Game RP Abused Desires (Knight of None)

Mary hummed softly, drumming her fingers on the window as the rolling green hills slowly shifted to snow coated mountains, before a tunnel obscured her vision and left her starting at blackness, broken up by a light flashing by on occasion, whilst she thought to herself for a while, wondering how best to pleasure her master and how to strengthen her body so he could use all his force.
The pondering of her goal, her need to become strengthened so that she could take her mates power once he reached his zenith and became a Blaziken, the options rustling. Training, battles, perhaps even seeking out the elusive rare candies, or a steady diet of multiple vitamins and supplements to boost her. The nature of bettering herself for her master, letting him take her at her best and ideally pound her into happy cozy jelly, and let her worship him.
Mary sighed, tapping the window again as all those thoughts rumbled around in her head, still staring out at the rapidly flashing terrain, before she glanced back to her sleeping master and mate, wondering... was she everything he wanted? Was his true desire to become champion then just do nothing but fill her with eggs?
As she gazed upon her mate, wondering if he desired simply to be a champion and then to pour his seed into simply her, questioning it all...he slumbers on. The thought was insidious. After all, a champion like him, in the wild, wouldn't merely settle on one mate, one bitch to breed with when he could amass a harem. And Boon was picky, brazen. Surely no matter how sexy she was, he'd see other females....would he simply give up fighting as well? Would he demand more traveling? Another team?
She bit her lip as those insidious thoughts started to creep into her mind, the idea that he'd use her up and then discard her later... And perhaps that was the way of the world, after all... But deep down, it horrified her, that part of her mind that wanted nothing more than to be Boon's only object of desire, his only breeding partner. And as she stared out into the darkening world beyond the window, she began to silently sob to herself, hating the thoughts in her head.
As she silently sobbed in the darkness, the idea of her one abd only throwing her away, or using others after she couldn't do produce him any further was miles from the reality. Boon had no such intentions, perhaps she'd deal with him swarmed by desperate groupies, other little Circe's that would try to slither into his embraces. He shifted in the bed faintly, rustling the sheets. She would have to perhaps prove herself to be a champion of her own. Not in the arena, but Boons, to plant herself as his queen.
Mary continued to quietly hold her wails in, her body jerking with each sob as she just couldn't clear the thought from her mind, unable to escape the world in her head that filled her thoughts with the idea of Boon forming a Harem to use instead of her, throwing his Flareon away in trade for something like a Blaziken girl of his own.
The train car jostled faintly as she tried to hold in her crisis, her voice held deep inside, struggling. Precious, painful seconds shaking her to the core."Mary-" she heard as Boon woke up again, finding himself alone again. "Looking at more country is it?" He said seeing her trembling in the whip of outside lights. He climbed out of bed, approaching her slowly. "What's wrong?"
"A harem? No- never-" he said holding onto her tightly. Well...most likely never. He really did have a good time fooling around with all those horny Eeveelutions. "I'll never forget about you!" He said cupping her habeas abd making her look up to him. That was completely honest. Even fucking around with other mon, he never forgot her. "How would I forget my fire stone?"
He wiped her tears, flushing faintly as she smiled to him, something about it making him feel too intimate again. As she cuddled him, he stroked her head slowly, shushing her sniffles. "Yes...I poured all the fire inti you, so that makes you a fire Stine, doesn't it?" He whispered as he sat down with her.
He caressed her hair gently, leaning in and kissing her cheek. "You were holding on too tight for anything else" He teased inti her ear. "If it wasn't this, I would have tried to fuck you into an umbreon or something-" he said as he pet her. "This keeps you on even a fight anyway. I"
He smirked. "Big Fat Ass and Titties." He corrected. "I like using your big round parts most!" He teased a little as he bounced her on his lap. Then again, she was naturally plumper than the petite Tailow he had been using first, and he long knew he liked defiling the plump parts of his mate far more. "You'll be mine no matter what. That's what matters-"
His words made her eyes open in surprise at them, blushing at the implications before moaning as he gave her breast a squeeze "You... would... want me as... every evolution?" She asked him, slightly confused at what he meant "Bu... But I can only evolve into one?"

(They find a Jirachi and Boon just immediately goes "Cool, Wish is easy, Her, being all Eeveelutions when she wants!")
He chuckled. "I mean if I could make a make like 8 of you and have them all take a different eeveelution...or perhaps we can go to the church of Mew and try to have him bless you, go seeking jairichi-" he teased a little more, bouncing her breast, his other hand grabbed her ass. "Every God we can to see you as you want-"

(XD Boon: Make my slave mate able to transform between the eeveelutions so I can fuck her in every form-

Mary: idea was just making more of me-

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