♜ Kasumi's Bouts of Inactivity ♚

eyyy I'm tipsy for new years. Happy New Years, everyone! :D

While not in the right state to write roleplay replies at this very moment, I finally sat down and jotted down every active rp site I'm on + active roleplays. I've been meaning to do this so I figured I'll take this time to do that.
I am doing better and plan to get to every RP I'm active in. But in light of this revelation, I do ask for patience from every partner of mine! :3

Total RP sites registered: 19 (it was 20 but one site shut down)
Total Active RP Sites: 9
(the others are either brand new so no active roleplays, or they're pretty dead so again, no active roleplays)

Total Roleplays, throughout every active site, threads + PMs: 21

I didn't realize it was that many owo;;;

As I realize this, please be patient with me as I get to every roleplay of mine throughout every site. I find it fair to get to those who have waited the longest, which is about a month or two ago. So, again, please be patient! <3 I have NOT quit any roleplays. I would have told my partners. I just have a lot to get to.

I hope everyone is having a good New Year! <3 I have no plans, just writing if I can~!
Thank you!

For more info just cause I feel like sharing xD under a spoiler in case health/hospital stuff icks some people.
So she took her shower this morning, came out, and told my father she was having chest pains. So he took her to the hospital. They gave her nitroglycerin which made her feel better but idk if we can really go off of that because that's what happened the last time (recently) she was in the hospital and it wasn't her heart. They did an angioplasty and found all her past stents were fine (she has 4 in total from many years ago). So this time they're doing another angioplasty, to see if past stents are still okay and if need be, place another stent. Or idk whatever they end up doing. My father just left not too long ago to bring her some stuff. But she's had a meal and it looks like she gets to wash up (idk she asked for her towel, a bar of soap, and her baby oil). So that's way better than other times yee
HI lmao Kamui I remember when autocorrect used to do that to my friends aha

Mom is well and home! <3 SO spoiler again cause ye
At first the angio was going to be done at 5:30 PM today and she was like naw fuck that I’m leaving. So they managed to move it to 11 AM XD Dad and I planned on visiting her at 12. But I figured, knowing my own past hospital stuff, there’s prep beforehand and all so prob not gonna visit at 12. She might be in the middle of the procedure, then out of it after. So I just slept and dad went and ye she was totally out of it, groggy, and didn’t get any sleep last night (totally expected) so he left to let her rest. The angio didn’t find anything. Her heart and stents are totally fine. So she was allowed to leave at 4. They didn’t know why she was having chest pain or anything. She's pretty sure it's angina, what happened fits all the symptoms she said. We shall see when she follows up with her cardiologist.

Figured while this gets some attention, I do have a new plot I wanna do~ it's a hetero thing, I already have the intro made because my partner decided they wanted to do other things after xD I'm looking for someone to play the master in master x slave. The plot is in my request thread~ very quick rundown, slave lost her master and is given to someone new. Old master's wording in letter to new master makes it sound as if new master is getting a living doll. New master wants to test this 'living doll' out.

uhhh and yeah! That's it! I have a lot of catching up to do which... I will do. Soon. XD Very willing to get that starter up if anyone is interested in the plot.
Welp ehe. Apologies for being quiet. I wasn’t feeling very well. Now today I’m in the hospital. Possibly pancreatitis. I’ve had it once before so the symptoms were familiar and all. Finally had my ct scan done so we’ll finally see wtf is going on. Wanted to inform you guys of my disappearance. I had started feeling better today and was getting back to replies and then this happened. Will update when I get some news~
Yeah they go by a few different factors. Lipase and symptoms, etc. I had another person come by and they said they may do an upper endoscopy. Probably have to see someone from gastroenterology and they will decide yeee. I was finally moved to observation, a little more private and you get an actual bed~!

They’re feeding me again so we’ll see ;w; I also got my pain meds finally earlier. They believe I have both a viral infection thing and pancreatitis on top of it. Oof.

Last time I ate something, it took a half hour for the pain to hit. The pain meds only last about two hours so…. I got it at 10 and it’s almost 12 now. Oh no ;w;
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