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Fantasy RP Blood of the Covenant (Redcoat)

Local Time:
10:36 PM
Nov 10, 2022
Kai stared back at him as he pulled away from her, "When we're ready..?" she echoed, not fully understanding, but another knock came to the door, "Marakross dear, you know your father is attending as well, and he wants you to be punctual.." Marianna stressed again, sighing softly. "I'll see you there then!" she called, leaving the two.

Kai gave a soft sigh of relief, and looked down at her hands, "What do you mean by when we're ready? Ever since I mentioned it..I have been ready for you, Marakross.." if that's what he meant..
Local Time:
6:36 AM
Nov 14, 2022
"My... Father?" Mara asked, before shaking his head "Fuck, doesn't matter..." He muttered, before looking at Kai "I mean... I mean when we're prepared. Ready to break out fully... But... If you feel ready now... Then after dinner, tonight. I'll come back, and we can both be free of her." He promised, taking her hand and kissing it gently, before standing and heading for the door, glancing back and looking into her eyes "I promise I'll be as quick as I can..."
Local Time:
10:36 PM
Nov 10, 2022
She blinked, her face turning a shade of pink as she realized what he meant, "O-Oh.. I meant..ready as in..we.." she was talking about him forming a soul tie with her instead, that way they could be ready to leave, "I said if you formed a soul tie with me, those invisible bonds that your mother has around you would break and it would be easier to leave.." she began, biting her lip, but shook her head, "Nevermind..just..I'll see you after dinner okay? We can strategize more after.." she tells him next.
Local Time:
6:36 AM
Nov 14, 2022
"Y... Yeah." He flushed a little as it struck him that she was not meaning what he'd thought, even as he left the room and headed for the dining hall, already dreading the fact he'd have to deal with his father shortly. By the time he'd get there, both his mother and father would already be seated, and Marcy was about half way between the door and her seat, glancing back to look at Mara as she went. The pair would see the slight fear in each others eyes at being so close to their father, considering how he acted normally, and he was sat in the chair between them, across from Marianna's.
Local Time:
10:36 PM
Nov 10, 2022
Their father had been waiting for the pair to join him and his wife, and he looked across from where he sat to Marianna’s face. He gave a slightly pointed smirk, before speaking. “It’s nice..to have my family here for dinner, we haven’t done this in so long,” he starts off slowly, cutting into the practically raw steak and taking a bite. He soon washed it down with the chalice he had in front of him, dark thick liquid was in it, and Marakross and Marcy would both scent it to be blood.
Local Time:
6:36 AM
Nov 14, 2022
"Yes... Nice." Marakross responded slowly, taking his own glass and sipping from it, even as Marceline started to cut into her own food, a steak that had been cooked rare. She didn't speak whilst she did so, her entire body tense as she waited for her step-father to inevitably lash out at her, to punish her for her mothers... 'transgressions'. It would happen. It always happened.
Local Time:
10:36 PM
Nov 10, 2022
The man looked up and over at Marceline, before glancing at Marakross. “Marakross..so..you know the blood moon ceremony is soon,” he begins, his eyes turning a deep red, “You do know that witch of yours..she will be used for your power-?” And he glanced at Marceline again, “And for you..you know you’ll assist your brother…or else that mutt Marianna calls a guard dog- will see to it that you’ll never see the light of day again..”
Local Time:
6:36 AM
Nov 14, 2022
Marceline's tensed up form got worse as he spoke, but Mara also spoke to take his attentions away from his sister "I am aware, Father. Do not worry about that." His voice was low and harsh, hoping that by acting tough and in control he could keep Marceline safe from any abusive behaviour. After all, she'd already been threatened and it had barely been a minute of them eating.
Local Time:
10:36 PM
Nov 10, 2022
He eyes Marakross and gave a soft smirk in return, “Oh, I don’t have to worry then? Well that’s a relief..” he leans back and looks to Marianna next. “She says you’ve been accumulating power quite nicely..” he knew the blood moon ceremony was for his Marianna, to make her more powerful than she already was..and to use their son as an extension to achieve that.

