(I thin k the position is perfect)

Just when Rebecca is sure she would be deflowered the men took her, dragging her towards a huge wooden support pole. Her ankles were tied cross legged and bent up towards her chin. Her wrists are bound behind the pole and a thick knotted rope is tied around her waist and shoulders. Slwly she was pulled up until she was about a foot or two off the ground.
As she watched in horror, the boss dropped his trousers to reveal the most savage looking was thick, long and throbbing, the veins pulsating. Rebecca knew she was about to lose her virginity.
"MMMMMMPH!!!!," she screamed through the gag, struggling wildly....."MMMMMMPH!!!"
as she struggled wildly, the wicked man smirked, as he moved upon his prey. the lord of this wicked house, loving how his men hung his prey for the amusement. before he moved in.
his bulking hands reaching to grope and fondle her, as he stood in position. allowing his bulbous, swollen cock to slide along her innocent nether lips. before suddenly pushing himself
deep into Rebecca with out mercy. tearing into her tender flower, and plucking it with out mercy. as the wicked man leaned in licking along one of her legs as he did this.
his one assistant would move up behind her. as his own thick meaty spear was not visible, but felt. as it threatened to join in, and take her back side while the pain was still fresh
from losing her V card to this vile master. as it would not be long before Rebecca would be enjoyed like a dangling piece of meat before the hungering beasts before her eyes.
Nothing this horrible, this repulsive, this sadistic would have ever entered Rebecca's mind and become her worst nightmares. She was hung like a slab of meat, gagged bound and totally helpless. She closed her eyes, not wanting to see what was about to violate her. Suddenly the worst pain she ever experienced tore through her.....she felt his cock ram and burrow his way deep inside her, tearing at her most sensitive meat as it plunged deeper....still deeper. She felt her hymen tear and still he pushed his way in.

Rebecca screamed in pain as the raping continued.....first time sex for a virgin never equaled up to the way their dreams envisioned it.
As if her deflowering wasn't bad enough she felt another cock push from behind....she was going to be anally raped again!
The two cocks went in and out of her swaying body in perfect one cock pulled almost all the way out, the other plunged in. Rebecca felt warm liquid drizzling out of her pussy and knew what it was her own bright red blood. She was now a woman.
now with her body hanging like a piece of meat, while being assaulted. each time one pushed into her, the sensation would echo as it caused Rebecca's body to push against the other man.
the hands against her bound flesh. the mouths, and tongues moving to assault her. licking along Rebecca's leg, and the side of her face. the two men were going wild, thrusting, grinding, and loving every moment
if her helpless thrashing, and gagged screaming. the mast would speak up with such an excited tone.

"Damn, your old man did not lie, your body is the best cock sleeve I could enjoy. Perhaps You are gonna fetch me more money then I originally thought once trained. "
as he spoke like this, the man behind her would begin to swell and throb with in Rebecca, as he would look to his partner, with a wicked smirk. the larger of the two brutes would soon
be taking his turn in her abused ass once more. however it would seem they were both smaller then the boss and had less stamina for right now. however if they lost themselves, it could very
well lead into a double cock stuffed ass, as it would depend on how great her struggles made this feel for her assailants.
The more Rebecca struggled the more it only served to excite and arouse her trio of captors. She was now nothing but a pin cushion, drops of blood dripping on the floor beneath her, her hymen ruptured and the fucking more painful by the minute....she found herself wishing they would kill her and put her out of her misery.
She didn't want to make noise---it only served to arouse them even more, if it was possible---but it was impossible to stay silent as both holes were gaped and violated. Her bleeding made for a perfect lube as the man plowed into her pussy, precum from the other made anal penetration almost as easy.

The one attacking her in front kept angling his cock so it rubbed against her G spot. Rebecca had heard on shows like 'SVU' that rape victims often experienced forced orgasms, that their bodies simply responded to stimuli even though their mind hated it.....she found out to her horror that it was true.
She screamed through her gag as a mixture of blood and nectar dribbled from her vagina as she was forced to cum.
an evil smirk coming across her new master's face, as he felt how her body reacted. even more so loving the sensation enticing the wicked man to get rougher with his bound, and dangling toy.
all this while his men were filling her back side, however Rebecca would be able to feel one of them nutting into her ass, and tagging out to his companion as the other moved to take her with wicked
gusto. as their master was a monster of a different level in such acts.

as her body gave into the sensations, and stimuli, she would also be able to feel how this man's wicked meaty spear with in her began to swell and throb, despite how it did not slow at all.

