eyyy I'm tipsy for new years. Happy New Years, everyone!
While not in the right state to write roleplay replies at this very moment, I finally sat down and jotted down every active rp site I'm on + active roleplays. I've been meaning to do this so I figured I'll take this time to do that.
I am doing better and plan to get to every RP I'm active in. But in light of this revelation, I do ask for patience from every partner of mine! :3
Total RP sites registered: 19 (it was 20 but one site shut down)
Total Active RP Sites: 9
(the others are either brand new so no active roleplays, or they're pretty dead so again, no active roleplays)
Total Roleplays, throughout every active site, threads + PMs: 21
I didn't realize it was that many owo;;;
As I realize this, please be patient with me as I get to every roleplay of mine throughout every site. I find it fair to get to those who have waited the longest, which is about a month or two ago. So, again, please be patient! <3 I have NOT quit any roleplays. I would have told my partners. I just have a lot to get to.
I hope everyone is having a good New Year! <3 I have no plans, just writing if I can~!