Game RP A Digital Hazard In the Realm of Arceus

Managing to turn around, and turn the fun onto the Zoroark, Olette's delicate feeling hand grasping the impressive meaty rocket. as she would be the one getting leaned into. as the powerful humanoid fluff ball soon forced it's maw against her lips. as the little ones were like a suckling braw for the woman. the fun growing, as she was now in a position of dominance with this one, having it's spear in her one hand, able to push it away or tease it with her other. however the fact remained, this beast was proving more enjoyable to play with then her prior dominating and over size partners, perhaps due to how much control she could have with it? or perhaps due to a change in type of interaction she could enjoy? only Olette would be able to figure out how and why in due time, but for now she had this little stud before her wanting some of her.
As the Zoroark pushed its muzzle upon her mouth, forcing it's kiss abd prying hee mouth open to play, Olette held onto its meat rod, stroking in it , giving its lustful body the attention it sought to sate. She shifted and squeezed it firmly, using her other hand to grasp onto it head, teasing the tip. She didn't truly mind the size difference, as long as she could please the beast before her. Oversized, average, as long as she could feel its hunger dlgrow. Her mind wandered briefly. Imagining herself playing woth cocks great abd small if she has the time. Her pokedex still needed data. And she had definitely forgotten that will all the monster dogs showing her her place.
Now getting more and more into the sensation despite it being a wash for Olette. she would soon feel the smaller Zorua's beginning to pump their little pricks against the base of her breast, as they suckled, and pawed the top or surface area around the nips their maws clamped upon. All this made all the more noticeable as they were squished into her body between Olette, and Zoroark's. as his tongue aggressively invaded her mouth now, with out hesitation, forcing itself into her, all the while, the hand around it's impressive pink missile would feel the increase, and thrusting thrust, and thumping against her fingers, and palm, as if her hold prevented it from finding the zone between her thighs, when it was a gentle yet enjoyably tight grip at all the right spots for the beast.
Olette smirked to herself as her big beast was so excited, so hungry fir her touch that she felt it fucking her hands for the faintest pleasure. She angled the pink rocket shifting her legs just slightly apart to push its prick between her thighs, parting them just enough for the Zoroark to slide between them, into the soft jiggly thickness, rather than giving it a full shot to put it inti her. She reached up with a hand, gently caressing the Zorua's hard little priccks, tickling their balls gently to encourage them more.
now with her body repositioned, and her so called care giving, guards assaulting and enjoying her, Olette was the dominant one here, despite how it would look to onlookers. her hands having moved to caress and tease her smaller living, breast assaulting fluffy bra of zorua's. exciting them all the more, however now she could feel the hot tip of the Zoroark kissing her puffy, swollen, and well prepared folds with each rub between her thighs. it would be easy enough to take her all the sooner, but the position was far more ideal for fun of the tease. yet the aggressively gentle tongue having slipped from her mouth, moving to lick along her cheeks, ear, neck and shoulder.
Olette pushed her thighs together, keeping the Zoroark unde lr pressure and unable to try to flush too far up against her slit. She felt ilhis tongue lashing on her as if broke the kiss. Her tongue hanging out as she enjoyed the muscle rubbing against her face, washed into monster spittle. Sher wrapped hee fingers around one of the Zorua, looking up teasingly to their evolved Alpha as sge jerked the tingly beasts off in front of it. Her hips stirred to roll stroking it cock with her thighs. The denser muscles were bouncy and soft, if the monster wasn't looking it would probably think it was humping between her teats.
growing more and more excited by the sensation of her thighs, crushing the hot prick between them. more then that, the way it got to enjoy her tongue, neck and shoulder with it's own. it would not be long before the zoroark would grow a bit overly excited, as it even took notice of the scent the little zorua's were giving off, as they enjoyed ollette's breast, and hands. however it would lead to her feeling the zoroark grasping her by the ass cheek all to soon. wanting to become a bit more dominant, and forcing itself into her with out harming olette, more so as they were in the water still. this would give the human the upper hand with ease, if she so desired to keep the zoroark from taking what it wanted from her.
