Game RP A Digital Hazard In the Realm of Arceus

it was not long before the men were both tossed away from Olette, as well as how the victreebel was quickly dealt with. however once the machamp moved into the fight, it was becoming more challenging. However if Olette wanted to use her assets. she could easily distract the horny fighting type long enough to please it, and allow her alpha to beat the trainers, with no help from machamp. however as it was, the agility and speed advantage was in the favor of Lopunny, however the raw strength, and bulkyness was in the favor of Machamp. as he could take many hits with out even flinching in this case.
As the Machamp started to move, Olette...sprung into action the only way she knew how- she threw herself on the muscle monster's lap and started to rub against it with her tits, her face, pressing into its groin her tongue lapping and drooling on it messily. It was to protect her Lopunny...totally not because of her near-insatiable urges. Her multitasking aside, she tried to keep the two apart while the Lopunny handled its softer foes.
as this began it came as quiet the show and surprise, as the tiny woman with her busty curves tackled into the massive stud of a fighter. as it was not long for the woman to tope it with her body surprising the beast with a fleshy tackle. then enticing it with her soft flesh. the four arms could be felt, however the men ordered it to toss the woman aside and take care of this devil rabbit.

as the two shouted this, it was obvious how torn the beast was to obey it's masters, and to feel the pleasure of the flesh. however if she did not become even more dominating with this momentary window of opportunity, the four armed beast would lift her off his frame and move her aside, before rushing to attack the understandably angry alpha Lopunny. however as it would be preparing to do this, she could ether move her body a bit in it's grasp to feel it's cock to fill and stretch her throat, or struggle in it's grasp to cause the slippery, and seductively lewd woman to slip out of it's grasp and impale herself on it. ether way her body would feel much needed pleasure, and this beast would become lost in the sensation it had only learned this day from her unique help prior.
Olette wriggled and squirmed, as the Machoke grabbed her...mostly because even touching her hips and feeling her hot, steamy body, only made her hornier. "No nononnono!" She said as it picked her up, , managing to struggle and pushed between its fingers, she fell...her legs parted as she slammed herself straight down on the Machamp's cock. As the monster's horn dug into her, she opened her mouth, unleashing a feral howl, nearly braying like a shocked Mudsdale. Her body locked up briefly, her hips shaking as she climaxed instantly, her slit squeezing and clutching on it.
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thank you for joining us, and hope to see your entertainment grow and become very abusive tours those who enjoy it equally wink wink.



Falling upon her prey, Olette would feel how the massive rod hit her perfectly upon being sheathed completely. However both the young vixen of a trainer, and the powerful beast under her, climaxed, and released the instant the two of them were fully connected. however now like this, she would feel the four powerful arms moving to take a hold of her. two of them at her hips, and two of them grasping her massive breast forcefully. which now Olette could tell she was the one in control, this beast was choosing her over it's own trainers. as the sound of the men shouting orders, and trying to fend off the pissed off Alpha Lopunny from beating their asses in.
The screams of the men were fading away from Olette's attention, merely background noise for her to tune out as sge felt the monsters load blast inside of her, washing out the human one. Her eyes rolled back inti her head as sge leaned back, feeling its hands grabbing her up. She would have settled on it using her like a flashlight, but as it grabbed her breasts up, one for each upper hand, she started to move on her own, bouncing almost ferally on top of the monster as she leaned forward. "Ah~yeah~mmm give me more of the big monster filling~I need it so bad~I'll ~never touch a human cock if you just give me more of yours!" She panted out lewdly as she instantly was lost in her degenerate needs.
Losing herself like this, as the young lady bounced on the giant monster cock. her body being filled in a way only she could truly enjoy. with each bounce, her belly expanding and shrinking, as it accommodated the massive girthy meat with in her tight, hungering depths. the sight grew all the lewder by the moment, her glistening body now free of the human partners could enjoy the desired playmates. which could easily use, and abuse Olette for all she was worth. However more then that, she could feel how the four arms enjoyed, and played with her bouncing, and enticing frame.

