Fireside Fun (Schoeche)

Maria lifter her self up a little, looking down at him intently. She moved down him, kissing his chest and stomach. She deftly hooked her fingers into his boxers and pulled them down, freeing his cock.

Her soft fingers brushed up the length, toying with the tip a little as she looked up at his face, barely able to discern it in the gloom.
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As her climax raided her senses, she felt Blake push inside her briefly, but quickly pull out of her. This was a fling after all, he didn't know what she had going on, pill , no pill, injections...he wasn't going to just go firing off inside. They just met, and she didn't seem the type to be that reckless.
As she did her best, posing herself in her amorous, heated state, motivating her new fling buddy as much as she could muster, she watched his cock surrender its load as he stroked it, his thick ropes spurting out onto her, against her breast on her belly, and aiming it between her thighs ashe fired one hotshot after another. There was so much, he probably would have filled her up if she told him it had been safe inside of her.

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