General RP A Maid Paid in Full (Kasumi

As Kasumi departed, Noah would smile to himself before gently shutting the door The prince stepping away to get comfortable for the night. Kasumi's work had really warmed the place up, giving it a nice cared for touch. He sat at his bed and opened his phone, looking at the number inside that he organized, simply with the phrase 'Maid' he wondered if they'd be willing to talk to him without the pressure of money. was yet another service to be done. He shifted it over to his Aunts n ame, tapping it to send her a few text to talk about what's been done. But in the following days, Noah hadn't come back to the Cafe while Kasumi was working the day shift, then again, it was a working day some time. The prince had a matter how badly Kasumi wanted to jump on him. Then Kasumi would receive a text around the mid afternoon.

[Are you available tonight? I've been booked up all morning lately. Need to relax]
Kasumi safely got back to his apartment, the one bedroom was decently clean. He had been busy with work so he didn't have much time for personal things. His work luckily split shifts, having him come in during the day for the cafe, and late evening into the night for the hostess club aspect of the cafe. The latter allowed him to have a little fun, to satisfy the desire for sex if he managed to convince a male customer to humor him. Giving a handjob or blowjob satisfied him for the most part, but it had been quite a while since he had sex. Maybe he just hadn't met the right customer willing to go a little further. He had most likely been messing around with married men or guys who were dating. Those who didn't want to admit they may be gay, or at least bisexual.

His manager was kind, allowing him to come in during the early shift and then leave to rest before coming in for the night shift. Mainly if he needed the extra money. That had been one of those days when Kasumi decided to clean his apartment after coming home. Halfway through he heard his phone go off, someone texting him. He went over to his phone and checked his messages, a smile appearing on his lips seeing the name. His prince had been quite busy it seemed, with what he had to wonder. Yet, hearing he needed to relax, Kasumi's mind jumped south.

[I can set a reservation for you right now if you'd like to come to the cafe tonight!]

He was quick to suggest such, the male getting excited. He jumped ahead, setting up a reservation with his manager without waiting for his response. Before he knew it it was set up, his manager telling him to have Noah come after ten. Kasumi was quick to let Noah know before he ran to his closet to pick out an outfit for tonight.
Noah blinked as Kasumi shot him a response so eagerly, already reserving him a spot before he even could mention trying to get a spot. He slid back from the table he was at, rubbing his head. [I'll meet you there then, you work so fast!] He said back, flushing slightly. [I'm starting to think your playing favorites!] He welcomed the distraction a bit, taking his eyes from his computer, the emails and information that constantly flowed in.
Kasumi had his phone in his hand still, the male checking his messages. Shit, was he being too eager? He was, but he didn't want the other to get suspicious. He gently bit his lower lip as he looked back up at his closet. Maybe... Not such an obvious outfit? He looked down at his phone again when the second message came, a small laugh escaping him.

[Anything for my Prince!]

Right. Noah was his prince, so he would do anything for him. Such as setting a time slot for him to come in and relax. Ooh, he would get him to relax, alright!

He found an outfit that looked just like a maid's outfit, though it was much shorter. The hem ended quite above his knees. He would need to be careful when bending over. There were a pair of black cat ears that he recalled going with the outfit. He rummaged through his closet before finding them and the black tail. He went to get done, forgetting about cleaning up for the time being.

Later that night he arrived at the cafe, fully dressed and ready for his prince. There was a separate section in the back of the cafe. In the very back was the stage along with private booths that lined the walls. There were more booths toward the middle plus some tables and chairs. On the other side of the entrance held the bar, the kitchen separating the two halves of the building. The cafe at night gave a nightclub feel, the room dimly lit with different colored lights illuminating the back. By the time Noah arrived, the building was buzzing with activity, the lights a nice purple and blue.