as the sounds finally fainted, the alpha lopunny would begin to move tours the two making out. as Olette would soon be able to see how her mating with this machamp, caused her alpha fluff ball to grow excited. his own pink erection was very visible. as it moved tours her, giving Olette a chance to present ether her mouth or ass for this beast if she wanted to prevent it from taking her away from this massive fighting type under her currently. however in the back the men were well beaten, bruised, and bloody, yet still alive.
Olette looked back as 'her' Lopunny approached her, her body leaning forward, pushing her chest against the Machamp, her hands moving and spreading her ass in front of the excited beast. "Mm-My hero~I'll take care of you-ha-ha~with every hole-until your empty!' She panted, her voice dripping with raw lust.
Leaning into the powerful flesh pile of muscles under her. Olette exposed her ripe tight brown star to be penetrated, stretched and filled. soon feeling the unique pressure of two monster cocks deep in her. rubbing against one another, with only her thin flesh keeping them separated internally. as one began to swell and threaten to quickly pump it's bowel burning baby batter into her lewd depths. the now sloppy depths filled with the larger stud could feel how her body was used. the beast under her moving to nip and lick her neck. as the fluffy lover behind her assaulted Olette's ear, as well. feeling it's softer fluffy paws moving around her belly, and pulling Olette into each thrust. she was being double stuffed like never before. even when she had victreebel, and this champ in her, it did not compared to the combo of the wild Lopunny Alpha and the champ in her as it was now.
Olette yelped as the Lopunny jumped to fill her backdoor, her moans jumping up a few octaves as they both slammed into her, bouncing her around between them. She wrapped her arms desperately around the Machamp, biting on its dense pectoral muscle to try not to scream too loudly. She muffled hers, her voice vibrating in its chest. "Mm~mhgggg~fuuuu~ha~sho~rough~mmm~ she mumbled as she clenched tighter, though nomatter hoe hard she squeezed, the next thrust would just spread her out again. She didn't know if thus Machamp would stick around or not after she let it paint her insides with its cum...and the depraved part of her brain absolutely was okay with that, as long as it enjoyed her holes.
it would not be long before she would find her arms grasped by the Lopunny, pulling olette back. as it would flesh her body in a way to expose her breast to be assaulted by the champ under her. as her belly deformed, and bulged differently based on which cock filled her at which moment. the worse was the few moments when both would be fully sheathed in her, right before one pulled out, the other filled her. making her breast sway and bounce wildly at this point. however it would not be long before the beauty would find a sight which would be all to welcoming for her lewd, and hazy yet lustful mind.

two of the brave little horny Bunearies were heading to try and join in. as they would move to double team her mouth, using her shoulders, and breast like stepping stones to abuse her maw as much as they could. however it was like these two were being reward by the alpha, for trying to protect this woman before it arrived to reclaim their new den mother so to speak.
"MmMah~wha~mmmwhy~" She whined out as she tied to speak, her brains being lashed by rough pleasures, her eyes focusing in the Bunnearies coming her way. "Nghaaa~" she opened her mouth as they climbed on her body, her breasts cushioning ther fluffy feet as they stepped on them. Her holes tightened briefly as the small mon walked on her still sensitive teats, her tongue dangling out as she wordlessly started to slurp down down of her protectors prices. She was their Lopunny property, rewarding them with her body was only fair. Even if they all would want to take a turn in the train.
Now things were finally going back into the madness which Olette enjoyed the most. monsters loving her body and using her like no human could. the pleasure growing quickly, the sounds of her voice gagged, and muffled, as the tiny studs were quick to coat her mouth, and tongue with their thick seed. feeding the woman their strong little proteins shakes. however little did Olette know, that her body would be able to take in the poke sperm like a nutrient, and healing potion, due to how she had been claimed by an alpha. which would become known all to soon. however as it was, it would seem that the two inside of her began to both bust their seed into her depths at the same time. feeling the weight, and sudden growth of her belly from the sheer amount would be something unique, that her hands would be able to feel to believe. even if the bulge was small enough to miss with first view, but could be felt.

as the quad group of lovers abused and used her, Ollette would discover once they had finished their rounds, the machamp would take his trainer, and the partner of his trainer in his arms, and carry them off. as well as dragging off the unconscious victreebel, and arbok, unless she decided to steal the ball for one of the unconscious pokemon, so when they came to, it would look to them as if they had been traded off to her. yet now she had the bunny den to abuse her in so many ways, as this moment was still her body being used, fed, and abused with so much monster cock that it could be mind breaking if she wasn't already lustfully crazed for this pleasure.
As the Machamp had finally its fill of found her hard to shake off in the aftermath, her belly was swollen and fat like milk tank, her body and face glazed in monster milk, so much that it even still ran raw from her lips. ...and while the villainous beast gathered its friends, and the lot of her bunneary pack was trying to to catch their second wind,,, she was still holding onto the monsters meat rod, crawling and dragging herself after it the slurp out as much of it its remaining cum as she could despite the mess of a slut she was. She fondled on its shaft, licked on its balls. , even tickled it's own star briefly with her tongue. Finally she was dragged away by her her whining struggle to keep playing she snatched a pokebakl off one of the men while the Machamp hustled up its pace before this insatiable monster tried tempt its empty sack any further.
Even in this state, her daintly and soft hands managed to get a hold of a pokeball, unaware if it was the victreebel, or the Arbok, but she would discover sooner or later. as the alpha finally tossed Ollette's body over it's shoulder. even smacking her ass. as it began to carry her back to the den. even with the Bunnearies following.