Olette felt its paws and claws clutching onti ger, her body quivering in anticipation as it grabbed her yp. Her thighs squirmed, runbingbthe hot veiny prick against her hungry sex. The more hot and ready she was, the harder it was to keep teasing the monster. She wanted it, it's lustful prick was calling out to her for her to take care of it. Her legs began to part, little by little, revealing proper address without a fuss.
As she began to spread her own legs, Olette would feel how her body naturally began to lower itself from this act. however as this happened, the young lady would find her new aggressive little stud grasping her hips. as he pulled her into his own motion, going balls deep in a single, piercing strike. impaling her on his hot pink rocket with out remorse. however this would also allow Olette to use Zoroark as balance. even if she wanted, to use her legs to lock him in place, this beast was strong enough to support, and hold her weight with ease. even more so in this stream, however as she was giving into the evolved fluff ball, the smaller unevolved ones growing more aggressive upn her erect nipples. wanting more attention from her, as it seemed like, with zoroark's actions, she had reduced the actions she had taken upon the tiny fluff balls which acted like a suckling bra for her currently.
As the Zoroark took what it wanted finally, suddenly ramming its cock into her to make her cry out in a loud whine of pleasure. Her legs folded around its back, locking around it instinctively. Her sex felt almost tighter than it had before she was abused and pounded by the massive Beefy beasts. Unbeknownst to herself, her adaptive insides had prepared to drain any cock dry now it had been filled so many times with dragon seed. The folds rippled abd worked, massaging the Zoroark from tip to base, her body surrendering to its excitement as she grasped ys shoulders with one hand, the other trying to treat its smaller kin to their own needs while they tried to suckle on her milk less breast.
It was not long before Olette found herself up against the buff little fluffy stud. her legs pulled up from under her. allowing her back to bend slightly. as if leaning back to give more freedom to her milking bra of little Zorua's. as the paws grasped her now, and the Zoroark began to give the woman all the meet it could with out hesitation. the beast held her tightly, allowing the woman to use her legs to lock around it's fuzzy waist, or even use the comfort of the stream while adding to the sensation and splashing of how it had suddenly went at her like a feral beast in heat now.
As the Zoroark clutched into her to drive into her with all its hunger, Olette crossed her legs around its waist. She locked them together together tightly, her sex already grasping and starting to milk it already. Sher voice rang out quickly, crying out more abd more as the Zorua helpers made hurler pleasure group. She reached up higher, her arms pressing her tots together, rubbing the eager cocks as sge pinned them against the Zoroark.
losing herself once again, the young lady would be enjoying her wash and ride. having the two smaller fluff balls milking her breast, as her body was held up, Olette's legs locked around the much smaller waist of the zoroark, as it plowed into her depths. each thrust making her body bounce, her tits to swing and sway a bit, which caused soft almost cute growling from the smaller zorua's which were assaulting her nipples. all the more, the swelling in her warm tight depths. despite how well she had been filled prior, abused, stretched, and even made a mess out of. Olette would find her body seemingly ideal for any monster after a short while, between acts.
Olette moved he hands, dragging her fingers through the Zoroarks fur and fluffy, her sex squeezing tighter and tighter against the pleasurable pink rid inside of her. Her thighs flexed, her her hips rolled instinctively, slamming herself against the beast as she prssed her breasts against the stiff Zorua's, rubbing then off as sge cooed and howled, her voice probably signaling to any that she was in the clutches of some monster.
Now giving off all the right signs, Olette would soon feel something a bit more unexpected, as the zoroark would move to suddenly and with a bit of pain, force the two smaller Zorua's off her breast, and tossing them aside into the stream. their would be a painful pinch, and odd popping sound as the suckling fluff balls got removed, however it was short lived. as she would feel how one of them practically doggy paddled behind her. with the aid of the zoroark, this one would get to enjoy her back side to some degree, while the other swam around whimping for some fun as well. as her body was being well abused, the humanoid beast filling her cunt with it's hot love rod, while the smaller one, now trying to mount her back hole, even if it could only tease her with the failed attempts. licking and rubbing against her. it was now clear this massive fiend was planning something as it took her, and all to soon, she would find out. once it pulled her onto shore, with itself under her frame, thus becoming an ideal position for it's younger relatives to join in, but it would not happen until she had at least milked a single load or more from this stud.
