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Don't End Up Burned (Crow)

Local Time:
4:24 PM
Nov 18, 2022
Glancing over Kate would offer him a smile "Of course" giggling softly "Did not want you ending up with a knocked up pokemon out there by yourself" dishing him some scrambled eggs. "She is powerful, pretty, clever, and already quite loyal to you, keep her close, that is valuable partnership" advising as she took a seat at the table.

Scarlet would wake up a few minutes after he left, looking around after she woke up to find her master gone, freaking her out for a moment. Quickly she dashed to the kitchen, her fur spiked up and eyes glowing yellow before setting her eyes on him did she calm down, hugging the frame of the door
Local Time:
4:24 PM
Nov 18, 2022
Scarlet perked up her ears moving closer to where he was, wagging her tail in greeting "You just disappeared" telling him quietly

Kate would smile a tad seeing the houndoom join them "See, precious" humming with a giggle "you want to keep her safe but also show everyone the power you two wield and the team you create"
Local Time:
4:24 PM
Nov 18, 2022
His gesture of affection resulted with her snapping her heated jaws in his direction hinting she was possessive of food, her expression showing she did not regret the action at all. Once the food was all gone she returned to friendly self, pressing her body against his leg before her hackles rose up by the approach of a young man. "Nice looking houndoom you got there" complimenting the trainer before him "Mind if I battle you for her?" smirking some as he lets out his water type pokemon.
Local Time:
3:24 PM
Nov 16, 2022
"Hey! you do not need to be doing that! I am not trying to steal the food i just gave you" he sounded annoyed as he scolds her for what she just did but did not have time to focus on that as he is challenged. He was about to agree before seeing the type he summoned "What do i get if i win? your pokemon?"
Local Time:
4:24 PM
Nov 18, 2022
The fellow trainer hesitated for a moment before nodding in agreement "Same for me, that Houndoom will be a grand addition to my team" he chuckles. Scarlet whips her tail against the ground letting out a determine growl toward her opponent, already forgetting her master scolding her for snapping over some food.
Local Time:
4:24 PM
Nov 18, 2022
Charging forward she landed a bite on the fellows pokemons shoulder before being blasted away with water. Scarlet shook off her body that was now soaking wet. No dissuaded she lets out a howl ready for the next attack. Then she winced distracting her with a turn of her head, her opponent charging her with a tackle. Stunned for a moment Scarlet retaliated with bite yet again while her HP was plummeting. She continued her bites until the fellow pokemon fainted leaving the other trainer speechless. Scarlet collapsed in the ground, smoke rising from her notrils as she pants.
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