The bulging on the sides of her cheeks showed where her father's cock was claiming her mouth. The ring gag kept it open, his weapon effortlessly gliding in and out with Amber helpless to resist. He grunted and growled, finally tensing up....She felt and smelled his seed empty into her mouth. At first she refused to swallow but she found herself choking...she had no choice.

Amber felt as though she would vomit as wads upon wads of potent man seed gushed into her mouth....she swallowed as fast and as much as she could, feeling it glide down her throat and into her stomach. Finally he pulled out, leaving her lower lip dripping with seed. She was crying, her salty tears blending with his seed.

He left her to hang like a macabre trophy in the shower, leaving her to wonder about her fate.
Finally feeling sated for now, the wicked older man would move to kiss his daughter's forehead, before finally leaving her alone to hang in the shower. leaving for some time, as it seemed like the horror for amber had finally come to an end. however as she hung their for some time, Amber would soon find the peaceful room alone, with only the sound of the water showering softly upon her defenseless form. it would be a few hours before the sound of her father finally on his way back could be heard. along with the sound of more metal clanging, and jingling. Little did she know, her own old man had brought some small changed clamps to tightly pull upon her nipples, and clit. pulling them tours one another to an extent.

returning to the room, a wicked and twisted smile on his face.
"I do hope you understand this is for the best, for us both. So You will need to endure this training for some time. "
speaking as he began to prepare his new toys for her frame, more then that, the wicked man would be getting a few more items to force upon, and into her after work the next day. as these items were just the beginning of what Amber could look forward to. However once her running away, and eloping was made public, it would be the time for her old man to leave the town. under the guise of wanting to get away from the heart break of betrayal, which would be false, but something believable by those who knew the man, well the public view of the man amber once called father.
Amber hung for hours......she tried to work the gag loose enough for her screams for help could be heard but her father was not about to make the same mistake addition to using a belt as a gag he stuffed her mouth with her own panties, further muffling her cries. She still managed to struggle, although in her weakened state it was feeble at best. The chains were wrapped around her body tight.

Eventually she heard the sounds of her father coming up the stairs and then stared at him as he entered the bathroom. She saw the clamps and shook her head, struggling anew, her body swaying. She winced, letting out a cry as the clamps bit into her tender nipples. He took another pair and secured them on her pussy lips, a short chain connecting them...the chain was short so if she moved it would pull on both her tits and her labia.

Amber was starting to make noise from the pain....he couldn't take the chance on anyone hearing his daughter. It was a small town and they weren't isolated. He took off the belt, wrapped layers of duct tape over her mouth then reinforced the gag with the belt.....that should keep her quiet....

He left, closing the bathroom door and going to the bedroom to sleep. Amber hung there, gently swaying as she struggled in the dark.

He left for work the next morning after making one last check on his captive trophy. As she heard the car pull out of the driveway, she screamed as loud as she could. She knew more torture awaited her when he came back home...she had to somehow free herself.
But the chains kept her prisoner.
Hours passed, as Amber suffered, not just the pain of the bindings, holding her firmly, but the combination of her own body weight causing the pressure to build over time. Yet this was made all the worse, as her day of peace would soon be coming to an end. However the vehicle which was returning sounded different then what she knew her father own. From the odd view of the window, which made things hard to see, but not impossible. a glimpse of an odd box truck would be pulling in tours the home. was this her chance for a rescue? surely their had been a minor over sight by her father's wicked plan, and thus this would be a new chance or hopeful rescue.

However unknown to her, these men were hired by her own father, specially hired for a unique job. as they were paid in full in advance, plus given a special bonus, which would be found hanging in the shower. these men would move to clean out her room, thus making it look as if Amber had left and snuck off to elope as planned. besides the payment these men had been given. they were given special permission to enjoy amber, once the job was done, as much as they wanted, as long as she remained bound, and gagged. however these two older, well built muscular, and tattooed men would enter the locked house with the key provided. they would ignore the bathroom as they did their work first. one of these men was as young or maybe a year or so younger then Amber, thus to paint a picture of a man taking the things his woman needs for a new life to any nosy neighbors. as they would surely report this to her father when he showed a distraught look for her after work. the wicked plan of the old man was being played out, however unaware of this, Amber would see or be given a false chance at rescue.
Amber heard the sounds of a delivery truck pulling into the driveway,,,,she craned her neck to peer from the bathroom window....sure enough, it wasn't her father.
She heard the sounds of the front door being opened and two men entering the house. If they had a key then obviously they weren't here to rob the place.