“And..we were thinking.. that ceremony doesn’t have to be on the blood moon, we can have it tomorrow night actually..” he knew Marakross was powerful enough for Marianna to have, even without Kai.
Local Time:
6:36 AM
Nov 14, 2022
"To...morrow?" Marakross asked softly, taking a sip of blood to hide the fact he was trying to think "Perhaps... that wouldn't be a horrible idea." He said, even as Marcy slowly managed to untense, her mind hoping that her step-father had decided to put all his attentions on her brother, and that she would be ignored from this point onwards. Of course, Mara was now running his mind over it and knew... He had to link himself to Kai that very evening, to stop himself being turned into nothing more than a puppet for his mother, drained of all his power.
Local Time:
10:36 PM
Nov 10, 2022
His father seemed to be appreciative of that response and he nodded towards Marianna, “So it shall be then,” he leaned back in his chair and looked to Marceline. He didn’t know why she was still here but he knew she’d be vital in helping her brother. She would supposedly bring Kai to the ceremony hall..

“You’ll drain that witch of her power tomorrow night and..I assume she will come willingly because she does not know of your true intent,” he smirked cruelly, but how wrong he was.
Local Time:
6:36 AM
Nov 14, 2022
"Oh yes, she'll come willingly." Mara replied, finishing his blood before placing the chalice down "In fact, I'll go now and 'prepare' her for tomorrow." He spoke softly, even as Marcy shivered back under her step-fathers gaze, terrified of being left alone without Mara present. After all, he was a notorious womanizer, and there was no blood relation between them.
Local Time:
10:36 PM
Nov 10, 2022
He stopped Marakross for a moment, “That won’t be necessary..” he says sharply, his eyes trained on his son. “That guard dog of Marianna’s already is fetching her..so you don’t have to worry about lifting a finger,” he says- he was waiting for his son’s reaction.. and Marceline would know that Rynn wouldn’t do that willingly, as it had been mentioned before to her that Marianna was using Rynn and had him under her grasp like Marakross…
Local Time:
6:36 AM
Nov 14, 2022
Mara didn't stop walking, turning his head back "Kai wouldn't go with him willingly. It's better if I collect her. Besides, you said tomorrow." He shrugged "Give me 12 hours to prepare her, so there are no issues tomorrow night." He was out of the door at this point, whilst Marcy just looked down at her food, hating the way they talked about Rynn, but also knowing that at the moment both her and Rynn could do nothing to stop it.
Local Time:
10:36 PM
Nov 10, 2022
He watched as Marakross left and he turned to Marianna next. “He plans on turning her..doesn’t he?” He asked and narrowed his gaze, before glancing to Marcy again. “I can tell that guard dog has been all over you..” he said sharply, wondering what Marcy’s game was at. “You do know no matter what you do, that mutt will be loyal to my wife no matter what..”
Local Time:
6:36 AM
Nov 14, 2022
Marceline tensed up again when he turned his attention back to her, shivering a little as he interrogated her about Rynn "I... I... I..." She stuttered, looking down at the floor and not able to answer, a tear starting to escape her eyes whilst she waited for whatever punishment her 'weakness' would earn her.

Mara was already at Kai's room, giving Rynn a direct order to walk away before he walked in, not sure whether Kai would trust him, or what she'd be doing... After all, he'd said she needed to be ready for his return that evening...
Local Time:
10:36 PM
Nov 10, 2022
When he saw Marcy begin to tear up he couldn’t help but laugh, “what? Afraid something will happen?” He teased sharply, knowing how afraid she became made him all the more happier.

“Well, it won’t exactly be your punishment.. for this mutt does need to be reminded on who he serves..not some weak, pathetic whelp like you,” he raised his voice and raised his hand, watching some of the guards leave and Marcy would hear someone being dragged into the dining hall..

Who Marakross gave an order to wasn’t Rynn..and Kai wasn’t in her room, it was all a ploy to get Marakross away from the dining hall.

Rynn struggled as he had been sedated with some sort of medicine, and he was feeling very drained. His eyes widened as he saw Marceline there, wondering..what..was happening? Why was he tied up? Why was she there?

(I’m gonna head to bed! I’ll be on later tho :3)
Local Time:
6:36 AM
Nov 14, 2022
Marcy's jaw dropped in confusion when she saw Rynn being dragged out, her eyes widening as she tried to stand up, to run to him, to keep him safe. But this close to her father, she could barely make her hands move, her legs wobbling madly as she struggled to even escape the chair, the sheer, primal fear she felt of him just being anywhere near her paralyzing her. And Rynn would see this all play out in mere moments, before she turned her head away, tears running freely now as she knew what was about to happen...
Local Time:
10:36 PM
Nov 10, 2022
(Is Marakross just gonna..not do anything because Kai is gone? XD)

