Game RP A Digital Hazard In the Realm of Arceus

Giving the men the reaction they wanted, the one would snap his fingers. as the one before her held up the recorder, and clicked it off.

"alright boys, you know the drill, help this young lady out. "
with this order, the plant type beast would release it's vines to move them tours Olette, two of which would snake around and up her arms, as they moved to coil around her breast as well.
with an unexpected stabbing of needle like tips of the two tendrils right into her nipples. all the while, two more snaked around the young lady's hip, as it moved to coil around her upper thighs.

once it had a good hold of Olette, the monchamp moved up to grasp the roots, using it's impressive strength to pull them apart enough so the plant could pull Olette out.
as it pumped the aphrodisiac like venom into her breast under the guise of aiding her. However the men would be preparing to record what would follow, unaware of the insane and lustful poke slut they
had just come across.

( feel free to set up a desired position of her with one or both poke's wink wink. )
Olette yelped as the vines jabbed their needle tips inti her nipples, the plant monsters aphrodisiacs pumping into her, but the monsters only could pick up her scent rising as they dragged her free of the hole one pull at a time. Her skin was getting redder and her body felt warm...well warmer than is already was. Her head swam as sge started to pant heavier and heavier, her eyes glazing over little by little. "Wha-wha di-yu do-" she mumbled as it began to work its magic. Normally it was to lower the inhibitions of the victim and make the feel more...but Olette have very few mental walls to get around in the first place. As she was pulled further, her lower body half way out of the Den, the thick, gorgeous young lady dangling out as she was dragged free of her bunny pit. She was pulled up, her body was almost limp in the Victreebels vines. As it turned haround around splaying legs wide and folding them up,...the humans saw her slit practically drooling and shining with her juice already her head lulling back slowly as she dreamily eyed the machamp her pheromones in the air was thick and heavy now, sge was practically using sweet scent all in her own. Her legs folded quite easily, holding her ankles up by her head, as she hung between it and the Machamp. She struggled to move her arms, reaching out as the Machamp like she was trying to hug it, her hands trying to pull its trunks off. "Cmere- give it to me boy! Don't teased me like this!" She purred with out fear or doubt. "You want to fuck me right? Like all those bunneary did, just hurry uppp!'
As this show began, the two men would begin to record the sight with their own devices. a wicked and lewd smile on their faces. all the while the second man spoke up.
"You heard our willing slut, give her what she wants champ. "

as he said this, the beast would move to reveal it's monstrous and intimidatingly over size cock. the four arms moving to grasp her knees, and breast. as it would push itself deep
into Olette slowly. spreading her moist, and hungering lips. despite how wet, and ready she felt. his thickness would cause their to be enough pain to feel as if it was her first time all over again.
as this was going on, two more flaccid like vines came from the maw of Victreebel, as they had bulbous, oozing tips. one moving along her flesh, and aiming to push up into her now extra tight
ass. while the second moved to present itself to her lips. the odd nectar like ooz from the tip was the plant type's unique seed. however due to it being a plant type, it would seem more like a mix of nectar, with honey, or sap. all the while the one once it pushed into her back side would begin to thicken with each pump, until it would feel as if her body had two logs stretching and ruining her.
As the monster monhandled her. It's giant hands paling her breasts as it's monster member shoved it's way into her tiny folds, Olette howled and yelled out, a feral sound like she was getting herself slowly spread to her limits. Her slit gushed messing, cumming nearly instantly as her belly rose up, bulging as the xhamp made space more himself insider her. Her legs were quaking, her her rolled back as she grabbed at its muscled arms. "Fu-k- he-too- bg-" she barely could form together words already, her brain felt like it was melting into mush. The aphrodisiac making her hips move already, pumping her hips slightly, already trying to get more pleasure. Then she felt the Victreebel vine shunt it's way inti her ass, her eyes snapped instantly into the back of her hand, her voice catching, her mouth opening into a mute stranggled scream before it plugged the hole never...her mouth already began sucking, her tingue rolling around and trying to to show her appreciation for its cocks.
It was not taking long for the two beasts to lose themselves on her tiny frame. the busty, and well toned, yet curvey young lady was built for breeding so to speak. as the champ's four arms moved to abuse her. two of them pressing their massive palms into her soft fleshy mounds. playing with Olette's massive breast, all the while it's member slammed into her harder, and faster with each passing thrust, and moment. all the while the wicked plant time which held her in it's vines moved to abuse the young lady's ass, and throat as if they were it's own personal alternative pussies to spread.

