General RP A Maid Paid in Full (Kasumi

He gave a few glances, sharing a look with Kasumi while he searched fir something they both wanted to see. But he settled on something a short series about man that discovered the ability to read minds of whomever he touched. It seemed to be a simple eries, perhaps a story of using those abilities to try to see people differently ..until he touched hus boss...and it was discovered that us boss seemed to be harboring feelings fir him. Noah blinked, shifting a little bit at the reveal of the premise ...but he settled. Figuring that going with it would be fine, it seemed to be interesting actually.
As he flipped through, he stopped when Noah commented on a drama. Watching it for a moment, he quickly realized what it was. "Oh! Cherry Magic! I've seen this before. It's pretty good!" Oho, he knew what happened at each turn and he would get to see Noah's reaction. He grinned, definitely not minding this selection. "I always thought the delivery guy was really cute~" he pointed out when the character showed up.
"The actor is way cuter. He looks a little childish here but still really adorable." He pointed out with a small laugh. It had to be the blond hair making him look younger. He tried to stay quiet so they could watch the drama as they hung out. He glanced back over to Noah now and then when a certain scene would come up, wanting to see his reaction.
As one episode ended, another began, Kasumi half wondering if another would come on after. A marathon would be great! He would be quite happy to sit there next to Noah and watch this almost all night. It was the beginning of the series so they had a bit to go. "You know... I heard they turned this into an anime. If you like it... we could totally watch that." He grinned as he made his suggestion. At the mention of anime, he began wondering what else he and Noah could watch together. Hanging out together watching marathons of series... eating and drinking around the television. What could be better than that~?
"Heh. I don't really watch alot of it, my job- uh both of them, just keep me busy. I never can keep up with them. I used to watch uh, some of the more action focused ones when I could." He said as he started to pull out hlthe poork to slice it up. "...but uh- is this your favorite
"Ah, too busy to watch?" That was quite fair. Noah had two jobs, it would be quite hard for him to find the time to enjoy some cartoons. He soon got up to join him, getting the rest of the things out to prepare them for the noodle stirfry. "It may be up there, but... Hmm." He had quite a few he enjoyed watching, Kasumi searching his mind for a particular series. "I suppose... Sailor Moon is a favorite." Anything magical girls, really! Cardcaptor Sakura and Pretty Cure! His mind wandered as he chopped up the vegetables.
He nodded along, seeming to Q take the answers without second thought, it sounded like what he expected. "I've seen Saolor Moon when I was younger, it was a nice time frim what i can remember" He agreed as he divided up the portions. He was really little then, but he still remembered bits. He took glances at the screen. I'm between moments if pause, he'd switch up the ingredient bowls and clean the knife. He began dicing the vegetables next. "I thought the sailor uniforms were really cute"
"Oh, it's so good! Okay, we definitely need to watch it together." He would love to start from the beginning again one day so this was the perfect opportunity! "I can bring over my collection." Ooh, the first thing he'd leave over here~? He let Noah take over cutting the vegetables and Kasumi got out a pan or two, along with a pot for some soup. "Me, too! I always wanted to cosplay as them, any of them." He didn't have a preference, though he would most likely go with Usagi. He then started on the soup first, getting the miso paste, spinach, and tofu out to make it.
“You think so?” He grinned, too happy to hear he thought he was beautiful. Oh, if only he knew… he was sure the skirt would be able to hide anything, as long as he was careful. He could still do it~! He was surprised over his next words, “Stop traffic? Now you’re going too far!” He laughed a little harder. It was so sweet… “I should find someone in the show for you to cosplay… probably Tuxedo Mask.” The usual option! In show they were a couple so it was fitting. He waited for the water to boil as he cut up the spinach and tofu. He tossed them in when the water was ready.
"I don't know, I was thinking Sailor Mars!" He joked, laughing as he started to push the filling and vegetables into the pans, oiling it to let ot sizzle. Tuxedo Mask wouldn't have been a problem, he probably would be...broader than the original. But it beat being dressed as a very very ripped sailor scout.
Kasumi let him start on the yakisoba, figuring he was doing fine so far. He got the tray of gyoza out to start frying them up in the other pan. “Oh!” He laughed again, “I think you’d make a very handsome Sailor Mars!” A very ripped, buff Sailor Scout. It was too funny! “Mm… I could try making you an outfit. Of Tuxedo Mask, of course!” He added on quickly.
"Oho, well! If you want, I can make you a Sailor Mars outfit, too! I'd love to see you try to bust out of it." After he made it, of course! He would have to see him try after taking his measurements and make it perfectly for him. Even if Noah had told him not to, Kasumi would still make it. Soon the soup was done and he left it on the stove with the heat off. He put a lid on the pot to keep it warm. He had grabbed a bag of frozen edamame in the store so he followed the simple microwave instructions to heat it.
"Ha! Funny-" he said as he shook his head, not aware that Kasumi was serious about it. He flipped the yakisoba, spreading sauce and pil into the noodles and let it simmer, gently clicking the pan off once it was done. After they had lined up the meal, pots and plates, Noah took over, plating Kasumis fish before the maid could get to his own.
Kasumi backed off some when he realized Noah was taking over making the dinner. He had wanted to do it for him, but it turned into a little group effort as Kasumi finished up the gyoza, letting it steam with the lid on. Soon everything was done and Noah had gotten to plating his dish before he could even get to it. "Ooh, thank you! It looks great!" The finished gyoza had been plated and set on the table, each crispy dumpling sticking together wonderfully. He could spot the plump ones Noah had overfilled, but luckily, none burst open. Using his chopsticks, he grabbed one of Noah's and took a bite. "This one was one you made and it's really good!" He complimented with a grin, eating it down before finishing the dumpling.
"Mm! They usually do burst open, so this is pretty good!" It was rare, in any case. He ate a few more dumplings before starting on the yakisoba. "You're really not a bad cook." He grinned, savoring the taste before swallowing and taking another bite. He started on a little bit of everything, even the edamame. He nearly forgot his beer and got up to grab his can before getting Noah another one if he wanted it. He joined him at the table again to resume eating in his prince's company.
He sipped at his can, thinking over his question. "Hmm... Ooh, I hope it's a trip somewhere~." Ha, probably not! "Or tickets to something around the city." Tokyo had plenty to choose from! He wouldn't mind a trip to the zoo or aquarium. Aquariums were a great option for romantic dates. The thought made him quite happy, smiling as he ate. "Mm, what do you think?"
"Aha!" He laughed softly, "Perhaps! Oh, that does sound like a good idea." Well, he wouldn't mind that! "All options sound wonderful. I do wonder what it actually is, though." He thought about it, not actually having a clue. He wished they had advertised what it was. He soon finished up his meal, downing the last of his can. "Mmm, much better~" He let Noah finish before he would get up to do the dishes.
Kasumi nearly dropped the plate in the sink at Noah's exclamation to his phone ringing. "Ahh, okay~ Imaging if it was them." He laughed softly as he quickly dried his hands off. He rushed over and answered his phone, shocked at who was on the other line. How the hell?! Already? 'It's them!' He mouthed the words to Noah, hoping he understood what he said.
"Hello! Kasumi-San? This is the Aragawa Group, Owner of the Inza Raffle event. Due to your generosity, it seems fortune has blessed you! You have an all expenses paid trip to our mountain resort for a weekends trip. You may bring a guest to join you as well." A voice said, a woman who sounded quite excited and happy .

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