As the toy turned off the spell leaving her, she just narrow managed not to fall over, catching herself...but her wings opened up and beating them once to lunge at her brother now, slamming into his chest.
"Oof" he would stumble down to the ground as she slammed into him. Xander grabbed her rams, pulll8ng her down on top of him "ow ow ow! What are you doing?"
He would wrestle with her, attempting to pend her to the ground. He was a bit stronger but it would still be difficult. Xander would turn on the vibrations once more hoping they would stop her
As the twobof them squabbles and wrestled around, Zephyria's clawing hands and attemps to hold her brother down were suddenly disrupted by the vibrations under her clothing, making her flinch and her grip weaken, making it easier to push the battle.
Xander would grin, pushing her onto her back and pinning her to the ground. His body pressed up against hers so she could feel his bones. He was panting a bot as he looks at her "I win bitch"
As he pinned her down, his hard cock pressing into her, driving a moan out of her but she was still putting up a struggle and squirm, pushing against him to try to break free.
"I so badly wanna fuck you in front of all these people" he would say to her as she struggled against him, causing the two of them to grind against each other
She shivered as he spoke to her. "Wh-what-!" She mumbled as her struggle froze up. Her eyes widening with shock as they grinned together, her oussy making her moan out louder, the sensitivity he struck up making her tremble.
As he leaned over, the sibling forcing the kiss upon his sister, Zephyria mufgling a moan, her struggling kicking up harder, bucking around, but she couldn't get loose.
Feeling his pressure between her legs, abd his hands seizing onto her breasts, Zephyria cried outvas the stimulation hit her again, her nipples rising under her bra. But the crowd was Watchung, parents dragging away their children quickly.
"Mmm is this exciting you sis? Getting turned on as we get it on in front of this crowd?" He says feeling her hardened nipples and rubs them through her bra. The vibrations getting stronger, followed by the magical dildo
"No-" she muffled out between his lips and her own, trying not give let her voice shake , the pressure making her whine as the panties wear getting wetter and wetter, her scent hitting him harder.
He would catch her scent and grin "that's not what your svent is telling me. It says you are enjoying this" he said wondering how far they could get in the middle of the mall. Xander would slowly start to lift her shirt up
He would grunt as she keeps wrestling with him. "Why fight? I know thos excites you, just like the last time we fucked over your panties." Xander would force her to roll over and presses her face into the ground, using his free hand to lift her dress over her ass, putting it on display for the crowd
As she was flipped over, , feeling her dress get yanked up , flipped to show off her ass, herctail waving around, slapping at him in defiance as she felt him drawing the panties off
There would be some whistled now as he removed her panties, reminding them how public this was. With the panties by her knees the visitations would stop. He would grab her tail would on hand, biting the tip before spanking her serval times
She yelped out as he bit on her tail, her body shooting with tingles as he spanked on her next, making her moan out as her cheeks bounced in front of him.
Next Xander would pull his cock out, making a bit of a show of it for the crowd. He would line it up against her asshole before plunging it in as he sicked the tip of her tail
"Hey- what are-" she mumbled as she felt him lift her tail higher, her holes on display, her voice jumping into a yelp as he suddenly dug into her asshole so brazenly. "XANDER-!"
Her horns were sturdy and long, nice handles to grasp onto as he drove himself into her guts, her tail whipping around and smacking at highest, his cheeks, her voice a yelp of pleasure that she couldn't simply foght.
Xander would take the smacks from her tail but that would spur him on more, yanking hard on her horns as he funded her ass, his seck smacking loudly against her thighs and pussy
Her head was yanked backwards, her body forced to arch as hevdig into her, forcing her to cry out of again easily, his sack smacking off her scales, her body shaking and pushing, backing up instinctively into his pumping hips.
Hearing her cry out would fill him with more pleasure as he rutted her "that it baby. Moan more, put on a show for your adoring audience" he said as his tip was now slamming against her womb
"Don't- hna~ say- thst-~" she moaned out as she felt his cock slamming into her, drilling inti her womb against and aging, making her tail writh and wrap around his waist. Being watched, she tried to move her arms as the crowd gathered around them, looking closer, mumbling and cheering
"Here the cheers? I think you are starting to get some fans baby" he replied, slapping her ass while his other hand gripped her horns tight. He would spank her repeatedly as his cock swelled, getting close to filling her womb
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