Fantasy RP Warring Kingdoms, Loyal Princes, Orphaned Ladies, and Determined Assassins (FaeWhisperer)

Dec 15, 2023


Name: Serina Mari Nightwoods
Age: 22
Sex/Gender: Female she/her
Looks: Long, wavy black hair (to her lower back), usually done up into an intricate style of court, though sometimes she wears is in a simple braid, never does she leave it unbound. Dark blue sapphire eyes, the color prominent in her families bloodline for generations. The same color her father's were. Olive skin, with a few freckles on her cheeks and cheek bones.
Clothing: Wears the fashions of court, or starts her own trend. Though, when she sneaks out, she'll wear more street clothes or pants.


Once again, here she was. Here was perched on the edge of the palace wall, right when the guards switched morning to afternoon shift. She had time to climb down and get out before anyone saw her. Hopefully, anyways. There was no telling. She's gotten into trouble three weeks ago because one of the guards had forgotten his water flask and needed to come back for it.

She sighs softly, her boots had been found in her room and taken, and the ones she'd swiped from the barracks were just a size to big. Just big enough for her feet to slide around and make it so she couldn't run if she needed too.

She glances over she shoulder before swinging herself over the wall and climbing down. Her feet eventually hit dirt and she relaxes, grinning slightly.
Name: Gavyn
Age: 23
Clothing: something always neat and fancy, unless he’s adventuring off somewhere, then more normal clothing, usually a white laced up shirt, dark leather pants and boots. Never seen without a sword.

It wasn’t long before Gavyn spotted Serina sneaking out again and he gave a soft sigh. He had already came back from his hunt when he had seen her climb down the palace walls, and he looked around to see if anyone else had noticed. And when he approached her, he made sure to cross his arms. “And where do you think you’re headed off to?”

This is…the fourth time she had been caught by him.
He sighed and titled his head, “I do, and I also remember the chastising that mother gave us.” He reminded her, and Gavyn looked at her face for a moment. But then he looked back at the stable, and knew that if he didn’t come back with his kill, it would spoil. “Look, I have to bring in my kill first, but do you think you could hold off until I get back?” He asked her next.
Serina sighs softly, crossing her arms. "Fine. Take your kill, I'll be waiting for you at the club. No way am I waiting over here where the guards will see me once they get back." She glances over at Gavyn, smiling at him."And if you think your mother's scoldings are something to be scared of, you're crazy."

She had never been fond of the queen's words, but she could easily tune them out. And she wasn't the kind of woman to strike out and hit a disobedient child.

She takes a few steps back, lifting her hand into a wave. "I'll see you later if you decide to join me, if not, I'll see you at supper, 'kay?"
Gavyn just shook his head towards her and moved to take his kill into the kitchen for the butcher. The deer would be tonight’s meal for supper and he usually went hunting like this, sometimes providing the meals for the kingdom. He then went up to his room to freshen up a bit after his hunt and it wouldn’t take much longer for him to arrive where Serina had said she’d be.
Serina grinned at Gavyn before turning and wandering off. She shoved her her hands into the pockets of the trousers, those hadn't been found in her room, so they, blessedly, fit. The buildings all almost went right up to the palace walls, and she easily found herself slipping through an alley towards the club she favored.

This one was notorious, gambling, food, dancing and many other things happening beyond it's silk curtains. Seri a bad never bothered to go behind said curtains, she was happy gambling and drinking. Heaven forbid the Queen found out she went there, she'd probably be locked up in her rooms for weeks. And it would be worse if she was found beyond the curtains.

She pays the bouncer for entry, smiling at him before stepping in and heading towards her usual table, waiting for Gavyn before she started any of the fun.
Gavyn had walked in, wearing different clothes this time, and usually didn’t make a need to hide his appearance. It was well known that the Prince liked to visit this area quite often, but no one would snitch on him nor Serina. The prince, was by far the biggest patron.