"OOh, to think, your flower is now plucked, and if we end up knocking you up, a girl would sell well, once raised properly, a boy could be sold off as a slave. "
saying this in a cruel and playfully gleeful tone. the wicked man would paint a picture of Rebecca as a bound baby factory for their income, when her fate would be far worse, however a bit of mental horror ontop
of the physical was to hopefully cause even more struggling, as her bound body helpless thrashing excited this wicked man, and his boys all the more.
Rebecca hated herself and her body for turning traitor against she was, being horribly raped in the worst possible ways and she had an orgasm!....why did this have to happen? she felt so dirty, so used.....
as the first man came and filled her womb with man seed she felt her bowel being stuffed.....suddenly she heard a groan and felt wads of warm man juice empty into her ass.

she stopped her useless struggling and just hung there limp....then heard the one man mention the only thing worse than being raped----becoming PREGNANT!
what would be worse...being sold off to someone else or to be kept here as a breeder?
With that thought in her mind she began to struggle again, this time with all her strength....she moaned loudly, trashing and wiggling...she had to escape and get to a doctor....being a virgin she hadn't taken birth control.....will it be too late soon?
Feeling how Rebecca began to struggle with new vigor and desperation, this helped her unwanted master to release his thick, globs of twisted baby batter deep into her womb.
as his sack slapped wickedly against her thrashing, and squirming body. all the while the wicked man filling her sore and well abused back side would soon reach around to tightly grasp her
breast. his hands viscously grasping squeezing and twisting them as he fondled his prey.

the two slamming into her harder, and faster, as they would be releasing their hot seed into the young lady's body with out remorse. her bound body enduring far more then one would
ever truly expect. as they planned to fill her with enough seed that they can leave Rebecca hanging, with their spunk allowed to drip out of her, and escape the body. as if putting their prize on
display for any one who would walk past the room which she was bounce in with the wide open door, once they were done.

as her master spoke up leaning into her to speak into Rebecca's ear.
"Your magnificent, I will train you to be a good little slut, we can ensure our customers enjoy this body very well, as well as how they can enjoy the shows, perhaps even have you be prepared like
a living meal or table for some potential customers. " saying this, and stating all the ways he wanted to humiliate her little by little, as his wickedly girthy cock filled her now violated womanly slit.
Rebecca thrashed around, her bound body swaying as she fought uselessly.....she started crying as she felt wads upon wads of man seed fill her womb....even allowing for dripping out, there was more than enough inside her to guarantee a pregnancy. The one behind her joined forces with the third and now two cocks forced their way into her no longer tight one shot loads of cum into her bowel it served as perfect lube for the other cock.....three man missiles drilled into her bound body.

She screamed again and again with every cum load deposited in her.....she hated the men that were violating her with every fiber of her being. She hated that her body was bound so her legs were tied up to her neck, leaving both holes horribly exposed like some kind of trophy.
Somehow she still managed to struggle, despite sheer exhaustion. What were they going to do with her next? then she heard the man's plans for her.
'a living meal?....a table????....NO!.....NOOO!!!!
As the boss finally finished up his first lesson with Rebecca, he would pull out of her now messy and well abused cunt. as he leaned in kissing her cheek before speaking up.

