General RP Damnit. . . Teenagers. . . (Firestarter)

A few days later, in the weekend, Ryder stands outside the front gate as one of the guards opens it and leads him to the front door. His moo of dark brown curls was still a little untamed, he word a nice flannel shirt and jeans with sneakers. He held a small bundle of fresh flowers and looked nervous when Kalin opened the door.

Kalin siles, holding a hand out to shake and then let Ryder inside, "Babe-" he jumps slightly when he sees Derek right there, "Gods-"

Ryder clears his throat, holding his hand out, "Mr and Mr. Gatemen."
Ryder tilts his head, "Well. . . She's really out going, so I'd say she pushes my comfort zone a little. She's sweet, one time I saw her bring food to feed a stray cat out in the school yard. I'm just looking for someone I can spend time with." He shrugs, "Not really into the whole. . . Physical thing, sir, I can promise you that. It's just a first date, to get to know each other a little better and see if we want more."
Derek raises an eyebrow, having heard some of his coworkers talk about their kids going to an anime convention that was close by. Reaching into his pocket, Derek pulls out his wallet and hands Ryder a few hundred dollars. "There's an anime convention in town. It would be good for both of you to have fun. You will be in your element while she gets to be the social butterfly that I want her to be. Just tell them Mr. Gatemen sent you, and you wont have any issues."

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