this was made all the more noticeable, as the beast moved some of it's tendrils to abuse her hands, and toes equally, while snaking along her arms and legs. allowing the two arms of the beast to play with her thighs. it was quiet the show, as her frame could move, wiggle, kick, and squirm in the hold of the two beasts. looking to the trainers as if she was desperately trying to escape, while in fact she was trying to get more enjoyment out of this instinctively thanks to the enhanced sensations from the poison type's unique aphrodisiac now flooding her sensitive system.
Her mouth was too full to male much noise, her body bucking excitedly before the trainers eyes as the Machamp handled ger like a sex doll. Unlike for the professor, who had to work so hard, Olettes body was practically a waterfall in the hands of her captors pokemon. Her pussy sucked on the Machamp, it's love missile spreading her open and forcing its shape up through her belly while the little slur made a depraved gurgling sound, practically swallowing victreebel tendril as her tingue wiggled and spurtied her drool up along its cockmvher ass jet squeezing abd her bodyvwriggled and bucked around, kicking, well eagerly jerking off every tentacle that the voctree bel offered he. Her tits felt heavier. The venom making then swell up slightly more abs her head spun instantly, her pussy contracting with every rub of her breasts. Her legs and thighs tightened, wrapping around the Champs waist as much as she could. Her eyes were a mess, either rolling back into her head, or trying to look into each of new suitors eyes with unhinged devotion. It didn't even have to be her pokemon for her body to practically throw itself at its feet like a sex doll. Why hadn't she just done this in her own!
As the sensation grew all the more intense, the sensitive body of Olette would soon begin to feel the throbbing member, and tendril with in her. the prewarning of the hot seed about to flood and over fill the human's seductively abused form. all the more, she would begin to taste the sweet, nectar like oozing from the cock like vine invading her mouth. Little did Olette realize that these two would be relentless, and fuck her until the lovely young lady passed out. However until then she would enjoy feeding upon these monster cocks. unaware that once she was out cold, the men would take their own turn from their pokemon, more so unaware that the wild life which claimed her would be returning soon enough, yet for now she was enjoying herself in ways, never imagined by even this lewd beauty.
(XD lots of monsters had a spot in line fir Olette before those men are allowed to try to get a turn)

Olette's moans and murmurs only got more frequent, her eyes coming back to excited focus as she felt cock abd tendrils alone throbbing inside of her. 'Yes!' was the instinctive, almost bestial thought in her mind, her sex squeezing tougher and tighter around the monster that was was rutting her, her head trying to Bob and her hips rolling as best they can to use her body and offer its pleasures.
( yes, however when our men cut in line, our fluffy stud will have a real reason to but in wink wink. )

