Fantasy RP The werewolf and the witch (FaeWhisperer)

Clara loved how full she felt when Riyu began to knot her, hearing him praise her and lick over the bite he had given her earlier brought a soft happy moan from her. When he thanked her she gave a soft laugh, "You are very welcome Riyu" she said softly, waiting until his knot went down and he dismounted her Clara looked at him when he rubbed up against her frame. Laying down on the ground Clara let herself drop the spell letting her werewolf form go as she moved onto her back on the ground, stretching out her body she arched her back a little with a soft groan. It always felt good being able to fully stretch after shapeshifting, rocking her head to the side she looked at Riyu with a small smirk, "I think I am always going to be envious of you wolves and all the energy you all seem to have" Clara laughed a little.

In her experience all of the werewolves she had met always seemed to have so much energy that sometimes just being around the was exhausting, she was glad that Riyu always made sure that she didn't get too exhausted. "Should we go home or should we stay out here?" she asked as she watched him, even though she doubted she would have the energy to get up and go back home Clara knew if he wanted them to go back she would get up from the ground.

Clara wasn't worried if Riyu wanted them to stay out in the forest for the rest of the night because she knew if any other werewolves were around that he would keep them away from her just like how he had made the stray leave that had come across them.
Riyu gave a soft huff at her, shaking his head, he then shifted back to his human form and stretched as well. He gave a small laugh in response to her words, “What, you know my energy doesn’t last that long..” and she would remember a time where she had been the one to drain him, again and again- using her spells to help her, of course. But after it had ended, poor Riyu hadn’t been able to move for a while.

At her question of staying here or heading back, he moved and scooped her up in his arms, keeping her close to him before he kissed on her forehead. “Let’s head back for now,” he spoke, walking steadily back to their home. He didn’t mind or care much that he had shifted back naked, he knew Clara wouldn’t either.

Once back at home, he moved and sat her down on the edge of the bed. And without another word he went to the bathroom and started the bath for them both, before coming back and extending his hand to her. “Care to join me for a bath?” He asked her, those loving mint green eyes falling on her beautiful face once more.
"I know your energy lasts longer during a silver moon" she pointed out teasingly, she knew the two of them could easily exhaust each other and it was always a fun time when they did. Clara laughed softly when Riyu picked her up into his arms and she smiled happily when he placed the kiss on her forehead, "Heading back sounds good" she said with a nod of her head as she relaxed in his arms as he carried her. She didn't care that he had shifted back completely naked, she didn't see a problem with Riyu walking around without clothes on.

Staying on the edge of the bed where he put her Clara leaned back a little with her hands braced on the bed behind herself as she listened to him start running the bath, closing her eyes she let herself relax a little before she opened her eyes when he moved back into the bedroom, looking at him when he extended his hand towards her Clara smiled as she got off of the bed and took his hand in hers. "I would love to join you" Clara said sweetly.

Letting him lead her into the bathroom Clara continued to hold his hand as she carefully stepped into the bath tub only letting go when she lowered herself into the water with a happy sigh, she knew she was going to ache later but Clara didn't mind. There was always something so pleasurable for her about the deep ache that she sometimes got when Riyu fucked her as hard as he wanted too, waiting for him to get into the bath as well Clara smiled at him softly "I love you" she said as she moved a little to kiss him.
Riyu held her hand as he led Clara to the bathroom, helping her step in before he got into the tub himself. Giving a soft sigh, he leaned back slightly and closed his eyes, relaxing for a moment before he heard Clara. At her words, he gave her a gentle smile before opening his eyes to see her lean forward. He reciprocated her kiss happily, loving how her lips felt against his.

“And I love you..” he murmured softly against her mouth, his hand gently pressed up against her back, holding her close to him for the time being. He then leaned back and looked for the loofah to clean them both. “Is it alright if I wash you?” He asked her, but before grabbing it, he remained where he was, with her pressed up with him.

His eyes trailed down slowly from her mate mark to the top of her breasts, before trailing back up to her beautiful face. He was taking in her beauty, feeling very lucky he had her as his mate now.
Clara smiled against Riyu's lips when he murmured back to her that he loved her as well, letting him hold her close against him she let herself relax into him loving the feeling of his hand against her back holding her where he wanted her. When he leaned back and looked for the loofah she raised a brow slightly before she nodded her head when he asked if it was alright for him to wash her, "Yes, you can wash me" Clara said softly as she watched his eyes trail down her body before coming back to her face.

