General RP Damnit, He’s Hot! (Firestarter)

Derek huffs a small laugh before pulling back and pushing on the vibrator to push it a little deeper into Kalin's ass. He then walked over to the area with nipple clamps and picked out a pair of slightly weighted ones before carrying them back over to the young male. "Don't forget your safe word."

Derek leaned down and gently started licking and sucking on Kalin's nipples.
Derek smiles widely and pulls out a thickening sleeve and slips it over his own cock, making his cock almost a inch thicker and covered in small bumps. "Now I need you to take a deep breath and relax completely. This might hurt at first." Derek slowly pulled his finger's from Kalin's hole and positioned himself behind the other. He kissed Kalin's shoulder as he slowly started pushing inside of tight hole.

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