She looked at the disc, tilting her head "Could what?" She asked softly, even as he slid them into the bag and turned her towards the door, expecting to start walking back to their cabin.
He stopped as he saw her look at the food, his hand squeezing her hip. "Later. What do you like the look of?" He said turning to pull her into the food line.
She gave a small gasp as he twisted them into the food line, before she looked at the options again "Uh... The Chocolate cake, and the sweet Pokeblocks, please."
'Sweet cravings him? You sire I didn't already pop about egg in?" He teased a little as they neared the front of the line and he ordered her food. "Or maybe you wanna jiggle more in the back?" He whispered playfully.
She squirmed a little as he teased her, biting her lip as she pressed her ass against him "Mmm... Like you'd complain..." She mumbled back, even as they were handed the plates with her food, as well as anything he might've ordered himself.
"I'd mage your suits tighter in the back to see you wrestle it on" He teased as he was handed his food, a high protein and berry meal, something that was hearty and healthy ofcourse. As she bumped her ass against him, he reached out, running a hand on her tail.
She flushed as he teased her back, even as she felt his hand, her tail flicking against his grip whilst they walked to a table to sit down and eat their food. The train had started moving again since they'd been in the Pokemart, and now the vision outside was of a coastline, waves dancing on the beach.
As her tail flicked and moved around, he playfully chased it, grasping and petting it before they sat together, her master looking at the coastline. "We'll be in for alot of water." He guessed as he started to eat.
Mary gave a little pout "But we're fire types... we can't fight water types." She grumbled, before turning her attention to the cake infront of her, picking up her fork and starting to eat, piece by piece.
"We can fight anyone we want, no matter what." He said shaking his head at her as he chomped on his meal. "Winning is a matter of will and preparing. We beat a rock gym....and that fucking Lileep. We can work our a water gym."
She nodded to his words as he spoke "Yeah. You're the strongest. You can win against anyone!" She agreed with him, a look of determination in her eyes.
He looked her in the eyes her determination, making him feel...almost a tingle in his chest. Ofcourse he tended to be willing to believe that, the idea of challenging himself and competing was a factor of his life. "'re sexy when you're determined." He said without thinking.
She flushed a little as he spoke, before meeting his eyes "So... So are you, Boon." She replied, wondering where his words had come from. Especially in relation to her.
Boon reached out, gently touching the back of her hand...but as he looked into her eyes, she felt no lust...well it wasn't just overwhelming lust and dominance that she usually saw when she'd strip her clothes off for him. It seemed to be deep, true appreciation. The determination she drew on warmed him up. "I mean's beautiful...not in just a 'throw your skirt off' way"
She squirmed in the chair a little as she saw the way he felt in his eyes "O... Oh... You... Really think I'm capable of being beautiful?" She mumbled softly, even as that determination he'd found so attractive seemed to shrink away into nothingness under his focus.
As that determination in her shrunk away, he lifted his hand gently from hers. "Is that too...emotional for you?" He said raising his head to her works, seeing the shift. He looked around, as if he was sharing a secret. "Yes"
She almost immediately grabbed his hand back, gripping it tightly "I... I just... don't feel... like I've earned it." She mumbled, her eyes looking down at the table.
"...don't shrink. Tell me more..." He said as he felt her grip tighten, squeezing her back, his eyes on her again, solely upon her. "Do you believe it's because you aren't strong enough? Or...because you aren't carrying my baby?"
"I... I just... feel like I'm a waste..." She replied "I should be providing you a sparring partner... a fighter, so you can get stronger. Instead I just... lie back and spread..." Her voice dropped in volume, clearly not comfortable talking that openly...
"Hm. We can talk about this...but it's not your fault you react this way for me. Your instincts are....strong. down there. But if you want to spar more often...I'm sure you can be a fighter for me." He said, stroking tye back of her hand, keeping his voice low for her sake.
She bit her lip and looked deep into his eyes "You... You think I can?" She asked softly, her other and moving to grab at the hand that was stroking hers "I... I promise, I won't disappoint you"
"I'm sure you can do both. Or...yout instincts can be used to motive the other if it comes down to it." He said as she held onto his hand, squeezing on hers gently. he leaned forward, planting a gentle smooch on her head
"We can...wrestle?: he teased a little as they stood up, he picked up their shopping bags. Boon kept his hand free for her to hold, escorting her to the room.
She bit her lip and nodded as she took his hand "Wrestling... could be fun." She replied, squeezing his hand as they walked together. When they passed through the door, she waited for him to put the bag down before she squared up towards him, waiting for him to make a move and lock them up together.
He set the bag down, turning as she was already squaring up to him. "What do you want if you win?" He said as he shifted, the private room was perhaps large enough for them to wrestle around in without any major accidents. He shifted his hands up, sliding into a grappling stance rather than his usual, lighter footwork.
She paused as he asked his question, biting her lip "I... I'm not sure." She replied, even as he'd see the telltale signs of her body being about to move, clearly heading to his left to try and get behind him, muscles tensing a little as her right leg began to move.
"Oh? Is the fight enough?" He said as he read her movements, spotting the tells in her tension. As she wanted to swoop in, he cut her off, pushing forward to straight up lock in on her her, and try to sweep her legs from underneath her.
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