"Admiring the view?" she asked teasingly as she moved back enough that Riyu could grab the loofah, Clara loved it when Riyu pampered her by washing her especially when she was too tired to actually take care of herself. There had been a few times in the past when Riyu had completely exhausted her to the point of her falling in and out of sleep, but Clara could recall him taking the time to get her into the bath to clean her up only for her to wake up in the warm bath wrapped in his arms and that had been an amazing way for her to wake up so warm and content.

Letting him clean her Clara waited until he had cleaned himself as well before she leaned her back against his chest getting comfortable against him as she reached up and gently placed her right hand against the side of his neck and gently moved her fingers against his skin, "Do you remember the night we first met?" Clara asked with a small smirk wondering if he remembered how the two of them had met at a club and that they had both agreed that it would be a one night stand between them and nothing more.

For her that night was a bit of a blur because she had been a few drinks deep when she had met Riyu but one of the things that Clara did remember vividly was her and Riyu putting a large crack in the bathroom mirror when he had put her up onto the bathroom counter roughly and how the two of them had laughed about it.
Riyu laughed softly at Clara’s remark of him admiring the view, before he said in turn, “you know it, especially when I have front row seats.. how could I not admire this view?” He wondered what she would think but before he got too far into thinking that, she mentioned about their first night and he also remembered what he had said to her, that she would only just be a one night thing—

But truth be told..

He had imprinted on her the moment he had met her, and knew he wanted her to be his mate. But he could scent another male on her, and figured she might have been going through something and didn’t want to pry. Still, werewolves mated for life and never chose or sought out another.

He glanced to the mirror, which still had that crack, and his eyes darkened in thought momentarily. She would feel him tighten his grip around her slightly, and he moved to bury his face into her neck, softly breathing against her mate mark. “I remember,” he murmured out, “I also remember imprinting on you then and there.” He finally told her, but when Luca had been in the picture- he just wanted her to be happy, even if that had meant she wouldn’t stay with him in the end. He’d do anything for her, and she knew it too.
Clara moved her hand from his neck as Riyu tightened his grip around her making her laugh softly, placing her hands on top of his arms she smiled as she let him bury his face into her neck his breath on her mate mark sending a shiver through her body. It wasn't an unpleasant sensation, it felt different and Clara knew she was going to have to get used to how sensitive the mate mark was, she also had no doubt that Riyu would use the mark to distract her anytime he felt like taking her attention away from her work since she did sometimes get very lost in through when she was prepping spells or potions for people and barely took notice of her surroundings.

Listening when he said that he remembered that night Clara couldn't help but frown when he continued saying that he had imprinted on her that night, turning her head a little she looked at Riyu as much as she could, "Why didn't you tell me?" Clara asked him softly. Even though Luca had been with her back then Clara would have left him because she knew how werewolves mated for life and that some of them didn't handle being without their mate very well.

"If I had known, everything would have been so different" she whispered to him with a small shake of her head as she gently stroked her hands against his arms around her.
Riyu’s face remained against her neck, listening to her ask him why he didn’t tell her and he slowly murmured out his response. “Because you’re not a werewolf, and more importantly you’re the guardian of this forest— I couldn’t have done that to you,” it was true, werewolves who took human mates usually have them move into the pack with them, but Riyu knew because of her duties he couldn’t do that to her, when she was needed by everyone else, he didn’t care that he would never be first, as he realized that had been a selfish thought of his.

“And that’s also why I’m relinquishing my alpha status, so I can live here with you.” He couldn’t leave her, not this time. He didn’t care about being an alpha, all he cared about was Clara. She was his entire world and he knew he would do everything to protect her.

If things had been different, Riyu would have wanted to have met her first, before Luca— if anything, he would have preferred it— knowing she was right, things may have been entirely different. But they were here now, and he had her in his arms, so he was happy.
"We could have worked something out" Clara said softly with a gentle smile, she knew if he had told her that he had imprinted on her back then she would have done everything in her power to make it work between them. Yes she protected the forest but Clara knew she could have easily trained up a younger witch to take her place so that she could be with Riyu, "We would have made it work" she said gently to him.

When he said that that was the reason why he was relinquishing being an alpha so that he could live there with her Clara couldn't help but give a very soft laugh, "Well, I do appreciate that, but if at anytime you decide to take back up your alpha status we can always set up a pack here" she said gently. Clara was happy to make that happen for Riyu if he so wanted it, she would of course look into expanding the house to fit more people if it ever came down to Riyu wanting a pack again.