Kasumi stayed by the entrance, waiting for his prince. He adjusted the ears and his hair, ensuring the looked perfect. Smoothing his dress out, he happily greeted his prince. "Welcome back~!"
As Kasumi came up to greet his prince, Noah was a bit better dressed than before, wearing a gray overcoat with polished wooden buttons, a fine white button down, with a fitted collar. The shirt was tailored, breathing nicely with his brawny build, the lining seemed specially designed as well. Dark slacks and business minded shoes. Unfortunately the only thing g that didn't fit his handsome prince, was his face, while he'd smile and lighten a bit, Kasumi could tell that his prized companion was tired. "I had to come straight here from work." He said gently as he came closer. "But I promised to see this nightlife-"
Music was playing through speakers found higher up, leaving Kasumi leaning in closer to be able to hear his prince. He had to take a moment to take in his appearance, Kasumi swallowing dryly as it took him back to another time with a certain someone. Shaking the thought in his mind, he focused solely on his prince. "My, you certainly fit the prince style! Very sophisticated." He grinned, tossing compliments his way. Something didn't seem right, his muscular build nearly bursting through the fitted suit. His tired face made him smile sadly and gently lead him toward his booth. "No matter. You look great. Let's go inside and relax." Just as he promised. The booth appeared to be an entire private room, larger than the one in front, in the cafe area.

"Do you want anything to drink?" He asked as he had him sit at the large booth and handed him a menu. There was another for him to look through as well, Kasumi picking a few drinks to choose from. He would start with one of them for now. The menu also included some food. "Hungry?" He asked him, pointing him toward the other pages. He showed him some of his favorites; karaage (fried chicken), yakitori (grilled chicken skewers), and edamame. There were plenty of other options, too! With Noah's VIP package, he had unlimited drinks and food. Kasumi planned on taking advantage of that, wanting to relax with his prince as well. The familiar call button was located in the center of the table.
He sat down in the booth, taking up a menu, the night rules were in effect now, freeing up Kasumi to be a little A hostesses job was to give a nice time ofcourse, but it allowed the maid to employ a little bit more flirty tactics if needed. And...extra services. Noah would put in his orders, selecting a nice stiff beer and the yakitori, something he enjoyed as well. "You're still a maid hm? Ah but a nekogirl?" He said as he reached up snd gently played with the cat ears. He hadn't full noticed the differences in Kasumi's outfit...well, for now.
Sitting beside his prince, he picked everything he wanted so far and pressed the call button. One of the waitresses came over and took their orders before disappearing, leaving them alone again. "Mm!" He hummed in agreement, "Yes. I even have a tail, too!" He pointed out, reaching a hand around himself to grab the tail and pull it forward so Noah could see it. It was soft, just like the ears. He scooted closer to Noah, allowing him to feel the tail if he wanted.

He let it fall and stayed close to the other. He needed a drink to loosen himself up he decided, wanting to make a move but unsure how to start. Ah, had it really been that long? He wasn't normally like this!

"You do seem tired. And.. Perhaps a little stressed?" He started, slipping out of the booth and he came around to stand behind Noah, the tail swishing behind him. He gently placed his hands on his shoulders and began rubbing them, gently applying more pressure as he went on.

Their orders came then, and Kasumi let Noah indulge first.
As Noah was touched, Kasumi got a good feel for how dense his princes muscles were. Massaging and pressing on them, they were so full of tension, he sighed softly to himself as the pressure was on. He grabbed his beer. " job has been particularly long today, I spent alot of time in the office." He said as he sipped in the drink, closing his eyes. Ah yes. The office. That was certainly a good way to put it. "My boss...has alot of expectations"
Oh, he was so thick! Kasumi couldn't believe it as he rubbed his shoulders, his hands wandering as he felt around and explored him. He blinked, was that the first mention of Noah's job? Some sort of office job. Typical of a lot of Japan. Still, he had to ask, "Oh, what do you do for work?" He would nod in understanding. This wasn't the first time he heard those words; a lot of his old clients worked at businesses in offices and had bosses who expected more than what they could do. He could only shake his head in sympathy.

"It's alright now, you don't have to think about work anymore." He said softly as he leaned in.
"I work a banking district office, not really accounts but uh you know I handle some of the office inner workings." He said trying to minimize his...entire life and role as he always had. As he leaned his head back, looking up at Kasumi, he smiled. "I always love it when I don't have to think about work." He said as he sipped on his beer. "I hope I haven't forced you to come running just for me."
He worked at a bank? That was quite different from what he originally thought. "Banking... always seemed like a hard job." He wasn't in that life anymore, there just wasn't a reason to assume such. Kasumi seemed to relax, smiling down at the other when he looked up at him. He could easily lean down and kiss him.

