Game RP A Paradise Expands Its Reach (Crow)

Percy blinked at her response, her ignoring him making him almost more embarrassed, like he was the only one making it weird.

"I'm not boring just because I'm trying to do a good job as a Mayors assistant." He said as his ears flicked slightly. "I can't go pawing all over residents." He said simply as he adjusted his tie. "And you...seem to have your hand full, you may want to cradle him with both hands before a Hyena tries to swallow it."
"I won't touch my mayor, mother never did-"Issac aid flushing slightly at her accusation. "I simply an to assist in her needs-"

Percy sighed softly as Cleo released him...though he shifted behind her shyly now as he hugged his tall snake mommy of a girlfriend. "S-so uh what's this about Hyenas- and- swallowing-" he mumbled
"Yeah but your mom was the naive one that time. Sounds like it's the other way around this time. You won't be able to keep your hands to yourself I bet"

She would put feeling him hug her from behind, feeling his bulge pressed against her back. "One of our moms, Alex was very wild and freaky and our siblings from her have inherited her personality. Not nearly as bad as the tanukis tho, or the hybrids of the two. I did tell you last night that we are all pretty close. The hyenas will try to mount you the moment they see you"
Isaac folded his arms. "Oh you think that I'm just like dad hm? I just have some unquenchable thirst fir humans?"

"I-what- why?!" Percy said blushing darker. "You should handle that boner, before they sniff it out." Isaac agreed with a nod to his sister. "Or Cleo will have to fight to protect you."
Isaac smiled playfully at her glare. "Come on, I'll show you guys to the beach shower stalls and you can help him...or we can find Yalea, and you guys can wrap him up together if he's only into scales" He said as he started to walk away from the dock and along a small worked road. His sister wasn't wrong....each other had the same general lists for human looking partners, an odd reversal...but humans also could breed with any furry around. It was damn near common sense to try. Percy wrapped his egs around the thick trunk of Cleo's tail, hugging up on her back, his crotch nestled onto her ass to try to hide...but now he was only more noticeable.
He blushed as she moved his hands and he grasped onto her fun bags, cupping them as security stuffies. "Right- I want to stay- on top-" he said as his cock throbbed from her slithering. "She's out on the lake with Aunt Ursa, picking peaches and probably catching fish." Isaac said as they wandered up the beach roads some small booth shacks lined up along with nicely packed beach goods and water games. Incase one wasn't looking for PG fun with their young lings. Or. Give our lewd sloppy head.
"Think your boyfriend can last that long?" Isaac said smirking. "You could just wring him out right now and let him piggy back the rest of the way without busting a messy one all over your skirt" the dog hybrid said. Percy moaned helpless as sge shook herself more, Clearly making sure to move so much. His hand squeezed her breasts tighter, his grinding getting faster too. "Cleo-not- so much-" he mumbled out as he started to bit his lip. He glanced at the booths. "We can stop really fast- I'll be quick-"

Isaac snickered. "Oh? Less than a minute?"
As sge slithered inside, bunching herself up to fit and throwing toys and play shovels out onto sands, Percy jumped on her frame, sge barely got out the words before he was halfway into her asshole. He hugged her tightly her behind, thrusting against her desperately. The door was barely even closed, bouncing listlessly in the pairs rush. But Isaac simply sat by....close enough to listen....but not trying to look.
"I'm not!" Isaac flushed even though she couldn't see him. Even though he was getting hard listening to it. "Nah~They're just going to jump in?' Percy said as he pulled on her frill, his hands sliding down to her breasts. Though...Cleo was right, her noisy sounds were begging for someone to notice.

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