The young teen realized this was her golden opportunity.....they couldn't know she was here....
"MMMMMPH!!!!," she yelled through the gag....."MMMMMMPH!!!"
As painful as it was, she yanked and pulled, struggling with all her might....she had to make enough noise for at least one of them to hear her.
But either they didn't or chose to ignore her....she heard the sounds of things in her bedroom being moved around then a vacum cleaner.....who were they? what were they doing here?

One of the men came into the bathroom, suddenly looking up and staring at the naked girl hanging from the shower nozzle. Amber moaned loudly, thrashing about.....
"Hey," he called out...."come in here....she's here just where he said she was..."
Panic filled Amber's mind.....her father arranged this! they knew!

And they were horny.
One reached up and played with her tits while the other took off his pants and raped her. Soon he groaned and shot a load deep into her womb. The other disrobed then took his cock in hand and attacked her from the rear, sodomizing her. As she hung there sobbing, the younger of the two took a plastic water bottle and shoved it in her pussy, using tape to hold it in place.
"Need to plug your cunt," he said...."Don't want any of our cum to escape..."

They finally finished, leaving Amber hanging and abused. She tried to push the bottle out but it stayed in place....the men's semen was trapped inside her, percolating and helping to guarantee her pregnancy.
as this was done yet again, and now made worse. the one young man of the group which would leave last. moved to place a strange ring on her finger. one which looked like a basic wedding band, but had a special feature on it. as the ring itself was a small shock band made to look like a ring. however the father had the switch to activate, and disable it on command. all the men knew besides their work, and the enjoyment of her body, this was a small bonus job. as the body was now deep in her pussy, with some tape holding it in place. the three would leave her to hang and suffer alone like this.

the sound of the truck would be heard leaving, as the door was closed, and locked. however the bathroom door now left wide open. all the more, Amber had now been used by her own father, and even as a bargaining chip for some of her father's business. it would be another few hours before another vehicle could be heard heading to the house. this time their would be no mistaking the sounds of the vehicle back firing, it was her old man coming home. he would be horny, and hungry, however which of these deeds would be take care of first would be what could wait to endure. unknown to her, the wicked older man had already planned to make her a special drink of a meal. one which would be blended, and forcefully fed to her through a funnel, with her ring gag on still. as he had did some shopping for multi vitamins, supplements, not caring for the look smell, or taste, just the effectiveness of it for her physical need. needing to keep his new bitch in training healthy, as his baby girl was to become his perfect pet, and house wife in the mind of the perverted older man.

(do we want papa to have some fun first, or meal first, I leave to you wink wink. Enjoyed the bottle part ;p )
By now Amber had given up, both physically and mentally. She hadn't been broken, submissive or compliant but lost the will to fight. She had been hanging for so long it wouldn;t be suprising if the chains left permanent marks on her young body.
But marks would heal, while the emotional trauma would not. The men were given additional instructions to properly empty her.....tubes were stuffed in both holes, the one in her ass just before the bottle....urine and feces were sent down the tubes and into plastic bags, to be tied off and thrown away. They would be placed in the bottom of the trashcans outside, garbage placed on top so even if dogs were sent out by police her bodily fluids would not be detected....her father had thought of everything.

Amber heard the sounds of the car coming up the driveway and knew it was her father. As he entered the bathroom, she glared at him with hate in her eyes. He had all the time in the world to rape her so instead he went to the kitchen, put some food in the blender then returned to the bathroom. A funnel was sent through the ring gag and the food sent through.
He left her hanging while he had his own dinner then went out again to buy prenatal vitamins and supplements for his 'wife', along with a pregnancy kit.

When he returned he took the ovulation stick, put it inside her then took it out. Just as he thought, the twin red marks on the stick indicated Amber was indeed pregnant. He showed her the stick and laughed.
Having been successful in his first desired goal, the wicked man would make sure to feed, and keep his lil girl well cared for in his own twisted way. Once the wicked older man finished his meal, and taking the time to clean his dishes, Bel would then proceed to head back to his own bed room, as he would set up his closet, and even the bed with some special new toys. as their would be some fun to be had before transporting His baby girl to her next room to be enjoyed. deciding if he wanted to bind her in the closet for a day or onto the bed, as both would allow him to enjoy new positions with her body. a wicked smile across his face as Bel set up some surprises for his little girl to endure for his enjoyment.