There was an opening right there that he could take. Noah even said he didn't want to think about work!

He held back, shaking his head. "No, I planned on coming in tonight. Anyway, I would always come here if you wanted to meet up!" He grinned and returned to his seat in the booth. He grabbed his glass, a fruity little cocktail, and sipped at it. "Mm! Ah, come on, drink up." He urged him as he took another sip. They needed more, much more before he could jump into anything.

A few drinks in and a bit of idle chatter and Kasumi was feeling much better from before. His nerves were all but gone as he drank something new. He hoped by now Noah was feeling the same, relaxed and open to trying anything. Just to relax, of course! He was leaning much closer to Noah, enjoying the warmth that came from him. "Still feeling tense?"
Noah was red from the armth of his drinks, having moved up from beer to a bit of the sterner cocktails. He was loosening up, brazen even, atleast for himself. While some of the patrons would be all over their hostess', Noah would seem to be content with dropping his arm around Kasumi's shoulders, straying close together while he used the other hand to eat or drink. His grip was comfortable, firm, his eyes lulling gently to ease. "Kasumi-i was wondering- if you don't mind me asking" He said turning his head as he'd sip his drink, an Old Fashioned. "You gotta have a boyfriend, right?" He said turning his head
An arm wrapped around his shoulders and Kasumi curled up on the couch, pressing much closer to his prince. He sipped his drink and picked at some of the food with Noah, glancing up at the other as he started to pose a question. He paused drinking from his glass, mulling over the question. He set it down and readjusted beneath that strong arm.

"No, I do not," he said with a shake of his head, his gaze downward. "I did. I did... Long ago," he said in thought. Glancing up, he saw how relaxed Noah seemed to be now. He was thrilled to be able to calm him and make him feel better from all the stress in the world. That was why he and the cafe were there - allowing Kasumi to help others escape their usual lives.

There was plenty more he could do. He gently wrapped an arm across that firm waist of his prince, resting his head near the crook of his neck. "I am single, and..." Mm, should he? Should he say it?

"I'm looking," he almost whispered into his ear, his voice low as he spoke. He wouldn't mind it if Noah actually ended up not hearing him. After his past fling, he hadn't been looking for a while. Yet meeting Noah, he was opening himself up again.
Noah nodded his head while while Kasumi answered him, feeling the head resting on him, the athlete flushing slightly as they were so close. He heard...most of the statement, the music bumped up as Kasumi whispered the other truth. "I'm seem like a kind soul...Unless you're secretly a yandere?" He teased over the music. His arms squeezed gently, drinking deeply. "Mm- guess you already know where I live-"
"A yandere?" He laughed, unable to hold back the sound, Kasumi shaking his head. "No, no. Nothing like that. I just..." He didn't know how to explain it. How could he? The guy he was with was part of the yakuza and some shit went down and they had to separate? Back when he was a prostitute, given to him as a gift.

His gaze shifted as those thoughts came rushing back. ...He missed him.

Feeling that arm squeeze him, Kasumi shifted, almost hiding beside his prince. He didn't want to think about him when he was with Noah. He needed to move on.

"Mm...?" He blinked, realizing his prince had spoken. "Mm, yes. You can check out my apartment, too, if you wanna." Looking over at the table he grabbed his glass and downed the rest before going for the next glass that luckily was there. He needed to forget, to move on.
"Eh-? You want me to check out your apartment? Like...for what?" He said as he looked away, scratching his cheek nervously as Kasumi grabbed up his drink. Was well?. How would even know? "As Noag tried to square the circle he was thinking it, his hand shifted, going to making a fist as he thought...but Kasumi had leaned forward,. The princes hand cupping what he felt was soft fabric as he grasped Kasumi's peck. He froze, his eyes flicking over...his hand held in place against gis will. "Eh!" He lifted his arm up. "Ah- I didn't- I'm sorry-"
"Ah... Don't want to see where your maid lives? To... hang out." Perhaps that was a bit too forward of a request? The thought was ripped from his mind as he felt a hand on his chest. He flushed, but not for the reason Noah would think. At this point, why was he trying to hide he wasn't a girl? He backed up, giving them space, allowing the other to free his hand.