Olette cried out in shock as she felt the Zorua get snatched away from her breasts, her nipples throbbing as she was liberated from them. As the monsters tried to swim around to find a way back into the fun, her pussy milked harder around the Zoroark, unable to fight and squirm around. She squirmed her legs tighter and tighter.
it was not long before the lovely young maiden now being fucked by the tall fluffy stud would feel how her ass was being pressed. before she knew it. the Zoroark would be lifting her, and moving out of the water. as the trainers could be heard. whistling, and commenting on how good their beast was caring for her. as she was carried like this, each step filling her, and making the thrusts all the deeper. the pokemon's power was impressive, however if she unwrapped her legs, Olette could stop this, yet if she did not, the beast would be carrying her tours the pens for itself, and many other pokemon. meaning this fun would soon lead to her wet, glistening body not remaining clean for very long. yet being fucked while being carried was not something a human could easily do, yet this beast was doing it just fine with her seductive body.
Olette couldn't think straight already, though even if her mind and body was getting pleasure drilled through it, she wouldn't be able to bring herself to open up her legs to try to get out of the Zoroarks grip. It's meat spear was making far too convincing an argument to allow her to do so. As it walked with her, fucking It's submissive new toy back towards the monstrous clutches of its buddies, Olette pulled and hugged on the beastvtighter, her voice only caring further as she found herself cumming again as her body thrilled with sweet hunger for more punishment.
Once they entered the stables, Olette would feel how the beast pressed her against one of the rough wooden walls. however over the Zoroark's shoulder she would see two rapidash's, and more so the one thing a bit unexpected. a massive, and over sized, Zebra looking beast. one which was an obvious electric type, however in this location, she would find her body being prepared by this fluffy companion. as he used and abused her. even making sure to hold her body up with his paws, slamming harder, and faster, now that her back was pressed against the wood wall of the stable.

as the three beasts began to move tours them, sniffing, and growing excited before her eyes.
(two aroused rapidash, and a horny, Alpha Zebstrika )
Olette moaned out as her back hit the wall, her fingers tucking on the Zoroark's fur fruitlessly as her eyes opening to see the horse pokemon. She recognized the Rapidash, but the zebra like pokemon confused her. Well. She wondered briefly but she noticed how they were leering at her as her slit gushed , squirming her nectar along the Zoroark l's shaft, her juices sticking to hits fur. "Oh-oj fuck-who- who- are your friends-" she managed to squeeze out of her lips in a breathless moan while her mind spun.
As the fluffy stud finally got done for now, he would move to slide out of her. tossing Olette playfully onto her her belly before the three studs. all of which had their massive and impressive erections before her. as they moved tours and circled the woman. Olette would now see how the Zoroark looked at her. his eyes said it all, I want to see you stuffed, then I will teach you who is the best. the look was seen before from humans, mainly the professor in the past. but coming from a pokemon showed a side to this beast that it wanted to share, but wanted to ensure she wanted him more then the others. which would most likely not be the case.
Olette moaned as she laid on the floor, her pussy gushing monster cum again, her cum as she gazed around. The Zoroarks gaze made her giggle and roll over , briefly bending herself so that it was looking at her drooling cunt, shaking herself at him. But then she swiveled around before the stud horses, grinning ti herself. The need to control and feel powerful, to use hee, slused her. Even as it came from a beast, it was much more sexy than from the professor, but sge knew deep down that such idea's of true ownership would never occur. Not to any man, nor monster...thou the monsters would certainly have a better chance of cock slapping her about until her instincts made her into the submissive hole they wanted. No. Only a true God would own Olette.
now in this position, the first of the molten studs moved upon Olette. she would find the two frontal hooves soon at ether side of her. as the massive, and monstrously long cock pushed into her slowly. spreading the woman's moist, and sloppy cunt wide open. filling and stretching her to an enjoyable albeit extreme state. the combination of how lubed up she was already, as well as the extra radiating heat from the fire time coursing through her body. giving a new and oddly exciting sense of pleasure. before the beast was able to force half of it's cock into her, bottoming out at this point. but deep enough where it would move as if trying to slap her inner flesh with it's cock to stretch her out, and fruitlessly try to force more into her, before the movements began to push in and out of her.