Finally returning to his bathroom, to greet Amber, the old man would move up to run his fingers from her feet along her body. taking the time to slap Amber's ass, then her tits with full farce. however his own bulbous erection could not be denied, as the wicked man planned to use her mouth first, then he would decide how to enjoy her, as the idea of dropping amber from her hanging position she he could fuck her, as he carried her to the next play room was a very strong idea in his mind after some oral enjoyment for a warm up for his next session. as she was now pregnant, he would be doing this for his own enjoyment, and pleasure.
By now Amber was too weak to struggle and simply hung there, her holes open vulnerable and accessible but by now not caring. She had heard no sounds, no evidence of someone coming to her rescue....her gag was thick and forced her jaw to stay open, making any effort to scream impossible.
Whatever food was sent down the funnel kept her alive and nourished even though she couldn't tell what it was....along with the pureed mixture, prenatal vitamins and supplements were ground up in a powder and mixed with the food.

What she didn't know of course was that a small group of people were looking for of her closest female friends didn't believe the story about Amber eloping....shhe had went to the house only to be told by her father that the4 story was true and he hadn't seen his daughter for almost 2 days.
Her hather came back upstairs, dropped his pants and shoved his cock through the ring gag and skull fucked her. Soon he let out a groan and waves of semen went gliding down her throat.

Finally after an eternity of hanging like a trophy, Amber was let down but remained bound and gagged.
Unhooking the chains which hung Amber, Bel would move to carry her into his room. which showed some modifications. tossing his bound girl onto the bed. as the man then proceeded to open the massive closet. which had two doors, which both opened up. revealing quiet the chamber. it had chains for limb binding, as well as multiple tubes for different things. As the wicked man thought to himself, pondering if he wanted to lock his girl up in the closet, or to bind her to the bed for a night of fun. ether way it would be her next place to rest, and endure the abuse to come.

"Well then, shall we make sure your well kept for a night of comfort, well earned, or should we place my cute little angel in her personal little chamber?"
asking this, as if the closet changed into a bit of a torture room would be a peaceful room of alone time, when being in the bed, would give her body some more comfort, yet it would come at a horrible cost, however as he made it seem like he was giving her a choice, If amber pointed a finger with her bound hand tours her option he would do the opposite, if she did not choose, he would flip a coin.
There was no doubt that Amber's devious father had planned for this well in advance, but for how long? since she first started growing breasts?
One thing was for sure, it was obvious he had no intention of letting her go, and why would he? he knew as well as she did that the second she was free the police would be hounding him.
Amber was placed on her back on the bed, still gagged, hands bound behind her back and ankles tied together tight. She looked all around her....the bed had restraints on all fours corners but the closet was far worse. She stared wide eyed in fear as he opened up the closet was a prison that any BDSM afficionado would be proud to have.....chains, tubes to drain her fluids....

Amber wasn't going to give him the satisfaction of choosing her own personal hell. She was far from volutarily submission and wasn't going to make things easy for him.
Well then, I guess if your not gonna choose then I will take care of this myself. "
saying this the wicked man would move to unbind only one of her ankles at a time. making sure to change from the rod, to the bed shackle. then moving to the second ankle.

"Well then, Papa will need to ensure his little angle is well prepared for what is to come. "
saying this, the wicked older man would move to keep her limbs bound, undoing them one at a time to transfer the binding from one shackle to another. as he planned to force a high powered gyrating vibration toy into each hole, a smaller one to be taped to her clit, while leaving these things in and on her, left on full power at all times.

ontop of this, the clamps which were removed from her nipples, and clit for the new toys, would allow for something worse to be added to her breast, before the wicked old man would get this set up, he had tubes to set up on little amber for the fun to come. however she would endure the toyrs for a few hours once it was all done, as he would take a shower, and enjoy some movies, to let her body suffer, and become better prepared.
Amber's jaw was tired. She had been kept gagged for two days and saliva was dripping off of her lower lip. She knew however that her father would never allow her to be without a gag of some sort....that was, until she could be trusted and she planned on screaming the second the gag was removed. She overheard him on the phone making plans to move....he was going to kidnap his own daughter!
His sick plans included forcing her somehow to go along with his demented charade as his wife.....HIS WIFE, for God's sake!! how was he planning to keep her quiet?