"Take good care of my boys, and once their done, you can hang hear, and rest up. I will have a few servants come in and prepare you for your first job tonight. "
winking at the now screaming and panicking maiden. the wicked man would leave the room bit he would leave her in the care of the two brutes which were double stuffing her one hole
with such glee. However the fact her new owner even stated he would have some servants come to take care of her, and prepare Rebecca for her first gig of her new life. the horrible sensation was
left to seep in. as if this man was not the one to knock her up, surely one of her unwanted partners would sooner then later.

the two excited men would thank their boss, as they would wait for him to leave, before Rebecca would hear them speaking of hot candle wax, and other shocking treatments they could
enjoy putting her through while fucking Rebecca. wanting to see if the story they heard about women's body feeling even more amazing when their flesh react to external stimuli while being abused.
yet they would need to ensure no scars or permanent damage would be done.

as this would now be heppning.

the orc like man would be heading to a small meeting room where two younger looking men, and a rough, scarred up, muscular woman would be sitting. as he would seem to be off to set up something
with his own interests in mind. as his new toy would become the key to many fun shows, and income for the twisted individual until he grew bored and sold her to a private owner.
Rebecca watched as the man left.....for some reason she almost didn't want him to leave her alone with the other two.....she looked at them, shook her head and moaned through the gag.....she had good reason to moan.
The only stipulation given to them was not to leave any lasting marks.
The captive was ravished.....again and again, one took turns raping her while the other anally violated her, then they swapped places.....Rebecca had so much cock in her holes she knew her body would be worthless.....the pain was now numbing, as if she was floating over her body, looking down at herself.....

Candles were lit and hot wax dripped all over her body but mostly on her nipples, her labia and belly. She wanted to scream but could only make pitiful gurgling noises.
If she was to be sold she wanted it to happen quickly so she could escape her toment.
as she endured the seemingly endless waves of forced pleasure, pain and torment. Young rebecca would eventually be given her peace. left their a mess,
her body bound, and folded, as it dangled helplessly in the center of the room. the mess dripping and trickling from her body into a small pool under her. be a mix of
fluids, blood, wax, and anything else which might had been used upon her. However as the two were sated for now, they would slap Rebecca painfully across the breast, and ass at the same time.

as the two would look to her, winking at their toy, before leaving, as the smaller of the two brutes spoke up.
"Rest up well, boss's servants will prep you for proper displays, and interactions soon. think of our fun tonight as a gentle welcome to your new life. "
saying this, the door would be closed slowly behind him. However the wicked taller man had did something a bit unexpected before they left her which would not be noticed right away.
But once her body had enough strength, recovered, Rebecca would find the one wicked man had loosened her gag, meaning it could slip off with some effort, however alone in the dark room now.
it would be a rare chance to recover with some rest, despite how painful it was to be left bound, and hanging like this, until the owner's servants came for her, to clean up, and prepare Rebecca to be shown off
like a pet or worse for her master's potential new clients.
Rebecca hung there like some kind of macabre trophy in the dimly lit room, gently swaying as she struggled.....the gag in her mouth was loose for whatever reason, maybe it simply worked out that way, but for whatever reason she took advantage of it. Working her jaw she was finally able to shake it off.

"HELP!," she screamed...."SOMEONE HELP MEEEE!!!!"
no one came to her rescue, as if she even believed they would.
She had to get free before someone came back....the rope keeping her ankles bound up close up to her belly was still tight as well as the other keeping her suspended in the air. Slowly, agonizingly slowly she chewed at the rope. Hours passed until she was finally able to loosen it with her teeth. She landed on the floor with a thud.

Rebecca's hands were still tied behind her and her ankles still crossed and bound......she wiggled and fought, finally managing to back up against a pole and worked herself into a standing position. She bunny hopped to the stairs and tried the first step, falling on her face. She wiggled like a snake, one step at a time.

It was hours before she was finally able to reach the door. She turned around, trying to jiggle the knob with bound wrists....suprisingly the door was unlocked, her captors most likely figuring she wouldn't work herself free.
She bunny hopped out the door and into a hallway......where was the front door?
Struggling to escape, as she was, Rebecca would soon run into two younger, well dressed, and healthy looking Siblings. looking to be early 20's, maybe a bit younger, yet both wearing spiked choker like
collars. along with how the one dressed like a butler, and the other a maid. however the gender could be questioned until they were up close to Rebecca. as it could easily be a female in the maid outfit,
and a male in the maid one, or normal genders, or both the same gender. all the more, they would move up tours Rebecca, not saying a word, it was unknown at the moment if they would drag her back to
the cage room, or something worse, their own room?

