RP Hunt A Writers Passion


Hello & Welcome!

As you can clearly see I'm a newer member, but I'm not new to writing at all! I have written on one role playing forum for the last 10+ years, and I did find out about this site from one of the writers there. So I figured I would give this a shot. I'm on the hunt for some partners to help get my creative juices flowing. I'm a multi paragraph writer, and I can write pretty well if I say so myself. Sorry if that comes off as cocky... That's something I'm not trying to be... So enough of that. I do have quite a bit of ideas that I'm itching to get off the ground. I'm more than willing to send you the plots that I have in mind, or I will be posting a different thread with a lot of my plots that you are more than willing to take a look at, and if any of them catch your eye I'll be more than happy to do it. Once a thread has been decided on, I will NOT make another thread. Once it's closed off, it'll stay that way. I'm always open for any and all ideas! I love plotting with my partners, and I'm willing to put a thread on hold while we plot where we want to go next.

I can play up to 4 different characters inside of a thread, and I'm willing to do smallish groups as well. I personally don't like doing groups, because those tend to die really quickly for me, but I'm willing to bring in as many characters as possible to help move the story line along. I can do any pairing, and genre you can think of. There are a couple of topics I will steer away from, and I will list those do's and don'ts down below. I Just wanted to give a little intro about myself, and a little about my writing style. I would love to have someone who's patient with posting as well, because I do have a full-time job, and my days off are spread out. I'm mostly active on my days off for a couple of hours, until my boyfriend gets home from work, and then after that I will not be. Real life does come before writing after all, so I would love to have a partner who can understand that as well! Not sure what more to cover here, but here's some things I am looking for in a partner.

Requirements for writing with me.

Number One: I love to hear what my partners have in mind. I love talking to my partners and getting to know them.

Number Two: Playing more than one character, I love, love, love that so much. Plus it helps move the storyline along.

Number Three: Letting me know if I need to change anything about my post. I would love any input you can give me. I'm always wanting to strive to be a better writer.

Number Four: Someone who understands that real life comes first. Like I said above, I do work full time, and do tend to take time with my posts.

Number Five: Someone who loves all kinds of genres. I can go from Romance, to Horror all in one. Supernatural, Real Life, Dark, whatever you can think of, I'm willing to try.

Number Six: If there's something you don't like, please tell me! I will tell you the same thing as well. Like I said above, I love talking to my partners.

As of right now, that's everything I can think of. I'm sorry for the solid wall of text, but I can't think of anything more. If I think of anything I'll make sure to try and add it here, or whatever. SO yeah. Let's make this fun for the both of us! I hope you all have a beautiful day/night wherever you are from, and I hope to hear from you all soon. Thanks for reading this far!

I definitely might be interested in rp’ing with you!! Also I noticed the thread you deleted lol XD two cool tips I’ll let you in on (and I’m sure no one really knows either lol) is that the save button in this editor? Auto saves your work as you go, and you can save your draft for 24 hours. You can also edit your own posts :3

And I totally understand the life thing, it happens to all of us and I don’t harbor any hard feelings. But I will admit that if an rp of mine takes a bit of time to have a response from my rp partner, my interest in the rp dies a lot, and I start giving off one liners. I try to start off strong— but usually default to 3-4 sentences because of the time in between replies I’ve been used to lol. But I totally agree on talking with your rp partner 100%! If you’d like to see some of my recent work that I’m super proud of check this out: The Devil Goes to College (kaalban)
I definitely might be interested in rp’ing with you!! Also I noticed the thread you deleted lol XD two cool tips I’ll let you in on (and I’m sure no one really knows either lol) is that the save button in this editor? Auto saves your work as you go, and you can save your draft for 24 hours. You can also edit your own posts :3

And I totally understand the life thing, it happens to all of us and I don’t harbor any hard feelings. But I will admit that if an rp of mine takes a bit of time to have a response from my rp partner, my interest in the rp dies a lot, and I start giving off one liners. I try to start off strong— but usually default to 3-4 sentences because of the time in between replies I’ve been used to lol. But I totally agree on talking with your rp partner 100%! If you’d like to see some of my recent work that I’m super proud of check this out: The Devil Goes to College (kaalban)
I did not know that! Thank you for the tip! I really do apperciate that. Yeah I ended up needing to remove it because I hadn't finished editing lol.

SO I am active on my days off which are Sunday's and Thursdays. Just Thursday next week I won't be on at all due to the holiday. So I hope that's okay with you! I am also hunting for a different job and should be more active if I get the one I'm hoping for.

As for the writing, I love it! I know I sometimes do shorter posts due to writers block, but other times I do tend to go overboard because I'm always posting what's in my mind. So I would be more than happy to write with you! If you'd like I can send you a sample of my own writing just so you can see how I write? Or I can just let it show when and if we write together :) I hope you're having an amazing Sunday!

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