She kept struggling while he wrestled her onto the bed, forcing her arms and legs apart and shackling them to the bed. As she saw the tubes, she shook her head, making gurgling noises, then winced as she felt both holes being invaded as the tubes sunk deep inside. Plastic bags were attached to the ends and she began to loosen her bowels and ureter, her bodily fluids emptying into the bags. The bags were then sealed shut and thrown before, he wrapped them in additional bags to keep sniffing police dogs away.

Vibrators were stiffed in both holes and turned on she moaned, he took two more tubes, sticking them on her tits. A powerful little motor powered by large lantern batteries were attached. The second the tubes were placed on her breasts, powerful suction stuck them in place on her nipples. As she watched helplessly, they began to stretch.....
Loving how his little girl was reacting to the new toys shoved deep into her. the way Amber squirmed to the milking suction cups on her tits. the wicked man would move to make sure everything was on full power. before moving to lick along her cheek. a wicked smile on his lips. as he would whisper to her.

"You know, their are so many boys who would love to see such a lovely woman. Perhaps this will teach you a lesson for allowing other boys to get close, when only papa should be close to his little angel. "

saying this, the wicked man would smirk, as he hinted tours letting random people use her holes in the near future, but surely any one in this town would know her, and rescue amber right? However that was where the blind fold, and small out back huts were for. something which had been rumored for mystery ona holes, surely her old man would not do such a thing to her right? however for now he would speak and tease her with some slightly painful smacks, before thinking he needed to use her mouth to clean his cock off, and get some relief as well. as her throat was such a lovely and tight oral pussy replacement for her old man to use while her body was enduring all these new sensations.
Amber's body was twitching and wriggling like someone having epileptic seizures.....the vibes in both holes were driving her insane and she was forced to watch and endure as her pink nipples stretched almost 4 inches long in the tubes....the suction was incredible.

As she struggled, her father came over and finally removed her gag. THis was he one and only chance to scream.
"HEEELP!." she yelled....."SOMEONE....HE.....'AAAAAARRRRGH...."
her cries were met by his cock being thrusted down her throat.
Grasping her head, as the old man rammed his thick, wild cock down in daughter's throat. shutting her up right away, and making the young bound lady gag with each impact. his messy meat log slamming into her mouth, his sack slapping into her face. as his other hand moved to run along her shoulder, and arm while the one held her head, as he took her mouth with out remorse.

"Hmm, if you are a good girl, papa could be gentler, but you were bad once again thus punishment is needed. "
saying this as he got rougher with each action, showing he did not plan to relent like he did prior, moving to use her mouth until he nutted not once but twice at least. forcing her to take his wicked seed down her throat with out consideration or remorse.
Amber continued to wriggle twist and struggle....the tubes torturing her nipples were becoming more painful by the minute. The powerful vibes in both her holes were slowly forcing her to climax against her she fought her daddy filled her mouth with cock meat, skull fucking her....she gagged and sputtered as he came and shot hot thick loads of cum in her mouth, then pinching her nostrils, forcing her to swallow. She wanted to vomit but he forced her to take yet another load.....

Amber wanted to die.
Enjoying her body for all it was worth, forcing his daughter to take his wicked cock, drinking his seed. the old man was panting, and grunting a bit, as he got carried away.

this would go on for some time, as the older man abused his daughter's face, using her as his personal fuck hole for hours, on and off. taking breaks, and even using her mouth to clean
his wicked member after a shower. this horrible ordeal would go on for a good bit. as he would eventually feel sated, and rub his chin wickedly. as the old man made sure to gag her after each use
to prevent any screaming.

"SO papa has a wonderful idea. We can make quiet the killing to sell that ass of yours. I know a wonderful little place in another town. no questions ask, and you can experience the difference thus learning how good you have it with papa. " as he spoke up, moving to take a blind fold and some other unique restraining items. as the wicked plan would lay out these new toys and item. planning to bind and transport her come the next day. deciding it would be best to transport his daughter in the trunk of his vehicle. however it was unknown if his words were truth, or just a scare tactic to try and make his rape victim, and unwilling baby factory more compliant.
The tubes and toys imbedded in and on Amber kept her from struggling too much and she eventually quit trying to speak or yell....every time she tried he would slam his cock deeper in her mouth. She had swallowed so much man seed she wondered how a man could produce so much cum. Finally he stuffed her panties in her mouth and strips of duct tape to seal it shut. By now she was too exhausted to fight but still struggled feebly, just to let him know she had no intention of submitting.

