Rebecca and Ada had always been best friends.
Shortly after she turned 6, Rebecca's father got a job transfer and they moved to another city. The first 6 months was emotional agony for the young child and together with just graduating from pre school to Kidnergarten, things weren't exactly looking up.

But then she met Ada.

The friendly brunette invited Rebecca to a corner of the sandbox and they soon started giggling and playing together. Ada was Rebecca's first true friend and their friendship blossomed over the years.
They became inseperable....they would sleep over at each other's houses----being next door to each other certainly made it easier---and their friendship soon brought their families close as well. They all went together on camping trips, visits to Disneyland and countless restaurant dining.

To be sure, the girls had the usual disagreements and occasionally avoided each other a few times but they always got back together. Boys eventually entered the picture and they both became interested in the opposite sex, even going out on double dates.

Later on things changed.
Rebecca began noticing Ada in a way that was vastly different than before....she found herself having dreams, fantasies about her best friend....kissing.....hugging....and more. She found herself strangely attracted to her brunette friend. Both girls began developing a few years before, Rebecca's breasts slightly larger.
Ada was beautiful....her voice soft, her body adorable. In gym, Rebecca found she couldn't keep her eyes off of her brunette friend, especially in the shower....she glanced over, loving the way the spray cascaded down Ada's tits.
She found herself jealous when Ada went out with guys, something that she never felt before. Rebecca by now was unsure exactly what she wanted but her heart finally told her.

Rebecca was in love......with Ada.
The day came when she could no longer keep her feelings hidden. One day during lunch she took Ada aside, sat down under the shade and relaxed on the cool green grass....lunch had another half hour to go before their next class, ample time for her to blurt out her feelings.

"Ada," she started nervously, her heart racing....."I....uh, have something I need to tell you...."
Rebecca's mind was would Ada react? but she had to know....she HAD to....
"Look....I know this is gonna sound strange but....oh God, how do I say this?....Ada, I love you....I mean, I really love you...."
Ada stared at Rebecca in shock. Rebecca and her had been friends almost there whole lives, but Ada didn't expect Rebecca to feel that way about her. Ada's face became red. "I-uh... I d-don't really know what to say..." Ada looked down at the ground, her mind racing. Did it suddenly get really hot all of a sudden? Ada didn't know what to say to Rebecca, because she had a little secret too. She also secretly loved Rebecca in that way. She just hid it very well. She didn't expect Rebecca to feel the same way, but now that she has confirmation... "I-I feel the same way, Rebecca." Ada said while blushing profusely.
Judging by the reaction and the look on Ada's face, Rebecca knew what she said was a mistake, but a mistake that had to be said. Well, at least her friend knew how she felt now. THeir friendship might be doomed but at least there would be no more secrets.

To Rebecca's suprise however, it turned out that it was a mutual secret....Ada loved her as well!
Rebecca let out a little squeal, attracting the attention of a couple nearby students. Rebecca got up, took Ada by the hand and quickly took her around the building and away from prying eyes.
"You just made me the happiest girl on the planet," she whispered, taking Ada's face with both hands and kissed her....not one of those party pecks on the cheek, but a meaningful kiss, slipping her tongue deep into her friend's mouth.

"Oh my God," she said......"we're really girlfriends now!....but how are we gonna keep our feelings confidential? know how fast rumors start in an all girl's school....God, how am I gonna concentrate on my last class with you on my mind?"

They agreed to meet at Rebecca's house after school, since both her parents work and wouldn't be home for hours.
The day seemed to take forever to end but finally the school bell rang and the two hopped on board the school bus....even holding hands would attract undue attention so they had to keep things discreet.
They got to Rebecca's house. Ada went next door to hers, dropped off her school books and told her parents she would be right next door, helping Rebecca with some usual, her parents agreed.

Rebecca's heart was beating so hard and loud she swore Ada would hear it....quickly she got undressed, rummaged through her dresser and pulled out her pink babydoll nightgown. Her and Ada would be alone for hours and she was determined to make every minute last.
Rebecca heard the sounds of her friend coming through the front door.
"I'm upstairs," she called down. Rebecca sat on the side of her bed, nervous and trembling....she heard Ada's footsteps as she came to her bedroom.24258362386_2231e937f2_z.jpg24258362386_2231e937f2_z.jpg
Ada giggled at Rebecca's reaction. Ada followed Rebecca around the building. To Ada's surprise, Rebecca kissed her. Ada blinked in surprise but didn't pull away. She kissed Rebecca back. Ada agreed with Rebecca that they should probably keep it secret. Ada and Rebecca agreed to meet at Rebecca's house. After school Ada went back to her house to get ready to get to Rebecca's. Ada put on a purple sleeveless tank top and blue jean shorts. Ada put her leather jacket over top to avoid suspicion. Ada told her parents she was going over to Rebecca's to help her with homework and her parents let her go. Ada rushed over to Rebecca's house and went up the stairs to her room. Ada heard Rebecca call her and Ada opened the door. She closed the door behind her and saw Rebecca in a pretty pink nightgown. Ada looked at Rebecca in awe. She was beautiful. "Wow Rebecca! You look amazing!" Ada told Rebecca smiling. Ada went over and sat on Rebecca's bed.
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Rebecca was almost sweating...but WHY?.....why was she feeling like any minute she would pass out? she had known Ada since they were young, but this?.....
of course she could easily answer her own silent questions....she----they were in love. Not the innocent petting and apprehensive exploration of each other's bodies, but a true and real love. Ada's kiss was as awkward as her own but she remembered how soft and moist her friend's lips were and could hardly wait to taste them again.

Then Ada entered the room.
Rebecca let out a soft sigh, not moving as the brunette sat beside her. Before they kissed again, Rebecca reached over and took off her friend's jacket.
"God, your's so beautiful," she said as she kissed and licked her tank top over her bra.

"We can go as slow as you want," she continued as she continued to undress her came the top followed by the shorts. Ada now sat in only her bra and panties, Rebecca still in her nightee, transparent enough to reveal lace panties underneath.
Rebecca kissed her, sending her tongue deep into her mouth, relishing the taste and feel of her soft lips. She roamed her hands over the girl's bra without removing it....she didn't know yet how Ada was going to react. Would she let her go only so far then pull away out of nervousness? would she allow Rebecca to undress her and ravish her naked body?
Ada blushed at Rebecca's compliment. Ada kissed Rebecca a bit less nervous this time. Ada let Rebecca take off her clothes but pulled away from Rebecca a little bit. It all just seemed so fast. Ada wasn't completely ready for this. "Maybe we could start slow?" Ada asked Rebecca.
"I'll do whatever you ask," Rebecca said.....she should've known Ada would be at least a little apprehensive. Afterall, they just confessed their love not more than a few hours ago....
But Ada was so beautiful, so adorable. Despite her own apprehension, Rebecca found herself wanting to take her friend in her arms, strip her naked and explore ebery onch of her body with her tongue.

But that wasn't how it was to was obvious that Ada would be the more submissive and hesitant one and she had to respect that.
Rebecca kissed her over and over, running her tongue over Ada's bra.
Rebecca took off her nightgown and pulled off her panties, revealing a nicely trimmed bush. Once she was nude she undressed Ada the rest of the way and they now sat naked.

"Stay right where you are," she said as she raced downstairs, quickly returning with two fruity wine coolers. Handing one to Ada, she sat snuggled up, enjoying Ada's soft skin against hers.

"I'm not gonna rush you at this point," she said, raising her bottle.
"We should probably talk about what we should do before we go any further....."

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