( you can decide the siblings gender, and if they would drag her to their room or return to her bondage room wink wink. Once the path is chosen we can have another wicked event :D )
It looked almost comical....Rebecca's hands bound behind her back, ankles crossed and tied....naked, her tits bounced as she tried to bunny hop. She wisely decided yelling for help would attract attention, possibly her captors so even though she was no longer gagged she kept quiet, concentrating on locating an exit.
As she hopped she saw two male in a butler's outfit, the other female dressed as a maid...both wore matching black spiked collars. Rebecca knew right away this wasn't good....

"Pl...please," she begged as they easily caught up with her...."Please let me get out of here....."
They ignored her, each on one side and carried her down the hall into a small room....hanging from the center was a contraption that looked like an oversized bird cage. Despite her struggling, they managed to get her into the cage and she was trapped.
Now in the arms of the two servants, Rebecca would soon discover they were twin sisters, one dressed as a maid, the other a butler. yet both had a bit more of
a gothic appeal to them. however what made this was, was the unique cage they would be forcing her into. upon a closer inspection, they had slightly ridged shackles, which would slowly
cut into the wrists, and ankles the more one squirmed, however slowly it might be. as it was meant for pain, not any real damage. yet in the center was two strange rods. perfectly set up
to penetrate any victim in the cage, as the tips were uniquely shaped, with both ridges, and welts along the shaft, and an over size bulbous tip which had almost like a vibration feature in it.
the girls would smirk, silently as they moved to set their new plaything up in the cage, at least until the boss showed up. as this would be both fun for them, and punishment for her.
Rebecca knew there was no escape. She made no attempts to bolt as she was placed in the cage.....that is, until she saw what was waiting for her.
"NO!," she screamed, struggling frantically as the two grabbed her by the waist. One untied her ankles, the other her wrists then just as quickly forced her to straddle the two long poles with huge rounded ends.
"NOT THAT!," she yelled, squirming as one moved her hips so the twin poles impaled her ass and pussy, sinking deep inside. The cage was barely tall enugh for her to maintain a standing position so there wasn't enough room to try and raise a leg and dismount the twin invaders.

The restraints kept her motionless, any attempt to move would cut into her skin.

"Wh.....why are you....doing this to me?," she asked, tears flowing from the pain. "We're all girls.....let me go....please...."
as the two smirked, looking to one another, then to Rebecca the one in the maid out fit would speak up. as the other smirked, and move closer to rebecca.
as she would reach in to begin teasing the new bound toy, with her palms. even moving to flick a small switch to turn the two rods on, thus revealing the high vibration feature the
thicker ends of each rod had. the one in the maid outfit would speak as she pulled out a small pair of wired clamps. with low voltage current.

enough to cause pinching and some discomfort, while she spoke.
"Oh cause you were trying to run, you need punished. papa will reward us well for properly punishing a new toy. besides a bit of shock therapy will help calm that mind a bit. " saying this, as
she would soon plan to clamp them on rebecca's nipples. the two were gonna have their fun while they still could.
How could a woman torture another woman like this? Rebecca screamed as the twin probes violated both holes. Moving only cut the skin but she had little choice as the probes sunk even deeper, finally seating themselves inside her.
"Pl...please," she begged...."Get"

Not only did the two ignore her pleas but seemed to enjoy her torment. hands reached inside the cage, the restraints keeping Rebecca unable to move as clamps were secured to her dark tan nipples.
"OH MY.....OOOOOOW!," she screamed, her tits jiggling from the current...."PL....TAKE THESE....OOOOOW!....OFF MEEEE!!!!"
To make things worse, the ends of the probes began inflating inside her, stretching and filling her.....then they began to vibrate. Rebecca screamed and moaned, the cage shaking as she was tortured. It felt as if her nipples were being torn off her the same time the probes were working their diabolical magic.....
The one sister which had been dressed as a butler, would begin to strip down herself, as her other sister which was dressed as the maid smirked. the two would soon be stripped down, as they would look to
one another. as they then looked back to the squirming and suffering Rebecca. as she would over hear them talking to one another.

"so who's turn is it to play with our toy? and who's turn to get papa for informing him of the run away attempt of the new toy?"

"I don't think you have this turn, besides wasn't it your turn last time?"

