Young Amber hung there, swaying as her ass was being finger banged....again the horrible plump man let out a loud groan, grabbed her by the waist and she felt wads upon wads of potent man seed being squirted into her womb. Sperm tadpoles by the thousands began the process of invading and fertilizing her eggs....soon she would be sporting a swollen belly.

Eventually she was released from the ceiling but freedom was still far from reality. Her hands were tied behind her back and her ankless left bound tightly together. She was left to collapse on the floor, man seed dripping from her pussy, the inflated gag still holding her mouth prisoner. She could hear someone talking about her next humiliation but Amber was too weak to pay attention.
Now weak, and messy, Amber would feel how two younger men in masks moved upon her. one undoing the binds on her ankles, only to place a new kind of barred binding onto them. which would keep her legs spread, while also prevent proper movement. as the second one went to forcefully place what could be seen as bunny ears onto her head, and a fluff tail attached to an over size butt plug upon her.

as they prepped her body, and lifted her, the bidding had begun once more. as it was for the ones to have some fun with the new victim for her entrance to the bunny hop dungeon. as oddly innocent as the name might sound, the nature of the game would be anything but. as it was, the father would smirk, before turning and walking with one of the men which had adjusted what was on amber, while the other would be the one to carry her to the new destination, once the winning Bid was found, and thus the first fun room would be decided upon before being unleashed upon the labyrinth.
Amber knew immediately what was replacing the rope around her was a spreaderbar! metal cuffs were locked around her ankles, the metal bat keeping her legs apart and both holes open.....well, one at least. She looked up at the man bringing over the white bunny ears and shook her head....this was going from humiliating to plain ridiculous!

She was turned to the side and while one man grabbed her and held her in place by the waist, the other took a round fluffy bunny tail, the kind Playboy bunnies wore. Obe end had a bulbous shape made of hard rubber. She screamed as her ass was violated and the plug secured in her ass.

Amber was picked up and flung over a man's shoulders like a sack of rice. Her father was walking beside them. She looked over at him, fear in her much as she hated him she wished it was just the two of them again.....too late.
as she was carried, the little bunny of a victim would find herself taken, and dropped into the odd man made dungeon full of odd doors. as her room would be cold stone, with moist flooring, however the odd moisture covering the floor was not water but some kind of lotion, or lube. as the men tossed her in, and turned to shut the door. as they left Amber to soak in the room, and recover for herself.

as this went on, she would be able to hear over the speakers in the room, the rules to all participants. each one would draw a number, that number would allow them specific toys, or actions other then the usual with the contestant. if she finds her way to her father then the show is over, until then. each number will also allow a paying patron a special direct control of the room's special treatment, via voice commands. with that the voice wished all a good game, and safe session for their new show piece to enjoy the hunt for her old man, and freedom from this wicked show.

as this went off, her mind would be able to soak in the horrors, and humiliation she was living. however was it really better to be only with her father, or would it be better to be sold off to a master, at least that would not be a blood relative, however now was the time to ether struggle and begin the show, or to rest, and try to recover some strength with the short reprieve she had in this dark damp room.
At first Amber refused to cooperate but a special collar-- the kind owners used to train dogs--suddenly sent powerful electric shocks through her, almost making her fall to the moist floor.

She decided to cooperate and looked around...she was in a semi circular room with roes of numbered doors. Gagged she had no way of asking what she was expected to do....then she heard a voice...

She was told to go to a door and open was humiliating, being forced to hop like a rabbit, her tits bouncing as she moved.
Amber was given a number and hopped to the door and slowly opened it, having no idea what was inside.
as the opened door slowly came undone, and brought the room into view. two muscular orc like men stood in the room, both of which were in ski maskes. as they looked to one another, before looking at Amber as the door opened. one would throw some dice onto a small card table. as the two dice rolled a total of 12. at which point the second began to move, his arms reaching out to grasp the young lady, to pull her into the room, wanting to remove the gag on her. as the intercom would come to. a voice stating, that the room rolled the number twelve, thus the customer number twelve got to choose.

at which point, the voice of what seemed to be a young woman, came over the intercom as she spoke up of what she wanted to see.

"Let's see how she likes being bound to a lovely Rex saw box. and make sure it has a slight shocking tip on it for our entertainment. want to see her body shiver, and tighten while she is used by other's as well as the toy. "
saying this with an eager and excited tone. as she spoke up, the one man which had rolled the dice would pull out a strange mechanical box, which had a pole sticking out of it. as he would begin to unwrap what almost looked like a leather knife kit satchel, but instead of blades it housed a wide assortment of toys or tips for this machine.

as the room show had been decided, the men planned to hang the bound beauty so her body would be impaled upon this toy, as one of them could take her back side, as the other would control the contraption, as the set up would be worse then the initial play. however the worse part would be how long the session would last, as it would be announced once they saw her body reaction to the room she had entered first. as this was but the first of hew knew how many devilish toys and contraptions were prepared for her to endure, however one door would be her father which meant the horrors would end once she found him. yet the fact remained, she would end up with her gag removed, and a ring gag to replace it, to allow other abuse for her mouth once it was decided upon.


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