He sat down at the table and laid out a sack of gold coins. “You still think you will be able to out drink me?” He teased at her fondly, knowing she well could. But he always knew his limits. He just had fun egging her on and telling her what he thought she couldn’t do.
Serina rolls her eyes, "Oh, I definitely can. But I have things to do tomorrow morning, so I don't want a hangover." She fished out her own coins, setting them on the table. They always started their own table and usually let people join and leave as they wished. Wether it be gambling, drinking games, or anything else stupid enough to cross their minds.

She tilts her head to the side, lifting her gaze to Gavyn, grinning at him, "But I will take all your money tonight. Cards?"
He gave a soft laugh at her response and his eyes drifted to the coins she laid out- ones she had won from him a few nights ago and he internally grimaced. But when his eyes met hers again, he couldn’t help but be drawn in by her charismatic grin, and give a soft smirk of his own. “As usual?” He asked, sounding exasperated, leaning back in his chair. “Do you think you’ll ever give me a break?” He teased, but he liked teasing her. It reminded him of a sibling relationship, but something deep down was prodding at him and he couldn’t figure out why.
“Wasting?” He asked with a small laugh, “Please, they make enough of it as they do..” and then he scooted his chair in closer and leaned towards where her face was. “Plus, this is my money that I’ve been earning through my hunts,” she would hear him say, “So..using this on gambling with you..isn’t wasting in my opinion,” he added and leaned back, watching her deal out the cards.
Serina smiles at him, tilting her head slightly. She watches him scoot closer, her fingers deftly shuffling the cards. She holds his gaze, dealing their hands. Rolling her eyes, she presses her finger down on a coin, "You're that willing to lose the funds that's not monitored by your parents?" She snorts softly and then looks at her hand of cards after alerting the deck down.

(NGL, I know next to nothing about gambling XD)
(Same here lol)

He went and did the same, pressing a finger down on one of his coins, before replying to her. “, but I can always count on you to buy me a drink here and there,” he teased. But perhaps he didn’t mind losing, perhaps he always lost just so he could see the satisfactory grin on her face for whatever reason. Either way, he enjoyed watching her smile in her victories and he didn’t exactly understand why.
She snorts, "I should stop buying you drinks then. Maybe you'll play better." She glances up at him, leaning forward slightly. She lightly presses the cards to her chest, her blue eyes locked on Gavyn's face. Her expression is unreadable besides the excitement in her eyes.

"maybe you'll pose a real challenge to me then."
When she laid her card down she would see him sigh, and shake his head. “Honestly I thought I had bad luck tonight,” he jabs at her playfully while dealing his other card, trumping over her last hand dealt. He then swiped her coin and added it to his. “Perhaps you can make a comeback?” He asked, before adding a third coin down to the growing pile.
She stays quiet, watching him. After a moment,she stands, offering her hand, "Lets dance. There's a crowd over there before the musicians. I want some fun." She tilts her head to the side slightly, gesturing to the group of people gathered before the source of music.

"Unless you'd rather go behind the curtain." She teases, gesturing to the area of the club blocked off by the thick velvet curtain.
He glanced over the moment she stood up and offered her hand to go dance. He sighed a little and told her, “I think you forget often that I have two left feet,” he says and moves to stand. But that wasn’t true, he had been one of the best dancing partners she had ever had, but he didn’t like to admit he was well versed in it, or a lot of things for that matter.

Either way, when she suggested behind the curtain, he gave a soft laugh, “sure, either way, I can’t guarantee that I won’t step on your toes.” He joked to her, but he knew he wouldn’t.
She raises an eyebrow and then turns away, "You don't strike me as the type for debauchery. We'll keep it simple tonight, just so you don't have to burn your eyes away." She looks over her shoulder, grinning at him.

Serina had never been behind the curtain herself, but she had a friend who had. The night her friend had dared, she'd come back only a few minuets later with her face red as a beet. She refused to answer any of Serina's pestering questions, but she hadn't gained the curage to go herself.
She takes his hand, letting him lead her through the people to a small space open between bodies. She swats side to side slowly, enjoying the thrall of the music. She tilts her head back slightly, blowing out a soft breath.

"I like this song. . ." She murmurs, keeping hold of one hand while her other goes to his side.

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