Fantasy RP Aethel’s Amorous Adventures

(XD "you are brave, bold, I am not the girl you bring home to your mother, but I will be the girl you can tie to your bed")

As she leaned up to give her kiss, her lips met the rough skin of Luis's fingers. "Save your kiss." He said softly. "I am not worthy" his hands rubbed her softer supple skin, his hands squeezing and enjoying the feel of her brest. Most men couldn't get their hands fully around them, but Luis naturally handling them with his palms. He shifted his other hand to run his hand down her body, pressing between her legs abs rubbing at her. He shifted his head to the side. He wouldn't except her kiss on his lips, perhaps having some deeper sentiment to him than ut would for others.
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She paused, looking at him quizzically for a moment. Despite his words, she couldn’t help feeling like she was the one who wasn’t worthy. A moment of sober reflection passed over her, but the feeling of his large, strong hands sliding over her skin quickly changed that. She opened her lips in a slight pant as he massaged her breasts and slid his hands between her legs. Her gaze flickered downward, looking to see how he was endowed. Fingers soon filleted her gazed a light but persistent touch feeling for his member beneath what remnants of clothing remained.
As her hands searched...well they didn't search for long. She ran her hangs along the pants her wore, finding the equally large tool he was working with. Ofcourse he was in proportion, it had to be over 10 inches, as she caressed it, running along his inner thigh. The gentle giants gave a soft grunt as shee felt him stiffening more a mores with every dance of her touch. His fingers moved back, opening her tight leather pants abd started to slide gis fhand inti her pants to touch her directly.
The fingers continued to dance, loosening laces and pulling at cloth. Soon, the last threads were gone and his member was free to spring clear, uninhibited by his clothing. As his fingers found her, her posture softened. She sank back, repositioning herself in the bed. She turned, not letting him remove his fingers. Soon she was leaning back against him, his arm running down across her chest to touch her. She ran her fingers up and down his arm, tracing veins and muscles. Soft moans soon filled the air.
As she turned around, his chest rubbing against her back, his arms caging her in against him. His fingers curved, pushing gently into her sex, his lips started to press to her shoulder gently. His touch, his methods were so carefully, so gentle, wrapping her in the sensations of sentiment and care. His member rubbed against her skin, up against her backsisecand her lower back. His fingers rubbed in her nipple, pulling them softly, enjoying her more and more
His tenderness surprised her and was a welcome change from the eager enthusiasm she often got. She leaned her head back against him, and his touch soon had her breathing more heavily, her breasts rising and falling. She rocked herself, rubbing herself against his hand, which, of course, also rocked her skin against his member. “Mmmhhh…” she tilted her head so she could look up at him. “This is so good.l
As she looked around to him, speaking her praises, his eyes fell on hers, two forest colored pools, that shone with intimate care. His member was stiff against her as she rocked back and forth, his fingers flexing deeper , Hua palm rubbing over her clit at the same time. His hand left her breast, rynn7ng up her her chin and holding it, cupping her face in one hand. "Good" he said softly
He smiled to her softly. "You begged." He said playfully. It perhaps was not the way she first envisioned herself in the arms of Luis, voicing how she wanted him. He drew his fingers from her, shining with her wetness in the pale light of the moon that peaked inti the room. Luis touched her sides, lifting her up so easily again. He sat down, his members tip kissing her slit as he settled her against him, then pulled her down further, starting to spread her folds to got inside cautiously.
As she lowered her head against his broad chest, his hand rolled uo to the back if her head, tusseling her hair. Every breath she took in, she could smell him, the scent of honey and hops from the Ale she bmgave him. His fingers wove into her hair, and he pressed her closer to him, his mouth starting to kiss on her neck.
(XD her wife?)

Luis raised an eyebrow to her question. "Odd timing." He said as he rubbed his chin in thought. "Whats there to know, you see me put at that gate everyday...unless you're looking for my childhood secrets" he said before looking back at her. "I'm a man with little to hide. Just like to keep to Myself.

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