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This Little ‘Household’ Of Wonderful People!

Local Time:
8:11 PM
Dec 15, 2023
Here is my little ‘household’ of characters. SOme I have RP’d with, some I have used in my personal stories, and some I have yet to use at all. . .
I will create a list of each character name, in order of posting.
(This will be a lot of eventual copy/pasting. . . But- not quite there yet-)
Here is the template I normally fill out when creat8ing a new character (though most times for an RP i use a much ore simplified one)
First Name:
Middle Name:
Last Name:

Sexual Orientation:



Body Type}

Clothing Style)
Every Day}
Sunday Best}

Bloodlines (If fantasy/supernatural):







Last edited:
Local Time:
8:11 PM
Dec 15, 2023
First Name: Justin
Middle Name: Loyd
Last Name: Nightsong

Gender/Pronouns: Male (He/Him)
Sexual Orientation: Bi, more towards guys

Age: 444 (Looks 25)
Birthday: July 5th, 1579


Hair} Burned Bronze
Eyes} Dark Chocolate Brown
Skin} Gold Dusted Pale White
Height} 5'10
Body Type}

Clothing Style)
Every Day} Black Jeans, combat boots and an old band shirt, usually of darker colors with a black leather jacket.
Sunday Best: Pfft, who needs a Sunday Best? Its the same thing as his everyday
Formal: Same as his everyday, but he could clean up in a nice suit. Usually black or Navy blue.

Race(s)(Percentages) [supernatural]: Born human, but was turned into a vampire when he was 25
Bloodlines: N/A

Personality: Justin used to be a really bright and outwards facing person before he was turned. He loved to tell jokes and attended social parties. He was a bright light, even amongst darkness, always laughing and bringing joy to those who needed it. He loved being around friends and family, never once was he seen alone.
After he was turned though, things changed. He always preferred to be alone, he always seemed angry and in a darker mood. He never told many jokes anymore and he seemed lost in his own memories. The traumatic experience of his turning affected Justin deeply, scarring him permanently and leaving behind wounds that would never heal. He stopped making frinds and going to parites and the light inside him seemed to die. In any given moment, Justin seemed to exude doom. He would lay out things point blank and not even try to cheer anyone up. He tended to avoid other with traumatic experiences as well, never going near people who might be able to sympathize with him. He claimed up, and only opens for a very few select people.

-- Parties (not the social kind. More like clubs).
-- Loud music, the kind that drowns out any sound or thought.
-- His best friend, Charlie. He brings out the best in Justin and makes him feel alive again.

-- People who try to get him to talk about himself.
-- Seeing people with happy, suçasse full families.
-- Carbonated drinks.

-- Being forgotten.
-- Being alone for eternity.
-- Loosing those he cares and holds close to his heart.

History: Justin was born the year 1579 and turned into a vampire in the year 1604 and has battled the pain and trauma of the circumstances in which he was turned.
Betrayed by his family, Justin runs off to be a sailor. He sails from Scotland to the new land on a ship long forgotten and never recorded. He was there at the settlement on Rhode Island, and then there throughout American history. When the first town, Jamestown, vanished so suddenly, he was one of the soul survivors. But not as a human. The town was raided by vampires, and he was one of the unlucky few to be turned. He spent the following years roaming about America and then traveling back to Scottland and then to England in the year 1734.
Justin met Charlie Bane in the year 1796, and over the course of sixty-six years, they become best friends. They grew close and did many things together (like fight the forces of evil supernaturals)
In the year of 1862, he met Alastor, another vampire who had gone rouge on the Vampire society and set his eyes on Justin. Alastor makes Justin fall hard, and then turns on him. Justin suffers abuse at the hands of his lover, controlled and never let out. Blood consumption was monitored closely, and it takes seventy six years (1939) for Justin to break away from Alastor, and when he does, Justin leave the states and goes to see the remains of his hometown, Cumbrae island, and see how it has fared in the years since he has been gone.
After that, Justin travels the world, never settling into one place for longer than five years. He occasionally sees Charlie, but can't bare to be with his best friend, not wanting to talk about what had happened to him And knowing he wouldn’t be able to lie if asked.
In Modern Day, Justin prefers to live out his days going from club to club, drink to drink and dance to dance to drown out his own problems. But they always seem to be coming back to him, no matter how fast he runs.

Mental) Heavy PTSD and trauma
Physical) N/A

Other: N/A
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