General RP Damnit, He’s Hot! (Firestarter)

Eventually, Kalin gets up and gets to cleaning. He carefully labels the cabinets on the inside of the door. Then grabs two small baskets he'd found in sale and puts them by the chat he throws his clothes at and sorts the clean from the dirty.

Eventually, sometimes after lunch, Stary comes running at him and jumps. He tries to catch the poor cat, but then slips and falls, twisting his ankle and slamming his knee into the floor.

And like the brilliant person he is, he decides to sit there.
Not only is Derek anxious from Kalin no longer being at work, but now he is pissed off that the new employee, Suzy, wont leave him alone. Throughout the entire day, she does nothing but scurry into Derek's office and ask questions, most of which have nothing to do with the job. She reminds him of the first girl who ever fell for him, short, tiny waist, bleach blonde hair and big doe eyes that actually hide something darker about her personality.

Once the clock strikes 5:30, Derek practically jumps from his desk and makes a b-line for the door. He would do anything to avoid Suzy and was feeling desperate to get back home to Kalin. The drive home is already torture enough, but he takes a deep breath and smiles once he gets out of the car in his garage. He had forgotten to text Kalin how he wanted him to be, but Derek was too busy to even concentrate.

He walks inside and instantly feels like something is off when he doesn't hear Kalin walking around or coming towards him, "Kalin? Where are you baby?"
Derek sighs softly and shakes his head, "I wonder what spooked her. It's not like I have a dog or something." He lays Kalin down on the bed and carefully grabs Starry, eyeing her with an annoyed glance before placing her next to Kalin, "How exactly did you fall? Were you standing on top of something and lose your balance?"
Derek glances at Starry and pats her head a little, "You made your owner get hurt, I hope you're proud of yourself."

He blows out a heavy breath and shakes his head, "Just lay there and don't move. I'm going to get something to wrap up your ankle to support it." Derek quickly turns and walks into the bathroom to gather the bandages.

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