He wasn't stopped moving onto his lap, either, which greatly eased Kasumi's nerves and mind. Perhaps they could actually play a little? He tilted his head to the side as Noah wanted to pose a question. "Yeah, yeah," he reassured gently. God, he was so cute! Looking so innocent and nervous, the blush on his cheeks added to the effect. Ooh, Noah had no idea, Kasumi had seen plenty of different men before. A light smile graced his lips, the question innocent enough. Noah really didn't mess around with others, huh? Their earlier fight made more sense, the other clearly trying to protect himself from getting hurt. It was scary.
"We haven't fucked yet but so far I quite enjoy you." He grinned teasingly, figuring his use of the word 'yet' would get to Noah. He still had to be careful, such a thing could freak him out and have him toss him off his lap. He wouldn't get anywhere being too afraid to push a little more and finally manage to have sex after so long. "You're... definitely bigger than I'm used to. But that's okay! We all come in different sizes." Ones that may end up killing him... He thought his old flame was huge and he ended up managing him just fine. He would learn to manage Noah, too!