Rynn was tied up against some post, wolfsbane was used to soak his bindings, and they were burning his skin. And Marcy would be able to hear his cries the moment one of the guards started to whip Rynn’s back. Marcy’s father smirked more and more til they began their sadistic laughing- moving and forcing Marcy to watch Rynn being whipped as punishment, and he whispered in Marcy’s ear, “We were going to have him harm you instead..but..knowing that you care for such filth makes this all the better,” he was glad this was happening, for he really didn’t like that his wife had enjoyed the company of this mutt either, and perhaps this would make Marianna see that she shouldn’t have toyed with the guard dog..
Local Time:
6:36 AM
Nov 14, 2022
Marcy whined as she watched Rynn being whipped, struggling a little in her fathers grip as he'd be able to see the tears dribbling from her eyes "I... I... I wish you had!" She growled, twisting her head and snapping her teeth at her father, her love for Rynn finally overrunning the fear she felt for her father, even as she tried to struggle out of his grip and run to Rynn, her rage filled eyes locking onto the guard whipping him "STOP IT! STOP IT STOP IT STOP IT STOP IT!" She yelled, still writhing and struggling, trying to save Rynn from more pain.

Mara on the other hand had realised Kai was gone and was now following her scent, trying to find her, and quickly before his father could do something to his love.
Local Time:
10:36 PM
Nov 10, 2022
He felt as if she was going to turn, and he wondered what could happen next, and so he let her go, watching intently. He then turned to Marianna, “Is the other girl ready?” She would hear him ask and she smirked, before nodding, “No one is going to take my son away from me..” she said out lowly, her eyes dark.

Rynn’s ears were ringing out- his vision was blurred. He could have sworn he heard growling, and the cries and screams of another. He wasn’t aware at this very moment his pack was on the way to rescue their alpha—

Marianna froze the minute she heard the alarm bells be set off, and she turned to her husband. “Shit..!” He cursed out, knowing how loyal a pack was to their alpha, and his own guards could do little as to nothing to help…
Local Time:
6:36 AM
Nov 14, 2022
The moment Marcy was let go she ran to Rynn, shoving the man who whipped him away and hugging him close, trying to calm and soothe him by humming softly into his ear "It's okay, It's okay, I'm here Rynn, I'm here..." She murmured, even as she could hear the sounds of the pack coming to help "And so are the others... They'll be here soon..."

Marakross however was stalking through the dark corridors of the coven, following Kai's scent as he did so, hunting for his love and the idiots who thought they could take her away from him.
Local Time:
10:36 PM
Nov 10, 2022
Rynn scented Marcy around him and he started to calm down. His back hurt massively and stung too— he could barely stand. He would need to feed on someone. “M-Marcy..” he murmured out her name shakily. He was holding onto her as he heard the pack become closer and closer- till they burst down the doors, snarling and forcing their way in- one half of the pack surrounded the man who had injured Rynn first, while the other half set sights on Marianna and her husband.

Marianna cursed and threw out her hand, causing a smoke screen to cover both her and her husband, yanking him by the collar and dragging him back to a secret door in the wall, escaping there. They would first go to where they had bound Kai up, bleeding her magic dry.

Kai was bound to a table, open wounds on her wrists- and they were deep. They were making her bleed out like this- slowly— but effectively also bleeding out any magic she had. She had been gagged as well, so she couldn’t have called out to anyone, and she tensed when she saw Marianna approach her- she looked frazzled, but there was a wild look in her eyes. “Such a shame, a talented student like you to go to waste…” and she watched as a man approached her as well, and she could tell from the glint of his fangs, he intended to feed on her.

The bite on one of her wrists came suddenly, and she writhed there on the table in agony, the bite itself was burning her flesh it seemed— and she could start to feel herself fade very quickly.
Local Time:
6:36 AM
Nov 14, 2022
Marcy's grip on Rynn became a little tighter as he murmured her name, before he'd feel her neck pressing into his lips, waiting for him to drink and heal himself with her blood "Rynn... Feed... Please... I need you safe..." She murmured softly into his ear as they were surrounded and kept safe by the rest of the pack "We're safe... Just... Drink from me, Rynn..." Her voice was trembling with the fear she'd felt for him, even as he'd feel her shivering softly.

