As they came out, he looked up and down, end to end. "I heard Mon are on this train too, so they might have trainers " He mumbled as he shrugged and opened the door to start pushing down the line. The food car was only 2 cars, so it had to be close by before public setting. The private cars went by, opening up into a nice cozy scented car, with a small counter top and set up for selling meals and Mon snacks of all kinds. A sweet relaxing intense was burning, a munchlax was nipping on some of the poke block as they were dishing out a freshly made batch. Some young mon were about, their parents wrangling them gently. Some riders were sitting at the counter, making small talk or reading. The next car down was the main dining area, with more booth seating and tables, completing the section. Pushing beyond that was the Poke Mart Blue sticker on the door. Opening it up, the usual Mart Music played over soft speakers, as the design was sleeker, upscale, with a more compact corporate edge. The counter however was stocked with opened up suitcases, with small shelves and labels, taking on a more traveling sized vibe , with smaller shelves in tye back. A human was manning the station, smiling and waving at the Mon couple. "Good Afternoon!"