Finally feeling the thick hot monster batter gushing into her depths. slowly extending Olette's belly with each squirt. all the more, the thick cocks which stretched her would become slick from the over flowing seed, as the tendril and flesh moved in and out of her with out remorse, getting faster and rougher, with how her lovely young body bounced, and wiggled. more then just that, the impacts grew very moist, and lewd as the slapping increased in speed of flesh upon flesh. the two men were both smirking and waiting for what they planned, however little did these two know, that her mate and unknown partner would soon both be finding Olette in the grasp of this wicked team of trainers.
Olette moaned out as she lurched her head back, pulling the tendril out if her mouth as she gasped and panted for air. "Fuck-Fuck me- harder- nah~I love it- I love your monster dicks so much-" she begged and demanded. The speed and intensity picking up made her voice louder and higher, her swollen belly and yhe warmth made her head spin.
Hearing this the two men both began to laugh, as one of them snapped his fingers. thus the victreebel moved the one tendril which was once in her mouth down the young lady's abused and seductive frame. as it would soon join it's one breeding tendril with monchamp's massive cock. double stuffing her now sloppy cunt. as it swelled and made a lewd mess out of her ass at the same time. all the more the way the fighting type brute's arms moved along her frame, and moved to play with her breast, and clit rougher then prior. it would become all the more apparent, as the trainers began to direct the pokemon in how to break this woman in action. meaning she was the first partner for both these evolved studs now ravaging her.
She yelped and howled, her voice cracking faintly as the breeding tendril dug into her, but she only thrashed and rolled her head back. She was so busy getting ravaged to notice, too high of pleasure to care really about much more than what was inside her. Her head pushed on the cushy body if the grass type, rubbing against it like it was her mate. "Do you like-ngah-my pussy-" she mumbled drunkenly as she stroked its tendrils faster, her body cinvulsing as she found herself coming quickly, gasping once.
As she spoke in an almost drunk like hazy state, Olette would soon notice a new and unexpected sensation. as her body was lifted slightly. her head soon in the massive maw of the poison type plant. however instead of the horror of acids, it was like a sweet, nectar filled pillow for her face to get buried into. the odd sensation of thousands of tiny soft feelers tickling her flesh as it did this. however it would begin to feel as if the machamp was moving to twist her body around, wanting to shove her upper body into the maw, giving it an even more entice angle and enjoyable end to abuse of her body. Yet the plant beast itself moved to oddly ensure her body comfort, and safety for the duo to enjoy. Yet if she squirmed or struggled enough the Victreabel would move to prevent her upper body from being shoved into it's maw enough for her elbows to stick out of the rim, and her massive breast to fall into it's maw along with her head, yet if she allowed it. a flower like appendage would hug her face, forcing the petals around her cheeks, and chin. as a stem would feed her more nectar, aphrodisiac, and even oxygen. as the duo would use, and abuse this young beauty for all she was worth. unaware that once her body had hit it's limits. despite how the plant like lover would heal her to an incredible degree, thanks to it's recovery powder, which was a kind of pollen. it would also have her prepped for it's master to take his turn.
"Oh-what-wait-" she mumbled as she was moved, her haze lifting slightly as sge realized she was being tipped into its maw. "What- are you doi-!" She started to yelp but as she was wrapped up in the grass types maw, her legs kicked around helplessly, nearly thinking she was in some horrible end. She twitched and dquirmed as she felt feelers tickling over her, her screams turning into giggles...then a shocked yelp aslof pleasure as the Machamp made itself known again. Oh it was two fantasies in one day for her...or was it three...her pondering was cut short as the flower affixed itself to her face, pumping pollen and gasses into her lungs, forcing her into docile lust little by little.
Now in this new position, smaller floral feelers came up tightly coiling around her massive breast. and latching upon the nipples. as the flower tipped vines acted almost like suckers. pulling and elongating her nipples with each sucking sensation, as the small barbed petals worked her breast while doing this. all the while, the two hands could be felt around her hips. two more grasping her feet, and ankle, as the powerful fighting type went to town. moving his cock from her stuffed cunt, to stretch her occupied ass even wider.

the sensation grew all the more enjoyable, as the odd pollen filled her lungs at a slow pace. as the oral petal tipped cock filled her mouth. Olette was able to live multiple fantasies all at once this day, all of which dealt with monsters, which were horny for her young healthy body. however the weight of her filled belly could be felt, with how it slightly expanded from the first round with these two. however now some of the hot seed could be felt sloshing about with in her, as well as escaping the young sloppy beauty with each thrust of the muscular stud abusing her.
The Victreebel felt the humans mouth vibrate around its inner appendage, her moans feral and crazed , her bodybwas wiggling around like a trapped big pokemon, her hands grabbingbaround blindly as she was suddenly spread from the back. Her brain went white, her mind instantly surging with organic pleasure. Her legs locked up in the air as she screamed out into her captors moan, her tongue rubbing on it'd flower cock the humans saw pokemon seed spilling out if her into her grass, her puddy squirting jets with every thrust of the Machamp into her suddenly far far too tight backdoor. Professor who? It was like she was having her first time all over again. As her eyes rolled back inti her head, her bodybspasming helplessly in the grip of the Machamp, her scrambled mind could only hope that she stand up ..or sit down right afterwards.
With her legs stretched out, the powerful hands holding ontop her delicate, and sensitive flesh. it was quiet the view for the trainers, and even more so of a sensation for the young new trainer Olette, as her body was being used, and abused like only in her wild, and wet dreams prior. the beasts were making full use of every oroface, and even more then that, her sensitive flesh being tickled, suckled, and enjoyed.

