Game AU A paradise by any other name AU (Knight)

'Good luck!" He mocked as she got in the water and he left her to swim away. She returned to the mainland, and the feel of the shark's seed was now clear on her skin, running off more from the water. The forest was lively, butterflies and gentle chirping crickets soothed her senses, and fruits were ample and ready for picking. No. There was no way this paradise was some grim sex island. Hell she got in by the Airport, which was linked to other islands., she could leave any time she wanted as long as she had her passport.
"Okay we need you to follow us to out office!" Thet say jumping up together, walking to door of their shack abd flipping on the lights as they enter. As shevfollowed sge saw...a small doctor's office. A padded table, a few shelves and cabinets, and some coats hung up, small ones for the brothers probably.

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