"ya but didn't you break the toy last time it was your turn hmm?"

as the two seemed to be deciding on who would get the master and who would enjoy increasing the punishment rebecca was now enduring.
it would soon turn into a sight of the sister's doing a game of rock paper scissors, to decide, however little did Rebecca know, depending if it was the sister who dressed
as a male, or a female would be the deciding factor, as the one which cross dressed was the one which enjoyed more hands on torment, while the one who liked the female out fits
enjoyed more humiliating shows for punishment. As this was going on, the clamp's currents were slowly increasing, as the machines violating both her depths continued to vibrate,
pulsate, inflate, deflate, and even gyrate, and rotate. as the two custom ends were designed to slowly drive a victim from pain to pleasure,
Rebecca was willing to endure and even submit to the two evil sadists.....not as if she had much of a choice. The bird cage and the restraints kept her immobile.
She found nothing remotely arousing as she watched the two getting undressed.
"Pl.....please turn these things off!," she moaned as the nipple clamps pulsated with current, making her tits wiggle. What was happening below however was far worse. Both holes were stuffed with probes that not only swelled up inside her but were now driving her insane.....

She heard stories of rape victims having orgasms against their wasn't as if she had sick fantasies, it was simple biology....the body was merely reacting to stimuli.
And it was happening to her.
Rebecca screamed again and again then suddenly tensed up, let out a high pitched shrill shriek and came.
as the one young looking lady smirked, moving to crawl herself into the cage with their toy. moving to kiss Rebecca, and play with her clit, while her lips assaulted the victim's lips.
the other sister smirked, as she began to move tours a bundle of cloths, and clothing, to set out a small outfit before leaving the room in the nude herself. leaving her sister to play with
their victim, as she would get their master, and bring him to this room.

the one now in the cage, moving to rub, and pinch the clit, as she broke the kiss, pulling away, with a small string of saliva connecting them. before looking into her new toy's eyes.

"Your voice says you want it to stop but your body seems to be loving it. why deny this? or would you prefer we play a different game ?"
asking this, giving an offer to experience something different, however if Rebecca got her to get the victim out of her cage, their could be a far worse play this goth looking girl was planning to
enjoy with her.
Rebecca tried to turn her face but the woman kept it straight as she locked lips with the caged captive.
"NO!," she cried....."No.....'MMMMMMMPH'...."
she continued to deebly struggle but her tortured body was rapidly surrendering....the probes sunk deep inside her holes had already forced her to cum and now again....nectar was dripping from the bench. Her body was becoming weaker by the minute.....she couldn't understand why her male captor was allowing this to continue. Rebecca knew if this goth girl wanted to, she could take Rebecca out of the cage and do whatever she wanted with her but Rebecca wasn't going make it easy.

"LET ME GO!.....LET.....ME...GO!"
As she struggled, and complained, the wicked little goth maiden would smirk, as she licked her lips. moving to assault her toy's nipples, with the clamps. as
she toyed with them. causing the voltage and pressure, to stop and start over again and again. some time higher, and others at lower intervals. all the while looking around.
as it would not be long before Rebecca would be able to follow her assailant's eyes to a table with several unwanted looking toys. as this wicked play mate seem to be thinking
of the best toy to use upon the victim's vulnerable clit. ( feel free to choose the toy wink wink, or she could be removed, and new toys forced into her ;p )
Rebecca thought her male captor was bad enough but here this girl was, in her cage, tormenting her even worse....the sadistic little goth kept playing with the voltage. JUst when it stopped Rebecca gave a sigh of relief, or as much of a sigh she could while being kissed by the girl....suddenly the voltage increased, causing her to scream. Rebecca struggled as much as she could without causing damage to herself, staring at the table....

All sorts of toys and cruel looking devices lay on it, including one she couldn't was shaped like a smooth chrome probe with some kind of T handle on the end. She had no idea which hole it was destined to violate and certainly didn't want to know.
Now freed from the devices with in the cage. Rebecca would find her new gothic little mistress, pulling her out by the hair, and tossing the beauty onto the floor.
as she then proceeded to take the toy of her choosing. the wicked probe like toy would find it's way into her back side, as well as being attached to her upper thighs,
and hips with straps. a wicked smile on her face, as she was planning to break this young lady for her master. Even more so, it was unsure if this would be use to ruin
her rectum or pussy, but it would be known all to soon.