as the sensations continued to pile up, the thickening and throbbing of all the poke cocks in her could not be denied, her own gushing womanly fluid, and rising pleasure would leave the stretched and sore maiden left hungering once it was all done. however this would be a sensation her mind and body could never forget even in her worse days. however it was to be tested how much longer her body could remain conscious with this abuse, as the rough, and enjoyable lewd treatment did not relent upon her for even a moment of reprieve.
She pressed her feet against the Pokémon strong chest, her toes curling as sge started to thrash bri...but her body slowly started to go limp as the pleasure would keep forcing her to cum again and again. It ripped strength out of her body, her eyes beginning to blur. But as she started to black out again, she only felt good, warm, abd right getting used like this spending her mind scattering into space.
Some time passed, as Olette would begin to come to. her body feeling it's weight, as her arms bound behind her back, vines tightly around her belly, back arms, breast, and around her thighs. and ankles. leaving her hanging by the victreebel's embrace. however the sensation of the four massive arms, moving to message, and play with her feet, and breast was soon felt as well. or so one would think, howevever. the grasp of her feet pulled the dangling body back into a powerful thrust, into her moist, open, and hungering cunt. a smaller cock then she realized was soon digging into her. while the hand grasping and pulling her breast would pull her forward, her mouth filling with a long small cock. in a half dazed, and hazy mind. Olette's mind would paint an image of the two evolved pokemon binding and using her to help some smaller Buneary's to fuck her, in a way the bunnies could never enjoy themselves. when in fact the pokemon were helping their master's spit roast the beauty, as the men had the two wash and clean her body up before they took a turn. despite her weight, and slightly bulging belly, looking as if she was slightly pregnant, still being abused.

Olette wriggled warmly as she glcqne to, hllittle by little sgecwas already getting cuddly with her small friends. Her pussy flexed as much as it could, the abuse from the monsters giving her body much more effort to try to clamp upon the member in her. She whined softly, her mouth rubbing and her tongue curling around the other easily as her head worked suddenly, throwing herself inti action. "Mhhgh-its Mokkay-littlr ones~" she mumbled, almost as if she were a den mother soothing a pack of pokemo.
as the vines could be felt, slowly tightening, and loosening, as if being bound by many smaller snakes. the plant beast's two vine like ends which formed smaller floral like maws. as it moved to latch upon her nipples. the sensation of the suckling could be felt. the way it made her nipples become larger by force to some degree. one could say that Olette was enjoying the sensation of Victreebel's mega drain. as it assaulted her busty, and attractive mounds. all the while her body swayed, faster, and harder into each powerful thrust. However as her mind would slowly come to more, and more. the factor of how the torso's her ass, and face smacked into lacked fur. it was a slow realization. as the ones fucking her throat, and pussy were not pokemon but the trainers. however as it was her mind still enjoyed the idea of being used by her little fluff balls, being aided by these big strong pokemon which had their turn with her prior.
She yelped abd gagged softly as the Victreebel latched on ger breasts, the Mega drain making the breasts bounce and jiggle as it sucked to aggressively on her, her enlarged nipples drying. Sge started to squirm and wiggle as she realized the truth...these were NOT horny little monsters. These were horny humans- Olette started to put up a struggle as best she could, trying to pullher mouth free. "No- mo- NO- get- your babMmggh- baby cocks- away!"
Hearing her gagged, and partially muffled words, the men would both laugh, as they smacked Olette's plump, and flawlessly ripe ass. causing her bound body to jiggle and ripple with the impact.
more then that, she would feel as the other one grasped her hair, and pulling Olette into his wicked thrusts, forcing his cock deep into her throat over and over again. despite how the two abused,
and man handled her. the sensation of the impacts, and rough treatment would cause sparks of unplanned and undesired pleasure, as it would feel similar to being man handled by a wild beast. However the fact they were humans made it all the worse for her. yet the more she struggled, and sounds she made would quicken the arrival of the alpha which was the beast which claimed her prior. yet from the corner of her eyes, Olette would soon be able to spot the fluffy little bunny studs coming tours her. hiding in the bush, as their numbers began to build up. showing they were already planning to try and reclaim the woman they claimed for their den.
Olette yelped as she felt them smack on her ass, her violation only making her body tingle, but it was tainted by her partners. She glared at the man in front of her, her mouth clamping down, biting the man's shaft sharply rather than giving into them. She ground her teeth into her, biting at him like a feral poocheyena.
Biting down on the cock which invaded her mouth, Olette caused the one trainer to pull away from her shouting son of a bitch. as he quickly slapped her across the face.
" You filthy whore, how dare you. and here we are making sure your body is suitable for all the pokemon we have, and you do this. " shouting and cursing at her, as he did this.
the man would hear his buddy laughing as he got rougher with Olette's womanly entrance, slamming harder, and faster into her. as he would look to his buddy with a wicked and playful smirk.