"Or if you really are just happy to live a boring uneventful life, you can just stay as my alpha" Clara said sweetly as she moved her head a little and let the back of her head rest against his shoulder lightly as she sighed softly enjoying how close they were to each other. She knew she would have turned the world upside down for Riyu if he so wished.
Riyu didn’t know how to respond, he just stayed there, and kept his face buried against her neck and shoulder. She would be able to feel him trembling ever so slightly against her frame. She would then feel his tears dripping onto her shoulder.

“There were so many nights without you..” he cried softly against her skin, trying to contain what he felt inside but he couldn’t help it. If only he had told her back then, but he..well, he didn’t know what to think honestly. All he knew was that she was with him in this moment. “I’m not leaving you again,” he promised, and he knew he couldn’t. He had mated for life, and would always stay with her no matter what.
Clara sighed softly feeling Riyu trembling against her and the tears on her shoulder told her all she needed to know, moving carefully in the bath so she was no longer pressed against him she was glad that the bath was big enough for her to carefully kneel between his legs without the two of them feeling squished. Reaching out she gently cupped his face in her hands so she could tilt his head up gently to look at her, "I know" Clara said softly when he said that there had been so many nights without her.

"But we have all of the time in the world to make up for all of those nights without each other" she whispered to him, Clara knew the pair of the would indeed make up for all of the nights they hadn't been together and so far they had made a pretty good start.

Leaning into him she gently pressed her lips against his, "If you tried to leave me now, I'd probably have to turn you into a frog" she joked with a small laugh against his lips. She hated it when Riyu was upset, she knew the two of them had regrets from everything that had happened earlier in their lives but Clara knew they were going to make it all right now that they were finally completely with each other.
Feeling her move from him, he didn’t expect her to turn and cup his face. But saying those words reassured him a bit, and he looked to her with those tear stained eyes, seemingly searching for something. She would notice that his eyes had taken on a bit of red from crying, along with the tip of his nose.

Sniffling slightly, he moved his hand and wiped at his eyes before she leaned into him for a kiss. He felt comforted and pressed into her lips a bit more than he intended and only pulled away when she did. At her joke he couldn’t help but laugh a little, “Well, that definitely wouldn’t work out,” he remarked, “I’d probably be picky of my habitat.” He spoke as in Clara would actually turn him into a frog.
Clara crinkled her nose at Riyu a little when he said that he would probably be picky of his habitat if she did turn him into a frog, "I have no doubt you would be very picky" she agreed with a nod of her head. Moving her hands down to gently rest against the sides of his neck Clara pressed her lips against his again in a slow deep kiss, she didn't plan to start anything with Riyu right there in a the bathtub but she did plan to distract him from being sad about the past.

"I love you" Clara whispered against his lips after holding the kiss between them for a little while, leaning back a little she studied his face with a gentle smile. "Does my alpha want to stay in here for a little longer cuddling or should we go and cuddle in bed?" she asked him softly as she moved slightly so that she could rest her forehead lightly against his, wanting to show him that she was happy with whatever he wanted to do.
Riyu leaned into her touch more and when she kissed him, he held it there as long as she wanted to, thankful that he was so close to her in this moment. When she told him she loved him, he smiled softly towards her. “And I love you,” he breathed out happily.

At her next question he told her what he wanted to do. “Can we go the bed?” He had asked, knowing he didn’t like to stay in the bath too long. As most dogs..well, didn’t prefer getting wet if they could help it. Yet something about being with Clara had certainly ‘tamed’ him a bit, so he hasn’t minded baths all that much anymore with her.

Once dried off and underneath the sheets, Riyu had pulled her close, breathing in her scent slowly. They both had forgone clothes but didn’t mind it, for Riyu preferred this way, especially when he was close to his mate like this. “Thank you..” he murmured softly against her skin. She had made him very happy, and he was so relieved to have her be his fully.
Clara nodded her head when he asked to go to bed, once they were both dried and in bed she sighed softly as she relaxed when he pulled her close to him. "You're welcome" she said softly with a smile when he thanked her, Clara had gotten used to go much Riyu liked to hold her and be close to her when they first were spending time together years ago. She had also gotten used to not bothering with clothes when around him as she knew werewolves preferred to touch as much of their mates as they possibly could and clothes tended to get in the way.

"Try to get some rest Riyu" Clara said softly, she wanted him to relax and get some sleep if he could, she didn't care if he didn't feel like sleeping she just wanted him to relax as she didn't want him thinking about the past too much since it had upset him thinking about the fact that he had imprinted on her when they had first met. Clara knew she was going to fall asleep wrapped up in his arms for a while at least, she also planned to make Riyu and herself some food so that they could get some more energy back.
“Mm yes ma’am,” he murmured out tiredly against her skin, his warm breath brushing up against her lightly. His eyes felt heavy and her scent was calming to him. He slightly tightened his arms around her as he began to drift off to sleep, and he knew he would sleep for quite a while. Considering the silver moon had been quite taxing on his body and pushing past his physical limits..

