Wave Rider - Slash Cyber Deck RP

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Jul 30, 2023
There exists a realm beyond this one. One where the oceans flow. Underneath the volcano of a new island, rest three boys with power overwhelming. Meanwhile, their boss plays with a new company. A slight, slant eyed, girl begins wondering about a black boy, and his wittier friends. They prevent tidal waves, by turning their cyber decks into surfboards - where they hunt their twin selves. The symbol for the company, called Cyber Decks Oil, is a large glass, half globe, and they travel through space and time. The moral of this story, is your boss is an alien.
The three boys under the waves are Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, and the surfers are Alvin, Simon, and Theodore. The boss is Tweedle and the girl is Dum. It is a slash fiction cyber deck role play. They fight back Tsunami Agenshe. (Did I do this right?)

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