"told you she might bite, didn't listen, so all I can say is I told you so. "

saying this with a playfully wicked tone, he soon began to release his first load into Olette's depths, if she wanted to realize it or not. as the hot seed could be felt forcing itself into her precious depths, which in her mind was only their to be used to pleasure monsters, not men.

as this went on, she would soon be able to see the small armada of bunnies growing behind the brutes, as it was becoming clear they would soon make a move to reclaim the maiden for their den, which also meant that the alpha Lopunny must be close buy. surely if she made enough struggling, a nd commotion, her fluffy over lord would reclaim what was his soon enough, but how long could she stomach being used in such a cruel way?
Olette hissed as she was stuck. "Bastards- you're not helping me-with your little pricks-" she gasped as she felt the man behind her cumming inside if her. "You- you did not just do that-" she yelled as she pushed harder, her arms fighting against the Victreebel try to Smack the man, shaking around in the vines. "You fuck! You don't get to ever do that! I'll have my Lopunny Smash yiur baby dick in so you can fuck yourself!"
"Oh you mean those cute little rabbits have a big bad leader you control. " as he spoke up saying this, the wicked man would begin to get rougher with her body bound and helpless for his amusement. while the other man began to smirk evily tours Olette. before moving to release a second beast he had stashes away. a larger intimidating looking Arbok was soon release, showing their third evolved beast.

"Well then, Why don't you make a quick snack out of that den of rabbits over their. "
saying this, the poison type serpent would move to attack the Bunearies, as he gave the order to make sure to destroy the genitalias of any males it defeats, and to bring back the lopunny this woman spoke so fondly of. however despite his threatening orders, and wicked actions, the man's voice was still high pitched, and cracked, sounding like a chimpmunk to some degree thanks to the pain in his own crotch.

as this went on the man which was fucking her, would speak of how he needed to ensure, they got Olette pregnant, so they could sell her children into slavery, while using her to breed slaves, and pleasure the monster's, and men alike. as this was going on, the sound of movement would be faintly heard by Olette, as their was an all to familiar sound, which her mind would know all to well. she would need to endure only a bit more, as her alpha rabbit would soon be upon them.
"Ah-you-mmmgh- stupid asshole- I'm on birth control-"she snapped at the man who wanted to try to force her to carry his babies. Her mom saw to that, teaching her to never forget them since she began to look how she did. As the Arbok rounded to start to towards the Bunnearies, her eyes watered. "NO! DON'T-HURT T-THEM!" She screamed as she fought harder, knowing the lesser forms of the Bunnearies would no doubt have to struggle and like lose plenty of their number if they had to battle without their Lopunny protector.
Now with this going on, She would soon hear the cries of several Little Bunearies as they went into battle with the larger Arbok. albeit a losing battle one none the less. as her body was being ravaged by the humans. however it was finally coming into view, as the large fluffy alpha rabbit was with in sight of Olette. the young maiden would get a chance to properly gloat or mock the tiny dick men, as the powerful rabbit would appear swiftly and almost instantly take out the arbok, before turning to walk tours the men, their victreebel, machamp, as the fluff ball cracked it's knuckles. however the glowing red eyes showed it's anger for not just harming it's brood, but more so taking the woman it marked, and dragged back to it's den. which most would not have noticed, however a small almost bunny head fused with a succubus like heart mark was on Olette right above the clit. one which was made on her flesh by the alpha Lopunny. as it was a mark only known to appear on mated alpha's as they only chose a single partner for their needs, and she was this one's chosen partner. however lost in so much it was easily missed.
"Ha-Now you baby pricks are going to get it-show these trash bags a real male's strength!" Olette said as her eyes lit up by the sight of the Alpha Bunny stepping out to reclaim his woman...Her pussy started drip like rain, shivering hottly as its eyes glowed. if she wasn't on birth control...and could carry an egg right about now, she would have been prime and ready.

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