"Please, don't worry, it's fine!" He tried to reassure him. What would happen if Noah found out the truth? Would he be in trouble? He glanced toward the door where they had entered from, mentally planning an escape route if absolutely necessary; the call button quickly came to mind, Kasumi wondering if it was faster to press that if need be.
The tipsy prince gave a nervous smile. "Im- sorry. I..don't do that kinda thing...the-" he raised hand hand. "Touching thing. "
he rambled. "Uhm...I don't see why we couldn't...I don't want to impose though. A Prince shouldn't press in on his people, or servants, only ask of them to do what they are able." He said as he swayed gently. "And-it's not that I wouldn't touch- ah- mm- I'm just....I don't do alot of touching."
Oh, but Kasumi did. He did a lot of touching. He didn't mind doing it, either! Just ask his old partner! Imposing? "No, not at all!" As he continued, however, Kasumi blinked. "Heh, yeah..." What. It sounded oddly specific, even in both of their tipsy states. He decided to play along, his tipsy mind thinking that was a good idea. "Well, as a maid... we're very happy to serve our prince and do whatever it is we can to help... satisfy them. Completely." Ah... too forward?

As he spoke, he leaned closer and allowed his hand to dance along his clothed abdomen, snaking around before slipping a little lower. "You can ask me to do a little more." He was being more forward now, some confidence building. His hand rested atop the buckle of his belt, playing with the cold metal, tempted to jump ahead.

"A prince must be so pent up, working all the time..."
Kasumi saw the drunken prince...slowly putting these square puzzle peices together as the maid ran his hand down to his belt. "Uh-well-it-its- shy-" he mumbled as he got beet red as the forward approach made the prince sweat more. Though Kasumi was up against him so close, the prince that probably pound Kasumi onto a happy cuddly goo with his hips, was so docile. "I don't want to scare you-" he mumbled as he reached touch to stop the maid limply.
"Shy?" Oh, god, that was too cute! "There's nothing to be afraid of." He promised, shaking his head. "You couldn't scare me." He hoped to calm him, Kasumi thinking of one of the only ways he knew best.

Noah tried to stop him, Kasumi gently took the hand and brought it up to his lips, pressing light kisses against the skin. He did that in a way to distract as he played with the belt, actually trying to undo it. He needed his other hand for a quick moment to help him, Kasumi swelling with joy as he managed and started undoing the buttons on his slacks. Soon he would have Noah free, Kasumi pausing to savor the sight in front of him. There it was, finally, the thing he had been fantasizing about since he kind of saw it last time. His hand was on it, gently gripping the base, before he moved his hand up, then back down, stroking him. He gently bit his lower lip, glancing up to see the pleasure twist on his prince's face. Oh, how much he wanted to wrap his lips around it...
As Kasumi undid Noah's pants, the thing that sprang up rose free like a spear, a long, hung thing, enough to suck on and have plenty to play with. It had a strong scent, primal, and real. Kasumi could assume why he talked about spooking him, it had an intimidating look, veins and big, almost brutish in comparison to the princes demeanor. He had to be up there in size, especially on the girth, like he was going to strain every visiotors limits. If he had been too probably would have guven him a meaty smack. But while Kasumi was touching it, he saw his eyes were closed and his face was soft with shy pleasure, biting his lip already while he was stroked on.
Kasumi was surprised when the full thing came out, popping up and nearly hitting him in the face. He had backed up just in time before getting hit, and a grin he couldn't rid himself of appeared. "My, what a lovely surprise, my prince." He began stroking, feeling him from base to tip with his hand, which barely fit around it. "You'll surely make someone very happy." God damn, what a fucking monster he had hidden away. It felt almost selfish of the prince. Adding a hand to aid him in pleasing the other, he stroked, his mouth eager to be used.