Marakross was still stalking the halls, following Kai's scent without fail, ignoring the trails where Marianna had used magic to try and lead him away, his mind a razor focus on his prize as he found the entrance to the dungeon where Kai, his mother and his father were lurking "Get away from her!" He snarled, rage permeating every single part of his body, his frame trembling as he tried to remain controlled "This is your only warning, Kai. Belongs... TO ME!" He finished with a yell, darting forward to force them away from her, even as Marianna would notice the blood that had already been let from Kai's wrists starting to flow along the ground, starting as a trickle but increasing with each moment... and it was all heading for Marakross.
Local Time:
10:36 PM
Nov 10, 2022
Marcy would feel Rynn bite down onto her neck— his fangs elongated into her flesh and drank from her desperately. But- he controlled himself as soon as he could get a grip onto everything, his back healing and the pain subsiding. He pulled back from her neck, and licked it slowly with his tongue before leaning back and looking to her with his amber colored eyes. “Thank you..” he tells her now, raising his head up as he heard his pack members ripping the man apart, and he gave a soft sigh. “I hope..Marakross will be alright,” he said now, worried for his friend.

By the time Marakross had reached Kai, she had nearly been drained of all of her blood, his father had suddenly dragged his fangs out from her wrist and snarled back at Marakross when he came to attack both him and Marianna. Marianna let out a dissatisfied tsk, using her magic to try and force Marakross away, not wanting him to drink Kai’s blood, knowing that her magic had seeped out from it. This blood was no longer meant for him, but for his father, and then his mother, who wanted Kai’s power all to herself, Marakross wouldn’t have stood a chance if she had just..
Local Time:
6:36 AM
Nov 14, 2022
Marcy gripped him a little tighter, nuzzling his neck as he finished imbibing of her blood "Lo... Love you." She mumbled weakly, even as he'd realise that he'd taken more blood than he'd planned, her skin paling slightly as she curled up into his arms, closing her eyes as she lay her head onto his chest "Mara... Is stronger than... all of us... He'll be fine... He... can't lose..."

Marakross was tossed away by Marianna's magic, but even as he tumbled, the blood slicking across the floor seemed to follow his movements, increasing in speed until it flowed almost like a river towards him, even what little remained in Kai's body streaming from the wound his Father had inflicted. Most distressingly, his Father would feel the blood he'd drank yearning to be free of him, pressing against his insides, sliding up his throat, even some trickling from his eyes and ears "You... Don't seem to understand... Kai... Belongs to me. Every... Last... Bit." He snarled, before closing his fists in the bloody stream, raising them to his mouth and licking them clean with a deep shudder, before he lowered his head and began to lap up every droplet, the residue of Kai's magic filling him, even as the blood his father had taken would finally find it's way out, tearing through flesh to escape and return to it's true owner.
Local Time:
10:36 PM
Nov 10, 2022
Rynn cursed softly underneath his breath as Marcy practically passed out. He moved to stand, picking her up in his arms. He motioned to his pack members with his head. “Let’s get out of this hellhole,” he mutters out, giving a soft growl.

His father didn’t even stand a chance as Kai’s blood that he ingested burst out, causing his body to literally pop. Marianna screamed out in horror as she witnessed this, her eyes flicking to Marakross. “No! You ruined everything!!” She screeched, aiming her magic now at Kai, wanting to have her body burst in a similar fashion.
Local Time:
6:36 AM
Nov 14, 2022
Marakross snarled as Marianna tried to duplicate his magic, Kai's power swirling around him and snuffing out his mothers with ease "No. You will not touch her... ever again..." He clenched his fist, his power swallowing Marianna's and compressing her, as he slowly walked across to Kai's still form, leaning down and gently sliding his fangs into her neck, his venom mixed with her blood as he gently pumped it through her now empty bloodstream.
Local Time:
10:36 PM
Nov 10, 2022
Kai.. well, didn’t respond to his actions- anytime soon. She had laid there pretty much lifeless for what seemed like eternity. It wasn’t until she opened up her eyes and gasping as life was ‘breathed’ back into her. But now her eyes were a pretty, vibrant pink. “Mara..?” She asked softly, her mouth was aching— so was her whole body. She would need to feed soon.
Local Time:
6:36 AM
Nov 14, 2022
Mara was tensed up, hunched over her until he heard the gasp that he finally let that tension go, gently receding from his position and looking at her "Kai... Oh Kai... You..." He went silent, moving to hold her close again, before moving his mother across, still wrapped in his power like a helpless doll "Drink Kai... You need to feed and complete your change" He murmured into her ear, even as Marianna was moved to make the task oh so easy for the newly turned Vampire.
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