it was almost comical with how she was being handled so roughly, yet gently at the same time. showing this Alpha beast did indeed see her, as it's one and only mate to be enjoyed and abused.
however as they drew closer to the den, she would begin to hear the excited cries of so many small studs in the den awaiting her return. however it would be questioned if her body could endure the impending fur piling she was doomed to enjoy upon return to the depths of the den.
"Nyah~nooo~Champie~ come ba-ack!" She giggled drunkenly as the Lopunny smacked her in the ass, making it bounce as it carried her. "Mm! Don't be jelly Lolo! I love all big hung studs!" She said as she reached down patting it on its ass...her hand squeezed when she realized how firm it was. "Heh-if it makes you happy ill tickle your st-opppise!" She giggled again as she was turned around to the den. She rubbed hee belly, the thick bulge feeling...not big enough. "All my babies~!" She cheered even if she'd black out again...she'd never resist her urges in the face of dozens of horny and stiff little mon.
Finally being returned to the den, as she saw the excited swarm of fluffy little studs, all awaiting her to be dragged back into the den. the powerful Alpha would smack her ass once more, as it left paw marks on both her plump ass cheeks. all the while it would then drop her onto the ground. as if the beast was about to take Olette right their on the spot, however as it dropped her. she would soon feel how several of the smaller bunnies rushed upon her frame. two of them grasping her hands. it would be quiet the rough yet unique experience. as the swarm would begin to drag her back into the den. as a few of them moved to fuck her breast, and her womanly entrance, all the while feeling her body being dragged into the den.
She moaned as her Lopunny lord spanked her again, her hips buckling at him, making her ass bounce and clap in front of the rough male , a perfectly willing mare to get abused as much as her Alpha wanted. Her self control,, what little she clhad, was saved fir humans after all. As she shook her ass and beerraisedvher feet, blindly cradling her monster lovers prick to Starrett striking him...even if he was pushing on empty, sge wouldn't stop until she was out, or his cock was limp and she couldn't raise it up anymore. The Lopunny however heard a muffled squeals as the horde rushed for their time, her feet wiggling abd jerking the best off Hardee as she was getting dragged away into her sticky white heaven.
Once Olette was back in the depths of the bunny den. Her body now laid out once more, on the all to familiar moss bed. soft and welcoming. more then just that she would be able to realize her one hand still held the stolen pokeball she snagged from the out cold man which assaulted her prior. one could say this pokeball was the payment for them nutting into her prior. However now in the den, feeling how the small swarm of fluffy lovers moved upon her. wanting every inch of her body. it would be a bit of effort with how her body was now. yet if she moved around, Olette could get herself into a more enjoyable position, as they would use, abuse, milk, and feed her for sure. as the alpha was sitting at the entrance, his throbbing, glistening erection almost seemed like it was waving at her, as the smaller studs all wanted to take their turn, thus factory belting her body like a inter species breeding slut. wanting to fully use every inch of her body she could endure, and indulge.
She wiggled and rolled over , trying to get low and ready, for the bunny line up around her. She wiped cold spunk if her face, and pressed her belly onti the ground, whimpering as the pressure shift inside of her, pushing out pokespunk frim her insides so her 'den children' could get a fair shot at trying to turn her human holes into their seed bed...even if it was all in vain. Atleast they got to practice! On. Her. She spread herself open with one hand, ghecother still clutching the ball. Unleashing the victireebel in a tiny den was a bad move...ahe was careful not to release the ball
as her one hand remained clenched around the one ball for good reason, one of the little bunnies would move to take the ball from her. wanting to take it to the corner of the den, and free her hand for abuse. however now like this, Ollette would feel how these selfish, and excited little fluff balls did not hesitate. climbing upon her. moving to the space between her toes, double stuffing her ass, and triple stuffing her pussy with their erect little pricks. all the while some of them move to assault her head, arm pits, hands, elbows, knees, and hands. however it would seem like one of her little fluffy partners was wanting to stash any items she brings into the den in a corner, as if this corner would be dedicated to her belongings.