He kept her shackled to the bed, climbing in with her and after more groping he fell asleep. She heard his plans and was petrified.....NO! she HAD to get away....Amber frantically searched for anything that would get her out of the shackles. He must've put the key for the padlocks somewhere.....she stretched, trying to see in the dark. Finally she gave up, whimpering until she passed out.
As she would be Unconscious as the process began, Amber would be rolled over onto her belly, her ankles folded up and bound tours her back, and connected tours her wrists. even if she came to, during this process, the young beauty would find her eyes covered with a blind fold. her mouth still gagged, and stuffed. However their would be no mistake, she was being prepared to be carried, and tossed into the trunk of her old man's car. unaware of how he had filled the trunk with cushions, and blankets to keep her body from getting to banged up during the transportation. as he planned to take his girl to an unknown underground facility and sell her body and time to those who wanted to try out a young Ona hole of a ripe innocent maiden in training so to speak.

"Do not threat, papa will make sure you learn well the horrors, and pleasures of the adult world properly, then you will understand how papa is the only one right for you. "
saying this more so to himself then to his own daughter.
Amber came to only to fall victim to even worse horror.
She was released from the bed and hogtied. as she moaned and wiggled, she was blindfolded, an oversized ballgag replacing her previous mouth stuffing. She was carried like a suitcase out the back.
She experienced cold and knew she was now outside, her naked body covered with goosebumps from the cold. She felt she was being put somewhere then smelled some kind of fabric she never smelled wasn't until she heard the trunk slam shut that she realized where she was.....she was locked in the trunk of a car!!
She heard her father say something about the so-called 'adult world' but had no idea what he meant.

Amber felt and heard the car start and soon they were on their way. She struggled frantically....wherever they were going she wanted no part of it. She remembered what he said before.......she was on her way to be SOLD!.....he was going to sell his own daughter!
She moaned and rolled around in the trunk...can't anyone hear her back here?
As the body rolled about, hitting both soft, and hard surfaces. periodically the vehicle came to a stop, then began to move again, and again, this would happen, until finally it came to a complete stop. the sound of unknown voices soon could be heard, as the echo of the trunk being opened could soon be heard.

"hey, is this the new toy for the show tonight?'

"yes it is, we have paid good money, and have to return her in one safe piece. "

"so we can do anything to her, as long as their is no damage, or scarring right?"

"you got it, let's get this new merchandise ready for her show."

as the two unknown voice spoke to one another, before taking the bound, and blind folded girl to the show area for her horrible ordeal to be endure. she would over hear her old man's voice as he spoke to an older sounding man, who spoke of how he would take very good care of her for the show, and return her, plus the promised payment for the special deal and show for this night. Little did Amber realize her body was going to pay for her new home with her father, and land out of any one's ear shots. more then that, the show would be set up for unknown men and women alike to enjoy her on a stage, as her blind fold would not be removed until her body was set up to be used by the highest bidder per round.

( feel free to set up our special position and bondage as you see for the first round of her special show wink wink. )
The bound young beauty would soon find her body dangling on a stage, as the lights shined upon her. the audience filling the seats. as this began, the blind fold would be removed to allow the naked young lady to see all the masked men and women alike. as the bidding began, each time a bid was made, it was increasing to incredible amounts of income, however the worse would be the realization that her body was being sold, not her. thus they would get to enjoy Amber right here on stage for all to see, and enjoy. however more then that, their would be a huge selection of toys and tools for the winner to use. however the first round continued for a bit, as it would be a rather husky, over sized, yet obese man which had won this round. only wearing his golden fox mask, he would snap his chubby, grease covered fingers. to have two maids move to make the payment, as he licked his foul lips. the heavy breathing, as he grew more and more excited, moving tours the stage to enjoy his first round with this lovely young piece of flesh.
Amber struggled, yanking frantically as much as the cramped trunk would allow. She banged the soles of her feet against the walls of the trunk, hoping a passing motorist would come close enough to hear the banging coming from the rear of her father's car. Of course with the sound of traveling automobiles,no one heard her.

