Charlie smugly smirked as he turned to Serena. “Well, you comin’?” He asked before jumping thourgh.
"W-wait!...Oh geez!" Serena took a deep breath and jumped through the keyhole-shaped portal after Charlie. She didn't know what was going to happen, but she figured everything would be okay. Not too long after jumping through the portal, Serena was in the monochromatic world. Just as She was completely through the portal, Serena fell and landed face first on ground. It appeared someone had forgotten to tell her how to go through the portal without falling or getting hurt. "Ouuuuuuuuch...."
(You know the world in KH2 called “Timeless River”, right?🎬)

Charlie laughed as she fell through the other side and helped her up with a hand. “Yeah, I should’ve mentioned you might get a little dizzy and such, but you’ll be fine in a second.” He said, his face now looking more…cartoonish? ”This place is pretty easy-going, from what I remember, so we should be fine here.” He said with a smile.
(Of course I do!)

Serena shook her head to clear away any residual dizziness before looking around. She had never seen anything like this world before. Even though it lacked all color, she still found the area to be very cute and quaint. "Y-you're face looks so different...does..that always happen when traveling to a new world?" Serena had heard that there were changes in people when they traveled between worlds but she didn't know exactly what said changes would be.
“Well, this one specifically makes everything look…funnier, to say the least.” Charlie said with a chuckle as he took in a breath of fresh air. “Ahhh…this smells better than I remember!” He said with a grin. He looked at Serena, her outfit looking much more simpler and plain, even Jasper having bigger eyes and flapping hysterically.
Serena giggled as she looked up at Jasper. She could tell he was going to get her back for this later. When she looked at her outfit, she was surprised to see just how much it changed. It wasn't bad in her opinion, just different. She then looked around and saw just how different everything looked compared to Traverse Town. Apart from the lack of color, it was still something so new to her. "So where should we go first now that we are here?"

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