General RP Damnit, He’s Hot! (Firestarter)

Kalin gave the driver his address and leans back in his seat. After the long drive he hops out, pulling his keys from his pocket and darting up the stairs. He slides the key into the lock and bursts inside, “Stary!” He calls, crouching down and scooping up a very fluffy cat with a sneeze, “Did my sister not brush you?!” He huffs, kissing her head.
Kalin sneezes again and then sets her down on the couch, “Brush- brush- brush-“ He kicks aside a few cat toys and a blanket, grabbing a brush and flopping onto his couch. Stare crawls into his lap and flops down, letting Kalin brish her. Kalin’s apartment was the opposite of his desk, messy and not organized. Though he still seeemed to know where everytning was. And if you really took the time to think about it, Kalin always left a mess wherever he went.

He looks up at Derek, “Um- three? Maybe four?” He pets the cat, humming softly.
Derek snickered as he looked around Kalin's home. How could someone who was so obsessively clean at work be so messy at home? He found it cute though. Kalin's messy home felt like more of a home than Derek's pristine house. "She's very pretty." Derek joins Kalin on the couch and smiles down at the cat before looking up at Kalin with a soft smile. "You've sneezed twice in a matter of minutes, are you secretly allergic to cats?"
(Kalin has ADHD, and he manages to control it at work with clear bins and filling buckets and such, but it’s a lot harder for him to control it at home. Also part of why he spins, gets distracted and makes a lot of noise at work.)

Kalin shakes his head, “No. See all this fur?” He pets her and lifts a handful of fur to Derek’s face.

”My sister didn’t brush her and now she’s messy.” He kisses Derek.

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