as things began to heat up in the den for the lustful and lustfully thirsty maiden. the unknown creature with her items was making its way tours her location, unaware of how it would find her, or what condition she would be in.
Olette moaned as she was steadily overwhelmed by one bunny after the next, starting, flexing and squeezing them in as many pricks as she could in her hands, and within herself. As they stuffed her, she couldn't sit still, her body ever lively as her den took advantage of her. Her body writhes and her stuffed mouth sucking greedily.
It was her twisted heaven once more Olette able to enjoy and indulge the warm soft fluffiness all over her body. the motion, friction, and warmth of the slick sticky fluid coating, and covering her making the scent of wild sex fill the den once more. more then that, the growing weight in her body only caused her mind to see images of herself filled with all kinds of poke eggs, albeit impossible, however all this weight being pumped into her now messy frame. it granted a sensation which one could say was close to the sensation of having an egg in oneself. the bulging belly, the hot sloshing with each motion.

as all this went on, the alpha moved up to her, not interrupting the smaller bunnies, but making sure to tease and smack Olette's flesh where it could. remembering how she reacted to the painful smacks. as it assumed this would grant even more pleasure for it's young broodlings which were using their den mother, and harlot in such a lewd and enjoyable way.
As olette felt her belly expanding, her belly jiggling like the rest of her, the weight making her brain thrill with glee. She was fill to the brim and it would keep going, no matter what she wanted of her den mates. She didn't need to think, or have a care, just be bred. Bred the idea made her pussy gush her nectar slightly. Even if she couldn't bare an egg...her sick fantasy made her almost hope she was wrong. As the Lopunny smacked her body, she jumped all over, her pain only stimulating her harder. A jet of shot from between her legs, squirming frim one smack after another, groaned and gurgling, she tried, desperately to raise a sliver I'd herself that wasn't in use to her Alpha, he'll he could have tried to rub his sticky cum coated cock off in her hair abd she would have felt blessed.
things continued like this for some time, as Olette would eventually find herself passing out, with the last sensation her body knew was the horde using and abusing her., hands, feet, knees, armpits, breast, ass, pussy, mouth, and yes even her hair was being used at this point.

some time would pass once she was fucked unconscious, even dreaming of a lovely life in the wild with a wide variety of wild monsters, all of which protected, and abused her body for their own pleasure. as this alpha Lopunny was but the first step into such a lewd domain, her own personal reverse monster harem. however little did she know, that by the time Olette would begin to come to, the alpha would be out cold, as the small swarm of warm fluffy bunnies all over her would be huddled against her naked frame.

what could only be described as a strange puppy like monster stood ontop of the unconscious Alpha Lopunny, as it was smaller then the Bunnearies but oddly seemed to have knocked out her playmate, and alpha. perhaps by surprise attack, was this an unknown pokemon lured to her, by the lewd scent of her body in this den?


( salamon )
(XD I want to give it treats abd spoil it.)

Olette grumbled as she stirred from her dreams, lurching gently upwards. Her hair was sticky and messy, so was...all of her really. She yawned. "Lo...pu..nny?" She mumbled slowly as she looked around for her gaurdain for some extra snuggle time. But her eyes fell on the strange small dog....her eyes squinted as she looked at it...then to her felled champion. "What!-" she gasped. Was this some kind of ultra rare pokemon?! She hadn't seen anything like it while she 'researched' them. "Impossible-"
in an oddly cute, and high pitched voice, the odd creature spoke to Olette.
"wake quick we must go, this big thing wont be out for long. we must escape while we can partner. "
saying this the small pup like digimon moved tours Olette to grasp her hand in it's maw gently wanting to pull her
out of the den, unaware that this was all by choice for the human. however in her eyes this was some unknown pokemon which
could talk. however she would soon hear this thing tell her, that it brought her clothing and equipment, it was all outside of the den.
which would then reveal to Olette, she had her unique pokeball, and her championw as out cold, meaning an ideal chance to use one of
those unique love balls she earned from the professor to secure her Alpha. but would she be able to secure this unknown creature as well
or would she see this as nothing more then some kind of fever dream?
Olette...had now even less of an idea what was going on. Was she dreaming? Did she smother herself in too many bunny schlongs and she blacked out...and was still asleep? No. There was no such thing as too many for one....but Bunnearies also weren't big enough for that kind of action. "Wait-partner- but-...I haven't even touched you yet..." she mumbled. Maybe all the monster cum gave her the ability to understand pokemon. She dropped to her knees. "Hold on." She said as she fumbled for the love ball, and looked at friend. The large ring, it's tiny cut puppy look. She leaned over, grabbing it by the hint leg and lifted it up curiously

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