"Well then, let's get started then hmm? I think master will like a view of his bitch on all four with the right toys in her. " as she spoke up, planning to attach a vibrating device
to the young victim's clit as well, as making sure a small current would keep running through her pinched breast. once the toys would be in place, this wicked little thing wanted to
rearrange the arm bonds, as to force Rebecca to move on all fours, as her sister would soon be returning with their master.
Despite Rebecca's valiant though useless struggling, the goth girl managed somehow to bind her wrists to her knees and binding her ankles to her was a horrible position making every movement painful. She watched helpless as the strange looking device was pushed into her tight ass. She couldn't see it behind her but felt the bullet-shaped device opening up like a lotus flower inside her rectum. More and more it opened until the flaps dug into her anal say it was painful would be a gross understatement.
She saw the girl taunt her by showing her a small brass padlock then she felt a slight movement as the lock was placed on the T shaped handle.

The modern day 'Pear of Anguish' as it was known in BDSM circles was now locked....the only way it could be removed was to take off the lock on the handle. THere really wasn't any need to restrain a victim once they were violated with the would keep them from getting up or escaping.

The mino vibrators on Rebeccas pussy and nipples would slowly arouse her but the object of focus was the Pear.

"NO!," she screamed...."GET THIS THING OUT OF MEEE!!!!"
She strained her arms trying to reach behind and pull out the device, but even if her arms were free she wouldn't be able to dislodege it.
As she screamed, the little goth woman would laugh, as she slapped Rebecca across the face. not caring much about how much it might damage her master's
new toy. however the wicked woman, moved to continue turning the power of the toys on her clit and nipples up even more. before moving back to the table, as
she would grab a wicked looking dual chain choker, with a chain leash connected. then proceeding to take a wicked looking ring gag with some specially designed
plastic in it. which would act like a cover to allow the user to feel the pressure, and shape of teeth, between the metal, to enjoy the victim's orifice.

"oh come now, sis will be back, we need to ensure your ready for your walkies back to master's chamber after all. "
as she spoke while collecting her wicked toys, and tools for this fun show she was gonna use rebecca for, hoping to be praised, by her wicked master. However the sound
of her twin sister could soon be heard heading tours the room, giggling, laughing and bragging. as the horrible experience for Rebecca would only continue to get worse
this night, as her nightly torment had only begun for now.
The vibrating clamps on her nipples and the vibe in her pussy was almost enough to force her to cum----almost.
The goth girl was smart enough not to let Rebecca cum....that would be left up to the man calling himself her Master. It was that horrible thing imbedded in her ass that was causing all of her pain.
Rebecca howled and squealed.....the metal petals of the cruel device were fully open inside her, stretching her rectum wide enough you could see the swelling from outside. As she struggled, trying to push the hellish thing from her abused ass, the girl locked a choker collar around her neck with a leash clipped onto it....obviously she would be dragged and led like an animal to wherever they wanted.

It had some kind of gag attached. The girl forced Rebecca to open wide as the ring gag was secured in her mouth, keeping it open to accept whatever was destined to enter.
She wiggled around the floor like a snake, trying frantically to reach she moved she head the sound of metal....the padlock taping against the handle of the plug.

'Walking' to Masters chambers?.....with that monster in her ass, she couldn't even stand, let alone would tear her up inside if she did....
The wicked, and playful tiny bitch would move to Rebecca. as she twisted the T shape handle a bit. to adjust it, so that the new toy could move with out any real damage, but still feel every painful step. as she pressed the back of her one hand to her cheek beginning to laugh, as her other once would pull Rebecca's leash once the adjustments were done.

"well then, I think Spot would be a good name for you. come now, don't be shy, we need to go meet master. or does my little bitch need a more painful toy added to the outfit hmm?"
asking this with a wicked smile, the twin which was with Rebecca would move to the door, opening it, as she tanked the chained leash once more. demanding Rebecca to move, not caring how much it would hurt her or not.

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