Game RP Abused Desires (Knight of None)

As she didn't react, Boon smirked to himself, his fingers rubbing on her the trip down, his fingers probing on her rear and pushing into her as the floors ticked by one by one. "We'll probably get a quiet car, so nobody disturbs us" Delson said casually, ever bounce of Marys toes pressing Boons fingers deeper inside of her.
As the team filed out, Boon smirked slyly to Mary as he kept her close to him, pushing her forward with his shoulder and his fingers hooked inside of her , using every step to tease her as was marched towards the transport van. She felt Boon pull his fingers out of her briefly as she had to climb in and...well being attached to him would have made it harder. They piled in together, Boon reached to buckle Mary in.
As she waited, Boon dragging the belt over her chest, he clicked it in place, and tugged the belt, using it to snap over her breast. Circle glanced her way, narrowing her eyes as Boon took care of his plaything. Delson sat at the passengers seat, letting the driver take the wheel. Boon rested his hand on Mary's skirt, his fingers dragging up it up into her inner thigh, already on track to keep tempting fate while messing around with her. While he'd horn in between her legs, his other hand grabbed her seat belt, tugging the strap to make it put pressure on her teats.
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She gave a soft yelp of surprise as he leant in and snapped the belt into place, feeling it bounce off her breast as Boon sat alongside her, his hand resting on her thigh making her glance down in mild nervousness as to what he'd do, even as she felt the belt squishing her breasts down and had to bite her lip to stop from moaning.
Boon flashed a grin as she looked ti him, trying to hold in her voice, his hand pulling her seat belt, the straps rubbing on her nipples and squeezing on her teats, his other hand crawling between her thick thighs to push his fingers under against her, start to tease and edge her womanhood ever so slowly for the ride, his intent to keep dragging it out and toying with her while he had the chance. Edging her bit by bit until they'd reach the train station.
She wriggled a little more as he continued to toy with her, doing all she could to not make what was happening obvious as Boon teased and edged her up and down the entire journey. When the car finally stopped and it was time to get out, she knew her panties would be stained from her arousal, even as her mouth dropped open in shock as she saw the trains themselves, gliding across the rails.
As they'd file out, the trains were sleek, themed to be black, gold and red, using the motif of Svyper, and Arbok, and other serpentine Mon. Delson walked over to the ticket booth to retrieve their tickets, crowds were roaming, finding their way through the large hub station. Boon put an arm on Mary's shoulders while she gawked at the trains that zipped in and out if the station. "You look like your a Magnimite in a power station." He said
She glanced up at him, a flush on her face "Wh... What?! I've never been anywhere like this before... It's so big, and there's so many!" She replied, glancing at his hand and wondering if he was going to sneak it down under her tank top before glancing back to look at Delson "Is... Is this what all of them are like?" She asked, the crowds surrounding them starting to make her feel uncomfortable.
He smirked, his hand didn't do any sneaking...he simply cupped her titty, grasping it firmly in clear veiw of anyone that wanted for a moment. "They aren't all this expansive, the smaller stations are for hopping off and on enroute to other cities or towns nearby. This is just a nice big city so it gets the major traffic." He said as he let go if her funbag. God he couldn't wait to get her in a car alone already. As she seemed to eye the crowds, he turned her to him, making her face him instead. "What's wrong?" He said as he looked her in the eye....his tone...actually sounding properly concerned about her frame of mind.
She gasped as he gripped her breast, flushing at just how open he was being, before that feeling of the crowds got into her head again, and then the tone he used as he turned her... She bit her lip "It... It's the crowd... It... makes me think of the arena again..." She mumbled weakly, moving closer to him and reaching out to embrace him.
As she reached to embrace him, Boon flushed very slightly...after all, fondling her and fucking around was one thing...but his brazen attitude often felt funny when things got so....real. he put his arms around her, letting her embrace him for comfort. ...the Flareon feeling her mates boner through his pants. "Don't worry about that Arena. Your free of it, you're not a gladiator anymore, you're mine."
As she slid her hand out slowly to take his, Boon glanced away briefly, but hus hand crept inti hers slowly. The dirtiest act they had done together yet, emotional entanglement. His warmth leveled to hers. "Mm- I'm only doing this for you-" he said as if reminding her she owed him. He pulled her hand gently, walking with her to the ticket booth now thatvDelson was turning around. The trainer paused as he looked at the pair. Boon? Handholding? He glanced to Mary, remembering their talk...but held out the ticket for them. "You two want to...share Car E3?"
Mary squeezed Boons hand as he took hers, interlacing her Fingers with his "I know..." She replied, even as they approached Delson and were asked about sharing a car "A... Car? But you said... we were getting a train, right?" She asked, confusion in her eyes, even as Boon would be able to take over and get her into private space.
"The spaces are called Cars for trains,we'll be getting our own space." Boon explained. Selson raised a brow again. "Dummy-" Boon added almost as if he was trying to throw it in to keep things as...Normal as possible. "It's luxury." Selson added as Boon flushed now. "Yeah, it better be-" he said as he looked at Mary. "Mm. I need to put these tickets somewhere..."
Boon smirked at her, simply turning to walk her to the train lot, while the call outs were up. Once the train was called upon, he would guide Mary up onto the train strps...his hand holding broken briefly to lead her from the back. His hands playing with her cheeks to push her along. The ticket taker would stop them, a hum as n eith a punch card. "Tickets?"
As she peeked around for the proper car, she would find it, a entire box section, half the full car was a reserved mini room just for the pair of them. The door slide aside, showing a nice luxury interior, booth seat that could fold out into a bed, a TV set, collapsible furniture ,even a individual bathroom. In the booth was a flower basket and pokeblock, probably complimentary are for the money spent by Delson. Boon leaned against her back. "Oh- not bad." He said. The glass pane window was currently showing just the inside of the station, but likely would provide a whole new veiw soon enough.

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