Finally the car came to a stop. She heard the trunk open and a brief blast of cold air. She heard voices talking about her....she was going to be sold!
"MMMMMMPH!!!!" Amber moaned through the gag, shaking her head.....
As if things weren't bad enough, one of the men tried to pick her up.
"Fuck this," he said...."why should I mess my back up?"

She felt a rope being tied around her neck and a strong yanking....hands bound behind her, ankles tied together, she was forced to 'bunny hop' as she was led away, her tits bouncing with every step.
Amber had no idea how far they went. They finally arrived at their destination and her wrists were grabbed while her hands were untied. her arms were placed in front of her, wrists bound again and her arms were stretched up high above her head. She felt her wrists secured to some kind of hook in the ceiling.

The blindfold was taken off....Amber found herself staring at an audience of men and women, all sitting in chairs gazing at her. She struggled, her body gently swaying as she fought.
A rather large brute of a man seemed to be making the highest bid for he came forward to claim his prize, Amber remembered her gross and horrible as he waqs, she found herself wishing she was at his mercy instead of the ogre that was coming up on stage.
The massive orc of a man was soon upon the tiny beauty who danged on the show floor. his massive and greasy hands moved to grasp her perky breast with out remorse. his foul tongue coming to lick from her shoulder to amber's cheek. as he moved himself into position, his wicked thick cock rubbing between her legs. the bulbous head sliding along her puffy, small moist lips. as the show began, Amber could hear the announcer beginning to describe the scene to those who wanted commentary, loving the show. all the the more, she would feel how the other hand move to grasp her by the ass, before moving to slowly push himself deep into the young bound piece of ass. as this show was beginning, little did Amber know their was a far worse show planned for her to endure after the simple exhibition fucks.
Amber stared wide eyed at the brute of a man as he came he unzipped his pants his massive cock sprang out....she moaned, struggling....
even though her legs were tied together at the ankles her pussy was still accessible. He took his cock in hand, guided it to her enterance and pushed his way inside her. The audience was enjoying watching her ordeal, some even clapping as she was being raped.

She screamed through the gag as he filled and stretched her, burrowing inside like a drill...
Now drilling himself deep into this young piece of ass, the orcish man would move his bulking massive hand which grasped her ass cheek. two of his thick monstrous fingers moving to push into her tight puckering black star. all the more as he slammed himself deep into Amber as if this brute was out to not just fuck her sensless, but to bruise, and tenderize her precious lower region, inner thighs, and hips.

with each powerful slam into her depths, making the young beauty bounce, her tits sway and swing wildly. it caused quiet the show, as the monitors zoomed in on her breast, and violated lower entrance. creating quiet the show, exciting all those, thus enticing the next wave of bidders to bid even higher for a turn with this young lady. as she would already be feeling how this thick monstrous man was swelling, throbbing, and pulsating deep with in her. promising to fill Amber's womb with his foul baby batter at any moment.
Being raped, bound and tortured by her own father was bad she was hung by her wrists, nude and being sold to spectators to use she hung there, the orc of a man brought out a sinister looking device. It looked like a penis shaped gag. The gag she had on was removed....the second she tried to yell, the cock shaped plug was stuffed in her mouth and strapped in place. A tube ran from the gag to a rubber squeeze bulb...the man took the bulb and pressed on it and the penis in her mouth immediately swlled bigger and was an inflatable gag!

Now prevented from making even feeble moans she was totally helpless. She winced as the man rammed two fat fingers deep into her tight virgin ass, at the same time raping the audience clapped their approval, he let out a groan....she felt a huge wad of man seed empty into her womb. She didn't know of course but she was already pregnant.
As the vile man twisted her body around in it's bindings. now showing off Amber's bouncing breast, as he rammed into her harder and faster. this orcish man filling her for a second time all to soon. however as the show continued, her tight womanly entrance taking in this thick monstrous log with out remorse. she would hear how the next show would be the chamber of torment, and the auction for the show's special rules to begin. as the auction began, the bulbous fat man now fucking her relentlessly would speak into Amber's ear. as he told her of how much fun it would be as this was but the appetizer for the show.

(care to give us a winner to set up our special labyrinth rules ? )

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