General RP A Maid Paid in Full (Kasumi

He took the small back, smiling to Kasumi. "Well, we've been around a little while. Should we try to find somewhere to eat? Or maybe we can try out a..." He looked over , through the open entrance. An ad catching his eye briefly. A raffle it seemed. "Hey! There's a number raffle, all you need is to give a small donation and your phone number." He said shifting around. "Do you mind if I go check it out?" He asked. It was for a children's hospital, one that he had seen in his daily readings. He could do some angel investing...
Kasumi paused with Noah, listening to his plan. "Ah... Yeah, sure!" Well, at least a donation would be made. He did worry about them checking his ID and finding he was a guy. Hopefully, they wouldn't even notice...! When it was their turn, he quickly pulled his ID out, handing it to them to check so they could make their donation. He gave whatever information they needed, such as his phone number like Noah mentioned. "There~" he then let Noah put his donation in for the both of them.
As Noah was handed the ticket he stepped back, take the moment to wrote out a check and slipped it into the envelope before coming back to hand it in. The clerk signed it . "You'll get your call when the raffle is done! Thank you so much" the woman said with a bow to them. Noah moved with Kasumi, seeing to be warmed up. After all he just put up 100,000 dollars into the hospital through Kasumi's good will. "Okay! Where are we headed?"
Kasumi let Noah step away to write out the check in privacy, not taking a peek. He was curious how much he donated but didn't bother him by asking when he returned. Kasumi nodded as the woman spoke, bowing in return. With that, they left, Kasumi leading them to the food court. "Lunch! What are you in the mood for?" There were plenty of options from the typical Japanese variety to Chinese, Korean, and even American options. He would let Noah pick first before Kasumi made his choice, mainly since he wasn't sure what to get yet.
He blushed slightly. "Eel?" He said but realized he was the only one probably thinking like that. "Oh, I think there's one." He said scanning around, he thrust out a finger, pointing to a empty looking table by the fountain arrangements towards the center of the food courts.
Kasumi hadn't noticed Noah being weird about eel, his focus on finding a table. His eyes followed where he pointed, spotting the one right in the middle, by the fountain. "Oh, pretty~" he mused. "Okay, we'll meet up there." He said before he disappeared to the sushi place. He waited in the relatively short line, placing his order when it was his turn. He got some soup along with the sushi. He paid and got his order after it was ready. He then went to the table, it was luckily still empty since they chose it. He had gotten there before Noah and he decided to wait for him so they could eat together.
The moment the scent hit him of those fried potatoes and the burger he was tempted. "Ooh... I haven't had that in so long, either~! Can I steal a fry?" He asked, keeping his hands to himself until he said it was fine. "Oh! Right, how is it in the States? I've always wondered. Kind of want to visit." Where to, he had no idea. New York was pretty popular! "Where in the States did you live?"
"Hmm- if I can nip your eel!" He said as sat down. He turned the fries over, thinking about how to describe it. "Well...everything is louder, and yet somehow equal parts advertised with sexuality and the idea of satisfying oneself." He said rubbing his chin. "I was in New York for a while, but mainly traveled around the west coast....then the capital. To meet a cousin that I didn't know of." He added, thinking on how he could tell the story without revealing...too much.
"Mm! Sure thing!" He happily agreed, sliding his tray closer to Noah to steal a piece or two. The fries were turned, allowing Kasumi to nab a few. He popped them in his mouth, humming happily and savoring the hot, salty potatoes. "Mmm, thank you~" he began on his soup, listening as he explained, quite curious and surprised. "Huh," he mused, even more interested in visiting. He would fit right in! "Aw, that's sweet. Are they still in the States?" He asked, referring to his cousin. "Do you ever want to go back?" Perhaps just to visit... Heh, maybe Noah could take him with.
Ah, there went talk of his job again. What could he do that kept him tied down in Japan? That topic once again made his thoughts wander, Kasumi idly eating his lunch, popping a piece of sushi in his mouth at a time. "I wouldn't mind visiting the States myself," he said, not wanting Noah to think he was ignoring him. "That's okay, that means my prince will always be here~."
"Hehe, yes! You get your maid, too." Ahh, he certainly liked the sound of that. He smiled watching him eat the eel cucumber roll, the eel sauce a fantastic addition. "I gotta make us some sushi one day. Hot pot, too." Especially when it got cold out! It was the best way to relax, with some alcohol, too~. That would warm them right up.

"What's your favorite Japanese meal~?"
Kasumi eagerly nodded, laughing. “Yes! You’ve foiled my master plan!” He needed his prince to eat, so in a way he was pretty close! “I’ll be your personal maid and cook!” That sounded too good to Kasumi. More time with Noah the better. “Perfect. That settles it. After the mall we’ll go shopping for ingredients and whatever else you want.” Some drinks and snacks, perhaps. He resumed his lunch, drinking down the soup and eating the tofu and seaweed, along with the rest of his rolls.
"Mmhmm~" He hummed, leaning back in his seat, happily full. "I like spending time with you." The money was good, but it wasn't about that to Kasumi. He was happy to please and eager to do so for this man. There was something about Noah that had him wanting to do so. He let Noah finish his meal, quietly thinking of the things they would need to get for yakisoba. "Do you want to look around the mall some more?" He asked, mentally preparing.
He let out a small laugh, "Shh. Let's go. We can get some drinks and snacks, too!" A nice night spent together... It would be a bit until dinner time, but they could always find something to do in the meantime. He gathered up his tray and stood, finding a garbage bin to toss any trash and put away the dirty tray. He waited for Noah to do the same before he grabbed his bag from the table and left the mall with his prince.
Noah ditched his tray and trash, walking up to join the maid and led the way back out from the mall. The shopping trips change seemed to have completely pushed his earlier fears and shame away. He had even forgotten about the pictures. "Let's use the markets near my place, seeing as you want to stay there so much!" He teased as they approached the train station.
"Well- I've never been in your home!" He said as they got onto the train, the conductor shifting them around, moving through as the weekend crowd was filling it in. They were shuffled up close, forced at barely a breath away from eachother. Noah flushed a bit. "And- uh-" he mummbled.
"Well, then we'll just have to change that, huh~?" After he cleaned, of course! Kasumi was a bit surprised, though as he realized the time it made sense that the train would be so crowded at this time of day. He pressed close to his prince, a light blush caressed his cheeks as he worried his prince would feel a little something more. He hesitantly wrapped an arm around Noah's, keeping his bag close as well. "Quite... busy today," he mumbled.

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