now like this in an extremely filling, and compromising position. The little Zoroark would move to get down on all fours to only lock it's maw against her lips. silencing any sounds she might make, as it's tongue invaded her mouth.
As the rapid ash stepped up, the massive stud meat trying to make a new home inside her. She nearly shouted out. Not in pain. But because nearly instantly gushed out a wet splash of her oherimone laced nectar all over the barn floor. Her eyes half rolled back as sge felt it slapping and bucking around, half her mind, the crazed degenerate half, almost wishing she had more innards space f I t the horse to be able to hilt itself inti her. The sane side, whispered something in the hurricane of pervert glee sge fekt, something about hoping for such a thing was only a great danger. Her bodies limits were natural, as Arceus willed it. It was simply her fault fir not being born as a monster, her holes would have to be limited to lesser feats. As the Zoroark silenced it braying plaything, her tongue swam eagerly in the monsters mouth, wriggling abd tasting every inch of it while sge tried to move her hips.
Now with her silenced, from the smaller one kissing her. the beast's tongue invading her mouth, as Olette's own tongue danced around the pokemon's tongue. all the more her body being forced to slide, back and forth from the thrusting. as her body was tightly fit around the cock. as if it was trying to suck in the massive muscle with out remorse. however each time it pulled out, her body felt a soft scrape against the floor, followed by the release of some pressure, then with each thrust into her, the pressure, and filling sensation returned, over whelming the sensation of her body being slid against the rough floor of the stable.
Olette grasped ont rhe bits of hy and grass on the barn floor, getting dragged back and forth. She reached back as she moaned and droled al over the place, the seal between her the Zoroark not enough to fully contain her lust. Her hand grasped onto the massive beasts shaft, squeezing on it s her suckling sex gushed . She pulled her mouth ba, gasping and panting hotly, her voice shrill and shaking.
As this continued to get worse for her, soon enough the hot thick seed was felt gushing into her depths. as the rapidash began to flood her. the beast began to flood her depths, over filling the woman to the point her body would feel as if it would balloon if it could. the first stud of the stallions would soon be finishing up so it could slowly push out, allowing the fluids to gush out of her, only for the next horse in line to fill her. as this one would take her ass, and spear into her guts so to speak.
Olette cried out in bliss as she felt the Rapidash cumming inside of her, her belly swelling out, her brain launching a tormenting of pleasure down from her head ti her toes. As she went numb all over, her body sagging , raising her hips higher while the first snat he'd first if her , she shivered and panted in heat, feeling hot seed leaking out if her slit. She saw the two hooves clip in front of her, her brain lagging ong, her eyes gkazed...before something jammed its way inti her Anusara, snapping her ti attention as she shrieked out, her foot dragging and kicking like a mare as her she felt the horse spear inti her gut.
with the second beast now filling her with out remorse or hesitation. Olette's body now feeling how this one was heating up her guts. it's natural heat radiating through it's massive, and monstrous shaft now filling her. all the more. as this happened, the screaming Olette would be silenced, as the Zoroark moved away, allowing one of the smaller Zorua mount her face. and shove it's tiny prick into her mouth. the size allowed even it's balls to get into her mouth with each thrust. giving quiet the mouth full experience, while being fucked, her moans, and screams adding pleasure to the small fluff ball which had caught up to them and was now being allowed to join in on the fun.
Olette's almost guttural, Donley like groans from the different power and thrust of the Rapidash was cut into a gurgling moan as the Zorua jumped on her face to silence her again. Her voice was muffled, her drooling maw almost a depraved pocket of pleasure as she moaned into him and suckled oh so hungrily. Her tongue wiggled, polishing the furballs sack as the Rapidash slid further into it's desired hole. Olette wasn't thinking anymore, the horses cramming into her not merely crushing her rational thoughts, but with her backdoor being rid open and dragging her about, the trainer was practically feral, no better than becoming a mare instantly.

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