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Anime RP Desire is deeper than blood (Crow)

Local Time:
8:48 PM
Nov 18, 2022
She licks her lips, glancing down to where they were connected, hidden by the hem of her dress “I did” smiling a little toward him. “But…we better um…” realizing now she must have been quite loud. Her cheeks flush red with a giggle “depart,I am afraid we both were loud and may have drawn attention” finding it thrilling.
Local Time:
8:48 PM
Nov 18, 2022
Fumbling with her dress to look its original appearance, biting her lips as she watches her brother. “Yes, would be scandal” she agrees with a nod of her head “but did quite enjoy it, thrill of being heard or caught” admitting to him. “But least I know how to properly handle my heat, thank you”
Local Time:
8:48 PM
Nov 18, 2022
A quick glance back made her grin; this was something they both had to keep secret from everyone, but the scandal eventually revealed itself. She hurried her way to studies, another meeting for potential suitors that ended in an argument; she did not wish to leave home and marry some stranger.

While down in the main dining room, the princess from earlier was awaiting for the Prince, offering him one last chance to swoon her to the point of marriage. His father was waiting with her, resulting in conversation about her thoughts of the kingdom and his son and her future plans if they marry into their family.
Local Time:
8:48 PM
Nov 18, 2022
"Oh, of course, some royal foals running around, many holidays and events with the towns surrounding the castle, plenty of parties to please the nobles," the princess answered the King's questions while noticing how bored Sterling seemed. She frowned a little as she sat back, drawing Sterling's attention from his father. "Son," he would speak for his attention. "What are your plans for this kingdom? Clearly, you and your sister are wearing blinders," raising a brow as he awaited an accepting answer.
Local Time:
7:48 PM
Nov 16, 2022
"I don't really have an interest in the kingdom to be completely honest. But I plan to focus on building relationships with the kingdoms to the south since we have always been on shaky footing with them. They have resources we don't and we have more fields for food. It makes sense to become allies and trade partners" he says before winking at the mare
Local Time:
8:48 PM
Nov 18, 2022
His initial response triggered anger in the King, but Sterling quickly recovered with suggestions with the South. "And how would you declare the South an ally to us? Do you have relations with them in any way, leverage between us two?" he questions, raising a brow between the two of them. "you are the one that is going to take over this Kingdom; your sister will not be your corner as she will be in another Stallions castle having royal foals as her duty" informing him.
Local Time:
7:48 PM
Nov 16, 2022
"well the central kingdom in the south has a single prince our age so if I was like you I would sell my sister off to him but swwing how i am not you, i would probably make promise to potect them against their enemies. But if that is all I must make up to the princess for my rudeness earlier" he says standing up and offering her his hand
Local Time:
8:48 PM
Nov 18, 2022
The King hums to that notion, preferring to use his daughter rather than resources to protect the fellow region; that in mind, he got up with Sterling, "I will take that under advisement," leaving the room as the Princess rises from her seat to take his hand.

"And how does Prince Sterling plan to make up for his rudeness?" she questions, for he already knew how difficult or easy it was to bed a royal or noble girl as they are to be pure for their husbands, but many would be happy to have his foal to ensure wealth and land for their future.
Local Time:
8:48 PM
Nov 18, 2022
"Lia," she answered, looking at him before he grabbed her into a long-winded kiss that left her breathless. "Oh, Your Majesty," she gasped as she covered her mouth when the kiss broke. "Now, why would I give you such a precious experience?" she questions him.

While just as he broke such a kiss, a door opened near by, exiting was his sister with her nose in a book not paying any attention as he seemed to be heading toward the throne room
Local Time:
7:48 PM
Nov 16, 2022
He was surprised to see his sister here but would turn back to the other princess whispering to her ear as his hand grazes a breast and starts to rub between her legs through her dress "because, sweet lia, princesses are not allowed to have sex till marriage so they have this strong desire they can't get rid of. Some get off themselves, others have fun with their maids. But I am giving you a chance with me. That is why" he would stop rubbing her and turn around "stay here Lia, I will be right back' he says before running after his sister.

He would catch up to her and smile "he little sis"
Local Time:
8:48 PM
Nov 18, 2022
Of course such an action from a Stallion of his staure left her hot and bothered as he ran after his sister. Lia standing there with a flushed face, clenching her dress in her palms, knowing she must refrain.

“Oh…hey” lowering her book to the arrival of her brother, the lingering scent of her heat still evident but not currently affecting her. “Father summoned me to the Throne room for some arrangement” shrugging a little. “Did you apologize?” She hums
Local Time:
8:48 PM
Nov 18, 2022
“When is he not?” Giggling as she follows his gaze to the flustered mare he left. “Well, some mares like to keep their purity, kinda sprung it on me but I dont regret a thing” explaining to him. “But I think Father has found a Stallion that is happy to take an unwilling bride.” She sighs a little. “You know how rough that can become”
Local Time:
8:48 PM
Nov 18, 2022
Seeing his frown brought her ears down knowing how he cares for her, she reached for his hand “I wish but that would just end in a fight.” Squeezing his hand. “How about we meet in the garden later?” Suggesting with a more up lifting smile. “See you later” letting go his hand to continue her way. There she was presented with the contract of marriage of her and the stallion in question, only problem was he was demanding proof of her purity.
Local Time:
8:48 PM
Nov 18, 2022
Lia was startled by his return “no, I dont believe this arrangement or apology is worth my time. Good day, Prince Sterling” whipping away from him. She storms out of the castle

While his dear sister is propped on a not very comfortable table, her legs spread for a male physician. She tensed the moment he touched her folds, they were still puffy from earlier, her entrance stung as he ran his finger along it. Already she was failing this test with how tender and trauma ridden her pussy was along with blood. “Have you been in heat recently, Princress?” Questioning as he moved away having decided she was not pure anymore.

“Y-yes, is everything alright?” Sitting up as she closed her legs. “I am sending for a swab and a blood test. Were you raped, Princess? Bu a knight, guard, servant of the castle?” He questions further. She tensed as she looked away “I was not raped” pinning back her ears.
Local Time:
8:48 PM
Nov 18, 2022
It grew pretty late until she would arrive quite baffled, a bandage on her arm from where they drew blood and her legs quivering from the sore pain of them poking around. "St-sterling?" she calls out as she sat down on a bench. "they know..." she would whimper out, her head bowed down and her ears drooping.
Local Time:
8:48 PM
Nov 18, 2022
She was quiet for a few minutes before answering him, "My first purity test, I failed; at first, they questioned if I had been forced upon during my heat, and I said no. I begged and begged for them not to tell Father, but they were loyal to him over me. He is furious..." her voice was so quiet. "But they do not know it was you, they don't even know if I was lying or not, but they drew blood for a pregnancy test, which makes no sense cause it takes more than what we did to make a foal, right?" looking over to him.
Local Time:
8:48 PM
Nov 18, 2022
Her eyes widened, hearing his answer to her question. She took a deep breath at his suggestion of running away. "Where? People know who we are. Besides, you said a chance, right? Maybe I'll be fine, and this will blow over. Father will cool down, and we will be safe again," trying to hope her way into not becoming pregnant. "I mean, what are the chances that my first time while in heat leads to a foal?" hoping he had some numbers to give her.
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