Noah seemed to be enjoying himself despite his previous attempt to stop him. Kasumi would never force another into something they didn't want to do, simply because he wanted it. He knew Noah needed to relax, to release and let go. What better way than an orgasmic release? His body naturally acting to relax him as it would release this and that chemical to make him feel incredible. Licking his lips, he couldn't hold back anymore and he leaned in, swiping a soft tongue along the head. Wasting no time, he wrapped his lips around it, swirling his tongue and playing with the slit, using his usual tricks from way back when to excite his client partner. He was huge, Kasumi trying his best to manage the thickness as he moved his head down, hoping to take more of him.
As Kasumi gave into his desires to..aid his prince, surely, the taste of his paid companion was salty and his hips pushed gently upwards as his slit was gently teased. Well as gently as Noah's body could. It was almost like he was try to push the peg completely into Kasumis mouth. But he would relax again, gently reaching out and touching the maids hair, as if he was afraid he would break them. "Mm-don-don't make dun-" he mumbled softly
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Nothing about this situation was new to Kasumi. He had pleasured plenty of men before with his hands and mouth, his favorite being with his body. Allowing a man to toss him onto whatever surface and take him, to fulfill whatever need they had before they would leave him. With Noah, things were different. He wanted to please this princely guy, with his monster cock. How was he going to handle him? He was certain he was the biggest he'd ever seen.

Kasumi pulled out his usual tricks, gripping and stroking, swiping his tongue here and there, delving his tongue into the slit. Anything to drive his prince crazy and get him off. He appreciated the buck of his hips, Kasumi grinning around his dick. He slipped off for but a moment, "It's okay, please. Enjoy yourself. You... You can use my mouth. Whatever you want." Ooh, that was way too forward. He enjoyed the hand on his head, Kasumi not minding it if he ended up using force. Just some things he had been used to and enjoyed. He smiled softly as his prince stuttered before he went back down on him, licking up the entire length before diving back in, taking as much as he could into his mouth and, hopefully, down his throat.
Noah flinched as Kasumi pulled back, the air feeling much cooler after being nested in the labors of the maid's mouth. He looked down as he spoke, the prince gawking wordlessly as Kasumi offered their mouth up to their prince...and everything else. A glimmer in his eye of something Kasumi hadn't seen very often. The shy prince covered his mouth with his other hand as Kasumi took a long lick of the monster lollipop he had before him. A tremor rippled up the hard thing, then, he opened up wide and tried to consume the pole. Noah's eyes widened in shock as if witnessing a magic trick. Honestly watching to slowly disappear cemented the knowledge that Noah was not average. the maid forcing the thick thing past his lips and stretching his jaws. It tapped the back of the maid's throat as he tried to wriggle lower, Noah not sure if Kasumi would make it. His hand on the maid's head squeezed gently on his hair, but he didn't push or press, his hands rumbling and petting. "Do-Don't hurt- yourself-" He mumbled gently, trying to keep Kasumi from straining anything. Perhaps the only man that Kasumi ever told him not to push his luck.
Kasumi could only smile seeing the nervousness in his prince. Was he worried about hurting him? Or... Was he totally new to anything related to sex? He had to wonder why he carried around condoms if that was the case. He didn't linger on the thought, his total focus on trying to get all of Noah into his mouth or to just make him feel good. He purred softly, sending rumbling vibrations around him, appreciating the concern. It was new, others normally took him without a second thought, regardless of his feelings. It was sweet.

Kasumi had gotten down enough until the tip nudged the back of his throat. He felt like he already needed a break. Ah, was he really this out of practice? Coming back up, he kept his lips wrapped around the tip, swirling his tongue around, using his hand to stroke whatever couldn't fit. He wanted to try again.
As Kasumi hummed around him, the vibrationa making Noah moan and groan lowly, just enough for Kasumi to appreciate to the music, Noah didn't know what to make of Kasuni. His sucing and slurping, his lips pressing around to keep a tight seal on his tip while he took his breather. How long had it been? Noah was aching , his member feeling Hardee and harder with even flex of Kasunus lips . Something sticky and walk was on his tongue, the flavor clean and yet so savory, healthy. A brief tremor rippled in Noag as something thick shot into Kasumi's mouth, the savory flavor filling it...but Noah was still rigid as steel. In truth...that wasn't even a real cumshot, it was Noah's precut. The Prince was simply backed up worsevthan a anyone could guess.
Kasumi blinked when he felt something shoot onto his tongue. He lifted, still stroking his cock, as he swallowed and opened his mouth, showing his prince. He wanted to drive him crazy by the sight. Feeling he was still quite hard, Kasumi could only assume it was some pre that came out.

He leaned his head down away, licking at the slit to clean it before he went down on him again. He repeated his usual steps, swirling his tongue, licking and sucking, while jerking him off at the same time. In due time he would be able to take all of him, Kasumi suddenly determined.

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