General RP Damnit, He’s Hot! (Firestarter)

Derek fixes his clothing and pulls Kalin close. "Alright, lets go see what he has to say now." Derek continued to hold Kalin as he lead him out of the bathroom and back towards the bar.

The blue haired boy was sitting at the bar and was already 6 shots deep after having seen the larger male fucking the redhead. To say he was pissed off and jealous was an understatement.
Kalin looked over at him, “You seemed so eager to talk about sex with him earlier. And so, so eager to convince him you would like you more. But let me tell you something, you’re dry as sandpaper, and you don’t got an ass. So leave him alone, and enjoy your misery alone, or find someone else to fuck.”
Derek chuckled and wrapped his arms around Kalin while smirking at the blue haired boy. The way Kalin laid into the little bitch was hotter than he expected.

The blue haired boy stood from his chair and stepped closer to the Kalin and Derek as he clenched his fists. "Oh fuck you! You're the one who used to jump for fucking guy to guy for the longest fucking time! You're just some loose pixie who managed to manipulate a hunk like that! I bet you can't even keep him fully satisfied, making him do all the fucking work!"
Kalin’s green eyes flashed with pain and he stepped back, “Oh, god. Mind your own damn business. I was going through shit. I don’t manipulate people, and I sure as hell never took someone else’s guy. So mind your own little life while I mind mine.“ He snaps, turning away and picking up his cocktail from the bartender and tipping his head back, downing it.
Derek flexed his muscles and heaved a heavy breath when he saw Kalin's reaction. He stepped in front of Kalin, slipping himself in front of the blue haired boy and glared down at him. "I suggest you fuck off and leave my little minx alone. You don't want to know who the fuck I am and your sorry ass would never be able to handle the way I fuck." Derek leaned closer to the blue haired boys face and stared darkly into his dull eyes. "If I ever see you here again or hear that you have caused Kalin trouble, you'll never be found again."

The blue haired boy shivered and stepped back with a terrified look on his face. "I-I'm sorry. you'll never hear from me again."

With that the blue haired boy ran out of the club as Derek turned back to Kalin and pulled him into a close hug. "Are you okay baby?"

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