He never wanted to lose her, never ever again, and he would make sure of that.

As he slept, he began to dream, dream of that first night with Clara, and wishing he had been the one to get to her first before Luca.

Brianna became restless. The silver moon had begun and yet, she was surprised at Ryven’s control. She had requested that they stop by the moon pool, making sure to receive whatever vision she needed to continue their pack. Ever since the visit with Clara and knowing she would be able to get pregnant, she had been a little anxious.. what if Ryven actually didn’t want to have pups?

Pulling her body out of the water, she slowly waded towards the edge of the pool. Usually female and male shamans took their forever mates in the light of the moon while in the moon pool. It was common tradition so that their bloodline would be blessed with one pup out of the litter to continue the tradition of being the pack’s shaman.

She glanced to Ryven, wondering what he was thinking as he had been staring into the edge of the water for some time now.
Ryven was getting jittery, but he had enough control of himself that he was hiding it completely from Brianna. Staying by the moon pool he kept his eyes locked onto the edge of the water just staring at it silently, hearing Brianna moving in the water he took his gaze away from the spot he had been staring at and he looked at her with a slightly quirked brow. "You okay little one?" he asked as he moved to sit down on the ground but he made sure to not touch the water of the moon pool.

Sure he knew logically that nothing would happen to him if he did touch the water but Ryven didn't want to risk it as he knew the water was sacred to shamans. When Brianna got close enough Ryven reached out and tucked some of her hair away from her face behind one of her ears with a small smirk, "Has the gods or spirits given you all of the answers?" Ryven asked playfully as he studied her face his normally dark brown eyes were tinged with the gold hue of his wolf showing Brianna that even though he was controlling himself that even the silver moon was starting to take a toll on him.

Ryven was glad that his parents had been alphas which helped him having the amazing control that he did, but that was something he had never told anyone and he planned to take that tidbit of information to his grave with him.
She looked up at Ryven as he tucked away the strands of her hair behind her ear, and she took notice of his eye color. She nodded at his question and gave a soft smile. “Yes, I’ve received everything that I need,” she spoke and leaned back into the water.

“ know..” she began and trailed off a little. “I would like for us to mate on the silver moon,” she confessed to him, her cheeks deepening in a pink hue, before looking back at him. She was always nervous on asking what she wanted, as she wanted Ryven to take full control at least once.
Ryven raised a brow as he watched Brianna as she leaned back into the water, hearing her words he smirked at her a little. Shifting where he stood he slowly moved into the water of the moon pool, Ryven was glad that he hadn't bothered to stop and get clothes so he didn't have to worry about pants getting wet as he got into the water. Moving close to Brianna he reached out and gently grabbed her waist and pulled her close against his body, "Did you really think I was going to let you go through the whole silver moon without mating you?" he questioned lowly with a smirk as he leaned down and pressed his lips against hers.

"What made you think I wasn't going to mate with you?" Ryven murmured against her lips as he gently squeezed her sides before he slowly moved his hands down to her thighs, leaning down a little Ryven adjusted his grip on Brianna so that he could pull her up into his arms with his hands gripping her thighs tightly but not hard enough to hurt her as he wanted her to wrap her legs around him. "I was planning on waiting for you to get out but since you seem comfortable in here, we might as well enjoy ourselves" he said cheekily as he moved his mouth to her neck and began to place kisses on her skin with a smirk.
Brianna was honestly a little surprised as Ryven had gotten into the water, letting out a small gasp— loving that he had pulled her so close. Her blush remained on her cheeks when he spoke to her and she gave a shy glance up to his face only to be met with a kiss from him, which made her blush more while returning the kiss happily. When he pulled away briefly she gave her response, “Well..I—I honestly thought I’d have to..ask..” she told him a bit nervously.

She let out a soft breath when he adjusted her and she wrapped her legs around him, hearing his next words. Her arms wrapped around his neck and as he leaned down and began to kiss on her neck, she couldn’t help but moan. “Also,” she added, “You’re control..seems like you have..alpha blood..” Brianna had pointed out, blushing harder. That just meant if he had been alpha, he would be mating with his shaman, and that made it all the more ‘scandalous’ for her, as back in her mind she had not been allowed to mate, yet now.. they were in the moon pool of all things. She..she could get pregnant from what they were doing, and could potentially secure the next shaman in her bloodline!

( >\\\< ) poor Brianna))

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