Game RP Abused Desires (Knight of None)

She whined and moaned in equal measure as he ground her head into the carpet, waiting for him to let her up as he continued to spank her harder and harder, the red of her cheeks starting to match the red of his feathers, when he was in battle form, even as he'd note her tail wagging and the way her pussy was wetting. That was it! She'd said it deliberately, like always... She wasn't after punishment, he'd fucked her silly so much she'd become addicted to it, and now she was using the nickname to make him do exactly that!
Boon smirked as he watcher her pussy juices running diwn her kegs, the wg of her tail. His Tues yanked her by her hair, cocking his leg up as if he was operating to launch a kick. "You think your master is stupid? I know your trying to play games with me." He said as he let go of her hair and then swung his leg donawards, pushing her back down. "Your so wet your making a puddle in the carpet. I know the best way to punish a disgusting slut like you."
As she waited Boon dropped against her, his enhanced strength pinning her down, hus hands wrapping around hers as his bulk up pulsed his muscles aroumaginat her back. "A good bitch knows her last trick well. Spread." He growled at he push her kegs apart wiher hus knees. , his blazing hard on thumping against her pussy lips heavily, scalding hot as her excitement amped up her suitors lust in turn, all the fire and lust inside him boiling iver inti raw heat aging as his tip began to press on her
"What do good bitches get for being proper sluts?" He said ashe snatched her backwards, his cock hammering inti her instantly, clashing deep inside her as he rutted and battered against her. Her curvy backside feeling his weight slap against her as he kept her pinned. "Hm? You know the answer-"
"Mmm! Close!" He hissed as his powerful thrusts beat down against her stinging cheeks, his strength and speed heightening as his body started to get beastly, unleashing his Mon Form on her. "The best bitches get knocked up!" He said as his heat intensified, his focus heightening as he felt a pulse throughout his body, his rough bmpace suddenly getting even faster, his hips blurring briefly as he tap briefly into a new technique
Her voice became nothing but moans as he sped up inside her, her head cast back to the perfect spot for him to grab her whilst keeping his pace and force exactly the same, whilst her breasts bounced around madly, the globes jiggling and swinging with every pounding thrust he gave her, her ass still giving him the perfect cushion to bounce off.
As she craned her head back, her masters arms fell into place swiftly, grabbing around her neck with one hand, the other covering her mouth to try to muffle her moans. Boons subconscious use of Agility enhancing his him again, taking her like a ruthless machine. His mouth chomped at her shoulder, his mouth flaring with flame as he mixed up her pussy without mercy or gentleness.
"Mmmph!" She yelped as he wrapped his arms around her neck and clamped his hand over her mouth to muzzle her, hiding the noises she made and cutting off air whilst he continued to pound her pussy, feeling it squirt over him as she had orgasm after orgasm around his length, steam starting to cloud in the air even as he finally bit down onto her shoulder, the heat only making her squirt more.
As she squited against him, steam and mist hiding off his skin and feathers as Mary was swallowed up in her masters lustful pace. His grip squeezed tighter on her neck, his fingers hooking into her mouth, playing with her tongue. His body heat was rising higher and higher, biting up her skin.
As she felt her consciousness slipping away m, the power in her masters grip that was controlling the very air she breathed, Boon lightened his grip as he noticed her gurgling getting a little *too*infrequent for her rough masters tastes. His hold opened slightly, holding her mouth open as he fucked the air in and out of her with every gasp. "If you pass out-neh-youll miss the best part- won't you-" he hissed up into her ear.
"I... sor..." She managed to get out, even as he mercilessly pounded what little breaths she could take almost straight back out, the little he lightened his grip giving her just enough to stay conscious as he continued to fuck her silly, whilst she tried to respond to him "Mmph... Ple... fi... m... wi... cu... m..."
As she panted out every word, fighting to hold onto, while her stud pinned her back against the floor, his speed heightening again as he drove against her like a breeding machine, set to make her into a ball of jelly. She felt him swelling inside of her, his hips driving flat into her as sge felt his heat focusing into her, his pleasure washing over his face as she felt him starting to shoot his load into her, pumping her full as his tip forced her womb to catch it.
She gurgled as she lay there, nothing but a prone cum catcher as he finally dumped his load inside her, swelling her up a little as she could do nothing but gasp for air in the superheated atmosphere they had created "Tha.... Thank... You... Mas...ter..." She mumbled, even as her eyes rolled back in her head as she passed out beneath him.
As she finally fainted, the overwhelming heat they were making started to druft and rise. Boon grabbed her up while she laid there, taking her back to his room as usual. He plopped her on the bed,, climbing inti it besides her eith a yawn, he covered her up with the blanket s, gently petting her hair. He tucked up against her, putting his hand on her pressured belly as he closed his eyes in his comforts.
And that was how the night would proceed, the pair curled up together until the sun rose and its rays began to shine through the uncovered window, disturbing Mary enough to make her groan and open her eyes, rubbing them softly before she swung her legs out to try and stand, forgetting she was still dressed in the slave outfit and what Boon would inevitably do when he saw it.
As Mary moved, Boon's arms tightened around her for one, her master stirring. "Fat Ass. Where are you going." He grunted out as he opened his eyes, his fingers digging into her belly gently. "You think you can just leave hm?" He said as he dragged her closer. something hard was already up against her, her hungry master reaching up, fingers rubbing along the bruising he left on her neck. "
She whined a little as he dragged her back, blushing when he used his new nickname for her "I... I just... wanted to get cleaned up" She mumbled back, even as she could already feel his cock pressing into her rear "I wasn... wasn't trying to leave" She mumbled, even as he'd feel her tensing when his fingers brushed the fresh bruises on her neck.
"Hm. You were going to clean yourself up. You sure you can even stand up right?" He said as he as sge tensed little by little. His fingers hovered around her neck, playfully matching to the bruises. "And you would rise from bed, not attending to your durlties? Come on, Fat Ass, didn't I drill it into your dumb cumfilled head enough?"
As she got to work, he reached down, petting her head gently as her tail wagged, his seed still leaking from earlier from ger slit, though she'd feel the warmth never cooling off now. It was lively and string stuff. Hisother hand smacked her ass as it sat before him. "Mm-good Fat Ass, polish your master up. Unfortunately for you, I don't know if you'll get to even swallow this load as punishment." He said as his hands grabbed on her ass, rubbing on her thicc cheeks, sp.
She jumped a little at the spank, before returning her attention fully to his length, ignoring his words as she did all she could to make him cum, her tongue dancing across him, digging into his slit and pressing out into his balls as she moved up and down, polishing him with great vigour as she could focus on nothing but the thick cock between her lips.
As she diligently worked, her tongue already tasting the warm stuff, precum feeding inti her lips as sge would tease his balls, the things swelling as if she wasn't used much only hours before. Champion genes hungering fir a house. He stuck out his tibgue, the tip if the organ gentky prodding the slaves starmie.

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